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It stands for yom kippur, once you’ve had one too many glasses of wine.
squeakParticipantWho is now considered one of the shoftim, that was not one before the feminist movement? I saw this in a classroom where I davened today and did a double take.
squeakParticipantWhich of the shoftim served for less than a year? Now they make funerals on that street. Coincidence?
squeakParticipantOy, then all your past nedarim and shevuos were not mikkayim the todah. You better start making proper tanayyim going forward.
squeakParticipantYou were masneh al mah shekasuv batorah. You know the rest.
Have a good fast 😉
squeakParticipantTwo years ago:
One year ago:
This year:
I bet there are more that I can’t remember (?). I guess if you keep predicting it long enough and often enough, the last prediction will be right.
squeakParticipantPresumably because we are not so torn up that the only positive thing we can think of is that G-d is just.
squeakParticipantICOT, your make some very good points. Most of what we disagree on is opinion, and both opinions can be valid. I’d just like to respond to a few things:
1. I absolutely agree that Masters’ proposed solution would have been a terrible idea. That does not take away from the elegance with which he described the problem – a tremendous feat.
2. I am not aware of what you mean by the “current run up” in the oil market. To the best of my knowledge, the last run up was the one that took us to $120. After that bubble burst, the price dropped like a rock to the 30-40 range, but that was partially rubber band effect (snap the other way) and partially the fact that it was 2008 and no one had any money to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunity. Since that point, the price has more or less settled in the mid $80 range, with a relatively low standard deviation.
3. You wish for $30-40 oil prices without artificial means. In other words, you are hoping to drive out 50% of the buyers from the market. That means that you don’t want China, India, and other oil “newcomers” to have access to oil. I think of that as a selfish wish. [If you will say that your wish is not to remove buyers but to double supply, I will say unequivocally that this is a pipe dream. Production cannot be increased by anywhere near the amount you’d need, and even if massive amounts of oil were discovered today it would take years to reach the market- by which time demand will likely have overtaken it.]
4. I agree with you that the right way to create a disincentive is to raise the price through taxes and not through paying the suppliers more. This is not what is happening – the high price is the result of market forces and not disincentive actions. I am merely pointing out the silver lining when I say that it drives us to other technologies. If I believed in tax disincentives I could move to a country that has them (UK, Israel, EU, etc).
5. Your prediction of future gold prices is something I need to think more about. I think pretty much everyone agrees that there is a bubble in the gold market, but the question is how big is the bubble. You seem to think that 100% of the gains result from the bubble, while I think that the bubble is but one factor coming on the shoulder of price gains due to valid economic factors. It’s hard to deny that investors have permanently changed their thinking when it comes to currency and sovereign debt. It is also hard to deny the effect of inflation on a commodity that is not inflatable. My most liberal guess is that 50% of the gains in gold are from hype and fear – but if you put a microphone in my face I’d say my best estimate is 25-35%. But you could be right, as time will tell.
6. I don’t have any blame theories for the recessions. When I say that I blame stagflation on our work ethic, I mean something entirely different. In less comfortable times, people who had less did with less and dug their heels in. Many people, forced by poverty or other hardship, did things that no comfortable person would. Countless small businesses were created that way. It’s like playing the dice game craps- you might win or lose on the first roll, but if you roll the point you keep on rolling until you get something.
Now we live all in comfort- there are programs to fall back on in hard times, staples are cheap and easy to get, communication and transportation is taken for granted. We have giant efficient companies that make innovation and competition difficult and unnecessary. As a result, in bad times we are playing musical chairs – once you’re out you are eliminated from the game. You won’t find any laid off Vice Presidents looking for “unsuitable” replacement work because they don’t have to. The result is less competition in business, a tougher labor market, and more concentration of capital (rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer).
October 2, 2011 3:59 am at 3:59 am in reply to: Popa's reflections on Motzaei Shabbos; Haazinu #973003squeakParticipantNot that this belongs here, but your other thread no longer exists.
The Rama says that one should say “L’shana tova tikasev” on RH night. The Mishna Berura adds that one should say “Tikaseivi” to women.
No one says that I should wish shana tova to my doorman, because he is not jewish. Why then does the MB say one should say this to women? I think he must have held that they are Jewish. And if the C”C held so, it should be good enough for you and me.
The only question that remains is why didn’t the Rama say this? Clearly, women were not considered Jewish as far back as the Rama. I would be curious to know at what point they became part of the tribe, and I would venture to say it was when they began learning Torah (i.e. beis yaacov movement). Therefore, one can only imagine what would be if they would start learning Talmud! Then they could not only be jews but even (dare I say?) Rabbis….
squeakParticipantI feel a bit like a student disagreeing with the teacher and giving his reasons, knowing all the while that the teacher is aware of the arguments the student will bring, has already considered and discarded them, and will now explain why they are invalid.
Nonetheless, the above are my thoughts on this topic.
I appreciate your kind words, but you are too humble. I find your advice here very worthwhile. If mine is also seen as helpful, then that only makes this a better discussion, since we have opposing viewpoints.
I disagree. If you look back at 2007-2008 you will see what was possibly the greatest amount of speculation in any market ever. Michael Master’s testimony convinced – if not proved – to members of Congress that the $120/bb price tag was the result of speculation. The sheer number of uncovered contracts at the time made obvious the scale of the speculators’ influence in the market. As a result, they sought to enact reforms that prevented speculation. Gold has seen nothing quite like it.
I don’t wish. Cheap oil is not healthy and it’s not sustainable. If we artificially kept the price down somehow, what do you think would happen when (stagnant) supplies didn’t meet (growing) demand? You’d have China, India, and the US fighting for their share. The higher price encourages us to seek better (oil free) technology and limits the demand from poorer countries.
What you are describing would be the result of a very painful deflationary period.
The point is that people are not willing to shift their holdings. It’s financial suicide to park your money in any vehicle right now, as it’s been since 2000. Meanwhile the government has been printing money to pay for various stimulus programs. That causes inflation, which drives people with savings to park their money somewhere inflation proof- i.e. gold, because it’s supply doesn’t change. The logic being that even though I’m not going to gain anything, at least I don’t lose. The value of gold hasn’t gone up so much as the value of the dollar it is priced in has shrunk around it. The only way for the value of gold to come down now is if dollars start disappearing and the value of the dollar goes up – i.e. deflation. A permanent change to the money supply means a permanent change to the price at which gold will find support.
Stagflation is a sad commentary on the work ethic of our society. If our people were willing to work the way our ancestors who built the country did, such a state would not be possible. But that’s a whole other discussion.
squeakParticipantmetro- congratulations on spotting that grammatical inconsistency. I am well versed in Latin, so I hope you will believe that it wasn’t an error. I was making a joke through reference to a popular novel of late and I would expect the word “Illuminati” to have the greatest likelihood of being recognized, while the singular form would not be recognized. I doubt that either of those descriptions fit the real life director of CERN.
My last paragraph was serious. There is no better way in academia to attain funding than to grab the spotlight in any way possible. I don’t believe that the reported findings will overturn physics in any degree.
squeakParticipantIcot- do you think oil prices are a bubble too? Will a barrel go back to 30-40? I dont think it will. Not for the same reason, I also dont think gold will go back to those pre-stimulus prices. What you are describing would be the result of a very painful deflationary period.
I can only say one thing. S. P. O. Nage.
squeakParticipantThere was only one family that knew how to make the lechem haponim, and they didnt teach anyone the secret. So even if we tried to make challah look like it, we’d not succeed.
Dont worry, the family was punished.
September 27, 2011 12:54 am at 12:54 am in reply to: PBA Officials In Ticket-Fix Grand Jury�s Sights #812730squeakParticipantHalf of it made sense….
squeakParticipantWhich means nothing except that there might be that many fewer hedge funds in a few weeks or months.
squeakParticipantI can tell you one thing for sure- whose tisch they attend.
squeakParticipantI eat green peas, so that the whales should have a good year.
squeakParticipantNo, because increasing the voter base dilutes the value of my vote.
September 26, 2011 10:14 pm at 10:14 pm in reply to: popa's on the plane so none of our posts are being put up… #812792squeakParticipantJetBlue is for plebes who drool every time they walk on a plane and pass through business class, but are not important enough for their employer to pay for a seat for them there.
Much better to go business class with any other airline and smile pityingly on those folks as they pass.
September 26, 2011 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm in reply to: popa's on the plane so none of our posts are being put up… #812786squeakParticipantI agree that there is no plausible deniability when it comes to Joseph here.
Popa, cant you afford wifi in the sky?
squeakParticipantI dont recommend dating books. They are only good for a short term relationship, becaue most people will be bored of them after more than 2 reads. As difficult as it may seem, it is ultimately much better for you to date another person.
squeakParticipant600kilo bear-
Which is it? 100% kosher, or LBD?
squeakParticipantGreece is not what Europe is afraid of. In fact, both Greece and Ireland essentially defaulted a while back qhen the Central Bank bailed them out (they bought their bonds).
What economists are afraid of is a default by Spain, which has a far larger economy than those two countries combined. There is no telling how bad the fallout would be if that happened.
squeakParticipantElul or not, its a tasteless joke. She was a well liked person, and certainly no one’s enemy. I find it hard to appreciate jokes made at her expense, as I’m sure most people with a reasonable level of maturity do, moreso since she is deceased.
September 25, 2011 1:31 pm at 1:31 pm in reply to: Where There’s A Will, There’s A Violation What The Torah Wants? #812378squeakParticipantWOW, what an epiphany! Wolf mentioned life insurance. How can the death benefit be given to the yorshim the instant before death? The benefit is only payable after death!
squeakParticipantWhat are your criteria for “suitable”? The university is not going to care if he is British, nor that he’s frum.
If you just want him to see other.frum people on campus (why is that important? Is he going to dorm, or be part of the social scene?) then any CUNY campus meets that criteria. But if that’s all you care about then just send him to BMG.
squeakParticipantKapusta, the only one youll meet will be joey
squeakParticipantIf the morality of eating meat can change with the times, why can’t anything else?
Agreed. I think it’s about time to reconsider the morality of eating people who think it’s immoral for us to eat animals.
September 25, 2011 3:37 am at 3:37 am in reply to: Can anyone explain our wedding songs minhag? #812338squeakParticipantWho exactly is happy? Not the parents, they’re in the hole for more money than the GDP of a mid sized country. Plus, they’re on the hook for the next who knows how many years for who knows how much money (depending on how dependent these children are). Not the guests, either- they’re annoyed to be invited to yet another wedding, 10 just this week, which means no sleep at all since slichos starts at 5 am, plus they’re in the hole for about $100 worth of gas tolls and babysitting, plus they have to give a wedding gift. And they have to pretend that they’re so happy to see all these people they never otherwise see (there’s a reason why they never otherwise see them – they don’t want to). And they have to wait around staring at their empty soup bowls until practically midnight because the photographer is lousy and couldn’t get the “right” shot.
Basically, the only people who are happy are the ones who are paid to be there and sing. And they’re only happy because they are getting money to be there, which goes back to the parent’s unhappiness. So it would really be disingenuous and selfish for them to sing about any current state of happiness.
squeakParticipantSheesh, you must’ve said “blazes” a dozen times in this thread. What is this, the great Chicago fire version 2.0?
squeakParticipantbist du gerecht
squeakParticipantThis is in the spirit of Motzoia Shabbos threads? Nevertheless, extremely tasteless.
squeakParticipantThat’s what you said about Joseph.
What percent of our make up is actually ourselves?
squeakParticipantBesides, I am sure that chofetz chaim has given smicha to some nutcases.
But you don’t know from first hand experience?
(how do I make an evil grin here?)
squeakParticipantDo bears like honey beer? Or just Pooh bears? What about Pooh pah bear abbas?
Forgive me, its been a rough week.
squeakParticipantAs far as looking at whether the majority will snack on a slice of pizza, I would say its hard to bring proof from what we do ourselves. I know that I would find pizza good for snacking if not for the fact that I need to wash and bentch. A posteriori, it is suitable only at mealtimes.
Can we judge based on what non jews do? If so, I still don’t know if by majority it is a snack, but I know that I frequently see people eating pizza on the go. It could very well be true that one slice is considered a snack to most people in the US.
squeakParticipantAs I pointed out yesterday in the riddle thread, I think this is bogus. I mean, are we seriously meant to believe the reports from CERN, an organization known to be headed by a murdering Illuminati?
Come on. Questioning Einstein is just a ploy for attention and funding. Happens all the time in the academic world and in research.
squeakParticipantOnly one signature per IP address? Hmmmmm
I guess Joseph could sign it 5,000 times on his own!
squeakParticipant“I don’t know what any of that means”
Sorry for not being clear. Merlot is a mid-range popular red wine, in the exact way that Chardonnay is not. An unwelcome interruption is when someone calls attention to themself or tries to demand your attention when you would prefer not to be distracted.
squeakParticipantpopa, was that you on the mezzanine under the stone arches? On the opposite side of the wine rack? I was going to say hi, or send over a bottle of Merlot, but I didn’t want to make an unwelcome interruption.
squeakParticipantHello99: please never abandon the CR again. Respectfully yours, squeak
squeakParticipant….and name calling is the last refuge of the incompetent debater.
squeakParticipantpopa wins
squeakParticipantNew riddle: What travels 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light (measured over a distance of 500 miles)?
Hint: it starts with an “h” and ends with an “oax”.
squeakParticipantPopa, Ill risk it :p
squeakParticipantMusic wasnt noise? Maybe youve forgotten all the street kids who lugged boomboxes on their shoulders everywhere, including on the subways? I assure you it was not enjoyable for us grown ups. I think that headphones, walkmans, diskmans are great inventions!
squeakParticipantThank you ron, for making the same point as me but doing a better job. I guess repudiating a miracle is easy if you dont understand that its a miracle.
squeakParticipantEvery shul in chicago should call up “popa bar abba” for shlishi this shabbos. See if he’s willing to risk not coming up.