The Frumguy

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  • in reply to: Windows 10 – opinions? #1098389
    The Frumguy

    It definitely was intended as a compliment. Thanks for your input.

    K’siva V’chasima Tova.

    in reply to: Windows 10 – opinions? #1098387
    The Frumguy

    shloime60: You don’t happen to work for Bill Gates, do you?

    in reply to: Shidduchim – overweight is the new poverty #1097369
    The Frumguy


    Any ideas as to where the boy’s mother gets such a “fakrumpt” hashkafa?

    in reply to: I am looking for E-mail of Agudath Israel #1097123
    The Frumguy

    Could you please clarify?

    in reply to: And I'm The One Disrespecting The Davening???!! #1092621
    The Frumguy


    You are 100% justified to feel the way you do. People simply don’t know open Halacha in the Shulchan Aruch — especially not only when someone acts like an Am Ha’aretz but when it also disturbs someone else’s davening.

    In addition, there is supposed to be NO HEFSEK between the Uva L’Tzion kaddish and the start of Mussaf. So this “neighbor” in shul is wrong on all counts.

    Have a Good Chodesh.

    in reply to: Yahrzeit – Stressful Day? #1105582
    The Frumguy

    I did exactly that — someone else went over to daven and I didn’t say anything.

    in reply to: Parah Aduma is invalid :( #1089746
    The Frumguy


    When you say “I heard that the parah aduma near Lakewood gave birth” do you have reliable sources or is it just something going around?

    in reply to: Let's end the wedding madness. #1088037
    The Frumguy

    Yasher Koach, flatbusher. You’re 100% correct. I stopped going to acquaintances’ simchos for quite a while now. I respond “I’ll try to attend the Chuppah” with a warm Mazal Tov on the reply card.

    in reply to: How to Handle Slow Poke Pedestrians #1082494
    The Frumguy

    A simple but direct “Excuse Me” should do the trick. You could also suggest that they move to the side so as not to obstruct other pedestrians.

    in reply to: Male Tznius #1082456
    The Frumguy

    Tznius (for both women and men) does not exclusively refer to clothing. It’s also speaking loudly in the street (such as on a cellphone), playing a car radio loudly, being an overly loud davener and many other things which call attention to oneself.

    in reply to: Talking in Shul #1075641
    The Frumguy

    Get permission from the Rov to carry tape on Shabbos to be used on the mouths of those perpetrators.

    in reply to: Petirah of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein #1133006
    The Frumguy

    mw13: I find the phrase “all of Klal Yisroel” to be redundant. “Klal” means “all.”

    in reply to: Hi, this is Microsoft #1072866
    The Frumguy

    I know how terribly annoying this can be. I think it’s the season for them to start this scam again. They JUST DON’T GIVE UP!!

    in reply to: $10,000 shidduch offer #1072979
    The Frumguy

    apushatayid: Is there a difference between a “bribe” or a “Shadchan fee?” In either case, the shadchan keeps 10K if it leads to a chupah.

    in reply to: $10,000 shidduch offer #1072969
    The Frumguy

    Offering that amount if the shidduch goes through to chupah.

    in reply to: $10,000 shidduch offer #1072960
    The Frumguy

    147: Aren’t Shadchanim supposedly more effective than Jewish dating sites?

    apushatayid: Offering to pay. I’m not sure what you mean.

    in reply to: Are you a Ka'eylah Jew? #1203258
    The Frumguy

    Hey, WolfishMusings: I thought you yourself were the Ba’al Korei??

    in reply to: Para Aduma near Lakewood #1070365
    The Frumguy

    Signs of Moshiach or not, it happens to be the cutest cow I’ve ever seen.

    in reply to: What's with the left wing and kitniyos #1149127
    The Frumguy

    Could someone please elaborate?

    in reply to: Stop the Yom Tov whining already! #1066304
    The Frumguy

    DaasYochid: Feedback from the numerous Bubbys and Zaidys with whom I’ve spoken.

    BarryLS1: Of course I’m not referring to those with considerate kids that DO help — I’m speaking about the overwhelming majority that don’t.

    in reply to: Stop the Yom Tov whining already! #1066301
    The Frumguy

    From the feedback I hear, it seems that those of you who actually help out (may you have much Brocho) are in the small minority.

    in reply to: Cell phone use while driving #1066549
    The Frumguy

    A huge Yasher Koach for bringing up this despicable behavior.

    P.S. Is a “green Erev Sabbos and Erev Rosh Chodesh” one where we don’t use up any natural resources?

    in reply to: Bartenura'le #1065259
    The Frumguy

    Of course it was developed to be placed in shalach manos — hence the smaller size bottle.

    in reply to: GOP 2016(Paul Ryan) #1062707
    The Frumguy

    I think Ted Cruz is, by far, the best GOP candidate for Yidden and this country.

    in reply to: Camp Deal?? #1051816
    The Frumguy

    Thanks, aniceberg. I’ll try to look it up — it’s a real memory.

    in reply to: Camp Deal?? #1051814
    The Frumguy

    rescue37 – Not to mention a communal shower!!

    in reply to: Camp Deal?? #1051812
    The Frumguy

    I remember Choo-Choo (Lionel) Friedman, Aaron “The Axe” Akselrod, Head Counselor Rabbi David Himber.

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050419
    The Frumguy

    He’s been asked (more than once) by a Gabbai to quiet down his bein gavra ritual, but to no avail.

    The comparison to Ketores doesn’t hold up because he’s certainly not a “rasha”, just someone who was never trained in social etiquette. It seems to be more of a mentchlich thing.

    Of course “chucking him out of shul” is not something that our minyan aspires to, only as a last resort. That’s why I asked in the opening “what can be done?”

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050406
    The Frumguy

    Believe me, our minyan has absolutely no problem with our beloved Rav.

    Even if it is a medical condition (which I can almost assure you it isn’t), how much are the mispalelim expected to endure? Shouldn’t he have some courtesy for us?? I don’t expect someone with an IV sticking out of his arm to come to daven b’rabim!

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050401
    The Frumguy

    I am going to assume that this is NOT a medical condition inasmuch as there are some tefillos where this doesn’t occur at all. It is more similar to when you and I clear our throat occasionally.

    Of course I can’t compare our mispalel to zahavasdad’s, since that one might be a criminal activity whereas mine is not.

    Asking him to sit near the back is an idea but might entail being mevayash him b’rabim.

    in reply to: Must shuls accept everyone? #1050386
    The Frumguy

    This hasn’t yet been brought up to our Rav. Knowing the Rav, he probably wouldn’t want to get so involved in something such as this.

    I wholeheartedly agree with Comlink-X about the difference between a Talmid in Yeshiva and our shul’s dilemma.

    in reply to: r meir kahane #1049238
    The Frumguy

    Is it any wonder why one of the most popular phrases in Eretz Yisroel currently is “Kahana Tzodek”?

    in reply to: Propping baby to bottle-feed #1136848
    The Frumguy

    Please see my post. I never said ALL mothers — just that there “are some” who look for an easy way out of Hashem’s ideal way of nourishing a baby.

    in reply to: Propping baby to bottle-feed #1136836
    The Frumguy

    BRAVO oomis!! There are some extremely lazy and self-centered “mothers” today who choose not to nurse solely for selfish reasons.

    in reply to: Free ??? ?? ???? Sign #1196628
    The Frumguy

    We say it for the first time at Ma’ariv this coming Thursday night, December 4th.

    in reply to: Shabbos Project results #1191670
    The Frumguy

    I didn’t notice any non-frum Yidden walking with a host throughout the entire Shabbos and none in my shul. Even the “Havdalah Event” looked like it was an audience of just (or mostly) frum Yidden. Appears like it was a flop to the extent that they wanted it.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Gedolah of Fallsburg #1034894
    The Frumguy

    I assume you mean Yeshiva Gedolah of SOUTH Fallsburg. It is known for serious learning that goes on there.

    in reply to: Yom Kippur Havdala #1034097
    The Frumguy

    To SayIDidIt:

    “You can make a ???? on besamim anytime you want.”

    There might be a problem with a hefsek in the Havdalah if no besamim is required.

    in reply to: Yom Kippur Havdala #1034087
    The Frumguy

    What kind of flame – existing or new? Besamim or not?

    in reply to: Steven Sotloff HY"D fasted on Yom Kippur #1030945
    The Frumguy

    How do you know this fact?

    in reply to: Austin,Tx has a great frum community #1029016
    The Frumguy

    “millions a pond millions of dollars”

    The phrase is “millions UPON millions of dollars.” I hope that your English and grammar are not indicative of the school system in Austin.

    in reply to: Chassidish Payos #1022904
    The Frumguy

    I think that curly payos in front of the ear (worn by most Chassidim) borders on L’vush Isha. Women are the ones for whom curlers are made – not men! Why so much fuss over “curly payos”?

    in reply to: Crazy Speed At Parts Of Davening Blow My Mind #1022789
    The Frumguy

    I’m sure you know what happens if you “daven for the amud” just a wee bit too slow…

    in reply to: Crazy Speed At Parts Of Davening Blow My Mind #1022785
    The Frumguy

    I agree with you and there are so many other places where speed takes over. I don’t think that it’s proper to do “funny” things in a shul in order to disrupt the tefillah.

    I would also mention the daily first brocha of Krias Shema after Yishtabach – usually way too fast. Since pronouncing Shema correctly is me’akev in being yotzei, so too are the brochas – they must be pronounced as clearly as the Shema itself.

    in reply to: can you recommend a hotel in the Catskills? #1019090
    The Frumguy

    Perhaps you should be looking into a motel instead. I often stay at one and likewise buy my meals out. It’s much less expensive and some motels are quite pleasant.

    in reply to: Kiddush Clubs #1072025
    The Frumguy

    If people want to know the main reason why we don’t have the Beis Hamikdash rebuilt, it’s probably this. If we don’t know how to treat a Mikdash Me’at then what will be with the REAL thing??? Truly disgusting.

    I’d love to hear from anyone who is for “Kiddush Clubs.”

    in reply to: Speaking between mincha and maariv on yontiff #1012578
    The Frumguy

    What’s a “yontiff”?

    in reply to: Dan's Deals! #1010618
    The Frumguy

    How does one sign up for “Dan’s Deals” notifications?

    in reply to: Mazda mechanic? #1009733
    The Frumguy

    Popa bar abba:

    Don’t you know Jews don’t fix cars? It’s not in our blood.

    in reply to: What's your style when poor people come collecting at your door? #1006195
    The Frumguy

    I got a P’sak from my Rav that I should only give when they present a letter from a reputable source. It’s really out of hand sometimes.

    When they ask for more, I usually try to take back what I already gave and apologize for not giving what he/she had in mind.

    I’ve also had the same question as coffee addict.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 293 total)