Forum Replies Created
You also need to subtract caramel, divide by coke, and multiply by pepsi
squeakParticipantThis thread is weird. Who are we supposed to think is asking the question?
squeakParticipantTragedy of the commons?
squeakParticipantbomb- in that case, your investment is unquestionably wise. I can guarantee you a better return investing in gold than spending it on garbage 🙂 ?
squeakParticipantDo you mean you believe the egg came before the chicken?
squeakParticipantbomb- wrong type of diamonds. Good luck with your investment, I hope it does what you hope for.
If you don’t have enough funds, you can buy an ETF or a mutual fund that holds diversified risk.
squeakParticipantIf the word Alla (which has a komotz under both the aleph and the lamed) is related to the word in LH”K which is a name of G-d, that is one thing to consider. The name Allah is clearly derived from the LH”K word Kai”L, so being similar to the word for oath is only a secondary coincidence.
Not vaccinating is bad. There are known health risks, such as permanent handicap and death. The known risks are so bad that no one even needs to consider unknown risks. The unvaccinated are only as safe as they are because the other 95% of the population is vaccinated and the diseases are harder to catch.
squeakParticipantHe didn’t mention anything to me about it in shul this Shabbos.
squeakParticipantI think people need to start talking to survivors of the pre-vaccination days to get a real perspective. In most years, one or two of our classmates did not pass to the next grade (I don’t mean because they failed any tests).
squeakParticipantBut popa, you told us where you lived by mentioning the show you went to see (and not only could I handle the truth, I wasn’t all that surprised). Or was that just because you knew you were moving? Also, you seem to drop hints from time to time that ring true, so I don’t think you really mean to hide as much as you say you do. Am I right? And is there a reason why you like to do work that has such extreme ups and downs- I take you for a much more stable and risk averse kind of guy.
squeakParticipantWhat ICOT and GAW have said is extremely reasonable (as usual). Gold is normally thought of as an inflation hedge, and it doesn’t make a good “investment”. The same amount of gold that was created at the beginning of time is the amount of gold on earth today – it does not oxidize and it is not manufactured (can be through nuclear means, but that’s not done). The amount of gold available for buying and selling is something pretty hard to change – when the price of gold is high enough, people will sell their jewelry and mining companies will find it worthwhile to dig gold out of the earth at lower gold to ore ratios, but all that has a barely noticeable impact to the supply.
If you are worried about currency devaluation, as many people are when they think about all the money being printed at the Treasury department, then trading your currency for gold can make sense. After all, why let your dollars sit in a bank account and lose their buying power every time the money supply is increased? It is a much better idea to keep your savings in gold which hardly changes in supply. The gold will still be equally precious when you need to turn it into buying power. You might get more dollars or less when you sell it, but it’s a pretty good chance that the buying power hasn’t changed. You might or might not want an ETF for this purpose, as some people will advise only having physical gold serves this purpose.
However, the buying power of gold can change if there is a speculative bubble one way or the other. Some might say that the current price of gold is high because it is overspeculated. Others say that the price is currently low because it is undervalued. Gold definitely gets a lot of attention these days, but there is really no one who knows what the current price or the recent trend means. The price of gold could shoot up tomorrow, or it could crash and burn like it did in the 80s. Either way, speculating is risky. So unless you are taking on this risk as a hedge, or as part of a diversified portfolio, you are essentially gambling.
By the way, diamonds make better semi-conductors than gold, so arguing that gold is useful for that reason only makes sense as long as the price of gold stays lower than these commercial grade diamonds. Gold is a poisonous metal, extremely heavy, and not easy to use as currency except in large amounts. I don’t want to have any (though I own a small amount as part of a diversified portfolio).
September 18, 2011 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm in reply to: REPLY TO mdd ABOUT CALLING GIRLS BY 1ST NAME #810728squeakParticipantand what level were they on before? Calling each other by numbers?
September 16, 2011 4:31 pm at 4:31 pm in reply to: Am I the oldest person in the CR. Anyone else nearly 50 #810417squeakParticipantAries2756, I dont get why you are being so coy about it. We all know your exact age already, you gave it away right when you got here.
squeakParticipantRon, you might be interested to know that in many cases a get cannot be given if the wife has alzheimers, even if there are valid grounds. This is because halacha requires the woman to understand she is being divorced.
squeakParticipantbpt… the things you say….
I hope you at least don’t take yourself seriously.
September 15, 2011 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm in reply to: Why Do the Women Get the Better Shmorg?! #820808squeakParticipantKfb, the reason everyone is in the women side is because thats where the shmorg is. Otherwise we wouldnt ch”v mingle.
I dont understand your complaint about the booze. Its not like there are any bottles of Kalhua or Tia Maria on the chosson tisch.
squeakParticipantYou are right, Hashem is the One Who decides who is right or wrong. But it is not a secret what He wants from us, which is why its not about what you or I or “people here” think or feel, but about Halacha based on Torah. Agreed?
squeakParticipantR’ Mordechai- How could you be the frum DB? I thought you were really Judy Blume (or whatever her name is)
squeakParticipantRoots, from brooklyn? Yeah, I guess you could make that statement if you assume that maaseh bereishis happened in Boro Park in the 20th century….. This is as ridiculous as saying that the Rebbe’s previous gabbai is the source of his gadlus.
squeakParticipantGlad tto hear you are fully recovered, BH. I hope that was without needing therapy, as you hoped.
squeakParticipantYou missed my point, whether you intended to or not. I understand and remember how emotional the issue is for you, just like this one is and the one about kashrus standards. If you can also see how emotional it is to you, then you should realize how subjective all your assertions are and have been. So how about taking a step back and admitting that these are your biased opinions, and listening a little to the knowledgeable CR folks who are toeing the halachic line.
September 15, 2011 6:32 pm at 6:32 pm in reply to: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this #1033316squeakParticipantHello99, were you once here as PM? If so, WB.
squeakParticipantZD, what type of pikuach nefesh is it when there is some snow on the sidewalk you use to get to shul?
squeakParticipantEm, I can tell you why I race to red lights. It is an opportunity for me to fulfill a mitzvah. Stopping at red lights is demonstrating my fulfillment of dina d’malchusa. It is also a kiddush Hashem. If I wouldn’t hurry, the light might be green before I get there and I lost an opportunity.
squeakParticipantMir. Tosh.
That’s for you Yiddish speakers out there.
squeakParticipantDue to pressure from the West for cheap oil.
squeakParticipantHe does have a different name. Is that not widely known?
squeakParticipantFeif, i think mod42 has a phone number you can give to such people when you want to outsource such friendships. If your guruship wishes to ask him to provide it, that is.
squeakParticipantTums, it would seem your question answers itself. The prices are controlled by artificial means both before and after the oil is pulled out of the ground. Not like in the 70s where it was actually regulated, which resulted in shortage, but through more sophisticated mechanisms.
squeakParticipantBeing a baal moifes these days doesnt mean what it used to.
squeakParticipantYacr, it would seem that gas prices are not completely decided by supply and demand. Historical data will show stability in prices even with changes to those factors, and instability in spite of unchanged supply and demand. Obviously demand is going nowhere but up and supplies in the ground are being depleted rather quickly, yet somehow gasoline remains affordable. If it were truly free market I would charge ten times the price.
squeakParticipantYes, there is a lot of handshaking. I still encourage professionals to go, and to make their ice-breaker speech about why you wont shake with the opposite gender. It should win you the understanding and support you need to participate without compromising on handshaking.
September 13, 2011 12:44 am at 12:44 am in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811306squeakParticipantModerator-80
my friends call me 80
no, mine is scheduled for next week
Now you know why we all think you were born yesterday.
September 11, 2011 3:13 am at 3:13 am in reply to: write a grammatically correct sentence with the word 'and' 5 times consecutively #808305squeakParticipantSeptember 11, 2011 2:53 am at 2:53 am in reply to: write a grammatically correct sentence with the word 'and' 5 times consecutively #808303squeakParticipantI was talking about ayc and Haleivi. I hadn’t even gotten to yours, popa.
Yours should have been written as follows:
“Like this,” she said, “And and and and and.”
Spot the 5 corrections.
squeakParticipantIf you want to get an appropriate gift that you know no one else will bring, get hairclips. With rhinestones, if you’re fancy.
September 11, 2011 2:46 am at 2:46 am in reply to: write a grammatically correct sentence with the word 'and' 5 times consecutively #808300squeakParticipantIS the sentence grammatically correct even if you don’t capitalize appropriately?
Still no winner.
ETA: I hadn’t seen b_h post at the time.
squeakParticipantHello99: private letter ruling?
That’s a joke, btw.
squeakParticipantSimple solution to the yogurt/pudding problem: Poke a tiny hole in the top of the foil before opening (use the corner of the back of your spoon, or the tine of a fork if you eat yogurt with a fork). This releases the air pressure inside and will guarantee that nothing will squirt out when you peel back the foil.
squeakParticipantThat is to say – you are sweet, but not that sweet. Plus, you are funnier. But let’s not debate it or Joseph will start a poll.
squeakParticipantSo, “brainy”, are you saying that you are the same person as Abelleh? Otherwise, you are the one who looks silly as a result of failing to read.
squeakParticipantshlishi, pretty good! The real quote is “99% of female drivers give the rest a bad name”. ?
squeakParticipantWow. There really is a different standard on M”S. That last part should never have passed moderation, and I only put it in to test the phenomenon.
squeakParticipantoomis, let’s disregard for a moment my personal opinion of that “reason” (namely that it is absurd) and focus on a proof that it isn’t the reason. Cars can be modified to operate by hand controls. Did you know that FDR drove such a car?
squeakParticipantYou’re really sweet. If we both lived in New York, maybe we could get hitched.
squeakParticipantYou can also “get away with” not going to school and spending your days hanging out in clubs. It doesn’t make the advice good.
squeakParticipantI’m not usually a paranoid person, but isn’t the little diode next to the web cam supposed to indicate if it’s on or off? Specifically, is there any chance that a hacker could have turned on the webcam but not triggered the light to go on? I thought that the purpose of the light was to protect people from this.
squeakParticipantpopa, I’m at your beck and call.