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  • in reply to: Depression Support groups #688145

    “or bored until you’re moldy”

    Interesting usage, I have never heard that particular definition applied in reference to a person, as a nickname. However, there is a more common usage that does lend itself as a nickname.

    in reply to: Depression Support groups #688143

    a bit premature?

    in reply to: Depression Support groups #688142

    Yes, it can mean mildew in German, but that’s not the correct context.

    in reply to: Depression Support groups #688138

    I thought I was the “schimmel” of the CR. How do you come to claim the name?

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227387


    No one has ever(!) reported suffering from having too many grandmothers. Of course, that’s no guarantee that the child’s parents are as happy with having more in-laws than the norm….

    in reply to: Depression Support groups #688135

    We once had an anger management thread, and it worked extremely well.

    in reply to: Board Games #808929

    Feif, it does change the game somewhat. But there are advantages to the changes and disadvantages. I did not create this house rule, it is a fairly well-known one. I think it is officially known as “no dice”.

    in reply to: Summer CR #686463

    BP Totty- us old folks need to realize that in this digital information age, kids have an unfair advantage of gargantuan proportions. You have to work with that knowledge instead of against it. Transparency is the keyword here, and if parents can’t hold up in spite of it, they can just check into retirement villages early 🙂

    in reply to: Board Games #808925

    Feif, good observation. The way the rule is implemented is that first the defender loses an army, then the attacker loses one, and so forth – until the attacker runs out of armies or captures the territory. Thus, if the attacker brings 3 armies and the defender has 2, the attacker will capture the territory with one occupying army. If the defender has only one army, the attacker loses nothing and captures the territory. The attacker’s advantage is intact.

    in reply to: 5 Most Important Shidduch Questions #687624



    Who doesn’t eat leftovers Sunday night???

    The Yidden did not eat leftovers in the Midbar. The manna for each family was exactly what they needed for the day, and any leftovers (if someone tried to save over) would be gone the next day. On Erev Shabbos two portions per person were given (lechem yomoyim) and one would last through Shabbos, but there were no leftovers for Sunday.

    We should be emulating everything we know about the formative years of our nation, including not eating leftovers and not planning for the future.

    in reply to: Board Games #808917

    One can eliminate dice from Risk and thus eliminate much of the “chance”. There is a house rule to use “one-for-one” army elimination instead of dice rolling. This speeds up the game and places more emphasis on strategy. If you combine this with other house rules for distibuting and adding armies, it can be a great improvement over the traditional game.

    in reply to: Any recommended Jewish novels? #1125593



    (Or, one better… perhaps we should say a yarei shamayim doesn’t post on an internet board. 🙂

    I cry foul. Speak for yourself, Wolf.

    in reply to: Broken Engagements #919234



    Indeed Chazal takes a very dim view of gambling. Not of doctors.

    Ay, toiv she’broifim l’gehennom?

    in reply to: Strengthening The Relationship #686670

    BP Totty,

    To send a text message from your email account, you need to find out the domain based on your cell phone provider. For example, a phone with Verizon may be [email protected], Sprint phones may be [email protected], etc.

    You can easily find the address to use on the company’s website.

    The reverse is even easier – send a text message from a phone to an email account simply by typing in a valid email address instead of a phone number as the text destination.

    in reply to: Feminism #1162466

    Let’s agree to not debate geocentricity here, again, shall we?

    in reply to: Kitchen Sink Smell #686080


    glad to see you’re not “angry” any more

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781486


    ICOT, I believe that your guess is correct. I know there are other electrical boxes that are covered because I painted them (heh heh). Rather than ruin the paint job to try and run a wire through a ceiling that probably does not have a big enough hole, I decided to leave well enough alone and leave both the light and the fan connected to the switch.

    yobwej, that’s good advice, but my method is that if I feel uncomfortable doing the work without a licensed electrician I just leave it alone 🙂

    in reply to: Feminism #1162381


    I don’t agree with what Kasha is saying, but I will explain what he meant (I think I can safely assume Kasha is not a “she”). We acknowledge that some people are “left brain” and others are “right brain” people without saying that one group is stupid relative to the other group. It is merely that one group’s intellect is geared towards a particular subject or discipline, and that those areas are the person’s intellectual strengths.

    One could make a similar argument that men and women have different, gender-based intellectual strengths without calling either gender “stupid”.

    Personally I am neither right nor left, but hare-brained.

    in reply to: Wal-Mart in the Mountains #686101

    rescue is correct

    There are 2 historical reasons for children getting long summer vacations:

    1) Help with the harvest

    2) Hot weather makes learning in school nearly impossible

    Helping with the harvest is no longer relevant to our demographic (and may or may not be entirely irrelevant). The second argument is also irrelevant as air conditioning makes the weather outdoors a non-issue.

    The reason for leaving the city is not pritzus (though we frum people added that reason) but due to other factors such as:

    children playing outside (no school, no xbox) on city streets is unsafe and it is too hot, the city doesn’t have recreational facilities (no longer relevant, they do have), and summer air is too polluted (smog) and unsafe to breathe.

    Our air quality is much better in the city due to environmental laws, and again – with the ubiquitous air conditioner there is always a place to escape the heat. There is absolutely no reason to continue giving summers off. But it’s more likely that the Peewee league will beat the Yankees in the World Series than that summer vacation will be cut short.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Jewish Music #688485

    Who would have thunk, Wolf is your average yeshiva bachur


    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781483

    You are crystal clear, as usual. What you are saying makes sense and I will investigate it further (rather, have it investigated further :-)) and report back. Thank you.

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781481

    Round 2: The ceiling fan is hooked up in the way ICOT described and works very well! My friend offered to dismantle an existing fan and perform the rewiring on it so that the fan can be controlled separately. However, when he opened up the fixture there appears to be only a single cable with a black, white, and bare wire.

    Assuming this meant a “switch before” configuration, he proceeded to open the wall switch box, hoping to verify it against the drawing. However, what we found was odd. There is a single cable with four wires – a black, a white, a bare, and a loose wire (that is capped and taped). Only the black and the white are connected to the switch. The bare wire is connected to the metal wall plate.

    My two-fold question is, what am I looking at, and how is it possible that there seem to be no additional wires going outside this connection? Any help would be appreciated.

    Note: The fan is/was mounted to a ceiling fan rated box, which I understand may be installed inside another ceiling box. If so, perhaps there are more wires inside the first box that I cannot see without removing the fan box? I will remove the fan box to check on this.

    in reply to: Save Money on your Air Conditioner #960757

    On this site I often find myself referring to posters with long user names by an acronym or abbreviation (e.g. ICOT).

    How ironic that hereorthere should be “hot”

    in reply to: Feminism #1162302

    SJS- in such a situation, Halacha demands that you get married as early as 3 years old, so that you are not without a master.

    JK. Truthfully, I think that the older brother becomes the halachic surrogate (for matters such as accepting kedushin on the girl’s behalf and other examples).

    in reply to: Chalomos, the Meaning to Dreams! #686045

    da- Do you by chance live on Elm Street?

    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992896

    80, in order to express yourself in a grammatically correct way, you will need to write in complete sentences.

    Re: the missing comments – I can see them and believe me you are the luckier one 🙂

    in reply to: Feminism #1162115

    A kinyan is synonymous with a change in status.

    Ownership is synonymous with responsibility.

    Even regarding slavery it is said “Mi shekana eved kana adon l’atzmo”.

    If you want to own someone that will take orders from you, get a dog.

    If you want to own someone that will take orders from you and cook your meals, tough luck.

    in reply to: Worms In Fish #771261

    80- So is he saying that Chazal never said worms grow out of dead bodies?

    in reply to: Worms In Fish #771259

    Mosherose- It is a very easy experiment to do – such eggs do exist, and they will hatch into lice. Do the experiment.


    in reply to: Am I Right Or Am I Wrong? #685979

    If you are having a problem with the paint, after it is repainted you should add a clear coat finish. You can either use clear paint or polyurethane – either one will protect the paint underneath. You can do this yourself or ask the repairman to do it. Use flat rather than glossy for the clear.

    in reply to: Volcano, Sharei Gehenom? #685844

    SJS, thanks – but I didn’t come up with it. I’d suggest that you could thank H T Wensel, but I’m sure that wherever he is now it is very, very hot 🙂 🙂 🙂

    in reply to: Feminism #1162097

    SJS, are you trolling….?

    in reply to: Volcano, Sharei Gehenom? #685839

    Where does the idea that Gehinnom is a “hot” place come from? The only source I know of is a Christian one (i.e. fire and brimstone, etc). Our ideas are much different (unless someone can provide an authoritative source to the contrary). If anything is a hot place, it is Olam Habah, as follows:

    The temperature of heaven can be accurately computed. The authority is Sefer Yeshaya (Perek 30 Passuk 26) which says, “Moreover, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days”.

    Thus, heaven receives from the moon as much radiation as the earth does from the sun, and in addition seven times as much as the earth does from the sun, or eight times in all.

    With this data we can compute the temperature of heaven. The radiation falling on heaven will heat it to the point where the heat lost by radiation is just equal to the heat received by radiation. In other words, heaven loses eight times as much heat as the earth by radiation. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann fourth power law for radiation:

    (H/E)^4 = 8

    in reply to: Feminism #1162079

    Morose- bubba meises. First off, rav Elyashiv didn’t say a word about cooking so you are extrapolating. Second, I know and you know that no Halacha requires an unmarried man to buy takeout every night or have someone elses wife serve him. Third, if you want to say he may cook for himslef but not a family, I know and you know that no Halacha requires a widower or a divorcee with children to buy takeout every night or to have someone elses wife serve them. Fourth, lo silbash only applies if it applies to all men, and clearly cooking doesn’t fit the bill.

    Stick to just harrassung wolf, which is what you’re good at.

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781475

    Icot- thank you again. There is only one word to describe you, but I can’t say it here because miktzas shevocho b’fonov 😉

    the second diagram is exactly what i have. Did you draw those or find them?

    in reply to: Chasseneh Attendance #685863

    Oomis, clearly you have never been invited to a chasuna in Europe. The only difference between that and what you described is a piece of chicken 🙂

    in reply to: Memorial day #685816

    BP Totty- You are rationalizing your bigotry. Of course, it may be par for the course in most frum circles to think of “us” as thinking people and “them” as grunt work people, but it is bigotry nonetheless.

    Instead of drawing the line between “us” thinkers and “them” muscleheads, you could draw the line between “thinkers” and “muscleheads”. You could argue that highly intelligent people of avergage physique are wasted in combat roles and such roles should only be filled by those with above average physique and unremarkeable intelligence. That wouldn’t go over well with recruiters, but it would be an unbigoted position. And it would be a very different line from the one you describe, despite what you may think.

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781472

    Thanks again, ICOT. Now my question is, why would a licensed, qualified electrician wire a circuit in this way? Obviously, it suits my current needs well, but for a simple fixture this seems to be an inefficient set up. Additionally, this set up means that the fixture itself is always live, whether the switch is on or off.

    Is this bad practise?

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781470

    Forget the actual wire color for a moment. According to ICOT’s explanation, 3 of the four wires are hot (even though one of those 3 are colored white).

    in reply to: Memorial day #685814

    Take lawyers as an example. I believe that in the military, a lawyer ranks as an officer. I assume that the position and rank comes with a good deal of training not required by say, a NY law firm, such as weapons training, basic combat, basic officer training, etc. Fair enough?

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781468

    Dr. P- yes it would. But that is not happening here. The hot wire passes above the fixture to the wall switch, then back to the fixture where it is connected as normal.

    in reply to: Memorial day #685812

    Cherry- there was no scorn in my statement. I was simply pointing out that I feel -whether or not there is a draft- by avoiding service you are asking someone else to serve in your stead. The difference is that in the absense of draft requirements you can do so legally. My point is that if telegrok is interpreting a moral obligation not to let others “take the hit” for you, that should apply with or without a draft.

    Wolf- I agree with you that BP Totty made an unfair, bigoted generalization. As far as white collar jobs in the military goes though, you should note that such jobs are white collar plus, so it is not as if one could equally be a civilian accountant/lawyer and a military one.

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781466

    Just for fun, I told my friend the joke I heard here, “What’s black and crispy and hangs from a ceiling fan?”, and we laughed until he fell off the ladder.

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781465


    Thanks for your reply, and for confirming that it sounds OK. Your assumptions seem correct to the best of my knowledge. The fan wire will be connected to the additional spliced wires that were not connected to the old fixture.

    Interesting point about adding an outlet. I wasn’t planning to do that, and now I will continue to not plan it :).

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781464


    ??? ?????? ?? ?????

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781461

    This may be a pashute question, but I want reassurance. A friend offered to swap out a light fixture and replace it with a ceiling fan. He showed me the wiring and said that he could connect the wires so that the light would be controlled by both the wall switch and the pull chain, but the fan itself would only be controlled by the pull chain (this would be the ideal set up for me because there is only one wall switch).

    This is how he wants to do the connection: The current fixture has two ends of wire, each end having a black and a white wire (and a bare ground wire). The ground wires are connected to each other and the metal part of the fixture. The black wire from one end of wire and the white end from the other end of wire are connected to the fixture’s wires. The other two wires are connected to each other. He said that this is a spliced wire that continues through the ceiling to other rooms and he can connect the fan to the splice, making it live and therefore operated independently of the switch. The light wire and the white return wire he would connect normally to the same black and white wires the old fixture used.

    Does this sound right to the experts here? Should I trust him to do it this way, or should I tell him to just do the basic connection (i.e. fan and light wires connect to black hot wire and both are controlled by the switch).


    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1068988

    Sure, and some fifth graders can’t do multiplication without a calculator either. Neither can some of their fathers. My point was only that the problem is reasonable for 5th grade level math.

    In general, it is useful to have some tricky applications of skills learned. It challenges students to apply learning on their own and it helps educators make assessments of ability.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1068986

    Dr. P-

    The problem can be solved using a tree diagram, which is well within the capacity of a 5th grader to understand.

    in reply to: Memorial day #685807

    BP Totty, I don’t think it’s a question. A war on Israel is a war on the Jewish people (i.e. not the Jewish State). Our reaction should be obvious to all – including the anti-Zionists. Jews who support enemies of the Jews are nothing more than a lunatic fringe that defies all sense. (Note to Wolf- Scots who serve enemies of “Scots” would also be lunatics).

    telegrok – why doesn’t the same apply in the absense of the draft? Why is it any better to say “Let’s avoid service (by not enlisting), and let someone else take the hit”?

    Kasha – draft dodging is draft dodging, no matter what method you use.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Jewish Music #688443

    Perhaps GalPaz should only sell CDs that have a hechsher.

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