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My Cloud (zochor) and Fluffy (nekeva) are both intact. However, there always is and always will be a market for polar bear cubs, so I do not have to worry about abandoned offspring.
Actually, I kept pure-bred Siamese for that reason – I had no desire to make even a penny on selling highly desirable kittens, so I knew I would always be able to place them. For some strange reason, my female had only one viable litter, so it hardly mattered.
Rav Chaim gave a source
That is NOT a source. In any case, I am sure I could get a posek to ossur it if Rav Chaim doesn’t. If I remember, I will try to ask Rav Wosner shlit”a as he seems to be the posek for most Chassidim and is accepted by most everyone else as well.
Calling this Toras Emecho is way out of line. It is also not darchei haemori – it is shtus. Anyone knows that stepping over someone does not retard growth. I guess in Chelm or Szarkonosvary, some poor yosoim who slept in shul had a growth hormone deficiency, and the local ibber-chachoomim blamed his short stature on his having been stepped over by mispalelim in the first minyan (11.00 AM in those 2 cities) who did not see him sleeping on the floor!
If you had seen my face when I was confronted with this DRECK, and that is what it is, you would have been reminded about halbanas ponim. Had I not been as strong as I was at the time, I might have said – hmm..frum Jews believe this nonsense? What else of what they believe is nonsense?
This shtus has to be removed from Yiddishkeit. This is nothing compared to the clowns who engage in lead pouring, and that is nothing compared to alternative medicine (which Rav Blumenkranz AH called A”Z and kishuf) and vitamin supplement scams. All of this garbage has to be purged from Klal Yisroel.
Depends. Would it require only shoichad or also intimidation of eidim? :))
February 6, 2012 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm in reply to: How much does it cost to support for a year? #853918No. I am aware of a number of grandfathers who are still in Kollel full time.
Interesting. They are not retirees or early retirees from the working world?
Admou”r = Adoinenu Moirenu veRabbeinu/ Adoinaynee Moyreynee veRabbyeyne. (The Admou”r meCreedmoor uses it because it rhymes – in his case it stands for Addled, Moronic and Rabid!)
Only Baba Sali was ever officially referred to as Admou”r as far as I can remember and that was an official title because he was recognized by Chassidim who are used to referring to Rebbes as Admou”r.
Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit”a is referred to as Mara”n.
What does a din torah cost?
To win or otherwise :)))?
His problem is when he says that we should respect yoshke because the notzrim leave us alone. Do we respect kishka, lokshenmi, vishniak or any of the other Hindu getschkes because the Indians are not anti-Semites? Boteach probably finds some wisdom in budhuism, as do all of the new age freaks, but regardless of how well Jews get along with budhuists, budhu is a getschke and not for us.
He has nothing valid to say. The book has been condemned by someone who knows far more about the subject than any of us and Boteach know together. Boteach just regurgitated someone else’s work and added his opinion.
A source is a source, of course, of course
But it all depends on how you interpret that source!
Ah, but if you’re a shoiteh, you’re potur for whatever onesh you’d normally deserve for the arson itself!
Was it here or somewhere else that I wrote about meeting Benzine Weiss, the arsonist who gets his sentence reduced every time for intellectual impairment by pleading innocent and then telling the judge that he’s called Benzine Weiss instead of Bentzion Wasserman because he pours weisse benzine on the floor and lights matches?
February 6, 2012 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm in reply to: How much does it cost to support for a year? #853911At the end of the day, is there such a thing as lifetime kollel unless someone becomes a rosh kollel himself? At some point, doesn’t everyone do some type of work, usually in rabbonus, chinuch or other klei koidesh fields?
Does the Novominsker even wear Chassidishe levush? I have never seen a picture of him wearing anything any other rov on the Moetzes doesn’t wear. He certainly is a godol, but he seems to act as any Litvishe rosh yeshiva does. He does not have any Chassidim in the tradtional sense from what I recall.
The Creedmoorer chassidim are often noiheg to pay secular judges when they become entangled in various legal proceedings.
Yes, I read it: minhag nashim lehakpid or in the original erroneous version – same message.
Ever hear of loshon sagi nahor? One glimpse at this and I know exactly what Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a means. He doesn’t want to say it outright because it’s harmless in most cases, but it is very clear what he thinks of it.
For those who don’t understand – hint – nashim daasan kalois. Alternately, why do we call shtussim bubbamaises and not zaidemaases?
If you or any other non-related adult had been in the house with me, you would have felt very embarrassed for me after the rebbetzin (whom I know for 20 years – otherwise I would have taken it very differently) started to panic over nonsense that has no place in Yiddishkeit.
That is true, Koillel. There are probably rabbonim with shtiblach and Chassidishe malbishim who are really chassidim of a major Chassidus but qualify as the Rebbes of some place long gone. There must be a shtibel with a Rebbe on every block of BP and even more in EY. The Stanislaver Rebbe is a mohel in London; I do not know that he has any Chassidim in the traditional sense although his shul is popular and he is a very well-respected mohel.
If you really want to give Chassidus a try, your best bet is Creedmoor :). Barring that, and if you don’t want Chabad or Breslov, I would look for a smaller, less established Chassidus that is open, like Mishkoltz or Pittsburgh in EY and I guess Boston or Reb Michel Twersky or perhaps Biala (Boro Park) in the US. The big ones, and the ones like Tosh where the Rebbe is aging, are just full of problems, ranging from corrupt gabboim and use of moisdos scams to succession fights.
If you want a brocho from a Rebbe, the best source now is probably not a Chassidishe rebbe but rather Rabbi David Abouhasira in Nahariya (grandson of Baba Sali ZYA). A brocho from the Tosh Rebbe is very worthwhile, but call ahead before you go up to Quebec especially in the winter; make sure the Rebbe is available. I do not know if the Amshinover Rebbe in EY gives brochos.
I am of course the Creedmoorer Rebbe’s gabbai and I receive all requests and send out all invoices for brochos.
Sorry, but I know shtus when I see it! I wasn’t sure what the halacha was for gezel sheina from someone who isn’t bas mitzvah, so I stepped over the local rav’s 8 or 9 year old daughter in order not to wake her when I was at his house one Shabbos or YT. His rebbetzin flipped; he himself looked at me reassuringly and tried to signal to his wife not to make a fool of herself in front of people who didn’t grow up with shtus like this. I had to step over the girl the other way! I must say, that if it had been my first exposure to frum people, I would not have been very impressed.
I think Yehuda Levin and the NK nuts are flat-earthers.
Ridiculous superstition. Where is your family from? The people I know who go crazy over it are Russian-Polish (meaning Pale of Settlement that changed hands a few times).
haha Popa
147 – Satmar Nehemia? The 2 factions are the Aroinim (Rav Aron) and the Zalim (Rav Zalman Leib).
Rachmistrivke :). That is a Twersky family Chassidus, from Reb Mottel Chernobyler. The other one I don’t know at all.
Skvere also comes from Chernobyl. I don’t know if Lipa is really still part of Skvere, but his clothing comes right from Chernobyl – AFTER the nuclear accident!
The Hungarian kanoim – Dushinsky, Toldos Aharon, Satmar, Pupa, Tosh and Erloi – are not really tied into the Baal Shem Tov (Satmar is connected to other Chassidus by marriage more than anything). They are closer to the Chasam Soifer in their hashkofoh, and the levush is more a way of showing they are sticking with the old ways.
He writes ONLY to cause an uproar.
He is basically an Internet troll wrought large. Nothing more, nothing less.
He came just short of endorsing maaseh Onan in one of his bathroom books.
On Gimmel Tammuz the year Jackson croaked, he was in Jamaica having fun – he could care less for Chabad or Jackson. Once he found out his plastic friend peygered, he saw the money so he wrote a fast article about Jackson. Last year, his daughter was about to get married (to the son of another character who was thrown out of Chabad shlichus for lowering standards and worst of all, because he got his name in the WSJ for laundering funds for Diamond Joe Gutnick), so Boteach started to show up at Chabad functions and promise naive shluchim access to bigwigs in exchange for photo-ops. It worked; some of us were scared he would be given a position in PR or fundraising for Chabad headquarters.
Fortunately, Rav Shochet, who is both academically and rabbinically qualified to speak about yoshke, put Kosher Yoshke in cherem, which means Boteach will not be able to show his sorry face in the official Chabad world again.
Yoshke is NOT someone we look up to. Period. Notzrim respect us when we are ourselves, not when we try to be like them. Boteach’s father is from Iran; let him write a book called Kosher Mohammed and see what happens when he tries to sell it there!
A horse is a horse, of course, of course
But while I will vote Republican of course
Sadly that vote will be by force
Because while next to Obama no one is worse
Everyone is running from the wrong end of the horse
Flat, and no bigger than the distance from Lakewood to Flatbush to Monsey to the Catskills via Monroe, BP and Willy. The rest of the world is of no consequence unless you are a tzioini or unless you have mishpoche in London or Manchester or Gateshead or Antwerp. Montreal and Toronto are bichlal of no consequence no matter how much family you have there. Kew Gardens Hills and the Five Towns/Farkockaway are considered satellites of the real world.
Creedmoor is a world by itself.
LOL because you have no idea how much a ferd is supposed to weigh! In general, though, behemas and chayes have a very wide healthy weight range, even within a basic species. For vilde chayes, how much room they have and what food they have access to makes a huge difference. A vilde chaye who fresses out in say, a small Chabad House in the West, might weigh far less than the typical Boro Park chulent-mit-keegelfresser. A bear that ends up scavenging in Monsey weighs less than a Catskills bear, which in turn is much smaller than a Pennsylvania bear that lives in undeveloped woodlands. 600 kilo bears are found only where the salmon run (Alaska, Siberia, Pomegranate fish department, Ossie’s Fish etc).
Botach Tactical
Ephraim Diveroli
and see what this is all about. He is turning his mansion in Englewood into a tax-exempt Creedmoorer shtibl.
Coming Next:
Kosher Arms Dealing
Kosher Ahmadinejad
The original poster posted only the section of the Wiki list that pertains to extinct or tiny chassidus’n. The first parts of the list include all of the major ones, except Creedmoor. There WAS an article on Chassidus Creedmoor in Wikipedia for almost 18 months until a moiser called attention to it.
LOL Daas – but you failed to mention that anyone who roasts marshmallows on the embers of an insurance fire that was set for him is a shoiteh. The first halacha of a gitte sryfe is to make sure you and your family or business partners look very upset!
February 5, 2012 4:20 pm at 4:20 pm in reply to: What are each of the respective seminaries like that you went to? #849257Does Otisville have any affiliated seminary yet? That would be a great idea – a seminary that prepares girls for lives as Federal koilel wives. Why bother learning how to launder your husband’s dirty socks when you’re going to have to launder his dirty money for five or even ten years at a stretch?
February 5, 2012 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: How much does it cost to support for a year? #853902And if Obama is re-elected, here is the new dollar sign: (0)
If you believe it works, do it.
Source – Pninei Creedmoor; Avnei Skila; Sayif leHereg etc
Groundhogs are not kosher.
Neither are road hogs.
Chulent hogs can be so long as they are eating the chulent and not inside the pot.
I have an even better Moroccan dayan – his name is Dayan Kadosh – as in Shochad Ad Marom VeKadosh Shmo!
February 5, 2012 8:10 am at 8:10 am in reply to: What are each of the respective seminaries like that you went to? #849254The only sem worth going to in EY is Bnos Burqa (Rabbanit Benizri took it over from Rabbanit Keren when the latter landed in a long-term government-sponsored seminary for advanced teacher training herself).
The rest of them are just for shopping and hanging out on Ben-Yehuda.
The non-Jewish clergy thought the sikrikim were spitting on them so that put an end to the show :)))!
February 5, 2012 7:36 am at 7:36 am in reply to: How much does it cost to support for a year? #853898What we really need now:
1) 1 year koilel – almost universal with focus on practical halacha. Meant as preparation for family and career life al pi Torah. Parents should never feel obligated to provide support past this point.
2) 5 year koilel – by exam only, preparation for serious rabbonus positions. Supported mainly by community, although one can guess that a bochur who is on this path may be top marriage material for a privileged family that wants to and can support a talmid chochom.
3) 10+ year koilel – very tough qualifications for our future poiskim. Perhaps 10-30 yungerleit throughout the WORLD should qualify for this each year. Ditto for 5 year re support.
Otherwise, there is too much of a temptation to wind up in:
4) Federal Koilel – to teach a lesson to those who take shortcuts and break laws while putting on a frum facade. Some yingerleit in this koilel ended up there because of financial pressure to live well and support children for long periods of time.
LYEing? I was just going to explain that in most situations, a plunger works far better than lye. Lye is banned in many places anyway because it is dangerous and also used to make crystal meth, which is one of the few things even the Admou”r meCreedmoor would not touch on Peerim.
The word for sheker is spelled lying.
With or without shoichad? I seriously do think a dayan charges $150/hr and up if he is serious and the case is serious. The ones who do it leshem shomayim probably can’t handle more than a simple divorce or perhaps a yerusha inyon. Shoichad can start around $50,000 for a heter mea rabbonim up to millions for dinei mamoinos if money laundering is also necessary.
I can get you a dayan for $50 – you know Nissim Dayan, he sells nuts in the shuk in Ashkelon? He does dinei nefashois too, well, at least he did, but that was 30 years ago and he did his time already.
If you pay a torch to set your property alight for insurance purposes, and you use the embers of the bricks and wood to roast marshmallows, are the marshmallows bishul akum?
Mishkoltz (from Miskolc, Hungary)
Nikolsburg[disambiguation needed ] (from Mikulov/Nikolsburg)
Nope :). Mishkoltz from Petah Tikva and Nikolsburg from Monsey and Boro Park. There never was a Chassidus in Mishkoltz. The Mishkoltzer Rebbe in Petah Tikva, who does great work and is very sincere, may be descended from a pre-war official rov of Mishkoltz, but he is the first Rebbe in his family tree.
The Nikolsburger Rebbes just took the name because they may be descendants of Reb Shmelke. However, there was no Nikolsburger Chassidus any more than there was a Mezhibuzher or Mezritcher Chassidus (those may exist today too for all I know).
February 4, 2012 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm in reply to: Gourmet Glatt is finally opening (old Friedmans location 39th street) #850156I live in the developing world and I have not seen a store as cramped and uninviting as KRM in the past 10 years. I walked in once and walked out. It serves a great need, but I can understand how someone who can afford to pay even just a little more will pay just a little more for a nicer atmosphere.
To drink rancid coffee with moldy recycled kokosh cake that even Fraidel Foodshtemper wouldn’t buy for 1/2 price.
February 4, 2012 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person…? #849286Herzl.
“Take Uganda NOW and leave Eretz Yisroel for the real yidden!”
Chabad-Bobroisk (from Bobrujsk, Belarus)
Chernovitz (from Chernivtsi)
Czortkow (from Chortkiv)
Chust (from Khust)
CREEDMOOR (from Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens, NY)
The Boirye Oilamois meCreedmoor, so known because he actually creates Chassidim with addresses and Social Security numbers, who are accepted by the most prestigious social welfare agencies and insurance firms throughout the world, is one of the most under the influence Rebbes of today!
In all seriousness, that Wikipedia list is too detailed as it includes many chassidis’n that are long gone. Most of them disappeared during the churban, and most of their followers found their way to a larger chassidis from the same source (ie the Kotzker offshoots to Ger, Ujhil to Satmar, the Chabad offshoots back to Lubavitch, etc. Skvere has no one from Skvira, Ukraine left, and Satmar was a new chassidis before the war.) At least two errors – Nitra and Kashoi are not chassidish.
Shabbos Gehennom is the first Shabbos after you lose eligibility for food shtemps and suddenly notice what kosher food really costs.
(Yes, I’m back – gotta prepare 30 days before the chag and that means Peerim is on the way!)