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  • in reply to: Moderator 80 #1015114

    Hello old feivel. Nice to hear more wonders of creation

    in reply to: Is this normal for yeshiva bochurim #1055052

    Get divorced. He deserves better than you.

    in reply to: Sometimes I feel like a…. #1015100

    Plastic bag- feeling so useful and important up until the mayor wants to charge 5 cents for you and you find out how much people actually value you.

    in reply to: Questions for a new rabbi #1015564

    Questions, shmestions. Just invite all your candidates to daven mincha in your shul one day. Whoever finishes shmona esrei first is the one you want.

    in reply to: Jews Owning Dogs? #1013129

    Get a shabbos goy to pet the dog.

    in reply to: Matza over the door #1012539

    Basically, because they just burned the lulav that was hanging over the door and are afraid of jumbi and/or they feel uncomfortable when the house is too clean. By the time succos rolls around again the mice will have eaten the matzah, so they hang a new lulav. It seems more jewish to use matzah and lulavs than holy water and crosses.

    P.S. this has been discussed in the CR before. Good things come to those who search.

    in reply to: Is it only me.. #1012274

    DY- we already know that Negiya Can Save Yiddishkeit, so why not all types of pritzus?

    Agav, to Sams point, it may feel good to make a cholent for someone who has zero connection to yiddishkeit, but it would be a much more worthwhile endeavor to focus that energy on the ones who have a 100% connection to Yiddishkeit and decide they want zero. Kiruv rechokim is so 90’s.

    in reply to: smelly in my belly gefilte fish #1012171

    Gefilte fish is a goyishe maachel. Stick to matzo balls.

    in reply to: Judaism is not a religion of superiority #1012857

    DY- If someone is fortunate to start life on a relatively higher level than most (e.g. being born to a frum family), is that anything to take credit for? And if someone has worked on personal growth for 70 years, does that make him superior to the 25 year old who is on the same path but has not had as much time? I think not. Certainly these are role models for growth oriented people, and deserving of respect for their current status, but superiority means something else to me. Being on a higher level is a function of where a person started (decided by Hashem) and how much time the person has had (decided by Hashem) – only the path we choose can be credited to ourselves.

    in reply to: Judaism is not a religion of superiority #1012854

    Judaism is a religion of continuous self-improvement. Either you are on the way up or you are on the way down. There is no reason to feel superior/inferior to someone who is currently on a different level at the moment than yourself. But those who continue to strive to level-up are certainly superior to those who freely express that they have become as religious as possible and have no need to further improve themselves.

    in reply to: Respecting each other #1012027

    Now you’re confounding two separate degrees of dismissal. For example, I reject Reform judaism outright simply because they do not believe in the Torah or Hashem. I do not need to analyze and refute every argument or precept of theirs, it is enough that I disagree with their main ideals. There is no need to search for glimmers of truth to learn from them. The degree of dismissal you are talking about, i.e. welcoming dissent and giving it fair review, is reserved for dissent coming from an acknowledged (theological) ally who brings a challenge. I hope you agree, because if not we are back to choosing to follow the Church if their debater is more skilled than ours.

    In this case, since I do not want to insult you, I will further explain that I was speaking in general terms in the above paragraph. In this thread, it is not because I view you as a theological non-ally but because your challenge was ab attempt to turn a mainstream accepted practice on its heels based on a pilpul that you’re not the first person in the world to have heard of. It is both rather arrogant and myopic. Myopic that you believe you understood the entire issue and all the possible issues following the discovery of that pilpul all the way up to cancelling a wide spread minhag. Arrogant that you believe you are the right person to bring this light to klal yisroel. I’ll say no more at this point unless you still think I am being unclear.

    in reply to: Respecting each other #1012018

    So Sam is now imposing a requirement on all frum jews to be experienced debaters in addition to being ovdei hashem. If an individual cannot debate on par with the challenger, he must accept the challenger’s opinion as equally valid. Hmmm, we’ve had that standard imposed on us in the past, too. Shall we be given 3 days to leave or is that too generous?

    in reply to: Kezayis only for Pesach? #1011854

    And since I won’t be here to respond when Sam complains that my comment somehow denigrates R. Schachter (whom I doubt he has ever met), let me add the following: Why isn’t R. Schachter here promoting the retirement of horseradish from the marror universe?

    in reply to: Kezayis only for Pesach? #1011853

    If you want to follow a YU version of a chumra, go ahead and listen to Sam. I don’t think even any YUniks believe that though, it was just something said over in a shiur. Some people need to say things just to have their own knaitch. If you are from any other walk off life, just go ahead and ignore what he says.

    “Only 1 Deoraisa”. Do you mean as opposed to something serious?

    in reply to: Respecting each other #1011979

    1. They do say be less machmir. As it stands today, that comes in the form of “everything you do differently is a chumra and doesnt make you better”. This is a serious problem.

    2. There is no hate in my beliefs. Its a simple fact that we do not tolerate meddling from without or from within.

    3. Ideologies and those who subscribe to them sometimes should be excommunicated, because there is no way for them to coexist with a torah lifestyle. 150 years ago, it was Reform. Today it is ‘open orthodox’. As torah jews we never sing kumbaya without looking over our shoulders.

    in reply to: once a week parents #1011494

    Mah nafshach. If they wanted to keep the wife happy theyd have to work so much they wouldnt see the kids except on weekends anyway. This way they see the kids just as much, and there’s less guilt because they are doing the maximum allowed by law.

    in reply to: CR kabbalah #1011550

    Rule #1: You may not engage a troll a troll that is more than 1 year younger than you, at risk of creating a troll shortage crisis

    Rule #2: If we allow multiple people to engage the same troll at once, then the age restriction is lifted (henceforth to be known as The Joseph Solution)

    Rule #3: If the troll gets trolled, they earn a dedicated thread from popa.

    I just realized that rule should be replaced by kabbalah. Replace it in your head while you read.

    in reply to: Respecting each other #1011976

    Those who sinned and left judaism have never been as bad for judaism as those who fought to have judaism redefined to be inclusive of their sins. The ovdei avodah zara in nach dragged down most of klal yisroel by not breaking from them. The reformers in Germany were more interested in bringing the Church into the shul than in living the cultured life themselves. And the quest for legitimacy and respect by the modern orthodox of today is no different. No one is without sin, but the focus is on goals. A ben aliyah wants to be better, not expand the definition of what is acceptable to accommodate his current status. And that my friends is the main difference between a pants wearing baalas teshuva who doesnt cover her hair and a modern orthodox woman who has the same appearance.

    The Hirscheans learned the lesson well. When someone comes along and wants to redefine the definition of right and wrong, we don’t respect them. We cut them off. Perhaps Rabbi Schwab took a gentler approach with MO because they are not quite deserving of utter excommunication, but the message is clear. They must adapt to our ways, not the other way around.

    in reply to: Laughing at tpyos #1011224

    What happened to all the pedants in the CR? Normally someone falls into Goqs trap within the first two posts.

    in reply to: Torah Learning As A Burden #1010851

    Poor Wolf, its getting harder and harder to get a rise out of us zealots.

    in reply to: Wife put houseplants in the chicken soup–WWYD #1111412
    in reply to: Blood-Red Moon this Pesach= War? #1100955

    Jews are the superstitiousest.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069932

    And now if we could just get that last line of numbers, we’d have all the nuclear launch codes.

    in reply to: Need place for this shabbos #1010172

    If you run away from home, yours will be available.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069931

    104 87 113 56 111 118 118 57 87 72 118 114 33 103 104 80 106 136

    101 65 88 26 113 99 83 28 65 61 107 87 26 112 113 89 109 135

    136 189 231 177 130 215 273 177 189 130 182 237 66 94 95 64 119 167

    in reply to: Startling anti-semitism #1009584

    And where I live, the same type of comments are seen posted in the other direction. Jews complaining about how their tax money is being taken and wasted on the “non productive downtown denizens”. Racial slurs and generalizations are used liberally. I think every person goes through a similar period of frustration when they are new to paying taxes, and learn how wastefully tax money gets used. After a while, they give up. In this case we are hearing the non jews complain how their tax money is being spent on the jews, in my city its the other way around, in other cities Im sure its non jews complaing about other non jewish recipients, and in Israel its jews complaining about jews getting tax money.

    It doesn’t excuse the racism or antisemitism. But thats a separate issue.

    in reply to: Shidduch crisis without population growth #1008830

    A hundred years later, all the girls from year 2 are long dead and forgotten, and no one is left to make the 24 year old boys feel guilty for going out with 23 year old girls. Everyone has a chance at a match and peace reigns on Earth.

    in reply to: shidduch crisis #1009056

    The shidduch crisis is like global warming. You can’t deny that the issue exists, but you can argue about what caused it and what we should do about it for a hundred lifetimes. You can drink the koolaid passed around by Al Gore or Al Zore, but on some level you wonder where the subject matter experts are and why you’re listening to a preacher instead.

    in reply to: Mikva #1008599

    Has the rov heard of shape memory? Maybe part of the memory is that the aluminum remembers a goy made it?

    in reply to: I love my car #1113654

    If only we could get our cars to have baby cars for us, it would all be over.

    in reply to: Look for an out of town day camp #1007779

    Popa is the head counselor there.

    in reply to: mordechai shmutter #1008227
    in reply to: Why Was Penina Punished? #1007093

    sheep- why didnt Channah forgive Pennina and daven for her children to live right away? Why did she wait until all but one died? Because she wanted to fix her.

    in reply to: Why Was Penina Punished? #1007092

    Well put, jfem. I like.

    in reply to: Why Was Penina Punished? #1007089

    Channah most definitely was like Pennina, manifesting after she had children. Like I said, all women. Try harder 🙂

    in reply to: Million Man Atzeres #1020429

    Since the Million Man March occurred on (Shmini) Atzeres, it makes perfect sense to have a Million Man Atzeres in March.

    in reply to: Why Was Penina Punished? #1007086

    I think its cute how all women automatically identify with Channah, when their own nature is most similar to Pennina. Always trying to ‘fix’ other people, unsolicited. Pretty clear from this Navi that women don’t get schar for doing this. That’s the lesson here.

    I guess its tough when you’re tafkid in life is housework, and so women try to make up their own tafkid, like learning Torah or volunteering as mashgiach ruchni. I wouldn’t know.

    in reply to: Gefilte Fish #1106436

    Can’t we afford to feed our families fish yet? I see mansions filled with silver and fine china, the entranceways blocked by the 3-4 cars that each cost as much as a house, and when I get inside they serve me ground fish cut with meal. And as if thats not bad enough, for the next course they serve me cow intestine stuffed with flour. And occasionally they serve me a rare treat, jell boiled out of the leg bones of cows. I cry for their poverty.

    in reply to: The Pizza Study #1006052

    Update: I couldn’t get past 2. And the coffee is so much better without the donuts!

    in reply to: Mishloach Manos Themes #1005903

    I know I read this as a joke somewhere, but last year I actually received a basket with a card that said, “In lieu of a donation to Tomchei Shabbos, we are sending you these manos”. It was funny, but THIS year the theme needs to be to send cards to Tomchei Shabbos that say, “In lieu of a donation, mishloach manos have been sent to tbe following individuals” so that they can shep nachas and know they were thought of.

    If this catches on, I can see a similar theme for small business saturday.

    in reply to: The Pizza Study #1006051

    I wash on Tradition instant soup because it has as many calories as a slice of pizza, and even MORE sodium (so I use a little extra water).

    And now thanks to popa I am compelled to go buy a box of Entenmanns. For snack I will probably eat 4-5 of the frosted ones, with coffee (as they serve in gan eden), but ich schwer, I will wash before I eat the sixth.

    What kind of crazy guidelines are we making up now?

    in reply to: The Pizza Study #1006033

    So far I’m just basing this on the song that goes “we are so different from them” (TTTO mikoilois mayim rabim). I havent even started bringing in my eigeneh svaros about buffalo chicken pizza vs sloppy skimpy kosher pizza.

    in reply to: The Pizza Study #1006030

    Its not a matter of what I think. Its a matter of fact that a torah yid must acknowledge, statistics are goyish.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005230

    DY- you can start by telling me what a non frum yeshiva is like I asked before.

    in reply to: The Pizza Study #1006026

    So he was wrong.

    in reply to: The Pizza Study #1006024

    Statistics that are based on non jews have no relevance for yiddin because we are physically different, right?

    In other news, popa should know that pizza can be delivered even in Manhattan. Ive seen it.

    in reply to: frum yeshiva open during snowstorms #1005220

    Clearly they mean to do the opposite of all the non frum yeshivas.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004732

    What has eighteen legs and catches flies?

    A baseball team.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004731

    A skeleton walks into a bar. He orders a beer and a mop.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004730

    What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?

    Hailing taxi cabs.

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