truth be told

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  • chalilavchas: I’m so sorry to hear that. That must be so very difficult. Would the young adult ever agree to you setting up a debate? Is there another idea out there?

    Maybe someone here has one (without just seeking to show us how their shitta… is correct).

    May I pry? Is there something pulling this YA away, like a b/f-g/f, using them?

    in reply to: Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of? #1133802

    How could we not be? Are trying, really trying, to follow Hashems will in the most challenging circumstances? Yes.

    in reply to: Do you charge friends? #828301

    Your boss and sister make sense. Unless its a really really close friend

    observanteen: Thank you.


    But I think it’s the way other people look at and respond to that person asking the questions that is the problem sometimes, which may end up aiding that person in to turning to the wrong things.

    I’m not sure, could be. I don’t see how what I said was anything but (an attempt to be) helpful.

    chalilavchas: Its your thread, which has been taken for a ride. I think your idea is great. Have you been able to reach any of the people mentioned?


    in reply to: VOTE!! #755829

    TAM is in top five. TAG isn’t.

    in reply to: Adar over. Sad ;-( #862205

    Aww. But us CR’s have Popa, and that sure keeps us happy

    Chodesh tov

    in reply to: Pesach Segula For Shidduchim #759439

    Where is this segulah from?

    in reply to: I am Shaking! #757106

    Wow. It must be quite frightening and unnerving.


    Thank Hashem

    in reply to: Calling Hatzolah – LOS ANGELES #755916

    If you talk to the la hatzolah guys, they’ll tell you that they’ve witnessed the fire department guys doing cpr wrong and other such malpractice but can’t say a word because of the politics.

    Thats very sad.I just hope there’s no internal Hatzolah politics


    To all those pointing to Discover, R’ Mechanic, R’ Kellerman, and other such figures and/or organizations: These “proofs” may satisfy some, but really bright critical thinkers can easily take apart these supposed “proofs” as to God’s existence and the divinity and truth of the Torah very easily.

    For such bright thinkers there usually is no proof.

    I guess the Rambam, Rabbi Shamsho Rafeal Hirsch and all other Jews forevor were just not “bright and critical thinkers”. WOW


    When you had questions what did you do? Did you throw off observance and not look for answers, or you asked your questions? If the response is asking questions, great. If the response is joining some frie groups, then there’s a deeper problem to be cognizant about as well.

    in reply to: Brachos from Gedolim #755696

    zaidy78: True. Isn’t that what all brochos are? Yet, the tefilah of certain people are answered quicker, as seen many times in chazal.

    However, shaarei demo’os (tears..) lo ninalu. The gates of tears are open for all…


    Its interesting to see how people view those young teens with honest questions.

    ….. Do you think Judaism encourages mindlessness

    Who said anything about honost questions? Please, take it to the cheap-shot thread.

    This is not directed at you, just in general. Why do we always need to take other peoples difficult situations and pain to show how “smart” and “advanced” and “good” we are?

    in reply to: Brachos from Gedolim #755694

    zaidy78: Who was he blessing? What does the Gemora derive from this,, huh? That a birchas hediot should be taken seriously. Certanly a birchas tzadik

    in reply to: Brachos from Gedolim #755693

    mbachur: omain!

    I think opening a new thread may have been easier…. But it’s a free country

    in reply to: Brachos from Gedolim #755688

    zaidy78: What about Hashem asking Rabbi Yishmoel Ben Elisha for a brocha on Om Kippur, when he went into the K”K? (Brochos daf 7?, the famous A Fried song Tanya)

    in reply to: Brachos from Gedolim #755686

    mbachur: Wouldn’t it be more apprropriate if you allow the gadol to say that whilst giving his bracha. How about giving her a heartfelt bracha, now and here, please.

    in reply to: Insulted on YWN. #755767

    Daas Yochid: Whichever poster takes a cheap shot, it becomes difficult to take that poster seriously, in that argument. If A will present a good case and someone else, B, will take his side and dish out an uncalled for insult; to me it would invalidate B, not A. But it’s difficult to take a person, who has to retort to insults, seriously.

    in reply to: chillul Hashem #755797

    Kiddush Hashem= sancttify Hashems name. Every single Mitzvah we do does that. Really, every time we listen to Hashem. Doing an aveirah, even in private, is a chilul Hashem.

    There’s a slightly different concept of “Shmi hamchulull ba-goim” mentioned in a recent haftorah

    in reply to: Brachos from Gedolim #755683

    Just to add on to APY and IS:I wish I could share the names to make it more credible.

    This is going back a while. A Rebbe of mine repeated that he met a man who had been married for nineteen years and suffered from childlessness. He got a Brocha from a certain Rebbe and had triplets. Then a while later the new father received a phone call one erev Shabbos from the Rebbe’s gabbai, the Rebbe is in the hospital undergoing heart complications. The rebbe wants a brocha from the father!

    The father, incredulous, asked the Rebbe “the Rebbe has the power of brochos, not me”. The Rebbe answered him “a brocho comes from the heart. I know you will give me a brocho from the depth of your heart!”

    Its still very worthwhile to get a brochah from a true talmid chochom and/or tzadik

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #761069

    No. I mean that they have a rav but not a particular rebbe. Yes do the math. There are approximately 20,000 families in BP. How many belong to the major Chassidisim?

    No wonder 18th Ave park, as well as other “nice” locations, appear the way they do on Shabbos. Instead of building yeshivos, we build eiruvin, machlookes and lamdonim like david 1999 who can belittle the people who are responsible for our Yiddishkeit.

    in reply to: beard types and lengths in Judiasm #1088906

    The Chofetz Chaim wrote a whole sefer encouraging beards. He writes about the kabalistic side as well.

    in reply to: chillul Hashem #755788

    BY: To understand chillul Hashem, we must fist understand kiddush Hashem. How would you define kiddush Hashem?

    in reply to: chillul Hashem #755781

    The Rambam says it means not saying Shema [even] while in privacy.

    in reply to: Right-Wing Orthodox / Left-Wing Orthodox #755546
    in reply to: Right-Wing Orthodox / Left-Wing Orthodox #755543

    “lev chocho l’yemino, v’lev ksil l’smolo”

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #761019

    Thats why Rav Roth didn’t want it.

    Thats why Rav Ahron, the Satmer Rebbe from KJ spoke out against it. Thats why the other Satmer Rebbe opposes it. On and on

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #761018

    What a great argument. Wonderful.

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #761013

    truth be told –

    “No, no. The first is just that, chilul Shabbos. The second is at most not recomended”

    There are more reasons to allow our eruvin than there are for much of the meat that you eat today.

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #761012


    First you claim he gets the most questions in BP. Doesn’t work.

    So you claim he even gets questions from Lakewood, and that he’s the most asked posek in America. Don’t work either.


    For all of our patting ourselves on the back for our kiruv efforts, we don’t seem to be so good at helping people who want proof.

    You’re kindly invited to head on over to the cheap-shot thread. We’ll be waitin

    in reply to: An Arguement Against Arguements #755479


    I know a guy who wears a black hat and my husband saw him doing _______” or “my husband wears a colored shirt, and he’s a tzaddik! He’d never do stuff ploni does who wears a white shirt!”

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #760993


    What a great comparison! Chillul Shabbos and internet use with a filter.

    No, no. The first is just that, chilul Shabbos. The second is at most not recomended

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #760990


    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #760989


    This is hearsay. Rav Roth is a major supporter of the current Brooklyn eruvin. He wrote his own letter as did almost all the rabbanim. He did join the kol korei together with all the rabbanim.

    Please provide the “kol korei”. He only wrote his own letter, refusing to sign with the others. Its hearsay to say otherwise.

    Only Satmerer listen to him? He has more shilos daily than all rabbanim in Boro Park combined. He has many shilos from Flatbush residents.

    How many people follow Rav Heskowitz? I know rabbanim in Flatbush who ask him shilos. Many rabbanim in Boro Park and Williamsburg ask him shilos. He simply is in a different league to those who know him.

    in reply to: VOTE!! #755821

    Voted. It takes a few seconds. Very easy

    in reply to: An Arguement Against Arguements #755474

    Beautifully put observanteen!

    Can we turn this thread into the cheap shot thread?

    So, who is gonna be the first? Bring it on!!

    in reply to: Insulted on YWN. #755765

    That was a classic attempt at winning an argument not on merit or proof, rather by taking a cheap-shot. Whenever I see cheap-shots, I automatically assume that the person handing it is wrong. Why else would they stoop to this?

    Try Rabbi Brog. There are many more (whom I’m not familiar with).

    (Often it’s not faith they’re strugling with as much as pain and hurt)

    in reply to: Empty #755592

    Very sorry to hear about your situation. May Hashem send you all you yesuah very very soon.

    in reply to: No boys. #755177

    I’m so sorry aabout your predicament. May hashem help you and give you strength.

    One thing though. The pass-up deal is probably not true, at all. (Of course we have to act responsibly, but Hasehm does forgive past mistakes). The pass-up stories pretend teshuva doesn’t exist. Teshuva exists on much greate things

    in reply to: beard types and lengths in Judiasm #1088879

    The Chofetz Chaim has a sefer about it. Mentions the kabalistic part as well.

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #760973

    2qwerty & Reb Yontel the male yenta: You both (same?) did not address my point.

    Why both Satmer Rebbes oppose it is not my point. My point is how so many people, who are not his chasidim or mispallim, may rely on his psak. The Satmerers follow their Rebbe. This is kulah shopping in so great an area as chillul Shabbos. Same with reb Fischel. Very sad

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #760969


    Many litvishe Rabbonim including those that follow R Belsky wouldn’t hesitate to send their followers to R Roth for certain type of shailas.

    Can you back that up? I don’t think so. It sounds made up

    in reply to: Females and Hitchers #755400

    By making it a tzniyus issue, you are encouraging people to not to chesed when it is, in fact, warranted. A young girl taught to ignore a boy shivering in the rain could just as easily ignore an old man who has slipped on the ice and cannot get up.

    I think there may be a misconception. Chesed is not optional. When we are approached for tzedoka, and we can give, we must. Same with other chesed. However, there are things which are lifnim m’shuras hadin. For instance, a ride for a bocher who is not handicapped. He can go home later. He can take a cab. Etc etc. In that case a girl should be taught to value tznius over lifnim mishuras hadin, since that’s what the halocha dictates.

    in reply to: Need help with kavana #951718

    All the ideas mentioned should help.

    (like getting out of the house and starting my day)

    In regurd to this issue, the halocha is ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? it’s prefferable less with kavonah, than a lot without. Sometimes we would like to Daven the whole Davening, including Ketores etc, but we have to get to work etc. Then its important to know this halocha. When we Daven very quick, or we’re clock watching, its very very difficult to concentrate. Or we feel bad for not being able to Daven evrything.

    Daven less, but with emotion!

    There are people who never daven the whole Davening, as they daven slow..

    Just a thought

    in reply to: Boro Park Eruv #760960

    Was R. Roth opposed to making an eiev in BP? Yes, no one can deny this. Did he refuse to sign on the same page as the others? Yes, he wrote his own letter. Either way, in regards to all other issues, only Satmerers llisten to him. Both Satmer Rebbes strongly oppose the eirev. So to who exactly is his psak applicible for? His chasidim and talmidim. Not a large amount.

    How many people follow R Hershkowitzs psakim?

    It’s pick a your heter deal

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