Forum Replies Created
TheGoqParticipantRead Silas Marner.
TheGoqParticipantYes very cool YWN thanks for getting in the spirit of the season!
TheGoqParticipantChillax it’s just a purim joke.
TheGoqParticipantWishing you all the best in whatever you decide NOMTW Hatzlacha!
TheGoqParticipantIs it squeezable?
TheGoqParticipantThe wagon welcomes pbconsultant to the room welcome aboard!
TheGoqParticipant“Why do we allow this?”
I don’t know who we is this should be handled by the family and no one else its not anyone’s business what the family decides to do you don’t know what his wishes were in regards to situations like this.
TheGoqParticipantThats a great story thank you for sharing it Oomis.
TheGoqParticipantBeren Boys fall short in the championship game 46-42 but made a great Kiddush Hashem by willing to forgo their chance at a title in honor of Shabbos observance kudos to the boys, the parents who decided to take it to the courts are another matter.
TheGoqParticipantGood idea wandering ill try it!
TheGoqParticipantMdd do the goyim know about the 7 mitzvos? i can make rules of conduct for orangutans but if they are not aware of it what is the point?
Also Mdd i do not appreciate your use of bold print to make your points don’t your words have value with trying to emphasize them with bold print?
TheGoqParticipantNOMTW, I lived with my parents for several years after high school it has its good points and its bad, the good you have few expenses so you can save up money, home cooked meals, laundry, the bad points is lack of freedom its their house and you have to live by their rules and you feel beholden to them, speaking as a single some people and especially parents will never see you as an individual or an adult until you are married, this is something i deal with on a daily basis and it is very frustrating
people say things to singles that they would never say to married people of the same age.
I know moving out is a big step and financially hard but it really is the best thing for you to make a life for yourself, when i moved from home there were plenty of concerns i had but looking back it was the smartest thing i ever did. Now my parents are unfortunately not with us anymore it makes me feel better knowing i am independent and able to stand on my own two feet.
TheGoqParticipantWishing all posters and all of Klal Yisroel a Good Shabbos, enjoy!!
TheGoqParticipantWe welcome to the conversation Avhaben!
TheGoqParticipantI have an coworker who every day passes my desk while im eating lunch and asks me what the cafeteria is serving for lunch today
then when i tell her what im eating she scrunches her face and says oh that doesn’t sound good im glad i brought my lunch today she does this EVERY SINGLE DAY
TheGoqParticipantWe always have time for Zeeskite!
TheGoqParticipant“The Goq, “Live and let live” is a possule American liberal concept. It is totaly against the Torah. If we had the power,it would be our obligation to prevent even the Goyim from violating the 7 mitsvos.”
Guess what the Torah applies only to jews, you said IF we had the power we dont! we can and should use the Torah as a guideline for our lives but those who dont live their lives by it are not going to, i equate gay people to xians we have no inclination to tell xians how to conduct themselves nor should we, this is about two consenting ADULTS.
IMHO i believe these people are born with these inclinations it is not a choice and as long as no innocents are involved say children they should be free to live their lives.
“”live and let live” crowd”
Uneeq you are obviously referring to me so please do me the courtesy of addressing me by name thank you.
TheGoqParticipant“Lew Fidler is pro same sex marriage, which makes it difficult for me to vote for him.”
I dont really understand why the toeva marriage issue is the be all end all of issues for us whatever happened to live and let live how does them being “married” affect us in any way really?
TheGoqParticipantIs it round?
TheGoqParticipantThe YWNCRWW welcomes back that big bear!
Are there any newbies that i have missed? post here let me hear from you.
TheGoqParticipantHi eagle I’m doing great ty for asking ty for stopping by.
TheGoqParticipantHedddlo deer hows jit gogin? besht pureem ever!!!!
TheGoqParticipantHi Marbeh thats a cute idea but i cant see it happening most people here like their anonymity.
TheGoqParticipantThere is now an article about this on FoxNews and a poll right now the poll is 75% in favor of the game time being changed.
TheGoqParticipantEvery animal has a defense mechanism to protect them from unseen danger i guess this is comparable.
TheGoqParticipantIs it man made?
TheGoqParticipantMore 2 i think the op phrased their posts so as not to reveal what gender they are i think its best if we dont probe.
TheGoqParticipantThe story was also on Espn’s website, its too bad they have to end their season but they obviously made the right call.
TheGoqParticipant“Of course Sherlock Holmes is the quitessential detective.”
Sherlock Holmes had a cocaine addiction.
TheGoqParticipantI agree with that and if you think it cant happen in one of our schools your kidding yourself.
TheGoqParticipantGo for it Oneof ill start you off,
does it weigh more than 5 pounds?
TheGoqParticipantSupergirl mine is finished oneofmany guessed correctly its a horseshoe.
TheGoqParticipantSyag thank you for sharing that, losing a loved one is always horrible but hopefully with time your pain will lessen and you will be left with all the good memories.
TheGoqParticipantThank you very much Kapusta.
TheGoqParticipantWhat was the occasion for the party?
TheGoqParticipantHave a great shabbos everyone!
TheGoqParticipantWelcome back Dancing Girl!!!
also welcome to Logician!!
TheGoqParticipantThe Wagon is happy to welcome Naisberg to the conversation!
TheGoqParticipantI’m confused whom are you calling stupid?
TheGoqParticipantMiddlepath i have so much respect for all that you have endured, your one of the most thoughtful posters here always having a kind word to say keep up the great work.
TheGoqParticipantThank you MiddlePath, Unfortunately i have a lot of experience having been a subject of loshon hara throughout my life it is really debilitating to have other people constantly talk about you it drains you a great deal.
TheGoqParticipantYou certainly deserve a welcome back miritchka Welcome Back!
TheGoqParticipantGrowing up my favorite sunday lunch was a gefilte fish sandwich on matza i would mash down the jar gefilte fish spread it on the matza and put on a layer of horseradish and pickle chips mmmmmmmmmm.
February 23, 2012 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm in reply to: What country besides US and UK are you from? #853540TheGoqParticipant“UK? What state is that in?”
Shticky your not into college basketball? UK is the University of Kentucky. Its almost time for march madness!
TheGoqParticipantHi goose, first of all it has to be food to be considered Mishloach Manos i believe, but if you just want to send a gift that’s fine
How much did you want to spend?
TheGoqParticipantThey are whispered to and fro these words of hate
They make positive friendly feelings dissipate
For those who speak it they do not care
Hey they are having fun! who cares about fair
It’s not just a habit its a way of life
It brings ruin and causes a world of strife
They speak in low tones come hear my tale
Did you hear about Ploni? his test he did fail
These talkers gather with much happiness and glee
Listen to what i found out about Mrs. Ploni
Did you know that she wears a dress that is short?
And did you know her husband had to go to court?
They drink in these words that bring grief and pain
The words travel from cloud to cloud and brings on the rain
What do they care if the person of whom they speak
That their poisonous story the havoc it will wreak
After 120 they will have to answer to Hashem
Why it was so important to defame all of them
What will they answer what defense can they say
After a lifetime of causing so much harm and dismay
TheGoqParticipantThe wagon is happy to welcome back DaasYochid!!!
we are hoping to soon welcome back Aries she is missed.