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  • in reply to: Sick of parking! #633542

    areivim: you’ll have to wait for the big meet to find out 🙂

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632262

    Joseph: And your point is?

    Yes, I used telnet straight up until we got Prodigy. The internet wasn’t worth much in those days (mostly just used to share dinosaur “pictures” between universities) but we did use it. It may not have been a hot item in those days (nor was it user-friendly) but now that it is the big ticket, the old-timers can lay claim to “been there done that”. And I still have my first email address – though I could be pursuaded to sell it on eBay.

    in reply to: Convention #633852

    areivim: at my age, the mind isn’t the same as it used to be so I have computer chips that assist my brain functions.

    in reply to: Flatbush Info #631453

    Not quite, Joseph 🙂

    in reply to: Is YWN addictive? #635668

    Is YWN addictive? No, certainly not. At least, not for me 🙂

    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146484

    WH – wow! talk about being misunderestimated! The mods actually removed a post there, and so my comments are not in response to any posts that you are seeing now.

    Anyway, I don’t think intellegent is Mod72, I do not think that observing=brooklyn, and I am not a mod. At least 2 of those 3 statements are correct.

    Regarding multiple SN, I think that a clever user could get away with it. Especially a user who was clever enough to bounce his IP off an Irish server so the mods couldn’t verify what we all knew was bogus.

    in reply to: If You Had a Chance… #644767

    Not true! I backed out – er, refused to agree to – a one on one with Joseph.

    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146480

    Here you go, Rusty.

    Daveing with Crocs

    Not sure why you are asking about it in this thread.

    in reply to: Who Is The “Biggest YWN Blogger” #1016892

    Well, I think you could, but you are denying the possibility that I can think what I think. I am the only poster who understands the need for the moish01 identity (who was unfortunately called out). Hence, the meaning is between you and me.

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631866
    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146473

    Hmmmm. That was telling.

    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #854878

    Couldn’t you follow along while moderating?

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633537



    RY- u spendin a lot o time here in the CR. still on talking terms with the wife n kid?

    Yeah, as long as they keep logging in to talk to him that is.

    in reply to: Who Is The “Biggest YWN Blogger” #1016889

    ‘course not. That would go against the institution of marriage.

    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146471

    OK, brooklyn.

    in reply to: Fave Foods #639493

    I think it is great how willing you are to meet all these girls without even finding out their dress size first. Three cheers for someone who is countering the shidduch crisis!

    in reply to: Convention #633848

    I don’t know anything about it, but I do know one person here who couldn’t stop mentioning it. Like a girl fresh outta sem….

    Talking With Members of The Opposite Gender

    Look for her next 50 posts. In every single one she mentions the convention. Put a shout-out to her!

    in reply to: If You Had a Chance… #644764

    I think we are moving towards a full-blown CR get-together.

    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146469

    intellegent: you won 2008 by default – yours was the only nomination. Hopefully there will be more to look back on for 2009.

    observing: If you are not allowed to nominate your own post then you should also not be allowed to nominate your own post with a sock puppet SN.

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631863

    He’s met a total of ONE.

    in reply to: Financial Aid for Yeshivos #631346

    I would be comfortable if there was a Rabbinic advisory board, similar to the Moetzes that presides over the Agudah. The rabbonim on the board would be the ultimate arbiters. I don’t think that only Agudah rabbonim should be leading the administration; it should definitely include other denominations. And since schools can choose whether or not to participate under this umbrella organization, if they don’t like the board they don’t have to join. Obviously though, it would be advisable for the board to be pleasing to the greatest number of schools possible.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1123388

    yashrus – I don’t think that is the correct explanation. It is a shame that people don’t know the real explanation, and instead have no choice but to answer the national media “I skip that one” for fear of insulting women.

    We are thanking Hashem for giving us mitzvos to keep. First off, we say Shelo Asani Goy. We praise Hashem that he gave us more than the 7 mitzvos he gave a goy. Next, we raise the bar, “Shelo asani Ohved”. We praise Hashem that he didn’t make us an Eved Canaani, who is chayav in mitzvos (like an isha). Finally, MEN add “Shelo asani isha”, praising Hashem for the full gamut of mitzvos that men are chayiv to fulfill (as opposed to women).

    Bonus question: What then does the bracha of “she’osani kir’tzono” accomplish?

    in reply to: Financial Aid for Yeshivos #631344

    I really didn’t mean to get sidetracked into a discussion about tuition reform. That was a secondary topic. I think that my lack of inside knowledge in this area is going to show in any reply I give on this, and it is detracting from the main discussion that I brought up, about a centralized administration for yeshivos.

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632252

    Why can’t someone in their 70s know about computers? I had an email address before you (or even Joseph, according to what he admits) was born. I used the internet before there was such a thing as the world wide web. I had a personal computer within a few years of the first one ever. I ran extensive programs on a computer the size of a building (from a mainframe terminal, ever heard of one?). I daresay I know a lot more about computers, programming, networks, and hardware than many or most people younger than me.

    Your stereotype may be correct in general, but you can’t apply it on an individual level.

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631856

    Joseph, you’re right. It wasn’t in the same thread, but I agreed to it shortly after posting my reply to this post:

    Chanukah Party Entertainment Ideas

    I expected that the reference was obvious. Sorry if I teased you unintentionally.

    in reply to: If You Had a Chance… #644743

    No, it’s intentional on Joseph’s part.

    in reply to: Flatbush Info #631445

    Are you kidding? Anyway, I’m still reeling from the Queens guess. C’mon, you know I lived in Manhattan, then moved to Brooklyn. Do you think I’d just continue downgrading? What next then, Staten Island and then the Bronx? Yikes!

    in reply to: Sick of parking! #633526

    can you be a BFF with yourself?

    in reply to: Post of the Year Contest #1146464

    So post less often, Joseph.

    in reply to: If You Had a Chance… #644741

    Curious, now you’ve got me curious. Of course, the picture is a little off because I don’t wear a hat. But how do you know me from before I got my nose fixed? Or did you just get a picture from your bobbee?

    in reply to: If You Had a Chance… #644662

    86 is not really a poster. 55 I’ve already met.

    in reply to: If You Had a Chance… #644656

    1) Mod42

    2) Mod72

    3) Mod99

    I heard that the family of Mod72 would like to have the chance to meet him also :o) YW Moderator-72

    in reply to: How Many Hours A Day Do You Spend In The YWN CR? #636475

    asdf, if your full experience with coffee has to do with Starbucks, then I understand totally. I too, am sickened by the perfume scent.

    in reply to: Have any computer tips? #996645

    Should I impress you with the other languages that I know?

    in reply to: Tips Only! #882405

    Is she? I thought Joseph already exposed her as 70 year old spinster?

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-55 #631849

    Joseph, I never agreed to a Chanuka party with just the two of us, if you recall it was in a thread about making a CR Chanuka party.

    in reply to: WHY LABEL #631705

    What about Cohain, Leivi, and Yisroel?

    in reply to: Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Chassidish, You Name It! #631986

    Curious, yes it was. But I finally got to know what he meant by it 😉

    in reply to: Random Questions #1078796

    Thanks for the hint, Joseph, but I still don’t get it. It’s OK, I’m guessing it’s not worth dwelling on.

    in reply to: Flatbush Info #631443

    If I didn’t care to be truthful, yes. Otherwise, of the two of us, only you could say that.

    in reply to: Financial Aid for Yeshivos #631339

    Joseph, GAW’s point is a good one, as I have said. This issue can be addressed, and perhaps my quick reply was somewhat on track to a real solution. I’d just like to address the rest of your points with a few bullets:

    1) It is not funded vis-a-vis wealthy parents. It is funded through all parents. Every parent is required to pay full tuition + subsidy (an amount that, if paid by all, would far exceed the needs of the school). It is then up to the discretion of the school to decide how much of a “break” the family deserves based on their assessment of how “wealthy” the family is. This involves divulging a lot more personal information than one should have to (indeed, more information than is currently needed to run for president of the USA). I hope you can see an alternative now.

    2) I believe I have addressed the point about those who CANNOT pay. I said that a) the family must be required to bring in a reasonable amount through their own fund raising and b) there must be grant funds available for such families to cover the shortfall between their fund raising and total tuition. I think I gave a lot of detail about how those grants could be funded, too.

    3) We can “enforce” the communal responsibility to fund yeshivos by having community affairs and fundraisers (that raise money for the grant programs). Though fundraising through such entertaining means as a concert or the like may not seem like “forcing them to pay their due”, it accomplishes the same purpose. They are supporting the yeshivos. Better yet, they are doing it happily.

    in reply to: Random Questions #1078795

    so how do I claim my prize? I haven’t seen the email I was expecting….

    in reply to: Mods, Who Are Your Favorite Posters? #831911

    brook, I didn’t realize that you were referring to that! That is funny. Anyway, I wasn’t really insulted, but you made it seem like I had never had kibbe because I said it came out of the oven (which it might have that time, for all I know – it was served in an aluminum pan). My point was, just because I never cooked, er, fried it, doesn’t mean I never ATE it. I thought that it less defensive to point out how you repeat yourself than to actually defend myself.

    in reply to: Financial Aid for Yeshivos #631336

    chuck, the school events can and should continue. Or better yet, they should all be run under the auspices of the central organization. The funds that these events raise can be used to create the grants that the families in such situations can apply for.

    Indeed, your point about how the schools can run events that the parents cannot is a VERY good one. Let’s take it one step further. I say that a strong central organization can run events that individual schools cannot – thereby raising a greater amount of funds with more efficiency. Plus, it will cut down on the sheer VOLUME of solicitations that each of us receives. Imagine if you were only on ONE MAILING LIST!!!

    Now imagine the kind of events that this organization can run. A chinese auction? Yes, on an Oorah scale! How about more – a concert in MSG, say? How much revenue do you think that can bring in? I’d say more than 40 chinese auctions. And the people would be paying for something they like to do anyway. A dinner? Maybe, but think about how diverse the pool of honorees can be! We don’t have to honor the same 2 local gevirim each year, we can really mix it up – and reach out through them to many rich and powerful people and organizations that would never consider contributing to yeshivos on their own.

    Keep in mind – all this is coming from my humble little brain. Imagine what a professional fundraiser could come up with. And imagine what a professional administrator could do with this idea.

    in reply to: Financial Aid for Yeshivos #631335

    All of you make good points. I hope I can take some time to think about it before replying. I will try to get back to everyone that I don’t address in this post.

    GAW – According to your logic, it is the obligation of the greater community to provide schooling. This logic is the same used by the US Government, leading to the institution of public schools and education standards. Great. I agree. But taking that analogy to the frum communities, that would mean that the burden should be placed on the COMMUNITY to fund the local yeshivos. Not just on the school parents who have the ability to pay. So don’t feed me the line that the destitute families are entitled to bleed dry the ones who are squeaking by (pun intended). The parents with the ability to pay should not be forced to pay more than full tuition (defined as the ACTUAL cost of schooling a child). Those who cannot shoulder the burden should not be allowed to pass their burden onto other parents; if anything, they should pass it on to the entire community equally.

    Just a quick answer to the points about paying teachers a decent wage: If administration is centralized, then wages and benefits would be uniform for all participating schools. The only differences would be regional adjustments (A NYC school would pay their teachers fractionally more than a Lakewood one) and these differences would also be reflected in the tuition. Obviously, the wages would have to be adequate (though not luxurious).

    Part of my idea is that with true financial experts managing the enormous cash flows, the money can be stretched as far as it is prudent to. The average yeshiva administrator does not have this type of expertise, and though he or she no doubt does his best, that is just not comparable to the job a Wall Street pro can do.

    in reply to: College Options For Yeshiva Bochurim #631383

    CH”V, of course not cantoresq. There is limud hatorah there. But as long as those loimdei torah continue to associate themselves with those who criticize the Torah CH”V, I begin to question what is going on. Are they ignorant of it? Complicit? Do they just need the space and have a heter for using YU?

    in reply to: Financial Aid for Yeshivos #631329

    OK, good. I’m glad that I don’t know who you are (though with all the personal info you share, I have no doubt that plenty of people could figure it out).

    I, too, am concerned with quality. And quality does not need to be compromised on. Let’s say that net revenue per pupil (tuition+fundraising) is higher for your $12K schools. Do you think that extra money buys extra quality math education? I don’t. It is the desire of the parent body, coupled with the curriculum set by the school principal that determines quality. The extra money might buy more playground equipment, or better landscaping.

    And just BTW, I don’t think that the net revenue per pupil is higher for the $12K tuition schools.

    in reply to: Random Questions #1078788

    Still waiting for Joseph’s reply.

    in reply to: General Shmooze #632157

    Maybe she will, if she’s a gold digger.

    in reply to: Recipes for Dafina/Chamin/Sephardic Colent? #632397

    So are you saying only a yekke would be correct?

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