Forum Replies Created
To mod 95, good call on blocking the site. Much of what can be found there would not pass moderation standards if posted here (that doesn’t mean to say nothing on the site is OK). If the OP intended to post something acceptable, he could copy and paste (or paraphrase, if it’s an audio shiur). I suspect that the shiur in question is not appropriate for this audience.
This discussion started out as ridiculous, and now the tangential makes the OP seem sublime.
squeakParticipantDid you mean “keep your head down”?
If your advice was to literally “put your head down”, it’s bad advice.
squeakParticipantI think what popa is saying is that single people can help you avoid marriage.
Correct me if I misunderstood the analogy.
squeakParticipantIt sounds better in Yiddish?
squeakParticipantAries, you are doing it again.
August 28, 2011 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm in reply to: Earthquake + Hurricane during One Week in New York #802769squeakParticipantRonrsr, are you saying that you believe G-d is the “Great Clockmaker”? That is how your posts sound. I hope not, because if so, then you have indeed rightly earned that title. Such a belief conflicts with the first Ani Maamin.
squeakParticipantMight be a bit stale….
squeakParticipantThe Berkshires are not coastal and are on high ground. What’s the problem- were you thinking of the Hamptons?
squeakParticipant“Can somebody kindly explain why this is happening?”
Unfortunately, that’s something no one can really do. Gasoline prices are very difficult to explain or predict, even more so than other commodities. There are so many market forces acting at the same time that at any time you can come up with multiple theories both for and against the current trend.
Situation in Tripoli brings prices up vs. down depending on whether your theory is unstable now vs. expecting stability soon. Hurricane Irene brings prices up vs. down because of stockpiling and emergency services mobilizing vs. potential demand destruction in the areas hit. There are probably dozens of other theories you could come up with at any time.
squeakParticipantHaLeivi, you are welcome. Languages are not easy to “search”, and web translators are not often helpful. Most of the time you need to find someone who studied the language or who is a native speaker.
squeakParticipantIt certainly has a Germanic equivalent, though i do not care to opine on whether thisis in fact its root. The word in German is vergonnen (with an umlaute on the o) which is a compound of the root word gonnen.
August 24, 2011 2:21 am at 2:21 am in reply to: Divorced and Remarried Woman–didn't cut her losses #801455squeakParticipantaries, I am only not offended by your condescension because I expected it from you. As to your last point, you shouldn’t think that I won’t accept anything you say, or that I have a negative opinion about you, in general. In fact I find your posts to be worth the read and at times excellent.
I understand your defensive reaction, and your need to build yourself back up by expressing dislike of my posts, but I was really only commenting on the one aspect of your posts that I mentioned. Specifically, that I see a bias coming from you in this thread (and in 2 others just today, as well as a general sense from the past). I found this ironic in light of your first reply to the OP accusing him of bias, which is why I commented on it.
We can discuss life coaching in a separate thread if you’d like, but I truly doubt you would want to go head to head, toe to toe, or keyboard to keyboard with me on that subject 🙂 [as I will freely admit a strong bias against, and generally succeed in making my points stick].
squeakParticipantadorable…i dont want to give away too many details but lets just say HE DOESNT HAVE INTERNET ACCEES WHERE HE IS NOW
At least now we know he is not in prison. B”H.
But there are not many places left, so if we’re guessing…. I’d say the bunkers in Afghanistan and Iraq are probably pretty poorly connected to the net, if at all. I’ve also heard that most of the Arab countries with uprisings have had internet turned off – Libya comes to mind….
August 23, 2011 11:15 pm at 11:15 pm in reply to: Earthquake in Brooklyn! (and surrounding out-of-town places) #801363squeakParticipantTo the mod who changed the title of this thread to read “Earthquake in Brooklyn! (and surrounding out-of-town places)”:
If I may, I’d like to contribute one criticism and that is that I think it is a mistake to say that OOT places are “surrounding”. Nit shaiyach that OOT could be neighbors with the s’vivah of Brooklyn!
squeakParticipantDon’t say “fat people.” You might insult someone. Rather, say “gravitationally challenged.”
Au contraire, my friend. Perhaps a “gravity overconsumer” is more appropriate, but that connotes overeating. I leave it to you to find a more sensitive term, but one that properly conveys the condition.
As an aside, we should all be looking to conserve gravity when possible. I know that the ASCG has been making strides to raise awareness of this.
August 23, 2011 11:03 pm at 11:03 pm in reply to: Divorced and Remarried Woman–didn't cut her losses #801450squeakParticipantaries, I don’t like to get involved but from your many posts in the CR it does seem like you have an obvious bias. Your rapid judgments do tend to lean towards the wife in marital disputes, and towards the parents in familial disputes.
To what degree is having that kind of bias helpful in providing professional advice and to what degree is that bias harmful? I am asking this as someone skeptical of a coach.
August 23, 2011 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm in reply to: Earthquake in Brooklyn! (and surrounding out-of-town places) #801359squeakParticipantChofetzchaim: i read the article you pointed to and immediately felt like i was reading something straight out of my spam folder. Indeed, that is not far from the truth.
Because you said tzorech iyyun, i did the requisite due diligence and felt there is good reason to discredit the advice of “Doug Copp”. A simple search will reveal the American Red Cross response to his method, as well as a snopes article attacking the man#s credibility and character. Suffice it to say that it would be far better to follow the advice of accredited safety organizations over that of a self proclaimed expert.
Bottom line is the best advice is to crawl under something that will protect your head from falling objects, and hold on to it. Lying down in open space seems be a good idea.
August 16, 2011 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm in reply to: Could someone please explain the Joseph story to me? #798898squeakParticipantHey Mr. Ego Booster! It was worth breaking the silence for that. I can’t comment on hacking since I haven’t been given any information about it (maybe it was Rupert Murdoch? That would explain the lull).
42, it’s not that I insist, it is simply the orthographic rule pertaining to my name (confirm this with haifagirl). It is simply incorrect to capitalize, not offensive.
August 12, 2011 2:01 am at 2:01 am in reply to: Could someone please explain the Joseph story to me? #798885squeakParticipantOnce upon a time there was a man named Joseph who had many opinions to share. So many in fact that he could not adequately convey them by means of a single identity. Stealthily (at first), he began to split himself into fragments that would each take on its own online identity and voice. Together he and his fragments grew in number until they could match any army of dissenting opinions. With Napoleonic thrusts he sought to rule the world of online opinion, only to be eventually crushed by the lack of credibility he earned through his vehement radicalism and rabid agenda. He now serves as the greatest enemy to his own cause, but continues in his ways unabated.
The moral of the story is Tov Shem mishemen tov. Oh- and that sometimes hanging in there just makes you look like an even bigger loser.
squeakParticipantWhy are people embarrassed? We have made excuses for ourselves. We have degraded ourselves by freely accepting these types of assistances that are intended to provide for the helpless. We have failed to look past the free lunch and see what it says about us as a society. Chaval. V’Hakesef Ya’aneh es Hakol.
At least a little busha at the checkout counter can’t hurt. The middah of busha is vital to Klal Yisroel.
squeakParticipantWho wrote that?
Looks like veteran did. But it posted from your actual account, not from a fake.
squeakParticipant“I wonder if he is th emost misunderstood person in the CR.
Not by everyone.”
Now all we need is for jphone’s reincarnation to say “A mother always understands her baby’s cry”.
June 28, 2011 2:57 am at 2:57 am in reply to: Have you ever seen a Ghost? I mean a real one. #781580squeakParticipantI don’t believe that censoring my post demonstrates the moderator’s interest in elevating the proper hashkafa.
squeakParticipantWait a minute, you haven’t heard my tirade yet.
I am not in a position to travel on one of these tours now anyway, but even if I could I would not go!
Firstly, I have no desire to return to the necrotic soil of Europe. Every daled amos is another lug of martyred Jewish blood. I would not willingly walk again into the putrid environment of more than 1,000 years of senseless slaughter. It makes me shake when I but consider the history of the place.
Second, I see these destinations as another piece of the sickness. In a devastated and unproductive country, instead of burying their heads in shame for eternity and cowering at the mention of the Holocaust(s), they make a MUSEUM out of it. I cannot express on a blog the amount of anger that causes me. Even now these pernicious creatures continue to capitalize on the murder of our innocent family? My family – your family – all of our family!? Is there no industry for them to make their business that they have to turn their inhumanity into a TOURIST ATTRACTION?
Finally, I will add that it is my belief that people visit these places as a way of assuaging their guilt at not giving the Holocaust enough thought. I understand this, truly. It would be a terrible feeling, to know that one is living his life in a way that just about ignores the history of his People; to be dancing and playing and enjoying Chol Hamoed trips when a few short years ago his grandparents and their generation were shot and enslaved and treated in the most barbaric of ways. Yet, visiting these places is but another way of distancing oneself from the events; not making them more a part of him. The once in a lifetime visit is not going to make one feel better about forgetting the suffering.
But I tell you- there is no need to feel guilt in this way if you remember the lessons of the Holocaust and the other persecutions always. There is no need to feel guilty of enjoying one’s life (properly). We are given a time to mourn each year, during Tisha B’av and the 3 weeks leading up to it- we are not to spend the rest of the year mourning. Mindfulness suffices for the other 49 weeks. Visiting a museum such as this is worth less than nothing. Pick up a book about the event instead, with pictures if it is more meaningful to you that way.
I admit that I sometimes find it hard to appreciate your humor ever since you made me obsolete, but you had me going with that one.
squeakParticipantCancer Communications
June 28, 2011 2:13 am at 2:13 am in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909026squeakParticipantDaasYochid
The age gap theory assumes ( it’s intuitively correct, and, I believe, statistically proven) that more children are born each year into frum homes than in the previous year.
“Statistically proven”!? One man repeating himself ad nauseum doth not constitute proof.
The basis of the age gap theory is about as statistically sound as charliehall’s quote about Medicare overhead being 1/5th that of private insurance. The data is weak and the comparisons are not apples-to-apples. It is almost useless to try and disagree with AZ, as Dr. Pepper has mentioned, but I think it pays every now and then to point out that most independent thinkers have not bought in*.
* Important post script: I don’t CH”V mean to insinuate that the RY who signed are not independent thinkers. I think it is very important for everyone to read the letter carefully and see that the RY did not say anything other than that “close in age” shidduchim are a good thing. I agree that there is no harm in that. But AZ has taken the letter and run with it, pretending that the RY actually endorsed his data and his “analysis” and his conclusions. This is ludicrous.
squeakParticipanta) sure
b) sure
c) no
squeakParticipantICOT- no need to apologize, you got it so it’s fair game. There is no such thing as a private message in a public forum unless the message sender is clever enough to pull it off. But I’m guessing that you didn’t get the part with the time if you thought I said 12:30.
I meant to type the names of the characters instead of copy/pasting the actual characters. I think that would have held you off for long enough, but I was too lazy to do so :(.
Dr P.- I’m not disappointed.
squeakParticipantHere’s the only hint I can give without making it obvious: I typed the message in an old old software interface that you know. The characters will be familiar when pasted back there. The hint is that I typed while holding shift.
squeakParticipantsqueakParticipantDoc- I’ll work out a puzzle that I can post on the riddle thread with the details. Only you will be able to solve it in time. The rest is up to you.
squeakParticipantDoc- the epilogue was a rerun. Does that mean you’re finally running out?
I can’t believe that you still haven’t shared the worst date ever (in the spirit of rendezvous = date with a guy) – i.e. the one with me at KD.
squeakParticipantblinqui – even if I consider you part of the old crowd it has no bearing since you are not around any more yourself…..
squeakParticipantI’d just like to say one thing here, if I may.
It may seem very clean and sharp in your mind, but these screenplays that a few posters have written here do not play out in an actual conversation. Besides for this, whether you win or lose you lose- if you spend time talking to a missionary that’s a loss.
My advice is avoid these conversations like the plague. You have nothing to gain but more than nothing to lose by it. Use your creative minds not to develop dialogue but to develop excuses or even LIES (if needed) to get you out of the situation, such as by saying, “I’m so sorry but I can’t stop now because my house is on fire”, and run away.
squeakParticipantShticky Guy- HI!! If you know me, you know that there never were any posters from my era. Thanks for the shout out.
squeakParticipantDr. P-
Big sigh of relief. I mean, I’m not relieved that you were detained and incarcerated. I can’t imagine what they must have done to you to take away your eidetic memory, but it must have been as bad as Gitmo. Hey wait- is that where you were held? Ach du lieber Gott in himmel! But I digress- I’m relieved that you are alright and not especially mad to have found me.
I am not a mod nor will ever be. I only lurk now and but infrequently, mainly for the reason that I never made friends with the new crowd, and the old crowd is gone.
If you’re asking me about KD, then I guess you didn’t find the trailer on a Friday. I hesitate to respond to your invitation on this site, since I am practically an ex-pat here so I am afraid to start a riot. You are welcome to email me though.
Joey – Firstly, “cave at Tora Bora” is redundant. You need to brush up on your Pashto. Yes, I speak fluent Pashto – who doesn’t these days? Second, just because you and I cannot meet in KD does not imply that Dr P and I cannot. The courts never issued a restraining order on Dr. Pepper.
squeakParticipantThe crowning achievement of the entire NASI project, start to finish, was to (unfairly) give girls a sense of defeat before even trying, and to give mediocre youths an inflated sense of self-worth. Paying matchmakers to “give attention” to “passed-over” girls is just another dagger in the heart.
best way to get Squeak to show up is to call him she
Cute. But seriously, no- it doesn’t bother me if people here are mistaken about some part of my identity. What would bother me is if I had been the one to mislead, but I have always been clear about this matter.
squeakParticipantIn a hypothetical post-apocalyptic world, the protagonist of our story – let’s call him Dave – bides his time in an underground bunker waiting for the world above to become safe again. Finally, after months or years, he finds the courage to lift the manhole cover from above his head and crawl out into the sunlight. The first thing he says is, “Does anyone know what happened to the Russians?”
Who are the Russians? Are they Dave’s friends, and is Dave asking in hope that they too survived so he can be reunited with them? Or are the Russians the agressors, the ones who caused the apocalypse and sent him running aground for his safety?
Dr. Pepper
Has anyone heard from Squeak?
How am I to understand this question?
squeakParticipantAlthough I buy flowers (most of the time) for every Shabbos and Yom Tov, for Pesach my minhag is not to do so. The reason is that if I were to put the flower in water for longer than 18 minutes it would create a problem of chametz.
Chag Sameach.
squeakParticipantThere is really no discussion to be had. The default answer is yes, if you are a responsible person – frum Jew or no – you should have life insurance sufficient to cover the needs of your dependents (including spouses and/or dependent parents as the situation applies). There is no logical argument to be made any other way.
The only reason you would answer no is if you have a specific psak telling you not to have life insurance (as has been recounted by one poster in the CR that I can recall). In this case, follow the psak not to have insurance. Otherwise, see the above.
Some people have a budgetary issue, which is an entirely different story. Programs exist – such as the TU campaign to buy insurance for Rebbeim – which are designed to help those who can’t afford insurance. Because it is that important to have that it transcends affordability.
squeakParticipantTo paraphrase a quote I saw recently from Donald Trump,
What is the difference between the CoffeeRoom and a waste basket?
The waste basket doesn’t have seven billion people mucking about in it.
squeakParticipantSyag- I didn’t say you had to be old to remember Popeye, just that the particular episode was from that far back.
I just checked it, l’toieles horabim 🙂 – it is Adar after all. It was in 1939. You can find the episode on one of the internets. It is called Alladin and his Wonderful Lamp.
Ursula – I agree with you completely – it’s funny on many levels. But it happens to be that you and I are both right in this case. The Popeye episode was making a (not PC) joke on “Salaam, Salaam”, so that explains why it belongs in the Purim story. I did not realize this until just now.
Maybe you didn’t realize, but I was making a joke about Ursa Minor, but never mind :).
squeakParticipantNah, it is. There were some odd folks who were bowing to their king in an “S” shaped motion, saying “Salami, Salami, Bologna”. It fits, I just can’t believe that something so weird and obscure made the cut.
You could probably find the Popeye episode on one of the internets today, but you’d have to know what you’re looking for.
PS – you might think you are the real “Ursula” but while the kilobear is still hanging around you are just Ursula Minor :p
squeakParticipantThe “salami bologna” is an extremely obscure reference from a (very) old Popeye episode. I have yet to meet anyone who has seen it and still remembers it (most have Alzheimers by now). It must have had some pop culture significance to the writers that I am oblivious to, because all their other references are downright mainstream.
Keep the mysteries coming! There is a room full of Ellery Queens 🙂
squeakParticipantIf ur pet brings home challah, send it to my house.
squeakParticipantL’toieles, make sure you fill up your gas tank before Shabbos. The price next week will be a good 15-50 cents higher (since gas prices may lag oil prices for a short while).
Why do you ask- are you planning to make “shaila” your next screen name? 🙂