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  • in reply to: In search of an adjective #2314215

    Acc, to R’ A.I.
    A term that fits this description is “glib”. A glib person is often smooth-talking and persuasive, but their words lack depth and substance. They have a knack for making their speech sound impressive, even if it doesn’t convey much meaningful information.

    in reply to: Loving Jews #2313929

    Thank you shazshen for your well-written piece.
    Would you mind sharing a mekor for what you wrote in 1)?

    in reply to: Loving Jews #2313809

    Love you too Tzaddik!

    in reply to: Stupid Question, but would Appreciate any Smart Answers. #2312607

    I appreciate the answers; I personally do try davening for non-frum hostages, as well as all Jews in Israel, as that seems to be in public opinion the right thing to do. But I do want to make sure I’m doing the right thing. I know the gemarah says ve’ohavta lreiyacha komocha – “Rei’acha” means “oiseh maaseh amcha”; those who do the deeds of the Jewish nation. Doesn’t sound like uncoditional love for anyone with Jewish blood. I assume the same applies to “lo saamoid al dam reiacha”.
    I’m not coming to differentiate between people with different levels of observance; even amei ha’aretz are “malei mitzvos k’rimon” in my eyes. But for those who don’t believe in Torah & mitzvos at all – as unfortunately is the case for most secular Jews – can anyone give me a credible source that they’re still supposed to be in my hearts & prayers?

    in reply to: רודף vs. גואל הדם #2309615

    Good tirutzim, thank you.
    Though what if the רוצח sneaks out of the Ir Miklat 25 years later, the גואל הדם still needs to shlep him to Beis Din before killing him?
    I suppose the underlying question is, how does anyone know if a רודף has a legitimate reason to kill or not, or does it not make a difference? Maybe the רודף is actually chasing another רודף?

    in reply to: 8th day song #2295319

    “Thank You” on the Hooleh album has the lyrics “smile shining” repeated in the chorus; that’s what popped into my head from reading your description.

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