Forum Replies Created
“Dosnt matter. Since theyre support eretz yisroel with theyre learning they shouldnt have to pay any taxes. The learning IS theyre “taxes”.”
I agree 100%.
The yeshiva leit shall remit 35% (or whatever the highest marginal tax rate is in EY) of their schar limud to the Israeli government each year. With this system, the heads of Israel’s governement are tremendous tzaddikim.
squeakParticipantChief Moderator is misspelled.
I understand your reaction, but you can spare yourself the anguish by understanding the statements. It is a common human frailty that we try to distance ourselves from tragedy by rationalizing “why this can’t happen to me”, most especially when the tragedy strikes close to home. Thus, these insensitive comments are really nothing more than an expression of the posters’ stress at thinking of normal frum kids (who are just like their own!) going OTD. They try to quash their anxiety by saying things like, “only kids with mental health issues would go OTD”, “only kids from abusive homes develop mental health issues”, and reasoning thus that it is within their control to prevent their kids from depression, PTSD, personality disorders, and from going OTD.
As a social worker, you need to be able to deal with and understand not only the “ones with issues” but also the “normal people”.
squeakParticipantI did think so- Deep Thought does not have these limitations.
Now you know why I live in the state of disillusionment =)
squeakParticipantI’d go with “formerly known as” rather than “previously” 🙂
squeakParticipantJudging by the lack of response, it is not 42
squeakParticipantNow that is modeh b’kuloi
squeakParticipantWouldn’t “Phenom” be a better adjective?
squeakParticipantNo, now you would have to swear an oath that you have read his other works. That is, if you owed me anything.
squeakParticipant“I never read Call of the Wild”
That’s what we here call “moideh b’miktzas”.
squeakParticipant“I know what it stands for. But I wonder what you THINK it stands for!”
Given who you are dealing with, why would you assume there is any difference between the two?
squeakParticipant“I am very curios!!!”
Why? Don’t you know what it stands for?
squeakParticipantNot a fan of Mr. London’s work, are we?
squeakParticipantSure I do. It’s your EDITED
The “d” stands for EDITED and the “a” stands for EDITED.
squeakParticipant“No one really knows who squeak is”
Heh heh. Not 100% true, but don’t ask about what happened to the few who found out.
“The extent of his powers is as of yet unknown”
Admittedly, even to me. But what better way to find out than to test the waters?
squeakParticipantObviously. I wasn’t seriously suggesting revenge either.
BTW, you further confuse the issue by bringing in old Uncle Ben. He was very fond of giving advice….
squeakParticipant“Wolves don’t recognize states”
But Buck* does.
* While Buck was not technically a wolf, he has no less claim than yourself 🙂
squeakParticipantDr. P-
Revenge is best served cold. Your friend should bide his time until Mrs. X is looking for shidduchim. Then when he sees her he can say, “Hey Mrs. X, do you want to come here for a second- I have a name for you?”.
When she hurries over he can say, “Tightwad”.
squeakParticipant“But YOU are part of that mystery!”
As are you. I can attest that 80 is no more responsible for the changes than you are.
squeakParticipantIf I had known that counselors hang their tip money on the wall, I would have written checks.
squeakParticipantDon’t go all Zen on this one. He is iconic, but that’s all.
squeakParticipantI think we both know who is
squeakParticipanttomim tihye/emoticon613-
You should proofread your posts before sending. Gulllible is the most frequently misspelled word. It should be spelled as I did, with 3 “l”s, and not as you (and most other people) spell it, with only 2. Check the dictionary if you find this hard to believe.
squeakParticipantThe state of disillusionment
squeakParticipantYes, I was here before you – though not with my current user name.
squeakParticipantI don’t mean to contradict, but I was around back when a user could select a different handle (screen name) from the login name. That feature has been disabled for users, but some older names remain “permanently” different from their respective logins.
I agree with you about temporary changes though 🙂
squeakParticipant“It won’t be a problem”
It might not be a problem. That is, as long as 1) the older screen names are not revived and 2) the prankster doesn’t continue to nickname every amusing person in sight.
There is a complication to this. The screen name is merely the name that a user signs posts. It is not necessarily the same as the login name. To see the user’s profile you have to put the member’s login name in the URL, which means that you have to know what it is. In most cases, the two are the same – but not in all cases.
squeakParticipantI think the counselors should verify that the parents are paying full-tuition for their kids’ yeshiva educations before accepting any tips.
squeakParticipantLooks like the prankster is back to having fun
squeakParticipant“I cannot accept that He would deliberately “torment” you to answer for those sins when He knows that you cannot because you weren’t even there.”
I can’t speak with any knowledge on this, but I’m not clear that “answer for” means “tell Me why was the sin done”. In the Olam Ho’emes nothing is hidden, so the need to “answer for” is not easily understood in that sense. It is quite possible that the intent is that the ba’al loshon harah takes the consequences of the trasferred sins.
The best would be to find the actual wording in the sefer and try to understand that instead of trying to interpret the paraphrasing that was likely done with randomness.
squeakParticipantSJS, since I am fond of replying on Kasha’s behalf, I will do so again.
Prevent divorce by avoiding marriage
Prevent financial failure by never venturing into business or finances
Prevent car accidents by not using a car
Prevent loss of property by never acquiring property
Prevent death by abolishing procreation
The Chofetz Chaim in sefer Shmiras Haloshon says that speaking loshon harah causes the victim’s sins to be transferred to the offender’s “account” and mutatis mutandis for the offender’s merits. I believe this is is what tralala refers to.
squeakParticipantlogic mahn d’car shmei
squeakParticipantGood Moderator, it appears that your demand for strict adherence to the rules of the CR has earned you a loftier title. Enjoy.
One of my superpowers is apparently the ability to anticipate criticism.
squeak, my methodology is public groupings.
You never mentioned that before…
Is there a correct Yiddish /english dictionary on how to translate yiddish words into correct spelled english?
mochul loch
squeakParticipantKasha – if you want, we can talk offline
You and I alone know the true pshat in the posuk “ezer knegdo”, but now I’m going to let the secret out. The meaning is understood by reversing the phrase to “k’negdo, ezer”. Men are self-destructive beings in every way, and everything they do is to their own detriment. Hence, by opposing man, woman prevents his self-destructiveness, which is a help to him. K’negdo, ezer.
At least, that’s what I learned from at Torah N.O.W. meetings 🙂
squeakParticipantI suppose there is a kind of irony in seeing someone named “shimmel” (missing the “c”) spell the word as “moldy” (missing the “u”).
squeakParticipant“Well, you said you became frum later, so it is different in your case”
To quote mosherose, there is no reason why it should be different. Just because one is not frum does not mean one is allowed to violate gezeiras chachamim.
squeakParticipantLest anyone wonder how in the world I happen to remember that it was a repost, I will explain. The prior posting was just a few posts before I was told in no uncertain terms that I am no fun (else I would have been blocked).
Since then I have tried vociferously to get myself blocked, but clearly my lack of qualification is obvious.
Schimmel is a last name BTW in case you don’t know
Perhaps you can solve the mystery then. How did Schimmel become a last name for non-mildewey leute?
squeakParticipant“Squeak? why were you schimmel a minute ago, and off again right now?”
Because I like to demonstrate my superpowers whenever I get the chance.
squeakParticipantIronically, there is little love in the CR, yet few of us can divorce ourselves from it.
squeakParticipantsqueakParticipant“So what is the correct context?”
The context is applying the word as a screen name, or nickname. Unless one is describing himself as a piece of mildew, it is out of context usage of “schimmel”.
“schimmel means “a bit premature”?
Or it was a bit premature to change your SN?”
The latter