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did you here about the lady in meah shearim that had a baby on her 90th birthday? she gave ten sheq to kupaqt hha’ir and meant to dial 3 for long life, but hit 4 instead for bonim zcharim!
ToiParticipantyuch. i heard it snows animosity. blizzrds, in fact. daily.
ToiParticipantpeople i know who have the money have private mikva’os. it was prevalent because of the halachos for eating certain matanos, or even chullin b’tahra. these things dont apply today.
ToiParticipantno. my minhag is to wear it till hallel on succos and till mussaf on pesach. i didnt make it up so dont yell at me.
ToiParticipantjothar- so nwhats the dilemma? what youre saying is- do we still agree that the torah is binding and unalterable or not. thats one of the 13 ikrim- why is the decision so difficult?
ToiParticipant600 thingy person- its not a fringe movement. ive ben to crown heights. ive been to yerushalayim. ive been in central new york. ive been in canada. theyre everywhere. why dont the reg. lubobs take down all the mnoshiach propaganda. all the yellw baruch habba signs, and the flags being waved at their simchas beis. and everywhere? because they agree. its not a fringe movement. its the whoe movement.
ToiParticipantzdad. gebrochts isnt a chumra that you take on. its a minhag. like whether you daven sfard or ashkenaz. sheesh you drive me nuts.darn it.
ToiParticipantmike- i think it makes sense. Hitler y”msh has does his damage and it was horrific beyond appreciation. every ipod in the hand of a jewish neshama is literally russian roulette. on a neshama. li’oilam va’ed. thats where i get this stuff.
ToiParticipantbe dan lkaf zchus. maybe the guy is married and has to go to some important appointment with his wife or kid. after you get married then you realize how many times crazy things happen that maybe you have to leave early. so maybe you put him in a bad spot and from his perspective you were being a jerk.
ToiParticipantwhy do you not see the humor in it?
ToiParticipantnot true. MO is a new invention. the creator/forebearer of it was quoted as saying (i read this in a book about him- very pro, not anti, this isnt propaganda) not verbatim that “modern orthodoxy lacks the wings to soar to the hights that the old-fashioned judaism allowed for”. he said so. so pick the one that allows you to soar. darn it.
ToiParticipanti hate to be the realist but even someone whos now stable and was in therapy and came out stronger etc. has a decent chance of being affected later on in life, although they may not know it when theyre in the parshah. i know this from an experienced RY who has a hakpada on his talmidim not going out with girls that had certain histories because of stories like these, where they ARE perfectly stable etc. and 20 years later it comes back to haunt them. for the record dont yll at me how insensitive i am cuz i have a hefty historyt myself so know exactly what it feels like to be stereotyped. but passions and emotions dont get rid of facts.
ToiParticipanti never understood this permission busoness. your older sibling doesdnt have power over you, and i dont understand who gave them the shlita to stop a younger sibling from experiencing happiness. i actually think its cruel and immoral. i understand that the older sibling would feel hurt if the younger would get married first but thats their nisyaon and its not your fault or business to try and astop it. wasnt it chizkyahu that was chyiv misah for making frum cheshbonos for not being oisek in pru urivu?
ToiParticipanti just wanna point out that the terrorists are ipso facto being maskim that one soldier is as valuable as 1000 terrorists. talk about low self esteem.
ToiParticipantthere’s a street in tzfas called in hebrew harebbe milubavitch shlita and underneath in english king moshiach shlita. i think its the funniest thing ive ever seen.
ToiParticipantu gotta figure that her husband or father would have paskined so. if they didnt then your probably wrong.
ToiParticipantthe MBD memories. its the most moving song ive ever heard.
ToiParticipantyay!! cuz im like!!!
October 16, 2011 7:43 am at 7:43 am in reply to: How many time did you "one and done" based on looks? #818013ToiParticipanti think its funny that you found a girl on here who on paper is “gorgeous” (im not insulting, just commenting), and everyone is all of a sudden so concerned why she doesnt get dates. you know nothing else about this girl, except that she can bh support, and have no idea; a. where shes holding; b. what else it says on her resume; and c. anything about HER. so why do you have any idea whether she should be getting dates? o. cuz shes skinny and pretty. i forgot.
ToiParticipantya but with a bracha? not too common…
ToiParticipantif your in ey and youre keeping two days then the t’nai eitzah above should be done on 2nd day Y”T.
ToiParticipanti thought this would be a thread aout sneezing. agav, it drives me nuts when people unload a pile of nasty tissues in front of me. dont know why im in the mood of sharing.
October 15, 2011 6:38 pm at 6:38 pm in reply to: Is it unTznius for a girl to ride a bike, razor, ATV? #817192ToiParticipantitch and popa- -1. why cant you understand that even if its not assur per say al kol ponim it should be toluy in minhag amokom. and to make a crusade about it to do it bifarhesya abi to show what a purist you are is pathetic. go crusade about shabbos first.
October 15, 2011 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm in reply to: Texting and Internet Ban In Lakewood Yeshiva #817670ToiParticipantakuperma- shame on you to mock groise yidden.
ToiParticipantits very easy for anyhere from new york or any other city where jews are a visible minority (or majority in BP) to say that a yarlmulka is ok at work but i know a few people who are shomer torah umitzvos who take it off at the office. if you think you dont ever need to then you live in a bubble. not everyone is as accepting as new york.maskim to popa.
ToiParticipanteat. darn it. eat.
October 12, 2011 10:51 am at 10:51 am in reply to: Is it unTznius for a girl to ride a bike, razor, ATV? #817184ToiParticipantforbidden is a bit strong. i would say that people with a sensitivity to tznius and have some understanding for a mans yetzer wouldnt do it, but its not ossur. and yes, it does hurt me to be so liberal sometimes.
October 12, 2011 8:38 am at 8:38 am in reply to: Is it unTznius for a girl to ride a bike, razor, ATV? #817183ToiParticipantforbidden is a bit strong. i would say that people with a sensitivity to tznius and have some understanding for a mans yetzer wouldnt do it, but its not ossur. and yes, it does hurt me to be so liberal sometimes.
ToiParticipantsam- it is lifnei iver. it doesnt matter, lchoira, if there are more sources cuz every time you do it is a dif. cheftzah of aveirah. sis nisht yenah aveirah. the aveirah of him smelling her is a dif. aveirah then smelling source 2. i think its pretty poshut and mistaber.
ToiParticipantR berkowitzs kollel isnt the mainstream reg. style. whats the op looking for?
ToiParticipantjothar- if its the guys that cant tel the dif. between orthodoxy and weissism that we’re worried about, then either way theyd find something. conservative for example.
ToiParticipantif your not on the inside politically its tough to understand this decision. i think bbs smart enough that if these people represented a real threat it wouldnt have happened.
ToiParticipantif you wont wear it out of your house then its a robe. doesnt matter what it costs. men notice that its not a dress. maybe women wont get this but they all have a “im fancy pjs” thing going on. i would serioiusly discourage my wife from wearing it around anyonje but family. thankfully, she wont anyway cuz of her own standards.
ToiParticipantwith me or at me? or am i better off not knowing?
ToiParticipantGAW- as long as your rebbe doesnt say anyhting…i wrote before, and i propose now, that your misreading; the reason why main stream rabbonim havent come out in force is because the majority of torah observing, Hashem fearing jews know this guys a wacko without any formal instruction.
ToiParticipantalso, i do think its worse. i dont care how crazy right wing nutjob fanatic yeshivish kollel chareidi i am. im not being mima’it the chashivus of one jewish life, but the effects of every aveira that any yid ever did, is doing or will do with an apple product is echoing forever and being mashchis the world.
ToiParticipantmike- some things dont need evidence. thought that was understood.
ToiParticipantGAW- i think this ios the first time we ever agreed on something lol. what i mean is that if this dude theorieticaly believes in Hashem then its on thing to let women daven for the amud; quite another to wrip pesukim out of the klaf.
ToiParticipantdo you think the amaleikim wont and shouldnt dislike us when you kill their children? let them hate us. we wont care. Hashem said to. your argument has no shaychis.
ToiParticipantyou cant put a netbok in your pocket. i agree (obviously) that all handheld movie/internet capable things are just as bad- not only those with an apple logo. that doesnt make the ones with an apple loge less bad, farshtaist? which still makes their creator one bad dude. and this is going in circles so im done.
ToiParticipantzdad-you cannot keep it in your pocket. you cannot walk out of BM and find a little nook where you can get wifi. you are clearly not so aquainted with todays teens. i would get up to date if i were you.
ToiParticipantyit- to a certain degree your dead right. do you argue with your rav?no.the knowledge gap between you and your rav is less then that between weiss and any gadol from 200 yrs ago. the mans a shoteh. a brilliant, misguided, very mistaken shoteh.
ToiParticipantsecond version- When life gives you lemons hit it in the head with a shovel. its less messy then an icepick.
ToiParticipant80- thats not funny.
ToiParticipantit means that we humble folk understand that our appreciation and perception of the torah is very very very limited,a nd certain yechidei segula live on a different plain, and, as such, understand issues and see things clearer then the average joe. to argue on these big people is downright dumb. R elchonon said about those who argue on rishonim “When someone argues on an amora hes a kofer; on a rishon-hes a shoiteh!” i think we apply that top gedolei hador- dont argue with them- they know best. just like you know better then your 3 year old kid.
ToiParticipantzdad-thats a treif hashkafa. we dont appease people to keep tabs on them. if theyre bad al pi torah theyre gone. thats it. fait accompli.
ToiParticipantmethinks- ah! a man after my own heart.
ToiParticipantspit pits at people!