Forum Replies Created
no no – I thought this was a strictly blindfolded game! At least, I was playing blindfolded until now.
Now I’m going to have to worry about who will be helping you with your moves. (JK)
squeakParticipantgood point moish, never mind that 99p per liter is wayy more than $5.50 per gallon.
Do the maths (haha) – .99 x 4 = 4 pounds per gallon (roughly 4 liters in a gallon, it’s actually a bit more. Canadia has roughly 5 “royal” litres per gallon)
4 pounds in the summer were roughly $8.
Anyway, I think that the petrol prices were over 99p this summer.
squeakParticipantI know what mind the gap is, but…. shaychus???
Is there such a thing as British humor?
squeakParticipantno, 39. Ever heard of the North Sea? Brent crude? What’s that – chopped liver????
Your prices are high because you socialists decided to create a disincentive to buy petrol. It ain’t for the purpose of taxation (though that’s where the money goes). It’s because they want you to use less (read, none) petrol. But WE live in a free country. Blimey.
You can always move here (there seems to be a high demand for Britishers in jobs where that cuuute accent can be heard – e.g. secretary, newscaster, etc). But you’d have to leave your NHS behind. So sorry.
squeakParticipantAnytime SJS. But why would I have to wait? See my new thread.
I should warn you, my rating was over 2000 at one point (USCF).
squeakParticipant39, see my posts on the main site about that. I actually get pretty annoyed at the blokes who keep posting that like it means something. Don’t any of you even know WHY your petrol prices are jacked up?
squeakParticipantwell, you’ll get a chance to prove it when you see that lineup forming.
squeakParticipantHar har. I saw it in 1960 too.
squeakParticipantcharlie, come to me on Purim and you can have a fifth of anything you like 🙂
squeakParticipant39, see one of the (few) threads I started. I’m sure you’ll know which one I mean and you will enjoy it.
squeakParticipantSJS, I Challenge!
squeakParticipanteasy schmeasy. You’re the only one who we can catch, due to your status as an invalid.
squeakParticipantOK, tonight.
squeakParticipantstiffed is right. not that I’m bitter. Cheerio, 39.
February 24, 2009 5:50 pm at 5:50 pm in reply to: Teens Talking on Cell Phones in the Street #947326squeakParticipantIs it tsniusdig to cross the street when you’re not at a crosswalk? Is it tsniusdig to get out of your car in a traffic jam to see how much further the backup continues? Is it tsniusdig to stand up on a train if all the seats are taken, or should you not get on the train?
squeakParticipantJothar, once again I find myself arguing with your Purim Toireh. Achashveirosh actually had three MILs! If you keep going, we are introduced to “Keshoch, chamas hamelech achashveirosh”. She was the one who had rachmanus on Vashti, ex post facto.
squeakParticipantDon’t get too excited, Mod. It’s not like there’s a prize or anything.
squeakParticipantames, kapusta, you are mistaken. I assure you that I have not taken on a different sn to be sneaky. My posts will continue to go up as “squeak” when they go up. I have had different screen names in the past, but that was before either of you were around (oy, I remember when you two were that small, I wish I had pictures). In any case, I changed screen names because I forgot my passwords, not because I wanted to sneak around (I’m squeak, not sneak). That’s what comes from getting older, but it’s better than the alternative!
The only exception to that was when areivim stated that he could spot a squeakish post under a different name. So I posted something about enjoying a fifth anytime (someone was complaining about getting a fifth of bagel, ahem Mr. know it all) but no one caught it; not even the detective areivim who posted right after me. Maybe no one gets it; but most likely is that you don’t normally grasp squeakish humor unless you know to look for it.
Anyway, that was a one timer. I don’t need to hide my fake identity.
squeakParticipantJothar – 2 problems with your shtickel Toireh:
1) Since we go bassar me’ikkara, the garbage was already on his head before she jumped
2) The shaila was brought down how Haman could go to the Mishteh (party) if he was an Avel – even as an Onen (one whose dead is not yet buried) he would be prohibited from going to a simcha. The traditional answer is (as always) Mefarchesset. So clearly “Avel” is lav davka.
We say in Maoz Tsur (sang on Chanuka after lighting candles) “Roiv bonov v’kinyonov al ha’eitz toleesa”, which literally means “Most of [Haman’s] children and possessions were hanged/hung on the tree”. Chazal tell us that 10 of Haman’s sons were hanged, but he had many more than 10.
The question is, why most of his children? Why not all of them? After all, they were all enemies of the Jews?
The gemara informs us that Haman was an unusually tall man. I forget exactly how tall it says, but that’s not important to my point. Zeresh, however, the gemara says was “k’zeres”, like the pinky finger. OK, let’s say the gemara is exaggerating a little. Maybe she was as big as a thumb. That still makes her rather small.
A different gemara talks about genetic inheritance. It says that if a father and mother are both tall, their children will grow tall. If a father and mother are both short, their children will be short. But if one is tall and the other is short, their children will be “beinonim” (literally, average). So the children of the giant Haman and the tiny Zeres (aka thumbelina) were doubtless “beinonim”.
Now we can answer the original question with a famous gemara. We all know that Rosh Hashana is the Yom Hadin. If one is a complete Tzaddik, he is immediately inscribed in the Book of Life for a good year. If one is a complete Rasha, he is immediately inscribed in the other book. But for BEINONIM, the gemara says, TELUYIM (veomdim) AD ESER! That is we could only hang 10 of Haman’s sons.
Happy Purim.
squeakParticipantsome people don’t tell their friends how old they are, and tell their family not to tell if asked. Just sayin’
squeakParticipantmoish – of course you can’t fool God. But I don’t see any righteousness in not doing a good thing because you refuse to pretend to fool Him. As I said before, I think that faking is worth more than not faking. Do you think you’ll get sechar for saying, “I didn’t pray on his behalf, but at least I didn’t FAKE it like some other people do!”?
squeakParticipantSJS, sometimes you are in the mood to listen to your husband’s long boring story? Is it always boring, just sometimes you are in the mood? Oh boy, I am going to have to stop talking to women altogether.
squeakParticipantcome on, moish. You do care about the other guy. You just care about yourself a little bit more. I don’t see why that is stupid. I can think of many examples where you do something for someone else with the intent of benefiting from it. It’s called having an ulterior motive. Would it be better not to help out the other person?
I don’t believe that you are purely selfless yourself.
squeakParticipanter, moish, no. Don’t worry about faking out Hashem. I don’t think you get more points for doing nothing than you do for faking.
squeakParticipantSorry that I dropped that riddle and then left. I meant to look up the source before I posted the answer, but I just haven’t had the time. Maybe someone here can post the source after seeing the answer.
The Halacha says that a person is required to bow down at the words Modim Anachnu Loch. (The gemara says that one who does not bow down by Modim loses the chance to be part of techiyas hamaisim.) The Halacha also states other specific points in Shemona Esrai where one bows down. But one is not allowed to bow at extra points in the Shemona Esrai because doing so will create confusion.
There is a shittah that if one is about to start the silent Shemona Esrai while the Chazzan is repeating it out loud, and it is clear that the chazzan will reach Modim before one is finished with his own Shemona Esrai, then one may not daven Shemona Esrai because he will not be able to bow down. He cannot bow down when the Chazzan reaches Modim because one can only bow at specific points in Shemona Esrai and therefore one may not daven until after the Chazzan passes Modim.
P.S. I am virtually certain that this is not how we pasken lehalacha. It is just a riddle, and there IS a source (which can be found in a Shulchan Aruch). Can someone else find it and post?
squeakParticipantMultiple wives does not mean more lachatz (pressure). It means less – the husband can tell each wife that he is with the other wife, and then go back to work unhindered. (old joke, sorry)
ames, society is truly different than it was then. I’m not saying that women did not have the emotional needs that they do now. They certainly must have. But the fulfillment of those needs was not available through men. In general, society did not expect men to cater to the emotional needs of women the way it does now. That was true whether the man had one wife or four. Your expectations are based on today’s standards, which are quite different.
The Torah also does not demand that a husband fulfill his wife’s emotional needs to the extent that you expect based on today’s standards. It varies by the man’s profession. For example, if the man is a seafarer and he has four wives, he may only see each of them once in two years (one visit per 6 months).
I don’t know what the facts are relating to men forced to remain bachelors. I would expect that it is not so and that those men who wanted to marry and survived to marriageable age (i.e. men of property or means who did not die in wars) were able to marry. (Of course, society may have considered a good portion of men unfit for marriage, i.e. ineligible bachelors, but that is a separate issue).
There is also the age gap factor. Here (as opposed to the agenda taken on recently) I will throw my support behind the theory that if men generally married women who were a full generation younger than they, there would be a significantly higher population of marriagable women than men. But I could not say if the chicken laid the egg or vice versa (so to speak). I do know that until not too long ago in certain areas of Europe men did not marry until around 40, to women in their 20’s. The lack of polygamy created certain man/woman mismatch issues.
As to why polygamy “made sense”, I would posit that since women truly had no place in public society, marriage was the only possibility of life for them. Why then should a girl remain in the home of her parents, where she is little more than a liability (she can help with household chores, but I imagine that her net worth was not positive) if she can marry a man who will see her as an asset? A man with 3 wives can still want another asset. So they got married young, and to the best man they could get. Very, very different today.
To answer why men wanted multiple wives, try to think as a man in a polygamist society. Multiple wives shows status. Multiple wives means a large progeny, or dynasty. Obviously, a man would want to marry as many women as he can.
I’m sorry if the values of previous generations bother you. But our values would probably bother them much more. Do we think of our children as a sign of status or do we think of Lexuses (Lexi?) – at least they valued people more than things.
squeakParticipantHere is a riddle of my own:
In what situation might one not be allowed to daven shemona esrai – even though one is in a perfectly kosher shul – because of a bowing-down problem?
squeakParticipant1) Neiros Erev Yom Kippur
2) Biur Chometz
3) Bircas Ilanos
4) The chasimah for Nachem (on tisha b’av by mincha – though some sefardim say it 3x)
Note: For those of litvish origins, the brocho of “Haposeach lonu shaarei rachamim” is also said once a year (instead of “Yotzer ohr u’voray choshech” on Yom Kippur). But some other nusachos never say it, and some others say it on Rosh Hashono as well. So litvaks could count it as a fifth.
squeakParticipantA zetz is a hit in Yiddish. So a “mama” zetz could be either the “mother-of-all-hits” or it could be the type of hit a “mama” would give, depending on the context.
Most of my MO friends dated their spouses for around 6 months and were engaged for another 6 months or so. It worked out well for them.
Hence the situation called FSN.
squeakParticipant1. moish – mazal tov. hope you’ll still be here as often now that you’re ambulatory
2. I will but not yet
3. yes
4. I look forward to seeing you on the main site between now and then
5. Over and out
squeakParticipantames, please stop trying to get me to post here. In addition to the bad feelings I have right now (which will go away) about the CR, I am also under a lot of time pressure. That won’t go away until May (nothing to do with tax season, joseph). So it’s for the best. I am still on the main site reading and sometimes commenting. But for now I am not commenting on the CR, and I’m trying to sstop being interested in reading it.
Joseph, I am not h2. And my comment was true to form, in all its squeakish glory. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a fair challenge.
squeakParticipantAmes: glad to see you’re back. So glad, that I decided to post about it.
Darwin is probably out celebrating his bicentennial birthday today, along with Honest Abe.
squeak is for sure hanging around on another sn and cracking up
He may be lurking, but definitely not posting under another sn. I’d detect a squeak comment a mile away
Each of you are half wrong. I am hanging around the main site. I still read the CR a little bit, too. As I said, the way to stop the addiction is to stop posting and then eventually you will stop reading. I’d be cured by now except that you guys still mention me every now and then.
areivim, I sent a comment through to test your statement. You did not detect – not even from a few posts away (mere inches!).
Now I’m going to change my password to something I will never remember. That’ll stop me.
squeakParticipantThe goodbye that I wrote yesterday was intended completely as a joke. I have been posting as much as ever, but none of my posts went through. It might be because I decided that henceforth I will only post in Yiddish.
P.S. A mule is stubborn. You can coax a mule, you can beg a mule, you can yell at a mule. But that will only strengthen his resolve. Yet, when he is hungry and you are not looking, he will not hold back from coming to you to eat.
squeakParticipantI don’t mean to add to the drama, but this is bananas. I’m not here to put misery into anyone’s life. Goodbye CR.
squeakParticipantcherrybim – you are the one who sounds silly. Wearing pants in public = yiddish is holy?
To everyone: Does anyone else think it’s a coincidence that ames has not appeared today? I hope that we did not drive her away.
squeakParticipantStress is common in young children. Don’t kid yourselves. If any of you have small children, it’s important for you to know. Kids can be very sensitive and pick up on bad vibes easily. And they react to it. Open your eyes.
squeakParticipantglass ceiling? commercial liability?
squeakParticipantno, moish was saying that HE is fake, foney, fraud.
squeakParticipantdid you mean Yitzi?
squeakParticipantI hardly think that giving away someone’s profession would blow his identity. Unless it was a really rare job (or at least rare in our communities).
Joseph, how come they didn’t include your middle name? That made it harder for me to find in the archives
February 3, 2009 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm in reply to: The Laboratory II – Try Your HTML & ASCII Art Experiments Here #1053435squeakParticipantmoish – thanks for making sure that this page of this thread will be as messed up as the previous one.
RY – the eitzah for you is to use
. <code>
. instead.squeakParticipantI’m very sorry for your loss.
February 3, 2009 2:28 pm at 2:28 pm in reply to: How Many Hours A Day Do You Spend In The YWN CR? #636512squeakParticipantWell, for the sake of preserving the integrity of the CR, I hereby affirm that the name was indeed fictitious. It was part of a joke that I made a while back to Curious, which I notice is now deleted too. I have not met anyone in real life who admits to being on the CR, so I do not know anyone here.
And for the sake of compliance with YWN Rules Section 3, Paragraph 1, I attest that I was not pretending to know either. It was clearly a joke and not a revelation.
squeakParticipantTry a gauntlet.
Or you could put on smelly knuckle polish.
squeakParticipantFirst ever, since the aforementioned law was passed.
asdf, I’m right with you with the Yiddish! I can even throw in some Hungarian and Deutsche to boot.
squeakParticipantRubber ducky, indeed. Hmph. I guess you can’t expect any better from the Energizer Bunny.
February 3, 2009 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm in reply to: The Laboratory II – Try Your HTML & ASCII Art Experiments Here #1053425squeakParticipantRY – no, in my book it is your PHONE that is asur!
squeakParticipantJoseph and Curious – Because of two things:
1) The current rules that govern the rationing are poorly constructed at best, corrupt at worst.
2) I know a thing or two about the healthcare industry and there is stuff coming down the pipe.
Besides for this, there is the obvious point that anyone can see – healthcare costs are rising at a pace that only property tax planning boards can keep up with. It won’t be long before the entire system we have implodes and leaves us with a huge set of new problems. When the insurance company run healthcare dries up, there will be huge supply side issues and rationing will be necessary for even simple things like setting a bone in a cast (if you’re lucky a nurse will do it, otherwise a PA or a pre-med student).