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  • in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804899

    Yes shlishi, I challenge minhagim. This particular one is common, but not universal, and bizmanenu, rl’zn, if it can be a cause of someone’s public shaming, we should let it go, lo plug. Kiddushin has to be with a minyan, thats all the “public record” required. You need not agree wih me.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804897

    Which is why the kesubah should not be read publicly at weddings. It is very few peoples business.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803646

    Chen, the Shach you quote is sourced elsewhere, for one whose yetzer is overcomming him, he should dress in black, and cover his head in black(atifah not necessarily a hat) and self impose galus. This is the derech/ self help for someone who is losing it, ( maan detakfei yitzrei) and the Rambam’s concept of going to an extreme, in order to distance from the aveirah,(flashy clothes, gaavah, aping the idolaters) so as to come back to a middle path, it was not the norm for chazal, nor was it so in the Shach’s time. The hakpoda was not to wear red. But you can play games with pulling non-congruent ideas out of SA and the nosei kelim. I can prove to you we should wear whites and colors on shabbos, with the same level of hechrech: OC 559:8 SA and Rama.

    in reply to: Why do people still wear black hats? #803645

    “The hat is the most distinguishable features of the Jew, and it will always be”

    I would change that a little bit. Like, the radiance of character and middos is the most distinguishable feature of the Jew, and it will always be.

    in reply to: Nusach of Tefillah #815700

    oy vey, I also have a unique subset of Ashkenaz, with some editing to conform to the Gemara, some line up with Sfard, some Mizrach, some Ari,(chabad) and heavy Gra influence. I also won’t tell, but interesting that this came up twice.

    Mamashtaleh, why the change?

    in reply to: Nusach of Tefillah #815699

    oy vey, I also have a unique subset of Ashkenaz, with some editing to conform to the Gemara, some line up with Sfard, some Mizrach, some Ari,(chabad) and heavy Gra influence. I also won’t tell, but interesting that this came up twice.

    Mamashtaleh, why the change?

    in reply to: Paskening Hashkafa: Academic vs. Practical Rationales #1042217

    Yes, very nice, ad hatzi hamalchus veseyas, but when the modern edifice is threatened by some long lost paskened hashkofo, then you get the well worn resposne, ” Well we don’t pasken like

    THAT _ _ _ _ _”!

    in reply to: smoking and olam haba #803976

    A smoker is a mazik.

    case one: I must attend a meeting or other venue, and there is a smoker there. I leave with the stink of his actions in my hair and on my clothing, which now must be cleaned.

    case two. a multiple unit house committee pays to keep the place swept. A smokers wife doesn’t let him smoke in the house, so he sits outside and tosses butts into the public domain.

    case 3: EY multiple unit. Wife does not tolerate smoking inside, so smoker smokes on mirpeset. Smoke drifts into upstairs neighbor’s windows. Neighbor closes windows against the smell, and is deprived of ventilation necessary to keep comfortable.

    case four: a chain smoker smokes himself to death, checking out at 40-something with a heart attack, depriving the yesomim of a parent.

    In most of these cases there is no recompense or remedy, and civil complaints are rebuffed. Is this not a great kitrug in din shamayim?

    in reply to: Shidduch segulah � One I have not seen before #858622

    tefillah, the best segulah. Speedily and besha’a tova y’all temp. singles.

    in reply to: Teenage girls and older chewing gum on the street #800918

    untzniusdik, not really, but not befitting beni melachim either. As is the quaint, discusting EY habit to walk in the street or sit at a bus stop eating garinin and spewing shells everywhere.

    in reply to: You are what you bring into your home! (For movie watchers…) #800814

    My chavrusa is a bit older than me, and he is somewhat smarter, with a great memory. While I was a work in progress from 13 years old to about 24, he came to Yahadus first as an adult. While I only have “girsa deyankusa”, he has a vast trove. In moments where we share cultural baggage, he has much greater depth. Now, we regard the circumstances of our uprbringings less than perfect, and we distance ourselves from such shmutz today, (my RY holds it, and most “cultural stuff” is assur from “al tifnu el ha’elilim”) it remains a great source for metaphors.

    in reply to: Food stamps for avreichim #799391

    Acknowledged Pbear, but the yachid not from shevet Levi is also tied to Yoru mishpatecha lYaakov. The Kesef Mishne there agrues, but only to the point of insuring a continuity of qualifed leaders, something the Rambam would likely not argue with. Supporting the best and the brightest is sustainable, with TIDE for the rest of us. What percentage of shotgun approach kollel produces the really bright lights, dayanim, RYs, and broad shouldered morei horo’a?

    in reply to: Food stamps for avreichim #799390

    Acknowledged Pbear, but the yachid not from shevet Levi is also tied to Yoru mishpatecha lYaakov. The Kesef Mishne there agrues, but only to the point of insuring a continuity of qualifed leaders, something the Rambam would likely not argue with. Supporting the best and the brightest is sustainable, with TIDE for the rest of us. What percentage of shotgun approach kollel produces the really bright lights, dayanim, RYs, and broad shouldered morei horo’a?

    in reply to: Catskill Nostalgia #805348

    Hellers Farm, and Rheinshagens Farm. Up in the hills past White Lake. I remember going up there Thursdays to get veggies for Shabbos. A fond memory is wading through blooming dill which then came up to my shoulders. I knew Yasgur Dairy Farm as a landmark. I remember the Woodstock event turning it and everything in a 20 mile radius into loonyville.

    in reply to: Food stamps for avreichim #799358

    Rambam Hilchos Talmud Torah chapter three halacha 10. (my translation, sorry no ivrit typing skills) “one who sets his aim to toil in Torah, to do no work, and to be sustained by tzedaka, he profanes the name (hillul Hashem), debases the Torah, snuffs out the light of the das, causes harm to himself and bars his life from olam haba. The Sages said one who benefits from Torah removes his life from the world. Furthermore they commanded and said, do not make them a crown to be elevated thereby nor a shovel to dig with. Furthermore they commanded and said love work and despise the office of rabbanut, for any torah that is without work is destined to be cancelled , and it causes sin. Such a person will ultimately become a robbber, a public menace”

    It seems we can add the Rambam to the growing list of MOs.

    in reply to: The Great Debate: Ultra-Orthodoxy vs. Modern Orthodoxy #798661

    I don’t vouch for the biographical info on the Ramchal, but if you accept it, by modern definitions, he was a MO

    LMA, indeed, you have left the reservation on this point. Our connection to the creator is primarily through mitzvos, and engaging in the halachic discoure about them. Most of this is Torah shebaal peh, which you are not yotze unless you understand, and the more penetrating the understanding the better. Intelligence is not just a tool, it is the main pipe. This is not to deny hergesh and dveikus, just to prioritize. Chazal had a mashal of a lame ben melech and a blind but strong servant. Guess which was which?

    in reply to: Change of Pronunciation #798178

    and the issue of the the word “echad” in shema. If the BGDKFT without the dagesh is to be aspirated, then the daled is a th or zh, which actually enables one to be “maarich” the dalet without the common error of giving the daled a shva na. There are 19 such thaleds or zhaleds in kriyat shema. Another lovely correction is the BF which are explosive labials and as aspirated without the dagesh remain so without the use of the teeth to sound v or f. Practice saying al canfei vigthehem without the teeth, and don’t forget the soft gimmel. I apologize to the speech pats for misuse of terms.

    in reply to: The Great Debate: Ultra-Orthodoxy vs. Modern Orthodoxy #798636

    Also showing up two weeks late, having been rather upset at some similar threads erev Tisha B’av. The quote “they didn’t change their language/names/clothes” is from the Sifri, and it is a incomplete/inaccurate quote. There are girsaot that don’t mention clothes, and both girsaot include ” they were not BAALEI LASHON HARA

    in reply to: The Great Debate: Ultra-Orthodoxy vs. Modern Orthodoxy #798635

    “God created intelligence to better serve one’s emotions” LMA? could you perhaps punctuate that or rephrase that so as not to be blasphemy? Cause if you mean that the intelligence which is of the holy and non physical soul, is meant to serve the emotions which are of the nefesh bahmis, it is game over.

    in reply to: 8 year old boy taking Hilary Clinton to court #797851

    Ad chatzi hamalchus v’seas

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799129

    It is sad that truly refined and yashar people are a rare. I heard one fellow quote a rav about people with rotten manners that balk (or worse) at constructive criticism are the neshamos of the Erev Rav that are still amoung us. I countered that that is dependent on the concept of gilgul, and that this concept is not that well accepted as truth, or even as of Torah origin. I got back a a long string of nonsense and conjecture. Also sad that intellectual discourse is also not too common.

    in reply to: To Withstand.. #796379

    Also a story of some rav that was imprisoned and gained chixuk from Boruch goxer u’mkayem with a similar teich.

    in reply to: What has to be put in writing with Bathroom contractor #796820

    and quzlity subs. And in EY, avodah ivrit is worth every shekel, and can save heartache and trouble down the road,

    in reply to: How To Address Your Mother In Law #796731

    Savta, or Mother-in-law dearest. And she knows I mean that absolutely sincerely.

    in reply to: Sefardic Rabbonim's Hats #1101409

    Rashi’s hat: Rashi and other rishonim describe the top of a ruminant trachea as the “shipui kova, sitting “like a hat on the siman, a roughly pentagonal structure and surely not black. In a better connection, in Hullin 48b, Rashi explains the bais hakosos as “at the end of the stomach, looking like a hat”. I will have to check on that in Sichos Hullin, but I am fairly certain it is not shaped quite like a fedora.

    in reply to: Lice #796795

    Saturate hair with arak, wrap in cellophane for 30 minutes, comb and wash. I have seen melted margarine (not too hot!) used w/o the plastic wrap. Oil of rosmary is excellent but expensive.

    in reply to: "AHAVAS CHINOM!" #795458

    or a special mitzvah for mods, shutting down sinas chinam threads.

    in reply to: Halacha Discussions, Obscure Heteirim, and the Modern Orthodox #795492

    Mods, how many MO bashing threads is enough for this zman, two, three, four? Feh!

    in reply to: what do U think the purpose of a mezuzah is? #795440

    Indeed ItcheSrulik, it was this, bircas hamozone, and as a ba’al koreh, reading eretz zavat chalav u’dvash so often that prommpted me to make the move. How much of our galus today is self inflicted? In that regard, tefillin and mezuza and even kriyat shma are not funtioning to well.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003538

    Popa, by mir bist di shein!

    in reply to: Zecher LaChurban #966105

    Hanhaga tova: Take the long tachanu on M&T seriously. Say tikkun hatzos if you are able. Mai’idach, it is notable that the Mechaber in taf kuf nun daled/25 avoids the use of the clearly future tense: “one who eats and drinks on T”B does not see the simcha of Jerusalem, and the one who mourns for Jerusalem merits and sees her simcha”

    in reply to: Does anyone here workout, go the gym…? Laundry related question #863210

    You hang it up to dry.

    in reply to: Another Perspective #796491

    If you are to believe the stickers on the bus stops (in EY) “livgadim tzmudim tzarot nitzmadim” and “Bnot tznuot mon’ot asonot”

    My take is that when we hold the BY and other girls to one standard, and everyone else to no standard, the tnius train has jumped the tracks and crashed. An indicator of such is the phenomena of ychidos segula going to the opposite extreme, long skirt, jacket, and poncho cloak, and I have also seen some getup approximating a burqua. (in Yerushalayim)

    in reply to: what do U think the purpose of a mezuzah is? #795438

    To remind you of achdus Hashem and commitment to his mitzvos, as you move in and out and about.

    in reply to: Gross error #800495


    that would align with Rashi, but for others, it would be unlikely to impossibe, as if it is of Cannaite origin, it must be post Mabul.

    Reactionary: do you hold there is an issur, or a inappropriateness to speaking “that language” ?

    Itche: do you have the mare mokom in the Rambam?

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960150

    Morah Reyna: words with alef: Vayomeru [ish el achiv aval ashemim anachnu] This one has been around a bit.

    On the ball: keren hafuch, the youngest daughter of the second batch of kids of Iyov, according to the deos that he actually existed. The bigger question is who she was if he was only a mashal.

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960149

    pasuk with all the letters: Zeh hadavar asher tziva Hashem.. in parshas hamon.

    For out of the box thinkers: where in Mikra do we have the same

    word 31 times in a row. (two examples)

    Esav says to Yaakow “hal’iteni na min haadom haadom hazeh” The verb lamed ayin tes, according to Ibn Ezra, is an ain lo chaver bemikra. (the middle degree of rarity) Where does this verb show up in the Halacha? I have asked this ? to gedolim ve’shalemim, and never got a reply without extensive coaching.

    A riddle apparently without an answer: In Shoftim tes, Avimelech ben Yerubeshes is laying siege to the town of Tevetz. The people take refuge in a tower, Avimelech approches the door to burn it, and a woman, nameless except for the term ONE WOMAN ( isha achas) aims a millstone at his head and scores a hit. Many years later ( I did not work out the time line) when Yoav is setting up Uriya Hachiti on the front line, Yoav sends a messenger to David Hamelech, prepared for the expected argument “why did you send them to the wall… Who killed ABY, it was A WOMAN who cast a millstone on him.. This woman entered military history and Strategy 101 for all time. The attachment “achas” or “ehad” is generally indicates a known or unique individual, and the meforshim generally list the identity. Ex. veisha achas mineshe bene haniviim, she is identified as Mrs. Ovadiah. The rock thrower, however famous, remains nameless, at least to my thorough searches.

    Related riddle: Lo yachbol rechaim varachev (dvarim 24:6) We learn from here that one may not take k’lei ochel nefesh as collateral on a loan. Where do we see such a life giving utensil used as a lethal weapon? Answer, see above riddle.

    in reply to: Rashi/Rashe #795050

    Its the normal “speech impediments” of the Litvaks, especially the “cold” ones, like the pronuciation of shin as sin, and the habit of making first letter alephs into a heh. Perhaps we are descended from the b’nai binyamin. See the source in Shoftim 12/6 and the Radak there.

    in reply to: What makes someone a Charadi? #795603

    Lomed, you are the very anti epitome of your log in name, though I thoroughly admire you, you actually can divine peoples kavanos. Keep on stamping on the thin ice.

    in reply to: Mac vs. Windows #794469

    I don’t know what Jobs does with his money, and it is water under the bridge but there are horrible things about what Gates does, and there are ragliyim ledavar.

    in reply to: What do you do Shabbos Afternoon #838725

    Shabbos day schedule: Netz, home for kiddush/coffee, put finnishing touch on parsha, a 20 minute sheinas shacharis if I am feeling beaten up from the week, 930 learn with chavrusa hilchos shabbos until called for laining at a late starting chabad minyan, lunch. Early mincha at 1:30 in the summer. Cross town to learn with a homebound. (Last shabbos it was 102F). Drop in on a sfardi rov lecturing on hilchos shabbos. 4:00 home to nosh and hit the books, do homework for weekday learning routine. Seudah shlishis not rushed, Maariv. In the winter, same just condensed. I don’t like to go away for Shabbos. I love my busy day.

    in reply to: Yavo Song – Terrible Mistake #794598

    isn’t the first and won’t be the last song to contain heresy.

    in reply to: How to teach about the spies and tisha b' Av #794315

    …and, don’t mistranslate! Ledoros does not mean for all time, ultimately it will be a yom tov. Ledoros means for generations, and give over the idea that it is every generation’s failure if the mikdash is not rebuilt in that generation, it is cause for crying, until one generation is zoche to undo the tragedy.

    in reply to: How to teach about the spies and tisha b' Av #794314

    You must explain to her that we just barely understand Hashems middos, and that His ways are perfect. His Nekama is truth. Our nekama can be good, or bad. If you don’t, there are more than enough references for the question to return. As in Kel nekamos Hashem, and esh ochlah, Kel kana, and Nekom le’eninu nimas dam avadecha hashafuch. Hatzlocho.

    in reply to: Mitzvah to Remarry Your Ex-Wife #794220

    NOT a mitzva! An etza tovah, depending on circumstance. There is the story recorded in the talmud, that a respected (tanna?) was being ill treated by his wife, and at his students behest, he divorced her, and remaried. His ex became impoverished, and in her begging rounds, came to his door. He did not deny her help, and he was credited with the kiyum of u’mbsarcho lo sis’a;lem (Yesh nun ches) IOW, your ex is always something more than just an ex.

    in reply to: Are my tefillin shel Rosh straps too long? #793310

    “to have them shortened” If you need them shortened, do yourself, with a scissor, just as the sofer would do. The higher limit is the heart and the belly button if you misjudge.

    in reply to: Texting on Shabbos could be worse than murder #794038

    So be proactive: Daven. Pray for these lost nearby neshamos in ata chonen and in Hashivenu. Pray for them and the rehokin like a woman prays for her children at candlighting. On shabbos, focus some kavana and invest some heart in what AM mekadshei shvi’i means, if you daven sfard, pour it into ‘veyanuchu vo KOL yisrael. Don’t just be moved, be moved to practical action.

    in reply to: Do you watch movies? #800601

    My Rosh holds that “participating in goyish entertainment forums” is an issur d’oraisa. I was not meshamesh kol tzorchi, but the jist of what he said ruled out most “cultural” media and venues, and movies was a lo mibaye.

    in reply to: Should the coffee room be split into two? #792290

    “since most twisted, abnormal unhappy,(IOW very frum)”

    I love it. Twisted?, sort of, abnormal? maybe a little –or nicer, just off of normal, unhappy? not me at all, iow very frum? lets just say almost very. Actually, my life path has spanned many isms and ishs and so, I just exude achdus. This is a community, why split it?

    in reply to: What is MO? #792436

    M.O.= Modus Operandi

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