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Loyal Jew:
takah, I base it on the first rule of tznius: don’t show yourself off in public.
When you can quote a real source, not something you made up, then we’ll talk.
Driving is hardly “showing yourself off in public.” Do you hold that women should never leave the home? Should they never go to shule? How should a woman work to support her husband in kollel if she can’t drive – should her husband miss learning time so he can drive her around? Should she waste tuition money on taxis?
takahmamashParticipantIced, both things, non-males driving and sitting in the front, are pirtzos of tznius whether your Chassidishe or not.
It’s not tznua for a woman to sit in the front ever? Even if her husband is driving? Based on what? Where did you come up with this?
takahmamashParticipantmaybe Hamas will be crubed- for now, and that might be a victory. so, patience is a virtue we should all exercise.
Hamas is not crushed. I believe it took only 6 minutes or so after the “cease fire” took effect for the sirens to sound and rockets to fall in Israel.
Cease fire = Israel ceases while Hamas fires
takahmamashParticipant[off topic]
The word Hashem does not need to be abbreviated.
Thanks, have a great day.
November 15, 2012 3:51 am at 3:51 am in reply to: Please tell me if this is a crazy svara (Re: fighting in Israel) #906989takahmamashParticipantYes, it is a crazy svara.
takahmamashParticipantBaruch Hashem there isn’t much “huddling in bunkers.”
Don’t know where you got your information, but yes, there are thousands of people huddling in bunkers. Schools within 40 km of the Gaza border are closed. People with shelters or reinforced rooms have been told to sleep in them.
God willing, it won’t be over soon – it will be over when the IDF finishes the job.
takahmamashParticipantA silver becher (a wedding present) on a ceramic plate. The candle is held over a napkin. There’s a wooden bsamim holder. The candle is put out in the grape juice left over on the plate.
November 8, 2012 5:30 pm at 5:30 pm in reply to: Two Things to Remember Before You Order Your Palestinian Passport #906793takahmamashParticipantSure it makes a difference. The “Palestinian leadership” has already stated that Jews will not be allowed to live in Palestine.
November 5, 2012 3:22 pm at 3:22 pm in reply to: class action lawsuit against lipa (electric) #902579takahmamashParticipantYeah, well, good luck with that.
[insert eye rolling smiley here]
takahmamashParticipantIn your dreams, goldersgreener.
takahmamashParticipantThe Shomron, of course. (Especially since I’m already here!)
And no, goldersgreener, 90% of American olim do not live in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Where did you come up with that? Not even 90% of frum American olim live in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Hard to believe, but not everyone opts for the large English speaking communities when they make aliyah.
October 29, 2012 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm in reply to: Dr. Phil, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, mom from LKWD #901126takahmamashParticipantMods: this entire thread is pretty much nothing except hurtful and hateful. Perhaps it’s time to close it down once and for all?
takahmamashParticipantWhich is worse – the shidduch crisis or the parking crisis?
takahmamashParticipantIt’s unfair to dozens of people!
Not only unfair, but it’s illegal and a chillul Hashem.
October 24, 2012 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm in reply to: Ball tshuva girl who's father is not jewish #900601takahmamashParticipantoomis1105, do you disagree with Rav Elyashiv in his Ha’aros on 75b tells us that Rashi and Tosfos do, in fact, hold that the child would be a non-Jew (that the child follows the father’s status)? Rashi and Tosfos (according to Rav Elyashav) are serious opinions on such serious issues! This goes to the very heart of Jewish identity, not merely a chumra or relying on a kulah.
1. Can you prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that Rav Elyashav actually paskened that a child follows the father’s status? Did he hold this is halacha l’maisah?
2. Can you tell us even one reputable Rav who holds this way today?
If both answers are no, as I strongly suspect, then stop beating a dead horse. It’s a non-issue.
takahmamashParticipantWhen I was in the hospital they had the machine that goes “ping.”
takahmamashParticipantits so disturbing that everyone HAS TO go to E”Y
What’s really disturbing is that everyone isn’t living in E”Y already.
takahmamashParticipantActually, I don’t like coffee and I don’t drink coffee. I survive quite well, B”H. (For the record, I don’t drink hot tea either.)
October 17, 2012 6:47 am at 6:47 am in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901828takahmamashParticipantThe one time I said something to someone about it, I immediately regretted it. As a result, I don’t protest anymore… I just sit and simmer.
Back in my brash teenage days, I actually went over to an older gentleman in shule who sat in the midst of a talking group. I asked him, respectfully, if he could stop talking. He then gave the whole shtick, saying I was being chutzpadik, yada yada yada. Then he asked me why I singled him out from the group, and I said, “You have smicha, you know better.”
At mincha that afternoon he came over to me and apologized, telling me I was right, and that he would work on not talking during davening.
takahmamashParticipantI feel bad for you! I wouldn’t want my kids in such a jail type setting!
And I wouldn’t want my kids hitching rides, at least not in the States.
October 15, 2012 7:18 pm at 7:18 pm in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901813takahmamashParticipantIn one shule were I regularly davened, the talking around me was terrible. I asked the Rav if I should try to shush the talkers, and he told me it was better to move my seat “since the talkers won’t pay attention to you anyway.”
takahmamashParticipantI don’t know what religious or irreligious/frei means. (In fact, those terms have no meaning, are irrelevant and should not be utilized.) What I know is that all sources say that the Torah requires a married woman to cover her hair in public. And anyone who didn’t, whether decades ago or today, is most certainly in violation of the Torah.
This kind of answer is exactly why the OP should go and ask his Rav, and not depend on anonymous internet posters who see the world only as black and white without any gray. While you may know halacha, you obviously don’t know how to apply it in real world situations.
takahmamashParticipantt is loshon hara to say that a yeshiva has secular studies. By saying a yeshiva has secular studies you are saying that they waste many hours.
Are you living in some type of alternate universe? Is there a problem that perhaps the yeshiva wants their talmidim to be responsible adults who can actually support their families, not living off the shver, the shvigger, WIC, and welfare?
October 12, 2012 4:36 am at 4:36 am in reply to: Share your experience with Rebitzin Kaneivsky!! #899256takahmamashParticipantAnother book?
takahmamashParticipantI’m wrighting a book about them.
I sincerely hope you use a spell checker.
takahmamashParticipantHEy:) Have you heard of the organization TWIST?
takahmamashParticipantHaifagirl +1
takahmamashParticipantNo. I used to, but not anymore.
September 30, 2012 2:00 pm at 2:00 pm in reply to: Storing (wholewheat) challah for freshness #898128takahmamashParticipantTCG has it exactly right – we put it in a plastic bag and close it. (Although, truth be told, my wife’s got them perfectly sized so that we finish about 1 challah per meal, so there are rarely any left overs.)
Real men have beards. Shaving any time of the year is slobby. Refraining from shaving — any time of the year — is acting like a real mentch.
So, right after Yom Kippur, you just denigrated a large percentage of frum men who DO shave. Are you really that eager to ask mechila?
takahmamashParticipantDoes’nt wearing crocs on the high holy day defeat the purpose of shirking personal mundane pleasure and comfort????
So does davening in an air conditioned shule and sitting on a padded chair. Yet, people do it. The halacha is not to wear leather shoes, not to mortify oneself.
(I personally don’t wear crocs, because I find them terribly hot and uncomfortable.)
September 27, 2012 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm in reply to: What's the going rate for a lulav and esrog in NY? #897910takahmamashParticipantLike I said in the OP, I’m just curious. Here on our yishuv sets go for between NIS 60-90.
September 27, 2012 2:30 pm at 2:30 pm in reply to: Why do we beat hoshanos on Hoshanah Rabbah? #899094takahmamashParticipantThe better question is why do we throw the aravot on top of the aron kodesh when we finish beating them.
September 23, 2012 4:03 pm at 4:03 pm in reply to: Which American community it right for us? #897645takahmamashParticipantHaifagirl is correct. The Shchina is weeping.
takahmamashParticipantWe were singing this in NCSY long before anyone ever heard of Uncle Moishy.
Being a vegetarian entails being a baal aveira.
In your own not very humble, and admittedly wrong opinion. The two rabbeim my wife and daughter spoke to about this didn’t seem to have the same opinion as you; in fact, they both paskened that they are fine with being vegans.
We all know where that leads.
Mixed dancing?
September 15, 2012 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096207takahmamashParticipantThis gezeira is a Shaas Shmad and we must be willing and ready to fight it with our lives or anything else, if necessary.
You are wrong – it is not.
You do know that if you dislike the way of life there, it is certainly possible to move somewhere else – right?
takahmamashParticipantA friend’s daughter got engaged in Baltimore.
I have two kiddishes (kiddushim?) on Shabbat, and a sheva brachot. Is that a good answer?
takahmamashParticipantMazal tov!
September 12, 2012 1:30 pm at 1:30 pm in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913843takahmamashParticipantTatte, what’s a cassette? What’s a phonograph record?
takahmamashParticipantIn light of the fact that even the WTC imploding, the air cleared up in about 20 minutes, therefore they should have 1 day clear out Lower Manhattan, and simply blown up the Deutsche Bank Building, and this entire saga would have been over in a matter of minutes, instead of having endured for years & 2 dead firemen.
147, can you please explain what this paragraph means?
takahmamashParticipantI was at work at SSA headquarters, having an email discussion with a friend about the efficacy of online petitions. All of a sudden he sent me an email that said “terror attack on the World Trade Center.” I tried to get on but couldn’t, so I knew something big was going on. I walked over to the center of the floor, where there was a TV set to CNN hanging from the ceiling. I got there just in time to see the second plane hit. (SSA headquarters was later closed for the day over the fear that a plane may be aimed there as well).
takahmamashParticipantIf he did real teshuva – kabalah al he’asud – he would no longer have the iphone.
Owning an Iphone is not an avayra.
takahmamashParticipantLacking life insurance shows a lack of common sense.
August 29, 2012 6:25 am at 6:25 am in reply to: music recommendations for Elul and the High Holidays #893562takahmamashParticipantYou may also want to look for recordings from some of the chazzanim from long ago, especially Yossele Rosenblatt.
takahmamashParticipantThe plural for “Shabbos” is “Shabosim” or “Shabosos” – I’m not sure if one is more correct than the other.
The correct plural is Shabbosos or Shabbatot. The word Shabbas/Shabbat itself is feminine.
takahmamashParticipantI believe the change in font size is supposed to relieve eye strain.
I don’t know about you, but I get much less eye strain when I use a siddur where all the letters are the same size. Besides, if that were the case, wouldn’t English books be published in the same way?
takahmamashParticipantSomething happened to our photographer – I’m still not sure what – so he sent someone else. The “someone else” made a mess of the photos, and we were very disappointed. Luckily, our friends took amazing pictures, so we have tons and tons of them.
takahmamashParticipantThe Satmar Rebbe zt’l held it’s better to live in other lands than under Zionist rule -and he wasn’t talking about when it was dangerous.
I guess it’s good I’m not Satmar. There are obviously poskim who hold otherwise.
takahmamashParticipantNot in our day and age. The Zionists have cause such hatred to Jews that a Jew is not required to live there because it’s a Mokom Sakana!