Too Cool

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  • in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168372
    Too Cool

    TTO: Someday we will all be together

    they learnt in a bright frigid cardboard (box)

    together just 17 senior girls

    when in walked Mrs.

    and led one girl away

    the flame of seminary was lit on that day

    so many places, so many choices

    the decision has to be made so very fast

    so soon we start applying

    the pressure begins

    especially once they say “I am in”


    some day we will all be excepted

    some day we will all be in a sem dorm

    never will we have to be anxious or be scared

    for we will be our living up our sem year

    classmates and friends won’t be there to greet us

    only strangers and the staff will stand by and smile

    we will make some new friends there once again

    in Yerushalaim bezras Hashem

    we beg every day when we daven

    we ask Hashem to please get us in to sem

    He knows where to place us

    He always does, we learnt

    I have emuna and so should you

    that Hashem will place us, eventually

    it won’t take to much longer, you know why

    so together we are all gonna party, together we are all gonna sing

    we’re gonna say “thank you Hashem for rejecting me- oops I mean for everything”


    some day we will all be excepted

    some day we will all be in a sem dorm

    never will we have to be anxious or be scared

    for we will be our living up our sem year

    classmates and friends won’t be there to greet us

    only strangers and the staff will stand by and smile

    we will make some new friends there once again

    in Yerushalaim bezras Hashem

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168343
    Too Cool

    TTTO: Ancient Wall

    I have an icy heart of stone

    Deep inside my wall

    And if you look behinf the mask

    You just may see inside

    Where has my normal heart gone

    How long am I to wait for all

    My emotions to come to me

    A soul of crystal and of gems

    Once stood inside my heart

    From far and near all can see

    Its beauty and its shine

    But only He can melt the ice

    And remove the stress


    Together, Together

    We can work through this, together as one

    Forever, Forever

    This won’t take forever, I can promise this one

    You caused the pain, you caused the stress

    So I can’t come to you in prayer

    I ask (again) when will you realize this

    How much more can I bear

    So chillul Shabbos will live on

    It lingers in thy soul

    How can I come back home to you

    Whilst you rip me apart


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168342
    Too Cool

    ICOT, WOW!! Amazing poem, it is so true. Thank you!

    in reply to: Color War! #879866
    Too Cool

    The best brake out- when the campers went roller skating, we took the shoes the have in, brought them out side and wrote color war with the shoes. When the campers returned their skates and wanted their shoes back they were told “the shoes were put into a locked room. Wait five min till the boss comes back.” Eventually the campers were told to load the buses, w/o shoes, and saw their shoes…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168136
    Too Cool







    And okay.

    What is black,

    seems to be white.

    What is wrong

    is actually right.

    So then what is black?

    What is white?

    What is wrong?

    What is right?

    If black crossed with white,

    and white crossed with black,

    then everything is gray.

    If wrong crossed with right,

    and right crossed with wrong,

    then what is everything?

    What technically is wrong,

    is now technically okay.

    What technically is right,

    is now technically not so okay.

    There is no black,

    There is no white,

    There is no wrong,

    There is no right,

    in reply to: Peninim Semenary #866762
    Too Cool

    Well, about Peninim, it depends on the year. The girls who are there now are great girls, but a few years ago Peninim didn’t get the best girls. Btw next year’s girls are pretty good kids.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168094
    Too Cool

    Is there anyone else out there that writes songs? If so I’d love to read them.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168093
    Too Cool

    This is not exactly like what everyone else posted but close enough. This is a song that I wrote in Camp Chaviva! To the tune of, “Be Proud That Your A Jew”.

    Listen well as I tell you a story

    Of a girl that is fatter than fat

    Every pound on the scale was gained by her mouth

    That is why this girl is so fat

    You and I are the girl that is heavy

    And together we link food with us

    And the more we eat

    The more we will expand

    As it protects us from being skinny and frail

    Be proud that you are fat

    The world looks up to that

    For your plumpness and you weight

    As you with stand every diet

    Being skinny is but a dream

    But remember just one thing

    It’s not your life it’s just your weight

    For generations our plumpness has survived

    With our diets to keep us alive

    And if we eat while we stand

    The more we will expand

    And serve ourselves with food

    Be proud that you are fat

    The world looks up to that

    For your plumpness and you weight

    As you with stand every diet

    Being skinny is but a dream

    But remember just one thing

    It’s not your life it’s just your weight

    Be proud that you are fat

    The world looks up to that

    Let’s repeat it so we mean it

    i am fat, you are fat, we are fat!

    in reply to: Help For Seminary Interview! #846412
    Too Cool

    does anyone know what P’ninim asks?

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