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  • in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2318157

    I work in a large grocery store, part of a large, multi-state chain. There are several brands of eggs that have a hechsher.

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305551

    “I imagine that the rabbonim of these shuls don’t want to speak up because of fear of losing mispallelim to other ships [sic].”

    I imagine that the rabbonim of these shuls don’t want to speak up because there are certainly more important things to worry about these days than what people are sitting on one day a year..

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2297286

    It’s sad that the two best candidates the parties could come up with are Trump and Biden.

    in reply to: Another (Baltimore) response to the tuition crisis. #2292498

    Who, exactly, are the “big rabbanim?”

    in reply to: machne bnos gur – “camp chavivin” #2292495

    AAQ, I’d be interested to know what Rav Avigdor Miller considered “the classics.” I imagine his definition and my definition would be quite different.

    in reply to: Chassidishe Out of town Kollelim? #2240953

    Having grown up (and lived) in the Baltimore community for many years, I find it sad that what was once a large and vibrant MO community has dwindled.

    Just remember that there is no mitzvah to live in Baltimore, Chicago, Monsey, Boro Park, or any other of the places mentioned in this discussion. Yes, they are all places with nice frum communities, but they are all really OOT from E”Y, the place that matters most.

    in reply to: This Gaza war could be over in minutes, if #2240659

    I always wonder how it is that people “know” what Hashem wants.

    “But Hashem wants this war to last more than a few minutes to bring us closer to achdus[.]”

    Really? Hashem told you this? You are perhaps a Navi? How is it you (or anyone else)”knows” what Hashem wants??

    in reply to: Do it for Peace #2237340

    The Egyptians aren’t stupid. This will never happen.

    in reply to: Kollel Couple Moving to Israel. What BANK to use? #2237339


    Bank branches of the same bank do not work the same way that they do in America. If I open an account in a Tel Aviv branch of Mizrahi, I can’t go to a branch in Beersheva and do anything more than deposit and withdraw money. Say I want a printout of my account activity for last year; I would have to request it from my specific branch, and I would either have to go there to pick it up, or request that they send it to the bank branch in Beersheva and pick it up there. Changing branches within the same bank is a nightmare, which is why many people keep the same account in the same branch even if they move. Bank branches are in competition with each other, even in the same bank, so they deliberately make it extremely difficult to switch branches.
    I don’t think (and I could be wrong) that opening an account with an Israeli bank in NY would be of any help to them. And as far as I am aware, there are no American banks in Israel.

    in reply to: Kollel Couple Moving to Israel. What BANK to use? #2236909

    I wish them well.
    Many or most Israeli banks won’t deal with U.S. citizens at all because of the paperwork the banks have to file with the IRS. The banks charge an arm and a leg for every transaction. If the couple does manage to open an account, tell them always to deposit cash via a machine, as the banks charge for depositing with the tellers.

    they’re not making aliyah – the OP clearly states the couple is going for a few years, R”L.

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2232018

    @commonsaychel, you know nothing about me, and what I put emphasis on and what I don’t. It’s easy to hide behind a keyboard.

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2231890

    “Now there are reasons not to live there; the shmad, ease of raising children, parnosa, etc..”

    If you want it badly enough, it can be done. These are only excuses. Living in E”Y is a mitzvah. Too bad so many don’t see it that way.

    in reply to: CBD ? #2229536

    I am sorry you are fighting depression, and wish you much hatzlacha.

    That being said, asking strangers on the internet for advice is not the way to go. Seek out a professional. You’ll be much better off.

    in reply to: Simchas beis hosheiava #2229532

    I guess not.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah Minyan for Bnei Eretz Yisroel in Brooklyn #2228352

    “For an Israeli to be mevaze Yom to in chul could be a major issur of mevaze es hamoadim.”

    Except for the Israeli it’s isru chag, even in chu”l. I will be davening a regular shacharit with tefillin while everyone else is circling around the shule and drinking copious amounts of liquor.

    in reply to: Dear Future Mothers In Law #2226674

    To common saychel, the oilem thinks you posted in the wrong place.

    in reply to: Tapered lululemon hoisen #2224284

    ” . . . sells this newfangled lvush called “yogapants”.[sic]

    Yoga pants are not newfangled. They’ve been around for years.

    in reply to: Thought on Chabad #2221411

    I’m wondering why the Chabad shule I attended last Shabbat now ranks as one of the noisiest minyanim I’ve ever davened at. Kids running around yelling, adults talking at full volume . . . One would think that frum people would supposedly know how to behave better in a shule. I’ll save my visits there for rain, snow, and cold weather, since it’s closer than the shule where I normally daven.

    in reply to: Lakewoodflation #2221410

    How much do babysitters in Lakewood Ir HaKoidesh make?

    in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220397

    The baal t’fila needs to know his audience in the shule. He needs to pick a tune that people know. He needs to sing it in the proper key, so that people will be able to sing along. (Many a baal t’fila will sing in a key that is too high.) He needs to pick faster tunes in the summer, because it’s late and people don’t want to dray out the davening with slow songs. Ultimately, the baal t’filla can only do so much, but if he knows what he’s doing, people will sing along.

    in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220399

    P.S. To the OP: it’s “whose job,” not “who’s job.”

    in reply to: eidele bochur #2213297

    You should stay in EY: the Torah you learn there is a higher madreiga than anything you’ll learn in chu”l.

    in reply to: Ads in Jewish Publications II #2207448

    Is reading YWN on Shabbos assur? What about if you read the content, but skip the ads? Is there a heter for reading in the CR?


    “No, my daughter does not have a school yet. But then again, my daughter is more than 25 years old.” I was thinking the same thing – except my youngest daughter is 28.

    in reply to: Any pet owners here? #2203118

    We had a dog from the time she was 8 weeks old until we had to euthanize her when she was just short of her 13th birthday. (She had cancer.)
    We adopted another dog right around the time Covid hit the big time. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to give her up. Luckily, we found a very loving couple for her.

    in reply to: Posek HaDor #2201834

    The Gadol HaDor, Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Harav HaGaon Sar HaTorah Shloimele Rosenbaum, the heilige Admor of Shaputz (a/k/a The Shaputzniker Rebbe) shlit’a, lives in a community he leads outside of Tzfas. His Gadlus isn’t well know because of his deep humility, but he heads both a yeshiva gadola and a kollel there. His opinions on such things as women wearing sunglasses, dressing in a tzniyusdike manner, setting the dining room table inside on Sukkos, chewing gum, kashrus, and davening every day with a minyan, are know the world over, and have attracted hundreds of new followers to his community. There are Shaputznik communities in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boro Park, and the Lower East Side.
    His seforim on halacha and hashkafa are available wherever fine Judaica is sold.

    in reply to: How are you spending your Sunday? #2201211

    I ended up going to the grocery store today (Monday) instead of yesterday. Since my wife is away for a few days, I spent the time cleaning up and putting stuff away from Shabbat.

    in reply to: Girls only kosher hangout #2199007

    @lopman 23
    The world doesn’t revolve around what other people think of you. Maybe if people worried less about what other people think, there would be a great deal less mental stress in the world.

    in reply to: Agudas Israel of Staten Island #2198452

    No offense, but if I have money to donate to a shule, why wouldn’t I just give it to my own shule?

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2196315

    You must mean that guy wearing the blue shirt.

    in reply to: Ice cream truck frequency #2195123

    With all the problems to worry about in the world, I don’t see this one on the radar.

    in reply to: German Products #2193395

    Yiddish is not any more or less holy than English. Find me someplace in Tanach or the Gemara that says Yiddish is holy, then I’ll believe it.

    in reply to: music lag ba’omer night or not?? #2189894

    I would think with the state of the world today, that there are more important things to worry about than when one can listen to music.

    in reply to: Did we really go to the moon #2189549

    Sam Klein, are you for real, or are you just trolling?

    in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2187707

    @yechiell, why don’t you ask him directly? I’m sure if you were really curious, you could find his email address and ask him yourself.

    in reply to: Oldest Lag Baomer Fire in America #2187425

    What’s the difference? There’s no halacha that one needs to light, or even attend, such a fire.

    in reply to: Shabbos dips #2185321

    My wife’s homemade hummus on her homemade challah. I roast garlic before Shabbat to mash into the hummus.

    in reply to: Lakewood #2182951

    Text? People still use SMS?

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2182300

    “I am not so sure that Queens have advantage over Kings.”

    Actually, Queens have the advantage over Kings. A Queen can move as many spaces as she wants, in any direction. A King can only move one space at a time.

    in reply to: Chol Hamoed Trips #2180802

    Our ancestors in the alte heim didn’t know from such shtus as “chol hamoed trips.”

    in reply to: The Three Differences #2179908

    Kuvult beat me to it.

    If I was to be a piece of matzah, would I want to me machine matzah or hand shmura? Something to muse about over our seder.

    חג שמח וכשר לכולם

    in reply to: I have to say, It hurts me. It really does. #2179906

    Did you think of asking, oh I don’t know, a DOCTOR or PA or NURSE PRACTICIONER, instead of bringing this up to anonymous posters who don’t know what they’re talking about??

    in reply to: Mi Shebeirach for Israel and the Soldiers #2177727

    “We should being say a bracha for the Bnei Torah in Eretz Yisrael who learn Torah and do mitsvos in spite of the zionists.”

    If it’s not kosher enough for them to be here, they can always move somewhere else.

    in reply to: Mi Shebeirach for Israel and the Soldiers #2177621

    “And not for a foreign country and army.”

    Spoken like a true chutznik.

    in reply to: Should girls wait for older sisters to get married? #2177069

    My middle daughter of three is married; her older and younger sisters are not. Once she found a nice young man, there was no way that I or my wife would have stepped in and said, “No, you have to wait.” It is what it is. Her older sister had no objections.

    in reply to: Bein Hazmanim Shiurim #2176960

    And what high level bachur would be on the internet, certainly defying the wishes of his Rabbe/Rosh Yeshiva?

    in reply to: Why did the Brisker Rav zt”l call giving brachos “shtusim”? #2175911

    Shtuyot. The plural is shtuyot.

    in reply to: Flying to Israel #2175591

    “Fly Play to Iceland then Wizz to Krakow then Ryanair to Tel Aviv”

    Why on earth would you fly with two stops? The OP says the trip is for a week; why would you waste all that time travelling?

    in reply to: How much does a shadchan charge? #2174785

    “That’s what I paid total.”

    30+ years ago.

    in reply to: How much does a shadchan charge? #2174663

    $1500 per side? That’s what I paid total.
    I don’t know why I thought it was so much more expensive.

    Shavua tov to all.

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