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  • in reply to: Chasidim rioting against Beit Shemesh girl's school #811117

    GAW- read my second post on the thread. and i assure you im quite in touch w/ the chareidi mindset; i live in one of the chareidi-est neigfhborhoods. if you see my second post youll understand what i meant. im in no way condoning crazy rioting, and i also believe theyre at fault here.

    in reply to: Naval B'Rishus HaTorah #811492

    platonic relationships.

    in reply to: Davening for ….. and is it good? #811243

    in response to OP- the chovos halvavos in shaar cheshbon hanefesh brings down that a certain tzaddik used to end off his tfilla saying to Hashem ” You know what better for me and whats beneficial and whats not. if i asked for something thats not good for me then i dont want it.” that covers you too

    in reply to: kiruv- no interest in shabbos? #812396

    i think the right approach is to help her do the positive, fun, enveloping aspects of shabbos. ie seudos, zemiros, going to shul. the ‘donts’ can be worked on after a positive association/relationship with shabbos has developed.

    in reply to: What is the meanest thing you've ever done? #812205

    when i was four i convinced my younger brother to shmear pb & j all over his facw and hair, claiming that mommy would be so happy. needless to say, when she found out, she wasnt.

    in reply to: Chasidim rioting against Beit Shemesh girl's school #811104

    kfb- what i mean to say is that I wish people were as zealous in being against breaches in tznius, frumkeit,kashrus etc. as they are when it comes to bashing people who (albeit mistakenly) are acting for what they feel is the ratzon hashem. you can bash cholov yisroel and thats ok, but CV”S to bash people who watch a movie. which one do you think Hashem likes more.

    in reply to: The Shiv'at HaMinim #810977

    IS- i think so. no raayas though.

    in reply to: what is it exactly #810972

    is the door on the hinges? or the hinges on the door, what?

    in reply to: Interesting shailos and tshuvos #814005

    i have one. from derech sichah, R’ Chaim Kanievsky.

    Q: Can a child wear tzitzis that are less then the shiur and be considered wearing tzitzis?

    A: Can you be yotzei tzitzis wearing a potato?

    in reply to: Chasidim rioting against Beit Shemesh girl's school #811101

    yay! everyone kill chareidim again. (pronounced sarcasm)

    in reply to: kollel #811034

    i second that. im in kollel and by no means rich, nor are my parents or in laws. they do help us, but i know alot of my newly married friends who work whose parents help them too. we live in a machsan and couldnt be happier. i dont know how im going to pay my chashmal bill in a week and a half but you know what- when youre doing something you believe in for the right reasons these things dont worry you as much. and my wife is beyond happy. and our parents are proud. just because some bochurim have the wrong motivations, that doesnt make all yungerleit parasites. and working boys marry for money too. money is a taavah we all have, it just comes out in different circumstances.

    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810691

    the only dos game thats kidai is liero. we got it onto my yeshivas computers. awesome.

    in reply to: Cruise to Bermuda on October 30 #811552

    maskim. give ten kollel yungeleit the only chance of their lives to go on a cruise. Yes, i wrote this solely for the reaction.

    in reply to: Three State Solution #810742

    GAWs plan also reeks of disdain for frum jews. perhaps youd feel comfortable sharing your plan and what it implies with R Elyashiv?

    in reply to: annoying youngsters!!! HELP! #811252

    its so funny, i just went through the same thing. ive been dorming in yeshiva, first in america and then in EY for about 4 years. when i came home engaged and spent two months at home my sisters acted as if i had no right to be in the house!! they consistently told me that things had changed;they were the booses and i better stay out of their way!! little shnooks. gaarrrrr!!!!!

    in reply to: Women Invalid as Witnesses #1137543

    chanie- maybe thats a hashkafic approach or geshmake shtickel, but its not a halachic source.

    in reply to: Putting on Tefillin outside of the shul #809975

    what about before entering the ezras noshim?

    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810668

    nerds. k there i said it.

    in reply to: Anyone Familiar With Royal Custom Sheitels? #810438

    you mean their minhagim??

    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810645

    NY is always in a rush. always double parked. and get the heck out of my way. oot isnt.

    in reply to: its all about shidduchim #809874

    its a problem, but there still are some normal people out there. i used to tell my mother (im a guy and B”H happily married) that if she cares about stacking or scraping shes not for me. if he does you probably dont want to marry him anyway. hang tight, Hashem has someone tailor made for you.

    in reply to: Enforcing your Kasruth Chumras on others – Rant #809682

    happiest- they dont eat ashkenazi shchittah on beef. but they do eat cow. needs beis yosef shchittah

    in reply to: I need advice on how to handle this please #810163

    im in kollel. ive never heard a more disturbing post. i dont mean the sheltered-keit shebo, thats fine. but such a reaction? not understandable in any case.

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810351

    GAW- i dont understand the question. could you rephrase? and if this answers it, i dont mean to say that a womans judaism consists solely of being a tzanuah. yours doesnt consist only of learning; you shake lulav,too. what i mean is that their constant avodah centers around their tznius and is also a good measuring stick as to where theyre holding. and i dont mean “how-low-you-wear-the-tichel” tznius; i mean inner kovod bas melech pnima tznius. obviously they still need to keep the rest.

    in reply to: Enforcing your Kasruth Chumras on others – Rant #809677

    theyre not rying to be difficult. they love you and want to be misameiach with you. they want to be able to feel a part of the simcha, and if they cant eat then they wont. so really its for you.

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810343

    i refer to it in terms of their tafkid and their main thing to be focusing on. i dont mean that it has the maalos of torah and encompasses everything in the world. duh.

    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185274

    my younger brother was playing with a toy train at the shabbos seudah. the toy slipped out of his hands and landed with a splash in his soup. he proceeded to ball his eyes out. we told him it was ok and we could dry it off. ” no “he replied,” you dont undewstand! now my toy is fleithigs!! “

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810339

    GAW- the corresponding mitzva in terms of its all-encompassment for girls is tznius. thats her avodah, the way men have to learn as much as they can.

    in reply to: Visiting Germany…. #809938

    i stopped over in frankfurt flying to EY. the logos of the cops there and uniforms are eerily reminiscent of pics id seen. i also was treatly overlynice by some and pointedly coldly by others. all in all i wouldnt go back for more then a stopover, and even that not lichatchila

    in reply to: Are we allowed to believe in ayin raya #812821

    what does it mean.

    in reply to: What's up with the kookie glasses? #810005

    i think monocles are coming back in. gonna get my self a pair.

    in reply to: What's up with the kookie glasses? #810003

    i saw a pic of R avigdor miller and went, “Hey, those are in style!”

    in reply to: Upsherin Registry??? #851841

    its just a tad over-gashmiusdikified. im sure if youd ask a rebbe from 20 years ago theyd laugh in your face. abee to get some silver.

    in reply to: Whats the heter to be a moderator? #807938

    when the words of gedolim are respected and treated as unimpeachable here then i will have respect for every posters opinion and treat them as such. so long as words of gedolim get stamped on -go find those threads- i will not. no im not a troll. i just cant understand frum yidden that moderate the opinions of gedolim when it suits them.

    in reply to: Laziness #808047

    use a stick.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808746

    okeedokee. i think this is the wackiest thread ever seen. i propose (pardon the pun) to be the shadchan. for who? michael c and…. basket of radishes. cmon. einfal of the century.

    in reply to: Atilla the Hun #808206

    do libraries still exist?

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810325

    bpy- only the torah umaada fanatics. joke.

    in reply to: Anti-Fruminism #807721

    josh- your point about R shach and ponovize was addressed earlier. the difference between the state and the US is that the original founders, and the creators of zionism upon whose ideals the state was founded, didnt want there to be an connetion between judaism and Hashem. they tried repeatedly to shmad children. the US government never cut off taimani childrens payos.its also interesting to note that while gedolim of different camps ie R aharon kotler and the satmar rav disagreed with each other in certain pratim, they still were machshiv each other, and understood each others’ positions. R kook on the other hand, they considered as having made a terrible mistake hashkafically, which terribly affected klal yisroel. ad kiday kach that in telz they didnt say tehillim for him when he was sick and dying.

    in reply to: Anti-Fruminism #807704

    no GAW. because the chazon ish didnt hold that the matarah of the US is to get rid of all traces of frumkeit

    in reply to: Retail Establishments with Forbidden Imagery #807839

    i tried explaining it to my wife. imagine being starving all the time. like im gonna die type of starving. and theres a big plate of burgers. not only cant you eat them, even smelling them is ossur k? now try that most all the time. and the story with the s rav is that someone said its no big deal to shake a hand/see a woman, why do you make a big deal? the rav sais- go walk barefoot in the desert. replied- no way! my soles will be scorched! replied- but the arabs do it all day. replied- but my feet are sensetive. repplies- thats how my neshomo is, and i want to keep it that way. (not verbatim)

    in reply to: Retail Establishments with Forbidden Imagery #807833

    if its for hanaah its always ossur. in response to the resistance argument the story of the satmar rav is well known.

    in reply to: Anti-Fruminism #807701

    great zd. do you know the pshat behind it? no. did R Shach write the above in michtavim? yes. im in middle of hearing a shiur by r pincus about the koiach of tfilah. he says the koiach is soooo strong that”who knows if the state of israel came into existence because of a sincere tfilah of one mizrachi jew. a mistaken jew, mistaken but with a sincere tfila.”

    in reply to: Retail Establishments with Forbidden Imagery #807828

    in toronto we got goyish supermarkets to have checkouts sans magazines.

    in reply to: Review of "English Grammar for Dummies" #807777

    I am all the times funny

    in reply to: Anti-Fruminism #807699

    are you starting another hashkafic debate? cuz in four seconds flat someones gonna quote R Shach on that too.

    in reply to: Retail Establishments with Forbidden Imagery #807826

    actually as funny as this sounds walking in the street does ned a heter. i cant remember the mekor but basically youre allowed to do ordinary things in oreder to live a normal life, and if as a result you actually see something your not accountable. if you continue to look when you shouldnt then you get toasted.

    in reply to: Anti-Fruminism #807697

    guess im covered on that score.

    in reply to: single peolpe are marriage counsellors? #807322

    k ill call it seichel and mazal put together. dont know why you need to call it that.

    in reply to: Anti-Fruminism #807691

    i think ill leave it to 80. hes a mod so you have to listen. im just the crazy follower of really big rabbis.

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