Forum Replies Created
tomim tihyeMember
minyan gal, aries: There are NUMEROUS unlicensed teachers who could teach a thing or two about dealing with children to the licensed ones.
tomim tihyeMemberCorn is not suitable for human consumption anyway. It’s animal fodder.
tomim tihyeMemberNot every kid really needs to go to camp a whole summer. I send each child for only as many weeks as I feel they need, not just want. I will not go into debt or leave my babies with a sitter for more hours than I already must to give my kids the luxury of camp. Last summer, I sent two kids for only 2 weeks.
That is my current position on this topic, subject to change at some point.
tomim tihyeMemberCORRECTION- I just listened closely:
My Sefer Tehillim
I’ve always held you so near
I’ve turned to you in troubled times
You taught me not to fear.
Your words are engraved upon my heart
Your pages have felt my tears
You helped me express my deepest thoughts
To the Father I hold so dear.
tomim tihyeMemberHot Borsch
For an 8-quart pot:
Saute in a few tbsp oil:
onion or two
bag of cole slaw mix.
3 whole beets- they’re easier to dice or shred once cooked
3 potatoes
1 small can tomato paste OR large can tomato sauce
bay leaf, parsley flakes, onion and garlic powders, salt, pepper.
Fill with water, and cook 2-3 hours. Serve with a dollop of sour cream or mayonnaise in each bowl and raw garlic cloves.
Can be made with meat or chicken in it.
tomim tihyeMemberI remember laughing when my teacher came to school wearing a pony sheitel; it was the first time I saw one, and I thought she was copying us kids.
tomim tihyeMemberYes, it’s on Hallel. This is the chorus:
My Sefer Tehillim
I’ve always held you so dear
I turned to you in troubled times
You taught me not to fear.
Your words are engraved upon my heart
Your pages have felt my tears
You helped me express my deepest thoughts
To my Father Who always hears(?)
tomim tihyeMemberI don’t analyze the comments because I know my kids better than the teachers do.
tomim tihyeMemberSo long as you are sensitive to the needs of your husband and children, it can be a wonderful thing to do.
When I did my MS, I prioritized my life: home, work, school.
I didn’t like giving in reports that didn’t reflect my abilities, but I feared I would have greater regret later if I switched my priorities around.
tomim tihyeMemberMazel Tov, SJS! Wow, a change of colors in the laundry!
June 13, 2011 1:48 pm at 1:48 pm in reply to: Need remedy for crazy pregnancy hormones during last weeks…. #777664tomim tihyeMemberAlways runs…:
You forgot some important ones: you can’t breathe, you have heartburn after eating one piece of bread, itchy stomach, kvetchy back and legs and veins from lugging a watermelon around, etc.
Besides hormones, all these physical ouches can make you irritable, too! 🙁
B’sha’ah tova! 🙂
tomim tihyeMemberThis post box looks like an ad blank…and I can submit it for free!
In honor of all the moderators, especially 80.
Your intelligence, humor, and firm principles make the CR a wonderful distraction.
Thank you and best wishes.
tomim tihyeMemberPopa: BCE.
tomim tihyeMemberI once received too little change at a grocery store. I told the cashier and requested the dollar difference. Another cashier, who was shmoozing with her, told her (right in front of me), “She’s lying. She sneaked the dollar into her pocket. Don’t give it to her.” I protested, but I couldn’t even prove her wrong because I did have another dollar in my pocket.
In the end, the first cashier gave me the dollar, but I felt horrible.
tomim tihyeMemberProper etiquette in 2011 is for women to hold the door for men. And to offer seats to them on crowded subways.
Hey, men are our employees and dependent on us for their promotions.
tomim tihyeMemberHow do you, as the parent, explain it to yourself?
tomim tihyeMemberWomen! Don’t you treat everyone with respect? Certainly this guy you’re dating who may become your husband deserves some respect.
So hold the door for him!
tomim tihyeMemberYou didn’t start studying because it is your least favorite activity on your to-do list.
tomim tihyeMemberIs this for shidduchim? Like, now that I’m a size 2, I need to tackle the next obstacle?
tomim tihyeMemberA beautiful girl in my class got one. We all requested that she save her old one for our nose job.
tomim tihyeMemberOk, got it, thanks Mod 80. I really like it.
tomim tihyeMemberWhere’s sammygol? He used to balance out those articles.
tomim tihyeMemberGoq: I’m sorry that you’re in this painful situation of being the only one who’s not invited 🙁
Since you are in this situation, you are expected to figure out a mature way of handling it.
tomim tihyeMemberSorry for being unclear.
What’s the greatness of the Jews’ demonstrating their desire to separate from Mitzriyim at the time of Mitzriyim’s punishment?
Their desire to remain separate was shown before makos, so what is the significance of these acts during the last maka?
Also, unlike Jews in Mitzrayim, Lot’s wife wasn’t persecuted in Sdom; her memories of Sdom were more pleasant than Jews’ memories of Mitzrayim.
tomim tihyeMemberYasher koach, Mod 80. What was the difficulty in separating ourselves from Mitzriyim by the time 10th maka came?
tomim tihyeMember“but I do know that being short can definitely affect one’s self confidence.”
I think personality affects one’s self-confidence.
If you have self-confidence, height is irrelevant.
If you don’t, height is also irrelevant.
Your lack of self-confidence will be brought out by something else.
Just because she was devastated by the news initially, doesn’t mean she can’t come to terms with it and be happy with her lot.
tomim tihyeMemberI think we need to acknowledge each nation for what it is, not disillusion ourselves with some politically correct but totally false notion that all peoples have the same essence.
tomim tihyeMemberWhat’s dignified?
It means if you dig, you will find.
tomim tihyeMemberThey are one type of doctor that actually make you feel better!
tomim tihyeMemberZees:
1. allergy season- no sense of smell
2. diapers of nursing babies don’t smell much
tomim tihyeMemberSince this is Popa’s thread, and since it seems to be a catch-all, I would like to publicly thank him and one of the mods for reminding me to change my baby’s diaper.
That subtitle says it all.
tomim tihyeMemberIsn’t Moshiach supposed to be from a “Kupah shel shrotzim” (or something like that)?
May 17, 2011 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm in reply to: Looking for something about Thanking in the Chovos Halevavos #767444tomim tihyeMemberI don’t know if this is brought down in a sefer, but R’ Kirzner Z”L discusses it in his Golus tape.
If someone doesn’t value something that he has, and it is taken away from him, he will value that object more and want it back.
Hashem put this law into our nature and thus conducts Himself with us according to it.
When we didn’t value spirituality, we were exiled/ Hester Ponim, so that we should once again recognize its value and beg for it.
When we regain our appreciation for what we once had, and show Hashem that we want it back wholeheartedly, He will rebuild the Beis Hamikdosh (bimheira biyomeinu, amen. <end speech>)
tomim tihyeMemberICOT- Thanks!
We’ve moved several times, and your tips are GOOD!
tomim tihyeMemberLabel all sides of boxes and keep the boxes for each room together during loading/unloading process- makes finding things easier.
If you’re currently renting, remember to come back after the move and clean up (or do it the night before- move all furniture). It’s mentschlich, and you might be surprised how much stuff you left behind.
May 17, 2011 3:41 pm at 3:41 pm in reply to: Pros and Cons of Home Depot kitchen- need kitchen advice. #792072tomim tihyeMemberWe used Conrad (McDonald Ave & M/N) and were very pleased with the service. We paid $1700 for 2 formica counters, 5 door bottom cabinets, 3 door top cabinets.
Such a mechaye to work in a kitchen I really like!
tomim tihyeMembercanine: It’s ok, I didn’t ask you. Though I’m impressed with your saying IDK; it shows humility.
tomim tihyeMemberpopa- ha ha ha!
Heard it now?
tomim tihyeMemberI come for humor and adult conversation when my husband is not home to provide it.
tomim tihyeMemberSo not my thread.
tomim tihyeMemberSticky, did you really take an entire semester online? Where was that, Cordoza?
tomim tihyeMemberSac- Thanks for that magnanimous gesture.
tomim tihyeMemberWhat’s pshat popa’s name is up and posts are not?
I feel very deprived as I come here mainly for the laughs!
tomim tihyeMemberThey’ll have more lawsuits than it’s worth.
tomim tihyeMemberChoc, my oldest had four cavities when she was 5 years old, and I increased her calcium/D intake. Six years and one cavity later, we still aim for 100% RDA calcium daily.
Grandma told me that peanuts, sugarless gum, and cheese have cleansing properties.
tomim tihyeMemberMDG, it’s not L”H; it’s Motzi Shem Ra.
tomim tihyeMemberMDG- I didn’t think an FFB with an IQ of 175 would be insulted.
(Or was that her LSAT score?)
tomim tihyeMemberSufficient calcium intake is crucial for building Whole teeth.
One cup of milk or yogurt does not suffice.
Speak to pediatrician.
tomim tihyeMemberOn a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best…
Trak, you were smart to bring sources, I see you know your audience.
Sac- so uneducated
May 11, 2011 3:57 pm at 3:57 pm in reply to: What makes your blood pressure go up on a scale of 1-10? #765872tomim tihyeMemberseeing that my flaws are hereditary