Forum Replies Created
February 23, 2012 11:20 pm at 11:20 pm in reply to: Christie veto's the bill but the threat looms! what should we do??!! #853805squeakParticipant
Come on, no one liked my funny? Gavra? pba? I need some validation.
February 23, 2012 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm in reply to: Christie veto's the bill but the threat looms! what should we do??!! #853799squeakParticipantI just came up with the solution. If can get every frum man to apply for a marriage license with another man (mutatis mutandis for women), we will overwhelm their system and they’ll be forced to accomodate us! There is no way they can find a place for all those licenses so they’ll be forced to can the whole thing.
squeakParticipantFood would be easy, just send a bunch of dietetic products.
If its to be non food, send a gift certificate for a cosmetics store and a 1 month gym membership. Let her wonder what it means……
February 23, 2012 2:18 pm at 2:18 pm in reply to: Wht it is time for Jews to get over the Holocaust #875957squeakParticipantAnd to ask for the discussion to be only logical is illogical. Persecution and genocide is not logical, but emotional. Nationalism is not logical but emotional. We don’t study history purely for logical reasons, either. So when you discuss a topic that is pertinent to the history of our nation, it is logical and appropriate to be emptional about it. It is moronic to try to divorce emotion from the topic.
So the writer is not only moronic but also oxymoronic.
February 23, 2012 1:56 pm at 1:56 pm in reply to: Wht it is time for Jews to get over the Holocaust #875956squeakParticipantAs pba said, the writer is a moron and I will extend that designation to the editorial staff of Beacon. This type of piece is not an outlier for Beacon. I miss the days when printing was expensive and was reserved for things “fit to print”
The only point he made that I will respond to is the one about immortality. True, we have thousands of hours of documentation given by survivors, but it will nevertheless be a loss when the last survivor is gone. Because right now we have all that documentation AND living documentation, yet this moron has the gall to tell us to “quit whining”. How much more so once there are no more survivors, we can expect to hear even louder voices telling us its been enough. And the worst part will be that no one will be around to answer back, “I was there, you moron, and it was a big deal no matter how embarrassed you are to say so.”
This writer will either grow up to regret writing this, or end up completely disconnected from Judaism.
February 23, 2012 2:27 am at 2:27 am in reply to: 49.5% of Americans dont pay any income tax #853722squeakParticipantA democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two-hundred years. These nations have progressed throught this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again into bondage.
February 21, 2012 9:18 pm at 9:18 pm in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857178squeakParticipantDoswin, I thought you were gone for good. Or at least had turned over a new leaf. Oh well.
squeakParticipantWhat a great way to curb internet addiction we’ve found. Just corner someone in a debate and when they have seen the hopelessness of their position they will suddenly no longer have internet access.
And now, out of respect for the fact that this thread is about teachers, I wil wipe the smirk off my face.
squeakParticipantAdd the kosher lamp to the list of inventions.
A parachute jump can be done after a 4 hour class, the entire adventure costing around 200$ Do it while you’re still young enough to enjoy it 🙂
squeakParticipantPfeh. The beauty of being American is that we don’t feel the need to justify our self-importance. Let the limeys have their thread, bless ’em.
squeakParticipantEh. I don’t see what’s aggressive about it. It is like a guy who keeps hitting his head with a hammer to discourage others from using the hammer as a weapon against him. Pure passive apathy. But I gotta admit that you can’t beat the tactic when you’re dealing with certain types.
squeakParticipantGaw and bringing hair offerings of young boys.
squeakParticipantHi Mr DY,
Try not to be as close minded as your fuhrer. The OP is suggesting that there is no shortage of boys, just the illusion of a shortage due to lists. Obviously you disagree on the fundamentals, so you can’t really add to this discussion unless you accept the premise for argument’s sake.
squeakParticipantI liked the elders of zion answer. I think I am also starting to like your shittah of not supplying answers. It seems like much more fun….
squeakParticipantWhy do we need 2 threads about being superstitious?
squeakParticipantThere is a pretty interesting random questions thread from years ago, if you’re looking for that type of thing.
Popa as usual only gives made up answers. The term Uncle Sam was from a confusion between a food supplier for the army and the US stamped on the barrels.
The reason we drive on the left is to do the opposite of our sponsor nation UK. I’m not sure if there is a reason why they picked the left side of the road, but they had to pick one! We then did the other one.
Congress legislates DST for the US. Some exceptions are allowed. Other countries can make their own rules for themselves. The question of leap seconds is much more.interesting, because it has to be accepted internationally.
squeakParticipantI used to be superstitious until I heard that being superstitious causes early death.
February 8, 2012 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm in reply to: What's the argument against having a Madina? #852583squeakParticipantGAW-
It has been a long time since I’ve read that period of history, but the first thing that comes to mind is Kol Chotzev, the biography of R’ Sholom Schwadron. In that book his description of the situation betwen the zionists and the Yemenites is documented, as well as his efforts on the Yemenites’ behalf. I am sure I have read about it in other similar works.
Not that I’m trying to help, but be fair. Ignorance of the facts does not change the facts.
squeakParticipantNot far from Ireland
Off ‘is onion
squeakParticipantMost anxious for a subtitle
squeakParticipantBuried with a branch in hand…. never heard of this. Is this a valid minhag of certain groups, or is it like having a bell line?
squeakParticipant“we pasken it is round”
Among the stranger piskei halacha I’ve heard. Do we also pasken that the sun is a star?
squeakParticipantIs it also ridiculous that a school nurse is paid for by the school/government? After all, shouldn’t the parent of the kid pay for each visit to the nurse – and if ots not worth it to them to pay, its not worth it to society?
These courts are in the public best interest. If you don’t have salaried judges, you have in effect established a threshhold for “kosher” theft, up to the point where the claim is worth more than the court costs. Court fees now are so low that this threshhold is irrelevant.
If you don’t like that, then take the berdichiver route. Look at the zechus of America, that they go so far to be mekayim (one of) the 7 mitzvos bnei noach that they completely sponsor even the small claims system. And the kollel system.
squeakParticipantTwo reasons:
All you can eat wings
All you can drink beer
It’s kind of a pre purim warmup, without the matanos l’evyonim. Megilla, mishloach manos, and seudah are all there.
squeakParticipantNot that one. I didn’t want to be too obvious, but…. I meant the one about Boteach’s book.
squeakParticipantLooks like non judgmental isn’t that popular a topic.
Probably because we’re all such a judgmental group.
(That was me playing my get off-topic free card)
squeakParticipantpopa, bump the “crosses the line” thread
<evil grin>
squeakParticipantI don’t believe this, in the entire thread I am the only one on topic and I got no credit for it. The best anyone else could do was criticize the vort, I criticized popa. Even the OP was off topic.
Now I can be off topic in every other thread for a week.
squeakParticipantNext question.. how many Avinu Malkeinus are there?
squeakParticipantSimple answer. If you are chassidish then there is 1 Rebbe. If you are not, there are 0.
Ask an atheist how many gods there are. Ask a pagan. Ask a jew. QED
squeakParticipantPopa, Amish has rumshpringe. Jews have only rum and Schprintze.
squeakParticipantA beetle. My family would be ashamed though, and leave me locked in my room.
squeakParticipantAh, I was too subtle. No matter. At least I get it. I once did a stand up routine in front of the mirror and the whole audience loved it.
squeakParticipantIts a joke about spending the first shabbos with his new mother in law
squeakParticipantThey say that 1 moderator year is the same as 7 regular person years. 4 more years is plenty, my.friend, plenty.
squeakParticipantWhy would anyone hijack a thread dedicated to criticizing popa and use it to criticize girls? That was 2 questions by the way.
squeakParticipantFacebook is going public.
As if it wasn’t already public enough.
February 2, 2012 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm in reply to: In this thread we criticize Popa. By Popa. #849344squeakParticipantRetarded. So what if you reach the “highest spiritual level” by fulfilling your “jobs”? If your jobs are stupid and you do them well, it just shows that Hashem didn’t make you capable of handling real jobs. It doesn’t make you worthy of leading am yisrael. I’d rather have a leader who is struggling with important jobs than one who successfully fulfilled a few menial ones.
Did you think of this yourself? You should stick to the easier jobs, like cleaning streets and leave giving divrei torah to clever people like the rest of the CR.
This is me, doing my job of picking up the slack in the CR :p
squeakParticipantAn arctic cold front moving into the NY area is expected for the week following this coming week. After that, we can expect warm weather again going into spring.
Did you really want to talk about the weather, or were you just making small talk?
squeakParticipantHaqer, do you mean because they block Ami? I noticed that, and had the exact same thought.
January 31, 2012 11:13 pm at 11:13 pm in reply to: How much does it cost to support for a year? #853847squeakParticipantIt costs whatever you write on the dotted line. Seriously, a couple could live on next to nothing or in the style to which they were accustomed before marriage.
squeakParticipantDo you have to twirl your gragger when you say it?
squeakParticipantNot necessarily were all the facilitators the same person, but it seems likely that they all went to the same seminary.
This whole topic reminds me of the “near death experience” hype that was big in the 80’s. The frum velt picked up on it a little later (10+ years), as well. Both concepts make for great fiction writing. Whether there is any non-fiction to be written is doubtful, and certainly it is hard to believe it about every Tom, Dick, and Harry who is interviewed for a book. Gary Larson gave the best explanation for the NDE phenomenon.
Kind of makes you wonder if all the facilitated conversations with gorillas were staged too. Just kidding, we know those are real. But I never knew of a gorilla who predicted moshiach.
squeakParticipantIt was the only time they played Carnegie Hall.
January 29, 2012 2:41 pm at 2:41 pm in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #859022squeakParticipantSome women have a superior knowledge of tanach, and that is nothing new. In general though, it is the unusual woman who knows more tanach that a proper ben torah, and a man should not be making cop out excuses about his own ignorance.
squeakParticipantYou should have come and said hello. Of course there is a recording of it, they sent it out to us concert goers around the chanuka following. I am sure I dont know if I still have it, though.
Lots of funny parts. For me, I enjoyed seeing Moshe Yess because I was a fan of his for a long time. When he made that joke about his name, and it killed like no one had ever thought of it before, it was a great moment. He also debutted the sequel to Ninth man, but they went to Jack Lelainne that time, not the Kosher Gym (no existo).
January 29, 2012 4:10 am at 4:10 am in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #859012squeakParticipantshe knows more torah, navi and ketuvim than my sons. but is that so terrible???
Yes, it’s both terrible and pathetic. Your sons should be ashamed.
men cant be the master of all.
I guess you’ve never met any real men.
January 27, 2012 2:02 pm at 2:02 pm in reply to: lack of menchlichkiet yeshiva administration #846837squeakParticipantRabbaim, I saw your posts and I have a question. You said that in addition to your main position that is 6 days a week and two nights, you also tutor 2-3 hours per day and work in the summer. In your next post you said that a Rebbi clears less than half of the 100G a therapist can earn. Is that really apples-to-apples though? Sach hakol, the teaching plus the tutoring plus the summer job must come to more than 50G. If not, I am shocked beyond words.
If you,meant to say that just the teaching pays that amount, then I don’t think the comparison is fair. Would you agree? The person earning 100G does not have time for 2-3 hours of tutoring and a summer job on top of their main job! Also, therapists who get paid by the hour at such high rates like consultants usually don’t have benefits or pensions on top of that. The benefits are “built in” to the hourly rate.
squeakParticipantMod 42, I was at Carnegie Hall too
squeakParticipantNot tolls on local roads, toll on the entrance ramp you get back on. Just like GSP does in some places. Obviously if you are willing to bypass the whole 11 miles they have nothing to charge you for.