The Frumguy

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  • in reply to: Old Tapes #1147703
    The Frumguy

    Positive on “Pintele Yid.” Now what?

    in reply to: Hatzalah Member Discounts #816666
    The Frumguy

    And I always thought that they did the Chesed Lishmah.

    in reply to: Davening at Fast Minyanim #847364
    The Frumguy

    For all of you that don’t have a problem with fast davening because that’s what working folk need, do you mean to say that you feel that getting to work on time is more benficial to your Parnossah than pouring out your heart slowly with extra Kavannah to Hashem?

    in reply to: Sports Illustrated #813886
    The Frumguy

    In order to allow my son to read it, my wife first goes through each issue with scissors to extricate all indecent photos.

    in reply to: Selichos….ooooh NOOO #896434
    The Frumguy

    Beside the standard “these are necessary preparation days for Rosh Hashanah” you should know that I notice you’re not alone. Look around during these two weeks and you’ll see that many men who you meet seem to be sleep-deprived.

    So the best chizuk I can afford at this time is probably “you’re in good company with the rest of K’lal Yisroel.

    Wishing all a K’siva V’chasima Tova for 5772.

    in reply to: Hashkofos HaTelevision #811413
    The Frumguy

    Please give an example or two to what you are referring.

    in reply to: kollel #811022
    The Frumguy

    When you say “luxury for the rich” I suppose you mean rich PARENTS.

    in reply to: Good High schools in Brooklyn… #811841
    The Frumguy

    Boys’, girls’ or co-ed?

    in reply to: Mordechai Schmutter #894354
    The Frumguy

    He is truly hilarious without being insulting.

    in reply to: Cherry Lights & Siren #810031
    The Frumguy

    I believe it is illegal for a non-emergency vehicle to sport cherry lights and/or a siren.

    in reply to: Do you thank the Cow for the milk, also? #807199
    The Frumguy

    Quite excellent, The Goq – milking it for all you’ve got!

    in reply to: Do you thank the Cow for the milk, also? #807191
    The Frumguy

    Where in the sticks do you live that there is still home delivery of milk in bottles?

    in reply to: A change in "Good Shabbos" in Borough Park? #806409
    The Frumguy


    My wife thought the same thing.

    in reply to: What type of Shul do you prefer and why? #806483
    The Frumguy

    Bais Medrash because it’s quiet and respectful and a Kavannah-filled, slow davening.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish music? #804035
    The Frumguy

    I once heard that a Ba’al Teshuva went over to tell R. Noach Weinberg z”l that he was a huge rock and roll fan before becoming frum and some habits are just too hard to break – he can’t stop listening to it. What should he do? Rav Weinberg laughed (as he was prone to do) and said he is 100% allowed to continue listening in order to “keep his sanity” and to help him grow in Yiddishkeit.

    in reply to: Nusach of Tefillah #815694
    The Frumguy

    Oh, I forgot – I daven Nusach Ashkenaz.

    It truly breaks my heart, Jonathan B, to hear that.

    in reply to: Keeping on my Trousers #1051090
    The Frumguy

    Get a job as a clown in a circus.

    in reply to: ATT The Frumguy:!!!!!!!!!! #802784
    The Frumguy

    Consider it done.

    in reply to: Shayne Coats look funny #805713
    The Frumguy

    I’m still here.

    In addition to looking like a steroid-taking mushroom, I know many men in shul who did indeed complain about having gotten soaked this past Shabbos.

    Why would giving my opinion about a raincoat constitute “Lashon Hora?” Is this in the Sefer Chofetz Chaim?

    in reply to: Time for new thread #802965
    The Frumguy

    As I get older, the taste and feeling of a donut just eaten stays with me longer.

    in reply to: About ice cream trucks I do shudder #962700
    The Frumguy

    I, on the other hand, find it relaxing and reminiscent of my childhood. Is it a Cholov Yisroel truck?

    in reply to: Weprin Vs. Turner #807558
    The Frumguy

    Certainly Bob Turner – a true mentsch.

    in reply to: registering to vote #799868
    The Frumguy

    Not to mention the P’sak of numerous Gedolim on the Chiyuv to vote.

    in reply to: You Are Cordially Invited #1096079
    The Frumguy

    Happy Birthday – (singing): How old are you now?

    in reply to: Catskill Nostalgia #805342
    The Frumguy

    Open for just one season: The New Roxy in Loch Sheldrake. Anyone out there?

    in reply to: r u 73h l337 h4xx0rz? #800465
    The Frumguy

    Why would the Moderators allow such unnecessary and confusing posts?

    in reply to: How well do u get along with your siblings? #798425
    The Frumguy

    I feel bad for you, Goq. Everyone should enjoy the wonderful relationship I have with my older brother – better than when we were younger.

    in reply to: How Did You Break Your (Musical) Fast #796953
    The Frumguy

    Did I miss the Beatles!!

    in reply to: Watch Online for Tisha B'av #888111
    The Frumguy
    Participant will be running shiurim without charge – just a suggested donation. Plenty of wonderful(?) inspiration available on Tisha B’av – Mi K’omcha Yisroel.

    in reply to: What is MO? #792435
    The Frumguy

    It seems that the Modern Orthodox will attempt to use all Kulos when dealing with Halacha. They hold the minimum z’man for Motzoei Shabbos, the smallest size kippah, kulos regarding food as was mentioned above (chalav stam, pas palter, etc.) and women with heterim in dress that sometimes don’t really exist. In short, they take the “easy way out.”

    in reply to: davening for the amud #791784
    The Frumguy

    A big Yasher Koach to apushatayid for trying to do what’s right. What would be so bad if the tzibbur spent another five minutes pouring out their hearts to Hakodesh Baruch Hu? Is there anything more important than talking to the Borei Olam at least as clearly and slowly as one would speak to the President,l’havdil?

    I also love that incident with the $50 offer.

    in reply to: davening for the amud #791780
    The Frumguy

    If your main point is because you’d like to daven at your own, slower pace, then why not slow down the minyan to a comfortable speed. I’ve done that at the amud and many mispallelim have expressed their gratitude for being able to “catch their breath.”

    in reply to: camp visiting weekend #781626
    The Frumguy

    July 17, Habah Aleinu l’Tovah and Hashem Yeracheim.

    in reply to: shaving this friday #1072906
    The Frumguy

    No, Thursday night is not allowed according to what I’ve read.

    in reply to: shaving friday #768369
    The Frumguy

    I quite sure one is supposed to wait until tomorrow morning.

    in reply to: shaving this friday #1072886
    The Frumguy

    If one does shave on Erev Shabbos, can one also shave Motzoei Shabbos?

    in reply to: Haircut Date (Lag Baomer 5771)Ashkenazim Only? #767905
    The Frumguy

    What about shaving on Motzoei Shabbos?

    in reply to: Shul Etiquette #760812
    The Frumguy

    I truly appreciate what you say. I’m speaking about coming to shul on time or even before the starting z’man and already finding someone in your seat.

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1057433
    The Frumguy

    In the recent dafei yomi Gemara, we learned that the “strings” can be almost any color. Should those that use supposed “techeiles” be attacked if they chose to wear blue-dyed strings?

    in reply to: Shul Etiquette #760809
    The Frumguy

    To cherrybim:

    Are you serious to ask me to change shuls or even move because someone is inconsiderate?? That’s yet another case of blaming the innocent victim!!

    Also, if I am in shul already and someone is searching for a seat, I can (as I have done numerous times in the past) offer him my Makom Kavuah as part of Hachnosas Orchim — I’m speaking about someone who comes to shul before a regular mispalel and without inquiring plants himself in someone’s seat.

    in reply to: Shul Etiquette #760806
    The Frumguy

    Am Yisrael Chai:

    I’m fully aware of ADD and the like (although many in the scientific community don’t hold from it) but this is going a bit too far with dan l’chaf Zechus. Even if it were true, I’m also entitled to a disturbance-free Tefillah. If someone does suffer from these maladies, perhaps they can pace the lobby or daven in a shul with other ADD’s. To pace up and down the aisle is still inconsiderate.

    It’s the same with looking around “to gain inspiration.” Look around other places as much as you want but don’t interrupt my Kavanah. Again, you’re pushing dan l’chaf zechus to the max at another’s expense.

    in reply to: Teenage Girls Camp in California #900968
    The Frumguy

    Who runs DKTY (and what does it stand for)? How do I get in touch with the camp?

    in reply to: does your shul allow cap guns on purim? #750954
    The Frumguy

    No gunpowder, cap guns or fireworks of any kind. A Freilichen Purim!

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