Forum Replies Created
Thank you OneOf well done!, thanks to Cinderella for starting this thread, ok whos next?
TheGoqParticipantOomis that sounds so good my mouth is watering.
TheGoqParticipantA horseshoe? WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done oneof!!
TheGoqParticipant17) Can you talk to it? you can talk to a toaster if you want to but it wont answer , this will not answer.
TheGoqParticipantThank you Princess.
TheGoqParticipant17) Does it make noise? no
sorry for the delay super.
February 22, 2012 7:00 pm at 7:00 pm in reply to: What country besides US and UK are you from? #853522TheGoqParticipantGoqitania.
TheGoqParticipantClick on your name at the top of the page it will take you to your profile which will show which topics you commented on and if there have been any comments there since.
TheGoqParticipantMazel Tov Supergirl!!
Thank you Always Here.
TheGoqParticipant15) Is it a common household object? no
16) It is more used by females than males or vice versa? no it can be used by both
TheGoqParticipantThank you ICOT
TheGoqParticipantMazel tov Always!!!!!!
TheGoqParticipant14) is it bigger than a mobile/cellphone? yes
TheGoqParticipantLOL Shticky!
TheGoqParticipantIs Supergirl taking the day off? hopefully shes did not go to the fortress of solitude.
TheGoqParticipantDear Zeeskites Mommy,
For many months now your wonderful daughter has been posting interesting well thought out entertaining posts, she is clearly a bright girl although a bit impatient, please be secure in your thoughts that she is well behaved and respectful at all times, you needn’t fear that she is mixing with the wrong crowd we are a community here and we look after each other, thank you for allowing her to express herself in this way hatzlacha rabba and have a freilichen Purim.
The Goq
TheGoqParticipant“Also what’s American for fridge?”
William Perry.
TheGoqParticipantOh yes OneOf the mores the merrier!!
TheGoqParticipantTy Middlepath ive just been following this thread now for a little while but i didnt feel right commenting until i contributed i like the feeling on this thread of caring and empathy and you are a big part of that thank you for keeping this thread going.
February 21, 2012 3:32 pm at 3:32 pm in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857153TheGoqParticipantMod’s i beseech you to please close this thread.
TheGoqParticipantMore im not sure when you popped onto the scene either if it was recently welcome!!!!
TheGoqParticipantTHE UNNORMAL
How do i begin to share the great pain that i own
About a life of solitude of being totally alone
Born into a family that was completely the norm
Until i was born one day and brought on the storm
Many physical problems i was unfortunately given
How would i survive in a family where only the normal live in
So many problems was i bestowed with on my birthday
And born to a father who always looked away
To them being different was a tremendous curse
Nothing in the world could be any worse
So to protect their name i had to hide my defects
according to my family i belonged with life’s rejects
I was their dirty little secret to be hidden and ashamed
Because i brought a curse on our family and them i defamed
My father made me feel as if i had ruined his perfect name
A son born to HIM so frail and abnormal and not the same
My mother tried to do the best that she could do
But you didn’t disagree my father that much we knew
So i lived my life full of shame and disgrace
For being the cause of disturbing their perfect place
My siblings carried on their fathers cue
they knew that to me no respect should be due
It was all right to sit on their plateau and to abuse
They huddled together and would mock me and set off my fuse
To whom could i turn with my pain so embedded and raw
As i would cry myself to sleep and pray to a g-d who never saw
My existence was ridden with pain and strife
So many times i wondered how can i live this life?
This whole terrible existence carried on throughout childhood
If i could escape by grabbing on to a shooting star i would
As i became an adult the stress manifested and grew
Causing more problems to me someday it would kill me i knew
At the age of 30 i finally made my escape from their hold
I moved to a different city it was an attempt to be bold
And with therapy and distance my self worth did arise
And i found confidence in myself that was a surprise
I found out that i was smart and even funny too
Things i never realized because they made my life so blue
I live my life now with happiness and pride
No worries about a family that would always deride.
TheGoqParticipant13) Is it green? no
February 21, 2012 3:26 am at 3:26 am in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857125TheGoqParticipantThis is really none of your business.
TheGoqParticipant12) Is it used for hygenic purposes? no
TheGoqParticipant11) Does it grow? no
TheGoqParticipant10) Is it manmade/manufactured? yes
TheGoqParticipant9)Is it used by a person(rather than an animal or something else that’s not a person)
It is used by people and also for animals
TheGoqParticipantI dont think ive had the opportunity to welcome I Love Coffe yet welcome ILC help yourself to a cup anytime.
TheGoqParticipant8) Can it be used on Shabbos? I dont think so.
TheGoqParticipant7) Is it used for recreational purposes?
one of its purposes is recreational
TheGoqParticipant6) Is it a place? no
TheGoqParticipantyitay 99.9 percent of irish men are gentile believe what you want.
TheGoqParticipantBaloochi its not banter its called treating others as you would like to be treated, respect is a two way street if we do nothing but mock and insult the gentiles why should we expect them to treat us with any respect?
TheGoqParticipantA big hearty welcome to – No One Mourns The Wicked, have i missed anyone else ?
TheGoqParticipant5) Is it bigger or longer than a loaf of bread? no and no
TheGoqParticipantEau de Kishka
TheGoqParticipantIt’s wrong, they give you shampoo for you to use at the hotel it is not a parting gift, neither are towels, robes, toilet paper or light fixtures.
TheGoqParticipant3) is it a technical device? no
4) Any mechanical/electronic parts? no
TheGoqParticipant1) Is it alive? no
2) Can it move? no
TheGoqParticipantOk ill take the next one ask away!
TheGoqParticipantWishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos.
TheGoqParticipantThe fact that the op is Irish is of little importance, I think we with our history of being the most persecuted nation in history we should be extra sensitive in how we speak of other nations, when i look back at american history from the 50s and 60s it makes me proud that so many of the people leading the charge in the civil rights movement were jewish they marched with them and protested a few of them lost their lives fighting for the rights of another persecuted nation.
TheGoqParticipantSorry i find these jokes to be offensive. How would u feel if there was an irish website that displayed jewish jokes?
TheGoqParticipantLots of good cogent thoughts there ICOT keep em coming.
TheGoqParticipantIn Italy it is sacrilege to add cheese to a dish that contains fish.
TheGoqParticipantThe whole practice of sending children to raise funds should be abolished it is way too dangerous to have our young neshamas out on the mean streets talking to strangers to sell them chocolate or whatever, will they be able to determine if the person on the street is safe, lets not chas veshalom have another leiby.
TheGoqParticipantI’m i regular secretary but i do get paid virtually nothing does that count?