The Frumguy

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  • in reply to: Private parking spaces on city streets #929507
    The Frumguy

    I’m not sure I totally understand your rant. What is a “cut in the sidewalk” to which you’re referring? And I agree with The Wolf – please keep your voice down.

    in reply to: Boro Park Is Less Expensive Shopping Than Flatbush #898354
    The Frumguy

    I though this was a well-known fact — didn’t even need to state it.

    As Brooklyn, in general, is less expensive than Five Towns / Queens shopping.

    in reply to: Computer program for video editing #896079
    The Frumguy

    Boy, did this thread head in a direction I did not intend it to go. I was just looking for a video editing program.

    in reply to: Apology #895664
    The Frumguy

    You’re still one of the most entertaining, humorous posters in The Coffee Room.

    in reply to: Cops preying in Boro Park #895698
    The Frumguy

    In which shtieble were they “preying”? I hope they made up the minyan.

    in reply to: Space Between Cars When Driving #895670
    The Frumguy

    For every ten miles per hour of your speed, there should be one car length.

    in reply to: Computer program for video editing #896034
    The Frumguy

    Isn’t the free download just for a short trial period?

    in reply to: Computer program for video editing #896031
    The Frumguy

    I’ve tried MovieMaker and it seems to add a dark look to the finished product. It takes away from the “live” feel of the video.

    in reply to: Chasuna Pictures Messed Up #892656
    The Frumguy

    Are we allowed to name names? This sounds as though there is tachlis – to help in not hiring such photographers.

    in reply to: What Happens if Siyum HaShas Gets Rained Out? #888801
    The Frumguy

    Had they gone with the TRUE date of the Siyum, which is really Thursday, there would be no problems or worries. Why make it a day earlier?

    in reply to: siyum hashas certificate from Agudah #889190
    The Frumguy

    I think that the certificate itself is without charge. Only if you want it framed & laminated is there a $36 charge. Please check it out.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Bridge vs. Manhattan Bridge #881624
    The Frumguy

    It’s more efficient when you need to be on the Lower East Side. Sometimes the Brooklyn Bridge is closed so you have no choice.

    I believe the toll at the tunnel is more than $5. I only use it when:

    1) I need it for work

    2) I’m running late

    Hatzlacha with all your travels.

    in reply to: Heat Wave!!!!! #884336
    The Frumguy

    Whatever Hashem sends us is for the good.

    in reply to: Non-Slip Taleisim #880250
    The Frumguy

    I finally got treated (by my wife) to a new Keter non-slip and it does the trick beautifully! Thanks for all of your recommendations.

    in reply to: Infertility treatments – Tzedaka?? #883851
    The Frumguy

    There are no daggers involoved at all. I’m just wondering (once again) if helping couples have babies merits our giving Tzedaka monies. It’s not like we’re returning a “lost object” under the category of “dei machsoro.” If a married couple wishes to have children under grueling, expensive circumstances do we have to “give in”?

    in reply to: When the Fat Lady Sings #879780
    The Frumguy

    At the end of an opera, there usually is a finale with the star of the cast (usually the women in opera are “slightly plump”) singing the last song. So the expression “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings” means that the end of the performance (or anything else) is signaled by “the fat lady singing.”

    in reply to: Infertility treatments – Tzedaka?? #883805
    The Frumguy

    I’m not sure “Dey Machsoro” applies here. Many families are “lacking” things – I return to my mashal of a swimming pool (by the way, I’m not really thinking of doing it). But if I felt lacking in cooling off during the summer, would that also be Dai Machsoro?

    Tomchei Shabbos does much more than just put Challahs and food on the Shabbpos table. For some families it is pretty close to Pikuach Nefesh.

    And I do know first-hand what “these couples are going through.”

    I reiterate my brocha that all their Tefillos should be answered for what’s best for them.

    in reply to: Is Skype Permitted to be used?? #877632
    The Frumguy

    When our Maggid Shiur is not able to be in the Beis Medrash, we use Skype to hook up with him to learn.

    in reply to: Dirty Tissues in Shul #984956
    The Frumguy

    I put mine under my tallis bag until the end of davening or until I can get to the back of shul to throw it out in the garbage can.

    I also find it quite disgusting (for lack of a better word) for mispalelim to leave it on the table to have it glaring me in the fase during davening and many times “forget” to take it out after davening.

    Yasher Koach for bringing it up L’Ma’an Kedushas Beis Hakneses.

    in reply to: Which Would You choose? #872461
    The Frumguy

    The Siyum Hashas – not even close. I put in 7 1/2 years for this moment.

    in reply to: Learning during Chazoras Hashatz #1089009
    The Frumguy

    g73 – I was being facetious.

    I have davened in the presence of many Gedolim and Rebbes and I don’t remember any one of them learning during Chazoras Hashatz (please note spelling).

    Yasher Koach to all for backing me on this. Any suggestions on handling this problem?

    in reply to: Learning during Chazoras Hashatz #1088991
    The Frumguy

    I mean men that are chashuvah in other respects. They are Kovei’a Itim (when permitted), get Shelishi and Shishi aliyos, wear their Tzizis out, etc. You know, Mechubad.

    in reply to: Shemone Esrei: Putting Feet Together and Davening Quietly #871954
    The Frumguy

    We try to emulate the Malachei Hashareis during our tefillah. They are described in Nevi’im as standing on one foot.

    in reply to: Taking Another Employee's Chair From His Cubicle #871150
    The Frumguy

    So why do you refer to it as “his” chair – it’s the company’s chair?

    in reply to: Growing Old #1191091
    The Frumguy

    Getting older is always better than the alternative!

    in reply to: Lady Fingers #1070268
    The Frumguy

    Baby fingers are smaller in size than lady fingers. Labriyoot!

    in reply to: tzein makkos, makkos tzein #867027
    The Frumguy

    No matter how my teeth, stomach, etc. feels, I’m glad to do the Ratzon Hashem.

    A Good Mo’ed

    in reply to: Are you a Ka'eylah Jew? #1203216
    The Frumguy

    Flatbush Dude: It was sincerely the latter. I really DO agree with you. Have a Good Mo’ed.

    in reply to: Are you a Ka'eylah Jew? #1203209
    The Frumguy

    A BIG Yasher Koach for noticing. Have a Good Mo’ed.

    in reply to: Talis Tzitzis Touching Floor #866700
    The Frumguy

    I’m very makpid to keep my tzitzis off the floor – usually across my lap.

    in reply to: syium costs #859139
    The Frumguy

    I was thinking the same thing. It’s quite outrageous for such a high “handling / shipping” fee (I guess they like “handling” your money). And who said Agudah isn’t going to be making any money on this??

    in reply to: Kiddish Rabba After Shabbos Davening #859050
    The Frumguy

    Gut voch, gabi:

    I assume that this happened in shul today. I’m quite sure that nobody in shul had a gun(it would be muktzeh) to anyone’s head forcing them to eat. This same dilemma used to happen in my house and when I saw how upset my wife was for not having a “family seuddah”, I stopped eating at the kiddush, just wished the ba’al simcha Mazal Tov and walked home to a delicous home-cooked meal with my wife and children. Some things are more important.

    in reply to: Dweck = Kohen #850250
    The Frumguy

    I know the name Katz is an abbreviation for Kohen Tzedek. Maza is derived from M’Zera Aharon. I’m sure there are others.

    in reply to: Has YWN lost its way? #845249
    The Frumguy

    Titanic was not only a motion picture production. It was a real news event way back when. I’m sure the YWN was referring to the original Titanic and not to a Hollywood production.

    in reply to: Bar Mitzvah halls & caterers in flatbush #843763
    The Frumguy

    Ask parents of your son’s classmates. Most of them have already gone through this.

    You should have a lot of nachas and Brocha from your Bar-Mitzvah!

    in reply to: Chanukah candles go out early #1204709
    The Frumguy

    I use the pre-rolled cotton wicks with the thin aluminum holders.

    in reply to: Lack of Ashkenaz Siddurim #830896
    The Frumguy

    I just returned from the National Agudah Convention. There was not a single Ashkenaz siddur supplied by Agudah. I wasn’t alone with feelings of disappointment.

    in reply to: Non-Slip Taleisim #880248
    The Frumguy

    Yasher Koach Shticky Guy!

    in reply to: Job for a yeshiva bachur #826524
    The Frumguy

    How do you expect to get in touch with a prospective employer through The Coffee Room?

    in reply to: Math Question #826341
    The Frumguy

    It is the distributive law – remember good ole ninth grade algebra?

    in reply to: Any frum Beatle fans? #982467
    The Frumguy

    Can we please stay on topic? Thanks.

    in reply to: Any frum Beatle fans? #982441
    The Frumguy


    Even if we revealed ages in the Coffee Room, everyone still remains anonymous. I’m not sure I undertsand your point.

    To everyone else – you’ve got GREAT taste in music!

    in reply to: Any frum Beatle fans? #982418
    The Frumguy

    Please note the spelling.

    in reply to: How I Love Dreary Days.. #821532
    The Frumguy

    Hashem never sends us “dreary days” – all days are for the best!

    in reply to: Drinking on Simchas Torah #820397
    The Frumguy

    Bar Shattya:

    I certainly don’t “get mad at them.” If anything, I feel sorry and ashamed for them and their families.

    in reply to: Jackie Mason #820635
    The Frumguy

    His family went to Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim. I know that two of his brothers are musmachim of R’ Moshe, z”l. I believe he, too, went there and had several “shtellers” in the U.S. His mispalelim told him how hilarious his “droshos” were and he decided to make a better living at comedy, unfortunately.

    in reply to: Inventing Your Own [False] Gematrias #820911
    The Frumguy

    I agree with you – I think that most Gematrias these days are stretching it too far. I have yet to be impressed with one.

    The Frumguy

    They finally caught on and fixed it. Too bad. Anyone out there get this Metziah?

    in reply to: Non Jewish Music… #819272
    The Frumguy

    I once heard that a Ba’al Teshuva went over to tell R. Noach Weinberg z”l that he was a huge rock and roll fan before becoming frum and some habits are just too hard to break – he can’t stop listening to it. What should he do? Rav Weinberg laughed (as he was prone to do) and said he is 100% allowed to continue listening in order to “keep his sanity” and to help him grow in Yiddishkeit.

    in reply to: Schalit deal? #816716
    The Frumguy

    Did you see what Israel’s government might promise for the exchange? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. Hashem Yerachem and it should be for the best for all of Klal Yisroel.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 293 total)