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Some would, yes. Perhaps SItotty would. But would BPtotty? withholding calculator puts tax for 200K married couple with 4 kids, said mortgage, and maxing out the 401K at 30K. FICA is another 10K. Health insurance premiums of 10K are very likely. I didn’t bother to do state tax, but I think assuming 13.5K is reasonable. That brings me to 120K.
– 10 (FICA)
– 16.5 (401K)
– 10 (Medical)
– 30 (
– 13.5 (state- estimate)
squeakParticipantrescue, the numbers are not so far fetched. The AMT kicks in for pretty much everybody at 200K and when it does most of your deductions go out the window. 401 (k) contributions are limited to 16.5K for HCE I believe (you can check with google). Not that everyone will agree max funding your 401K should come before max funding your yeshiva.
With SJS’s assumptions, I would put after tax at 120K rather than 110K, but that’s close enough.
squeakParticipantBP Totty- By your argument I would have to declare Staten Island to be the shpitz New York because people pay $11 to go in and nothing at all to go from SI to Brooklyn.
squeakParticipantI’d think you could figure it out from what I replied to the OP using a K”V.
squeakParticipantNo, it couldn’t have been. That time she did disturb (i.e. call) her dad.
squeakParticipantdepends on what point of view you choose to take. I am merely making the argument that it is unimplementable (to coin a phrase).
squeakParticipantWhoa. This time its not just a different version of the story (as it was with the gefilte fish on the train), but you’ve also made an important mistake.
Zechs und neinziger (one brand is Everclear) is 95-96% alcohol, not 96 proof. It is 190-192 Proof.
As for the story, the version I had was a little different. A older gent refused to drink anything but pure zechs und neinziger. His friends and relatives told him he’s crazy, it’s too strong, and that drinking it will kill him. He would reply that if anything, it’s not pure enough and that he wishes it were 100%. On the day he goes to the doctor and learns that he is afflicted with water on the lungs he says, “Oy, I alvays knew dat 4% vas gonna kill me”.
squeakParticipantOf course it’s ridiculous. But at the end of the day, someone else will pick up the tab for the delinquent yeshiva tuition. However, no one will pick up the tab for the cleaning help, car payments, mortgage, or food (unless you ask to dip in to a tzedaka fund). People respond to incentives, and unless you can give them disincentives they will act this way.
Withholding a report card is not a sufficient disincentive (nor is it the right thing to do). If you come up with something that is sufficient to get people to do the right thing, it is not considered acceptable to implement.
October 12, 2010 8:16 pm at 8:16 pm in reply to: Why do some wives (newlyweds) act like Mashgichim to their husbands? #701905squeakParticipantThis aishes chayil here didnt marry just any guy. She married the next Rosh Yeshiva, her parents hocked their financial future to guarantee support for the best guy in the yeshiva and she is busting her tuchas, not for a guy, who is in the growth stage, for that they could have had anyone, they went all out for the next Rosh Yeshiva.
There is so much wrong with that. I did not miss your sarcasm, but perhaps you inadvertantly arrived at the crux of the issue.
If the girl married someone even for his “potential” to be the gadol hador, even if she allows 35 years for him to get there, it is a recipe for disaster. Even if the goal is 35 years off, there are definitely going to be progress checks.
There is only one way it can work. That is if the girl married, and busts her kishkes for, the man she married – for the sake of what he is learning and accomplishing RIGHT NOW. Not for what he is doing now as a stepping stone to some goal. Not for what he may be after X years in learning. Now, and only now. This way, if he eventually leaves kollel it is not a failure. If at any point she is not satisfied with what he is doing RIGHT NOW there is a problem.
squeakParticipantSacrilege, perhaps this is a discussion for a different topic, but I understand perfectly how immersion could change your opinion. Here is a quote from a secular personality that sums up pretty nicely why the anti-gay rights movement makes no sense:
“All gays and lesbians want from evangelical Christians is the same deal the Jews and the yoga instructors and the atheists and the divorced and the adulterers and the rich all get: full civil equality despite the going-to-hell business.”
Makes perfect sense from a Christian pov. Why should gays be treated any differently from Jews, or any divorced-and-remarried person? Their anti-gay stance is simply hypocritical, inconsistent, and biased. Any fair-minded Christian would agree that there is no categorical difference and no reason to deny one group the same rights extended to the other groups.
Makes perfect sense from a legal pov. Unless you go and redefine marriage with the terms “one man and one woman”, there is no rational exclusion for any two people to be joined in a legal marriage.
From a Jewish point of view there is no such inconsistency, and a perfectly ‘rational’ exculsion. The Torah forbids such a union. The Torah does not forbid non-Jews or divorcees to marry, nor does it condemn them to hell. Therefore, neither do we. WRT gays, we have a responsibility to try and prevent the legitimization of such an anti-Torah concept, as well as any other anti-Torah concepts. We are not being hypocritical or biased, rather consistent followers of our faith. We may lose the battle, since it is not our country, but we have a solid position on the issue.
squeakParticipantLucky Shloimie
October 12, 2010 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm in reply to: When does doing Chesed become called "being used"? #700112squeakParticipantWADR, it makes no difference what was going through bochur #2’s head. He made you feel unappreciated, and therefore used. Your feelings are the deciding factor because it is your time and your work and your choice about whom to give it to.
It does not have to be expensive to bring in experts. B”H the frum community has many talented individuals comprising a broad range of expertise. Often, all the school needs to do is to ask, and a professional will happily volunteer his or her time to the students.
One example is career day. 20-30 years ago, individuals like myself were asked by schools to come in and talk about our respective fields, professions, or businesses (only some actually had any affiliation with the school). Not a one thought of asking a fee. It’s called giving back, and it’s more in vogue now than ever.
The reason this is not happening today is only because the schools have stopped asking. They no longer want to bring professionals and businessmen into the classroom for fear that they may be looked to as role models rather than merely a necessary evil.
That question has been answered already. The ensuing discussion is the natural and predictable direction of the conversation.
The bottom line issue here is mistrust. The schools do not trust the parents to pay as much as the school believes they should be paying. The parents do not trust the school’s decisions about tuition levels, scholarships, and money management. The parents also do not trust each other to be doing enough to pay their fair share. It is a constant battle, and the battle can never be won.
The only solution is to wave a white flag. End the battle. If all sides are serious about working together towards a resolution then there needs to be open, honest two-way communication . There should be monthly town hall meetings where the school shares operating information with the parents, in exchange for promised co-operation and participation. Both sides need to be giving more.
October 12, 2010 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm in reply to: When does doing Chesed become called "being used"? #700110squeakParticipantfrumladygit & frumeyid –
Thank you, what you said means a lot to me.
As for next steps, I think you have the right idea about learning to say no when you don’t want to do it (and yes when you want to).
If I can offer one piece of advice regarding these relationships (very common, both in relationships between young people and between adults), it’s this: If your efforts to gain approval are hurting your self-esteem, don’t wait too long for the other person to come around. Move on and find someone else to focus your energy on. Chances are the person who will appreciate you as a friend the way you are will accept you right away. And you will feel good about the relationship right away.
squeakParticipantHere is a short version of William Safire’s “Great Rules of Writing”:
Do not put statements in the negative form.
And don’t start sentences with a conjunction.
If you reread your work, you will find on rereading that a great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Last, but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.
squeakParticipantAlcohol as a sleep aid is not a good idea. Your body will metabolize the alcohol while you are sleeping. So while it may help you fall asleep, it will either not let you stay asleep or it will decrease the quality of your sleep.
Plus, it is definitely habit-forming. And bad for your liver, too.
squeakParticipant(and she does)
Therein lies the darchei sholom problem. She is asking you for a subjective opinion, not an objective one. If you have to lie to get it right, then something is wrong.
squeakParticipantKasha- the problem with that count is that it includes deleted threads and posts. Someone with mod access could determine what percentage of threads and posts were deleted and use that to calculate the # of posts/threads.
But it does look like we’ve passed 1,000. I guess it’s just a milestone that Dr. Pepper failed to note, like the fact that today is the third “binary day” this month.
Maybe he’ll make up for it in November, but he still missed the most important one (forty two).
The count is updated after a mod does a “recount” option in the system. Until then it will be out of date. It has just been updated, so it should reflect an accurate count as of 5 minutes ago.
squeakParticipantWIY – there are less than 1,000 threads. It must be, or Dr. Pepper would have started a thread claiming the status of #1000.
squeakParticipantWolf- the discussion is based on an assumption of the absense of self-regulation (i.e. morals) by the individual.
squeakParticipantWelcome back anyway. I’m glad you let it go because the CR is a better place with you around.
squeakParticipantI thought it was Torah Tuesdays? That would mean you can eat it any other day of the week. You are really limiting yourself more than you have to here 😉
squeakParticipantPY- thank you. I accept the apology you offer, though none was due. FTR, I hadn’t taken offense. I was kidding, as usual.
squeakParticipantMake sure you are standing within 1-2 feet of one and GRAB!
Oh, did you mean ahold of?
squeakParticipantOK, this makes me the official CR ninja
squeakParticipantPlease define the age range you want to hear from, both upper and lower.
squeakParticipantwhat leverage does the school have
Is that an argument to say that they can use the kids as leverage?
They have no leverage.
squeakParticipantAs I once told a girl, “When we have a relationship, I’m not going to express that by hinting, I’m going to say, ‘I like you, we have a relationship'”.
The guys usually don’t realize they have a relationship until after 60 years of marriage with constant reminders from their wife. At most, they have some vague idea that they have this ‘thing’ and that it may be important.
squeakParticipantThrowing a shoe at someone’s face is considered the biggest insult in Islam, as we were constantly reminded.
A book, not so much. So it’s somewhere between shoes and flowers. Maybe it was meant as a gift?
October 11, 2010 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: When does doing Chesed become called "being used"? #700098squeakParticipantMaybe I missed something here. It sounds to me like you are afraid of her. It is perfectly acceptable to decline to do a favor that you don’t want to do. For some reason you won’t do this.
It is your decision. Say ‘sorry, but no’ and don’t offer any more explanation.
Why do you crave her approval so much that you degrade yourself to this level? You work for her but resent it- in my book either you are an indentured servant or you are emotionally indentured to her. Please explain if I missed something crucial.
squeakParticipantAn appropriate solution to non-payment of tuition has not yet been discovered. End of story.
squeakParticipantGoing to sleep late is not insomnia.
Pascha, you should know that there are two types of insomnia. One type is difficulty in falling asleep. This can be easily treated by ingesting anti-histamines at bedtime (due to the drowsing side-effect) though (DISCLAIMER) I am not advising that you do so unless you consult a doctor.
The other type of insomnia is difficulty staying asleep. This is not treated by sleeping pills, because as you noted, they wear off before the problem kicks in. If you have this type of insomnia you really need individualized treatment.
What about Caucasians?
squeakParticipantFor those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, e.g. New York, the sun does not rise due east. During the winter the sun goes from east to west along the Southern horizon, and during the summer along the Northern horizon. So a person with a North facing window would find himself/herself awakened in the early summer morning by direct sunlight. But anyone who hasn’t updated what they learned in kindergarten would think such a question is stupid. And as we see….
squeakParticipantThis happens to me every week. And not just in the bungalow colony.
BTW, I’m person B in the story. Tell Mr. A thank you from me, for the past 20 years.
squeakParticipantBy rein I meant pure. As in, less water. These 2 year-old chevra (i.e. bourbons) are usually 60% water, which makes sense for 2 year-olds NTTAWWT. It’s like Slivovitz with no sugar.
squeakParticipantThanks for the invite, but I’m on duty this week, so whatever is on tap there is all I have access to (plus what’s in my suitcase 🙂
squeakParticipantUntil you remember that even Dr. Middos failed at time travel (he asserts that only Hashem can be in the past and the present at the same time). I highly doubt some teenager was more successful than he.
squeakParticipantMod80- BRILLIANT
Sacrilege, actually BP Totty is completely correct. The definition of weight is dependent on the gravitational pull on mass. Same mass, different gravities = different weight.
October 8, 2010 6:18 pm at 6:18 pm in reply to: Do they teach girls how to cook in Seminary? #700452squeakParticipantAnd here I was thinking it was Mod80 who was the only one who hadn’t heard it… after all, it wasn’t Sacrilege who defined stir fry in that way
squeakParticipantWill do. But after a comment like yours, I think you deserve something a bit reiner than Maker’s Mark
squeakParticipantAh yes, an easy way to lose weight without losing any mass.
And here is another good one along those lines: To quote a famous limmerick,
There was a young lady named Bright,
who travelled much faster than light.
She left home one day,
and in a relative way,
returned on the previous night.
Said the bright one to her friends in a chatter,
I have learned something new about matter.
As my speed was so great,
much increased was my weight,
yet I failed to become any fatter!
So, the solution (which is much easier than moving to the moon) is to move extremely slowly all the time. That’s it- all it takes is to get all those speedy fat people to slow down 🙂
squeakParticipantBarnes and Nobles? Really?
October 8, 2010 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm in reply to: Do they teach girls how to cook in Seminary? #700448squeakParticipantI thought we were binging from now on?
squeakParticipantSqueak sounds like a neighbor worth having!
Now that’s the nicest thing anyone here has ever said to me. Excuse me while I get my hankie.
squeakParticipantEat less. That’s a good suggestion. Here are some other good ones.
Give blood.
Shave your head.
Stop wearing jewelry.
Remove your fillings.
Pull out all your teeth.
Always carry helium balloons.
October 8, 2010 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm in reply to: Do they teach girls how to cook in Seminary? #700444squeakParticipantModerator-80
Mr. 80
a traditional Jewish food often served in “chinese” restaurants
This reminds me of a story that sheds some light on the mistake in your definition.
A Chinese man was debating with a Jewish man whose culture was oldest. The Chinese man said, “We have tradition going back 3,000 years” and the Jewish man counters, “But ours goes back 4,000 years!”
The Chinese man raises his eyebrow and says, “Oh, yes? What you people eat for the first 1,000 years?”
October 8, 2010 5:25 pm at 5:25 pm in reply to: Do they teach girls how to cook in Seminary? #700442squeakParticipantIf so, why the stir fry? You should switch it out for corned beef.