Forum Replies Created
Welcome SayIDidIt grab a cup make yourself at home!
TheGoqParticipantWhat is your point?
I am aware of some of your pekel Health and i empathize with you don’t i deserve the same from you?
TheGoqParticipantAny marriage where one is subservient to the other is not a good thing IMHO.
TheGoqParticipantI agree with Dr. King let us not judge each other based on the color of our shirts but by the content of our charachter.
March 16, 2012 4:42 pm at 4:42 pm in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125319TheGoqParticipantI believe the answer is zero.
March 16, 2012 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861080TheGoqParticipantAdmit that you were speeding emes is always the best policy.
TheGoqParticipantHealth i didnt ask you to analyze why i am single the fact remains that there are people in our community who may never marry.
TheGoqParticipantLongarekel just like most frum jews are anti-gentile.
TheGoqParticipantI hear great things about the Alps.
TheGoqParticipantHave a great Shabbos all Chazak Chazak Venischazek!
TheGoqParticipantWtg Winny1 and welcome to the cr!, do u want to do the next one?
TheGoqParticipantOr for that matter Health if you never get married.
TheGoqParticipantYY they made you read the new testament in high school???? JK!
TheGoqParticipantWhats with your subtitle corey?
TheGoqParticipant“Asking them if they want a job that is off the books is not a bad thing”
It’s not a bad thing? it is certainly illegal even though its not enforced, i also agree it was not racial what the op said.
TheGoqParticipantHershi i wear a tallis almost never i am an unmarried ashkenazi
but i like the getting even part 🙂
March 15, 2012 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm in reply to: Why Isn't There A Single Coffee Shop In Boro Park? #860164TheGoqParticipantJudging by the amount of exclamation points and the o’s in so you’ve had far too much caffeine already.
TheGoqParticipantsaid the spider to the fly
TheGoqParticipantAlways Runs, Bravo! congratulations on taking control of your life and protecting your children, your children will thank you for separating them from an abusive parent.
TheGoqParticipantThank you wanderingchana!
TheGoqParticipantOOM I am really stumped here but ill just keep asking
Is it something you eat?
TheGoqParticipantShticky i find it very cathartic to write about one’s pain through poetry I get what you are saying but that’s why this thread is special you don’t have to put on any airs you can lay it all on the table without fear of reprimand or disapproval. There are plenty of happy threads here and i certainly enjoy those but this thread is about baring your soul and showing empathy to others.
TheGoqParticipantThe wagon proudly welcomes back ARWSF and Real Brisker!
TheGoqParticipantHello ARWSF!!!! Welcome back!!
TheGoqParticipantHow about and your little dog too!
TheGoqParticipantlol mamash good one!!
TheGoqParticipantWho wants to trade cards with me i got doubles on Baal Habooze and Coffee Addict? what will you give me?
TheGoqParticipantWelcoming shlump! and welcoming back s2021!
TheGoqParticipantHow does one get a Popa Bar Abba card??
TheGoqParticipantYou are right 42, no i havent been exercising of late that is a big part of the problem.
TheGoqParticipantbpt translation please?
March 14, 2012 4:26 pm at 4:26 pm in reply to: Do any Brooklyn Rabbonim say its OK to report molesters to police first? #860094TheGoqParticipantFor those who think reporting it will cause a chillul hashem trust me not reporting it is a much worse chillul hashem if you dont report it more children WILL be harmed.
TheGoqParticipantSorry to go off the op’s topic for a moment but tallis wearers please be aware that when you wrap yourself in your tallis the tzitzis swing around and can strike people in the face this has happened to me a gazillion times and it can be very painful please try to be considerate of your fellow davener perhaps move out into the aisle if you feel you need to swing your tallis around at full speed. Yes I am being serious.
TheGoqParticipant“If Obama was sitting there I would let it out – in his face!”
You need to show respect for the office of President regardless of who sits in that chair.
TheGoqParticipantShticky just saw this thread very funny!
TheGoqParticipantthanks for all the responses, mewho what is dangerous about it?
i did try the 5 hour this past week and i think it helped but who knows.
TheGoqParticipantBeautiful poem saysme really poignant, congrats on reaching 1000 posts everyone! kudos to dancinggirl for starting this thread.
TheGoqParticipantok littleapple u have a point but when you are elected to public office it is your job to serve all the citizenry is this being done are is establishment just looking out for our community?
TheGoqParticipantWhere are you o captain of the troll patrol real brisker???
TheGoqParticipantYes i would sneeze in the oval office unlike other bodily functions it is not rude or unseemly to sneeze, just let me know if obama says g-d bless you or you are so good looking.
TheGoqParticipantWhy dont you try and meet one on one with her maybe go out to lunch with her it may give you a better chance to connect when your not in the group dynamic, as far as him taking advantage of your husband you have to ask yourself what does your husband get out of their friendship maybe its not so one sided.
TheGoqParticipantThe Wagon would like to welcome all posters back to the realm of sobriety welcome!!
TheGoqParticipantWishing everyone a happy Shushan Purim or Purim (as the case may be)
Have a great Shabbos all!
TheGoqParticipantLet it out in a tissue if you don’t have a tissue excuse yourself from the room to get one.
TheGoqParticipantWhy don’t you like them? i think the reasons matter as to what action should be taken.
TheGoqParticipantThank you saysme!!!!! mdg lol
March 7, 2012 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm in reply to: Should People Who Are not Fasting Hide Their Eating? #858053TheGoqParticipantAny reason just askin.
TheGoqParticipantPeople who make a phone call and then in the 6 seconds between them dialing and the call being answered choose to start to converse with someone at their end, hello? you are making the call cant you pay attention to what you are doing it is extremely annoying to pick up the phone and have to listen to a conversation before the caller addresses you how obnoxious!!! i answer phones for a living and this happens to me several times a day thanks for letting me rant. Multitasking to save time is not nice when it is stealing time from others.
TheGoqParticipantShticky that is so awesome!!!!!! cant wait for the rest.