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  • in reply to: Chalav Yisrael Milk #873640

    What about singles?

    in reply to: Chalav Yisrael Milk #873637

    In the midwest you probably have cows in your backyards and you can fill up any size container you want. Here in bwookwyn, backyards aren’t big enough for cows, so we have to get whatever is in the store. Plus, we have to have it pasteurized- I’m not sure if you guys have heard of that yet.

    in reply to: working the night shift #875180

    It should make no difference what level of expertise he says he has.

    BTW, I am also medically trained. I have 40 years of ER experience, plus 40 years of neurosurgery, plus 40 years of podiatry, plus 40 years of cardio pulmonary, and 35 years of nephrology. I just choose not to wield my knowledge because I am too tired from all the night shifts.

    in reply to: k-9 filter #872954

    You are assuming that they aren’t oiver every single click unless something bad comes up but every click is a sakana, the overall lifestyle of using a computer that way is a sakana for something bad to eventually happen. It is a ticking time bomb and therefore you are oiver by putting yourself at its eventual mercy.

    Yes, that is what I am assuming. Defining every click as an issur whether or not something bad comes up is exactly what I meant about alienating the klal. The ideal is to achieve safe issur free internet use, and the message needs to be tempered. How about if we make the message say that UNfiltered clicks are sakana chamura, and that once the necessary precautions are taken it is not assur to use the net normally.

    I don’t like your comparison to yichud, because yichud itself is an issur derabbonon. Not so using the internet after taking precautions. At least, that is the mesage we need to send out, because making the internet assur has proven to be a severe problem.

    To your second point, I have no disagreement. The delay is worthwhile because it is necessary. Slowing down to merge into traffic is not something we complain about either. Just don’t couch the message the way rabbaim did.

    in reply to: k-9 filter #872945

    contemplate ho many issurim you avoided and by the time you have begun thinking your page will have loaded.

    Rabbaim- I have come to respect a lot of what you say, but your approach here is way off. It is statements like the ones you made that divided the klal from their rabbonim. It assumes that the internet user would have been oiver issurim in his or her regular internet use, which is not true. It is also absurd to think that the person will use the delay time to pontificate each and every time a server request is made (maybe once, maybe 10 times, but after that its just a nuisance).

    in reply to: working the night shift #875178

    Ah, but 2scents- he replies that way about any topic, not just medical ones. Just as he does not have to provide certification of authority when the discussion is about halacha or justice, he does not need to do so for medical topic.

    in reply to: Mixed Dancing??? #873854

    “but he doesnt watch movies”


    in reply to: Make up a story about those stolen manhole covers #873273

    Wasn’t anyone wondering why the sewer pressure increased so dramatically that day?

    Nah, I guess I wouldn’t want to know either.

    in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003891

    squeak is average height, skinny, clean-shaven with glasses. He is always well dressed in a suit and tie (even while skydiving).

    You are correct on every count. I am a giant among the pygmies, a dwarf by NBA standards, and indeed of average height when they mingle. I am skinny when I am found at overeaters anonymous meetings, clean shaven from a bird’s eye view, and always with glasses when pouring my favorite scotch (since I never drink alone).

    I wear a suit to bed, and even when I shower. But you forgot to mention my bow tie, and my Ferragamo cane.

    I picture 42 this ageless dude who walks around in a bathrobe with a towel slung over his shoulder, saying my mysterious and cool things like, “My name is of no importance.”

    Wrong guy. 42 is more often heard screaming things like, “resistance is useless!” or reading horrible poetry. His vehicle is yellow, and he never picks up hitchhikers.

    in reply to: Make up a story about those stolen manhole covers #873248

    A sudden increase in pressure caused the sewer to blow its lid, sending the covers into the stratosphere. By the time they landed, the earth had rotated and they came down in the Pacific.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937293

    Interesting point you bring up…. hats indeed seem to have taken on a life of their own, but I think its OK because they carried them on their heads in the alter heim. Cats on the other hand always jump off when you stand up.

    in reply to: Random Thoughts #953031

    So how was the jump 🙂

    in reply to: Random Questions #1081487

    From reading the rest of the comments, you would almost think that I didn’t post the answer. How selfish of me not to.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937279

    It is if you’re not wearing one

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1181412

    So start asking- lots of knowledgable people hang out here, and you have nothing to lose.

    in reply to: Random Questions #1081480

    It’s the coriolis effect. Children in south america jump counter clockwise, whether they are righties or lefties.

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949662

    Think first? You didn’t think about 46.

    in reply to: Another Cool (or at least semi-cool) Magic Trick #871535

    think of it-any number multiplied by 9 adds up to 9


    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871414

    Noah Feldman? So why did you bother asking me in the first place?

    BTW, he called me to get help understanding the mechanics before he responded to you.

    in reply to: going to football games #872256

    “he was baal koreh in a good shul during all that time and trampled on the tzibur’s standards without even asking them what they thought about it.”

    Interesting. Whom do you think is obligated to inform who? Do the tzibbur’s standards obviously preclude bowling that he should think to ask permission? Or would you say that until the tzibbur expresses a specific standard against bowling, he can bowl without a guilty conscience? I guess it depends what tzibbur, and as you are pretending to be a RBS kanoi it could make sense in your case.

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871411

    popa, zein mir moichel. I have not had a chance to get the article and I can’t promise I will soon. So I hope you got someone else to discuss it with, or that you can hang in there indefinitely. Or copy/paste the whole article here, hehe. But it would be good for me not to feel like I owe you a response.

    in reply to: Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan #871575
    in reply to: Mixed Seating #877023

    Feif, is that just plain old kula shopping on your part, or do you actually follow R Breuer’s teachings? For example, you should try reading what he said about your leader from YU.

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871409

    Sure. No rush, then? You could also summarize it and articulate your questions 🙂

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871407

    no se hava lexis

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871405

    OK so you want to talk about tax treatment of hedging strategies. IANAL, nor a tax expert of any kind so I will have to bow out as soon as it goes there. I would suggest that if you just want to learn about taxation you don’t need to understand too much about how dynamic hedging works, and certainly not the mathematics behind the pricing of the derivatives!

    Dynamic hedging is a very expensive way to hedge risk by trying to keep your hedge up to date. Suppose you buy an asset and a put option at the money. You are now hedged against loss. If you keep that until maturity and then sell the asset you have a static hedge. But suppose when the asset price goes up or down you want to lock in your profits/unlock the value of your hedge – you can sell the put and get a new one at the money. That is an example of a dynamic hedge- always updating the hedge to the most recent market information.

    Obviously, in real life a dynamic hedging program won’t be implemented for a silly reason like the example I gave. But what else do you need to know? Assume the people running the program have a good reason for the transactions they make. Essentially, the buys and sells in a dynamic hedging program are not individual transactions but pieces of one large transaction. I don’t think it gets treated that way, though, for taxes.

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871403

    Also, leave debt out of the discussion because that is only to take care of time value of money. Assume a 0% interest rate.

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871402

    because it seemed like you just wrote the same thing again from the other angle.

    No, what we wrote was very different. You said “hedge an asset by selling a certain number of calls and buying a certain amount of debt” and I said, “hedging an option by buying and selling an asset”. Either you are a few steps further down the road and therefore ignoring the basics, or you missed the most basic concept.

    First of all, selling calls on the underlying asset doesn’t hedge anything- it justs limits your upside. (Though if you think of it in reverse, i.e. you have sold an uncovered call, buying the underlying asset is is a hedge.) Second, I don’t see how that has anything to do with BSM, which sets prices for derivatives, nothing else.

    If you want to talk about dynamic hedging strategies, fine. Just make your question clearer is all I ask 🙂

    in reply to: Schissel challah? #1071866

    Well, I don’t want to make trouble between us again by telling you what I really think. But I chalk up that statement of yours to youthful impetuousness. The great Sam2 has declared that schlissel challah is idol worship and assur min hatorah in the face of so many rebbes who were unable to see that for themselves? Do you think you are the first person to come onto that knowledge? Even if you were entirely correct that would be the wrong way to enlighten the world about it.

    The irony is something else….

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871400

    I’ve waited for your reply, but it’s getting late. Here’s my best guess at what will help you, and next time I check in I can see what you were really looking for.

    To make it simple, suppose you bought a call option at the money. If the underlying asset goes up you will get the asset for below market cost, and if it goes down you do nothing. The same thing is achieved by buying the underlying and a put option at the money – if the asset goes up you have the appreciated asset, and if it goes down you sell it for the strike price.

    The only difference is the time value of money- you need to borrow money to buy the call in the example, and you need to borrow money in the counter example equal to the price of the asset and the put. That is the debt/bond piece.

    If the stock failed overnight you’d lose nothing – if you have a call option nothing at all happens, and if you have the stock plus a put option you can force it on someone else for the strike. You can google put call parity theory if you want to understand the math behind this.

    Black Scholes uses this concept, and comes up with the price for the options. Nothing more or less. I don’t think you’ve made it clear what your question is, or what it has to do with BSM, but go ahead and rephrase.

    in reply to: Black Scholes option pricing #871399

    You have it a bit wrong, the theory is about hedging an option by buying and selling an asset.

    in reply to: Schissel challah? #1071864

    This is not a Jewish Minhag in any way, shape, or form and is without a doubt Assur Min Hatorah.

    Were you talking about irony in the other thread? lol

    in reply to: Popa is an ?? ???? #871002

    A man is known by the company he keeps

    in reply to: medaf mach a macho'oh #900613

    The number syllables, not words, in a particular subtitle represents the level of the member’s intelligence. This is a common Native American naming convention.

    Of course, there are exceptions… In fact it is likely that everyone is an exception…

    in reply to: who would you say is the most intelligent CR poster? #870172

    Thank you, popa.

    I normally never post in popularity contest threads, even if I have an opinion, but I have a gun to my head right now. The person pointing the gun is telling me to say that ICOT is the most intelligent poster. Hopefully that will get him to put the gun down.

    Then I’ll jump him.

    in reply to: Lighting Extra Shabbos Lichts #959192

    I’m raising my hand over here – my mother only lights two, and has been doing that for as long as I can remember.

    Maybe because you are adopted.

    in reply to: who would you say is the most intelligent CR poster? #870166

    To be the most intelligent member of the CR is a dubious honor at best. It simply means that anyone with more intelligence than yourself wouldn’t be caught dead posting here. It means that you are not intelligent enough to not be here. It means that if you were a little bit more intelligent you would be more productive. Shall I go on?

    in reply to: Why Computers? #869209

    I bet secretaries could do stochastic derivative pricing and calculate eigenvectors, if we’d only let them.

    in reply to: problems with names on theyeshivaworld #869576

    You are confused. You are referring to androgynos, not tumtum. Regardless, you are incorrect in your assertion.

    in reply to: Kol Isha #869375

    No, but it does raise the question.


    A one trick pony can do many shows. He just has to keep changing the venue.

    Unfortunately, a new thread is not a new venue.

    in reply to: Yiddishkeit and Technology #870720

    The gedolim analogized the internet to the television, and riding on the success of past gedolim who banned tv, they decided to ban internet. Anyone who missed the folly in that 15 years ago surely sees it now. The biggest problem now is that people have too much pent up guilt after all these years of “going behind the rabbi’s back”, which has greatly diminished their respect for their leaders. After years of rationalizing that the rabbis are out of touch, it is hard to suddenly do an about face and change their lives drastically at the same time.

    I hate to say this, but I will. It also doesn’t help that no one has come out and said, “We were wrong before.” Sometumes an apology goes a long way to restoring respect.

    in reply to: problems with names on theyeshivaworld #869572

    Female, androgynus, timtum, transgender

    in reply to: tuition and home buying #869159

    Sorry for the double post. If I get this in during the edit window, I’ll add this to my above.

    The rising cost model is at an unsustainable rate. Obviously in a modern economy costs do have to rise over time. However, the rate needs to be contained and in the case of tuition payments- from what I understand – the rate of increase outpaces every possible metric except possibly healthcare costs. This means that it is broken (so is healthcare btw, for the same reason). It may not collapse for a long time, but we are well past the point where we should start lookung for ways to fix the system.

    From what I know, the MO schools (e.g. those in Teaneck) have it worst, as their prices are a good few thousand more than the RW schools. Therefore, they are likely to be the pioneers of solutions. The RWers would do well to watch them and even participate in their current problems because what MO is living with now is the future of RW.

    And ftr, fed ben fed, it is an unspoken rule in the CR that every topic must go off topic so don’t try to derail a good derailment 🙂

    in reply to: tuition and home buying #869158

    Yes it seems broken because the model is rising costs, coupled with additional cost shifting as parents are priced out, compounding the rise.

    No, it is not sustainable indefinitely. I can’t guess how long before it falls apart though.

    No, I have no ideas to fix “frum economy”. Especially the parts of it that I have no negius in.

    in reply to: tuition and home buying #869156

    So…. CDOs, SIVs, yeah. Fed, everything about you in this thread screams recent college graduate, young married with kids just starting school. You say you oversaw 4 trillion in securitized debt? And it didn’t occur to you how ridiculous the idea of collateralized tuition payments was? Yeah. So while it might have sounded like fun when you learned about them in school but trust me, in most cases packaging debt is insane.

    It makes me wonder what kind of understanding people who study this market in college in the post-financial meltdown world will have. I suppose it’s like every other period in history, it can’t be represented properly except by living through it.

    in reply to: Getting Married and Getting Fatter #868157

    No, when you get older you get fatter, regardless of gender. Obviously it is possible to avoid this natural change, but most people go along with it.

    in reply to: I'm gone. #873741

    Not everyone. For example, I have always felt that they are three different people.

    in reply to: Shimon Peres great great grandson of Reb Chaim Volozhin? #994461

    Is it true that Rav Shach is a great great grandson of haman? I think its a befeirush gemarah.

    in reply to: Kol Isha #869352

    I thought it was obvious that I meant marry her with kedushin al tinai that she gets spayed.

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