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How about throwing in a fountain pen? Ah, those were the days…
What’s the modern equivalent of a fountain pen?
squeakParticipantNo one? Hint… the answer has already been posted on this site. Now you just have to look through 3 years of my old posts 😀
squeakParticipantblinky, once this tread opened my eyes, I knew I had to get out there and find out for myself if there really were different flavors of ice cream.
So I headed down to the city, where they have stores with ice boxes, and what do you know – they had more than 30 flavors! I thought it was a joke, but I sampled them all. Then I went to a different store and tried some more. My favorite was the kishke.
You can google video results for the “marshmallow test”, they actually have videos of kids trying really hard to resist and it’s cute and kinda funny too. Anyway, it is a lesson in delayed gratification for younger children.
Cute and funny? How about cruel and nasty. Those kids are much too young to be left alone with temptation for 5 minutes, let alone 15. It seems that the kids are holding back from eating the marshmallow not because of the lure of a second one to be received in the future, but because of a sense of guilt and fear of “failing” the “test”. Plus, strapping them (figuratively) to the chair with nothing to do during the 15 minutes is awful.
And then the “founder” of this test proceeds to predict the rest of the child’s life based on the outcome of this test. Never mind for a minute how ridiculous it is to do that, but once the results are out, which of today’s helicopter parents is going to allow their kid to fail the test? “Now little Timmy, you go in that room, and if you ever want to be a CEO and have a happy marriage you don’t eat that marshmallow, OK?”
squeakParticipantSJS – I have the same problem. Are you using IE6 or some other unsupported browser? For some reason, word wrap doesn’t work properly and all that appears is the rightmost part of the page (where no text except the too-long word can be seen).
This usually happens only when someone posts a link, because normal words don’t run that long. The way to fix this would be if everyone who posted a link would use code so that only a placeholder for the link would appear instead of the text of the link. I don’t think it’s fair to ask the mods to do this for others.
The fix would be to copy and paste the below, and put the link you want to post inside the quotes (” “):
<a href=" ">link</a>.
July 30, 2010 5:07 pm at 5:07 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025977squeakParticipantI assumed it was just meant to compete with me
squeakParticipantWow, I guess I haven’t eaten ice cream in a long time.
squeakParticipantIs this thread serious? Ice cream really comes in different flavors? When did that happen?
Conqueror of Jericho (and 30 other cities)
In general, widespread hostility towards useful knowledge and work is a recent phenomenon.
No it is not, not by any stretch. The suppression of education is a method of controlling the masses and is as old as education itself. The Dark Ages were exactly that – forbidding all forms of secular knowledge in order to make the populace entirely dependent on (and superstitious of) the Church. Other religions have also grown as a result of forbidding education (Islam is an obvious example).
squeakParticipantGood points, Mod, but you’re getting carried away from the point. We are looking for the “Torahdig approach” to celebrating anniversaries, brushing teeth, tying laces, driving cars, breathing, eating sandwiches, and going to sleep (fall asleep on your left side, and wake on your right side). Not how to find what to appreciate in everything around you.
Gavra – IIRC, the halacha of tying shoes is as a result of a machlokes amorayyim over whether right or left comes first. One says right shoe first and the other says left. As a compromise, we pasken that one should put on the right shoe first, but tie the left shoe first.
squeakParticipantYes, I meant unstable (hence the smiley). I had started typing something else but then reworded and I didn’t do it carefully. The first word, “At” should have also been deleted.
squeakParticipantI think we already covered talking to someone. Tying shoes is in Gemarah and paskened l’halacha in SA, so I know that. But driving a car sounds good.
If you are finding that reading on the iPad is easier than a computer screen, the explanation is probably because you are holding it closer to your eyes. Probably too close. There is no real difference in screen technology between iPad and a flatscreen monitor (AFAIK). Is there is an eye doctor in the audience?
At 235 would mean that we are stable. 🙂
squeakParticipantHow was it determined that I am a retired member? Semi-retired would be more accurate. Or was it supposed to be a hint?
Thanks for trying, but it did not work.
squeakParticipantAfter your question is answered, I would like someone to answer what is the Torahdig way to brush your teeth?
squeakParticipantWhat I mean is enclosing an excessively long link with the
< a >
markup. I know it is extra trouble, but I can’t expect every poster to do it for himself/herself, so I am laying the request at the feet of the moderators.`squeakParticipantWithout some people… most Yeshivas would be closed withing a few weeks.
You write “some people” but we can say more precisely “secular Jews”.
Without the generosity of secular Jewry, most Yeshivos would have closed down long ago. The famed Roshei Yeshiva (including R’ Aharon Kotler) did not limit their fundraising to yeshiva alumni simply because we don’t have enough money within our own circles to support our institutions.
As one R”Y so eloquently put it, “I teach my students to become bnei Torah for whom Torah is their livelihood, or [for those who will join the business world] to become ehrliche yidden. Either way none of my students will get rich.”
squeakParticipantRequest to Moderators:
I find with varying frequency that some threads do not load. It is clearly an issue with my OS/Browser because others seem to have no problem.
The issue seems to be caused most often when a post contains a link that runs too long for one line. For some reason, the text does not wrap and the entire page is cut off from view.
May I ask that such links be enclosed in proper code by moderators when they have time so that the frequency of this issue decreases?
Currently, the “Facebook” thread, “El Al Luggage..” thread, and the “Girls Congregating…” threads on the front page all have this issue, due to links, as does Dr. Pepper’s “Google Satellite” thread.
squeakParticipantTrustHashem- I am not talking about the rare cases where there is overwhelming negative. Those cases are admittedly different – there are situations where children should distance themselves from parents. I am referring to normal situations with normal parents (who make plenty of mistakes) whose children take the good for granted and judge their parents by the bad.
squeakParticipantHuman flesh is assur. We even prohibit eating skin as a result, because it is difficult to ascertain that the piece of skin does not contain some amount of the flesh to which it was adjacent.
What you may be thinking of is human blood, which is not assur m’ikkar hadin, but it is assur because of ma’aras ayyin (since human blood looks the same as animal blood, which is assur).
n.b. the lack of an issur on consuming human blood is likely the source of the vampire legends and blood libels.
squeakParticipantI’ve been called worse. But I, unlike Kasparov, have never been beaten by Deep Blue.
squeakParticipantMax, you misunderestimate me. You should know me better than that.
squeakParticipantDeep Blue’s shortcomings are easily exploited. I would get a kick out of playing a game against someone trying to trip me up by asking DB for help.
When DB doesn’t have the help of 6 grandmasters, that is
squeakParticipantYes, the Mishna implies that the restriction are equal.
I was preempting the statement that while the Mishna says “Al Tarbeh”, that is only in reference to your wife, but kal v’chomer with regard to other women you shouldn’t talk at all.
And while your self-deprecating remarks (or attempts at self-effacement, if you can call it that) may be necessary to get some people here to answer you, I find that they only make me uncomfortable. Please don’t use that approach with me.
squeakParticipantOf course. As I said at the time, either you were misrepresenting yourself as a 900 rating or you had help with your moves.
squeakParticipantWhy are parents suprised when their children do not want to have anything to do with them, if they were bad parents?
Because normal parents, despite their many mistakes, have given their children far more good than bad, and far more good than anyone else in the world. The attitude of children “not wanting to have anything to do with” their parents is due to the children overlooking the positive and focusing only on the negative. Those children are taking all the good for granted, and focusing only on how “unfair” the negative parts were.
On Rosh Hashana, the most we hope for is that the scales tip towards good to be considered tzaddik. We do not dream that the bad side will be empty. Why should we analyze our relationship with other people to higher standards than Hashem uses in judgement?
squeakParticipantsmartcookie, that is a brilliant and insightful point. When the parents act like nouveau riche the children will act the same way.
squeakParticipantI’d like to, but I don’t think either one of us is around frequently enough for that any more.
But maybe we could play a game when I pick up that sweater that you knitted for me 🙂
squeakParticipantDay’yo lavoi min hadin leh’yos k’niddon
Please translate.
Dayyo roughly means “It is all you can do to prove X through a kal v’chomer to the same degree as the base statement”.
It is tied to concept of kal v’chomer (a fortiori). This phrase limits the scope of what can be learned though the kal v’chomer logic.
Example: Suppose I tell you that I can throw a 10 lb bowling ball 50 yards. You could deduce by kal v’chomer that I certainly can throw a (much lighter) baseball the same distance (50 yards). But you could not use the kal v’chomer to deduce that I can throw the light baseball 60 yards, because of dayyo.
Whether or not you agree with this limitation or whether it makes sense logically is irrelevant. Dayyo is a concept explicitly stated in the Torah (see Bamidbar 12:14 and Rashi there)
squeakParticipantOy. We used to look to our Rishonim for elucidation of Shach Taz. I never thought we’d be looking to them for Shach Mat.
July 28, 2010 9:33 pm at 9:33 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025926squeakParticipantI will submit the question to someone who is, then.
squeakParticipantWhy should one’s wife be different when the Mishna specifically includes her in “al tarbeh…?”
I have been anticipating the response that other women should be excluded to a higher degree due to the statement “B’ishto omeres, kal v’chomer b’eishes chaveroi”.
As I am about to sign off, and as of yet no one has made that statement, I am reduced to merely pre-empting it.
Day’yo lavoi min hadin leh’yos k’niddon
July 28, 2010 9:27 pm at 9:27 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025923squeakParticipantWolf,
I must ask you about the usage of “kriah” as in “Ba’al kriah”. I agree that when speaking in the plural sense, “Ba’alei kriah” is appropriate. But when speaking in singular, “Ba’al korei” seems more appropriate.
IANABD (I am not a ba’al dikduk) – Just asking a sincere question
July 28, 2010 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025916squeakParticipantDo you really mean that? I think that if you talk through the entire davening – start to finish – except for 10 seconds where you observe proper shul decorum, you are a step better than if you talked with no exception.
July 28, 2010 9:05 pm at 9:05 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025913squeakParticipantI am one of the worst offenders during krias haTorah).
The Wolf
What about between aliyos? I’m trying to be melamed zchus here 🙂
squeakParticipantya got nothing to lose by sending it
Which explains my stuffed inbox
squeakParticipantfeivel, you are right, but your point is tangental to this issue.
Wolf is correct that the Mishna says “Al Tarbeh”, which does not imply that one should ignore women. Further, he pointed out that “Mekabel es kol odom” also implies extending courtesy and greeting to all people (unless women are not people).
Oomis- when it says al tarbah sicha em haisha, it didn’t say,”except a good morning greeting”.
Actually, that is more or less exactly what it says. “Al tarbeh”, not “Al tasiach”.
squeakParticipant… if I suddenly start wearing a streimel, does that automatically make me a chassid?
It does not make you anything, but at first glance I would think you a Chassid.
At second glance I would wonder at your long hairy snout, at what big eyes you have, and then remembering what I learned from the Brothers Grimm, I would not be fooled at all.
squeakParticipantOr would anyone have a list of frum newspapers/websites that cater to frum people in the business world.
If by “frum people in the business world” you actually meant “people in the frum business world”, then by all means limit yourself to frum newspapers and websites.
However, if you are searching for a job in the generic business world, then you may not want to limit yourself to these publications, as most employers use mainstream outlets to list their job openings. Normally, as a job seeker you should keep track of the primary venue used by companies hiring in your specific line of work. Otherwise, you risk hearing about the position late in the game.
July 26, 2010 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025883squeakParticipantI find it very telling that your primary definition of tznius… the “first word that comes to your mind,” if you will, is shame.
Busha means shame and is almost always used negatively.
Tznius and Busha are two distinct middos. The poster made an error by defining one using the other. Both middos have a positive connotation, and when possessed in tandem enable one to achieve the pinnacle of Modesty.
Busha indeed refers to shame, or rather bashfulness, and is considered the mark of a G-d fearing person. It is busha that provides a person with the incentive not to sin. This idea is found in many seforim, not the least of which (for the sake of Mod80) is R’ Miller zt”l.
squeakParticipantAnd beware of the mummie’s purse.
squeakParticipantYep. It was put there to amuse high-floor residents of surrounding buildings.
squeakParticipantYou mean a sculpture of a plane.
squeakParticipantIf you are thinking of getting an ereader to do a lot of reading, you are overlooking the advantage of Kindle/Nook over iPad. The iPad has an LCD screen and is similar to reading a computer screen. The ereaders such as Kindle use e-ink and have no backlight. The reading experience is similar to a book, not a computer screen.
If you are looking to maximize functionality, clearly the iPad wins over any single-use device.
squeakParticipantI am coming out of “blocked” mode to answer this post.
Your friend can apply for this job through the site: [if the mods need to block the URL perhaps you can email one to ask for it]
The job is low-paying, and requires travel. There is a 1 year experience requirement, but my experience is that a candidate who makes a good presentation of himself will often find this requirement relaxed for him (and college work can often be candied up to pass for ‘experience’). Think of this job as a springboard for your friend to leverage himself into better positions after he picks up some experience.