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The struggle is very strong and hard to combat if you never firmly made up your mind once and for all. Think back to where you did make such a decision and you will see that once it was Gepaskened and sealed it wasn’t nearly as hard. Do that here, too. Figure out what you actually want to do and what you are holding by doing, then you mentally sign and notarize that decision. Don’t make your decision while you are in middle of figuring out what to put on.
HaLeiViParticipantYou’ll have to go to ControllPanel, Devices, Computer, OperatingState, On. When prompted with, “Are you sure you want to use this computer?”, click on “I think so”.
Let me know if this helped.
HaLeiViParticipantIf not for that device you would get multiple, repeated posts.
They are not actually spiritually higher; they have a position as representing something more spiritual. This comes with responsibility as well as some benefits. The fact that they have more Mitzvos does give them more chances to keep Mitzvos.
Why are there frogs and sheep; couldn’t there be only bees?
HaLeiViParticipantThere is absolutely no comparison between passing someone on the street and seeing their picture on your page. Besides the obvious fact that on the street the person is part of the general scenery and you are looking where you are stepping, on a screen your eye is focused on the object in front of you. That is the equivalent to walking up to a woman in the street and staring her straight in the face.
The other way around. A Yisroel is so much higher than a Cohen, and that’s why he doesn’t need all those Mitzvos.
HaLeiViParticipantIt might be a nice Vort, but to say that an Aramaic word is the Shorash for a Lashon Kodesh word is pushing it.
HaLeiViParticipantWho is the inventor of the New Judaism? I’m seeing Chidushim here that Chazal never thought of?
After you figure out how to start a thread, you can start one asking how to get to the CR.
HaLeiViParticipantIf you would be a Chacham rather than a Navi, you would 1gnore a troll.
HaLeiViParticipantI’m waiting for the </zap>
HaLeiViParticipantThey gave me this screen name at my Bris.
HaLeiViParticipantI woke up and smelled the coffee.
HaLeiViParticipantI don’t get this thing of calling the other person, “Mommy”. They have a mother! I think it is totally unacceptable. Perhaps it can be brought up as a reason not to send them.
HaLeiViParticipantThere is a topic brought up often about the affect of having not-that-Frum guests over, on your children. I was brought up with many different and interesting guests at our Shabbos table. It never occured to us that their life style had anything to do with us. Basically, it has to do with the “angle of approach”, the mindset in which the newcomer is accepted. When the other children know and fully understand that she must be loved and not imitated, they will hopefully keep things in their proper perspective.
You’d have to work in stages. You start by working only on the relationship. Then, if you have good feelers, you decide as you go along what you can and cannot ask of her. You always want to be one step ahead and still want her to feel dependent on you in as many ways possible.
You might want day to day advice from a Baal Ruach Hakodesh. Don’t forget to Daven, either.
HaLeiViParticipantI heard a story about how he got permission from a nazi officer for some Mitzva. The officer told him that he has one glass eye and nobody yet was able to figure out which one it was. If he can tell him which one is the fake eye, he’ll relent. The Klozenberger took one look and told the surprised officer, correctly, which eye it was. When he asked how he knew, he answered that that eye still looked somewhat human.
HaLeiViParticipantIf it weren’t for my subtitle they would ban both of us.
HaLeiViParticipantOr if BPT is not looking.
HaLeiViParticipantYou are getting pretty aggressive lately, Mr. Grand. Do you enjoy confrontation?
HaLeiViParticipantBTW, I think that was a horrible thing to say, on my part, but it sounded funny so I wrote it. My apologies to the target.
HaLeiViParticipantJust write a few lines that rhyme to each other
Don’t rhyme words like bother and brother
Try to be sure the meter matches
It should not sound like it’s made of patches
HaLeiViParticipantMoo Hoo
HaLeiViParticipantOn certain topics, it says, Hasvara Iveles; especially a Svara Iveles.
HaLeiViParticipantYou can try One Brain.
HaLeiViParticipantMotza’ei Shabbos is not a Ra’ya at all. The Minhag is to put it out by dipping it into the wine, not just because it is the easiest option other than blowing it out. However, there is an Inyan from the Arizal not to blow out a candle with your breath. Some people don’t blow, but would say PPPurim-PPesach on it until it goes out.
Just because something was done many years ago by whoever, that doesn’t make it Avoda Zara. Avoda Zara is exactly that – idol worship. You are not worshiping anyone by blowing out a candle. Nor would it be Darkei Emori, for it is not being done as a superstition, only as a celebration. However, you might bump into the problem of Chukos Akum. Being that it is only for fun and is not meant as anything serious, I can hear a big Makom Lehakol.
So, as all good threads go:
Ask your …
And, of course, let us know the response.
March 25, 2011 9:24 am at 9:24 am in reply to: Bochrim Spray-Paint Over �Not Tzniyus� Advertisement #759883HaLeiViParticipantI don’t know about this case in particular, but I do know of another instance where they contacted the owner and were laughed at. They went to politicians who shrugged, saying they can’t do anything. Only then did they take matters into their own hands.
If someone would put up a sign that hypnotizes all passers-by and convinces them to smoke, would you say, just look the other way or don’t buy from them? That is exactly what this is: it is a sign that does damage, not a message that you don’t agree with.
If in fact the sole issue was that it had an image of a woman, and it was not overblown, in your face, or provocative, then I would have to agree and condemn it.
You can be from the bored members.
HaLeiViParticipantWhat happened, he refused to acknowledge Ben Gurion?
HaLeiViParticipantIs this personal?
HaLeiViParticipantHow about changing a transmission yourself?
HaLeiViParticipantThe real inner me never looks.
HaLeiViParticipantAnd the break out is a ROPE. Yikes!!
HaLeiViParticipantIt’s time for CR Color War. Team 1 Theme Song: Men are all…
Team 2 Theme Song: Just because you…
Don’t feel bad. While I was Megulgal here no one noticed, either. It takes alot to reach the level of Oseh Roshem Beyetziaso.
HaLeiViParticipantMaybe if we yell loud enough, ZK’ll come back in full vigor, thread making machine and all.
ZK, I hope it wasn’t something I said…
HaLeiViParticipantI gather there was not much time to look out for another seat, so there is not much to do. Could you have offered her your seat while you sit between her and your daughter?
March 22, 2011 7:31 am at 7:31 am in reply to: I think of death a lot. Do you? why is it so ignored? #751076HaLeiViParticipantThe Gemara Health is referring to says that the Resho’im ‘know’ that they will die and they even joke about it, but they don’t really know about it. As others have said, it sounds scary for someone to be into death. It must be in a correct context.
Rashi writes on the Pasuk where Yitzchok tells Eisav that he doesn’t know when he’ll die, that a person should worry about dying when within the five year range of his parents’ death. The interesting thing is that the years first stabilized at Avraham before declining further.
HaLeiViParticipantWhat about a gift?
HaLeiViParticipantIt makes sense, but it’s sort of a new kind of Kinyan. If I understand correctly, you’re saying that there is a Gomar Umakne, being that you know that the bank will give it to him. Perhaps you can apply Dina Demalchusa that considers this a done deal.
HaLeiViParticipantIf someone works for you, you owe him money. If someone sells you an item, you owe him money. An item is not sold to until you are Koneh it, for there is nothing solid about the fact that it transferred for him to you. This can not apply to work that was actually done.
The bank owes you money, since you have them your money. There is nothing in particular that is Meshubad to you, just a debt. It is possible to let the Loveh pay someone else. The only thing is that in that case you are probably able to back out. Perhaps you can apply the famous Ketzos that Hoda’a is also a Kinyan. In that case, when you tell the bank to transfer money you are being Modeh that you owe money.
HaLeiViParticipantThe Gemara says that children die for some sins of their parents. There is also the concept of being caught up in the punishment of the group. This might have been something the world needed more than the Japanese in particular.
HaLeiViParticipantI think the Ramban was very disgusted by that idea of G being born as human. He vehemently debated these beliefs.
HaLeiViParticipantDrown in debt?
HaLeiViParticipantThe people in Sodom died because they deserved it. They were warned with volcanoes erupting all around them for fifty two years. Perhaps it would not have happened had we not been able to glean anything from it.
Why this happened I cannot tell you, but there are lessons to be learned. Just take notice and see how week we are and how nothing in this world is fool proof.
HaLeiViParticipantI meant to write, if you put money into someone’s account.
Now that I thought about it, it seems that it could work as a Mechila. The bank owes you money. You tell them to owe it to someone else, in stead.
HaLeiViParticipantGavra has it right. A Kinyan is required to solidify a sale. Until the Kinyan is made anyone could back out of the deal. However, if you owe someone money, you can’t change that. You are merely letting the bank know that part of the money they are Meshubad to give you will now be due your friend. The only question that remains is if I put none into someone’s account as a gift, can I back out?
HaLeiViParticipantHey. What’s going on here?
HaLeiViParticipantI told them before they could figure it out. However, there is someone who I was very sure I figured out, and he denies it!
HaLeiViParticipantMost often, Bein Adam Lachaveiro issues get paid back here on this planet. What goes around comes around. A lie will eventualy die, and will reciprocate hard. Think of what happened to Haman. When his plan didn’t go through, it bounced back onto him.