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  • in reply to: Getting mad in front of your kids #1016420


    I assume the cross dressing thing is because she was slated to be the Abba in a dress.

    in reply to: Northfield Bank stock offering- what are your thoughts? #910838

    It’s not an IPO, it’s a secondary offering. You had the opportunity to buy and own shares of the company already for several years, and I don’t see how this event would change your opinion of the company’s value. Do you understand what will be different after the offering and conversion are completed? There is no “deal” to be had here, it’s just an ordinary chance to be an owner of a very small bank. And if you can’t do your own research, investing is not for you.

    in reply to: Poorer People Bigger Tzadikm; Richer People Not Such Tzadikim #910862

    ” Our tradition teaches that the oppressed, the poor, the hungry, the downtrodden will inherit the earth.”

    Better get that geirus checked, buddy. That may be what Matthew told you but the passuk in tehillim lehavdil should not be read with christian colored glasses.

    Inherit the land means meeting moshiach (Rashi in Sanhedrin 98)

    The humble refers to tzaddikim, as is explicit in passuk 29. The other passukim (9, 11, 18, 22, etc) use adjectives for tzaddikim instead of the word itself. Nowhere in the torah do we degrade the rich or unoppressed for having advantages in life, nor do we find preferrential treatment for any characteristic other than righteousness.

    in reply to: Gerim needs a place to learn #911072

    rebdoniel you are missing the point. Here, the geirimsims were baked in the exact same oven as all the others so even you need to agree they need a proper hechsher. Your feelings for their plight nonwithstanding

    in reply to: Krispy Kreme in Middle America #1042153

    I doubt even Avi Weiss would eat in a DD without a hechsher.

    in reply to: Krispy Kreme in Middle America #1042147

    A dangerous half truth, rebdoniel. Please google “Franchising the Kosher Way” by R. Bendelstein, an article published on the OU website. If it seems long, you can skip right to the seventh paragraph.

    in reply to: I'm gonna marry a feminist yekke girl #909763

    This thread definitely wins the gold medal for people who need a life.

    Yes popa, how awful of you to keep discussing halacha in a way that makes people interested.

    in reply to: Free Government Programs #910197

    No, it is in regard to ignorance that we are still the same. Yours is showing. Communism? How about not being allowed to own lands, or to work in certain industry, or to even enter certain parts of the city? If its all the same to you, I prefer to be grateful for these rights.

    in reply to: Free Government Programs #910192

    The first one you should know about is the best and most important one. It’s called the freedom to live off the product of your own work. This significant freedom is offered as a free program by our government, and is wildly better than what the governments of the shtetls offered.

    in reply to: What can we learn from the hurricane? #907146

    Simply that no tragedy is ever too great to be used to push an agenda.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202334

    Important community announcement:

    A Dirshu Hurricane will take place next week. Details to follow.

    in reply to: Teachers Faking Politics #900190

    Out of 400 million people in the country, you are given the choice of… two? And what’s the choice, really, you don’t know either of these guys well enough to know what they’re thinking. The political system is set up just to give you proles the illusion of choice. It’s a very effective form of controlling you. Nothing is in it for you, so why do you get so worked up over it? The same thing is going to happen regardless of who you back- politics are just a game, a show, entertainment for plebes. It’s not a two party system, it’s a two class system- the ruling class, and you.


    in reply to: Professional Resume #900480

    Paging Dr. Pepper…

    in reply to: Working parent letter: two implementable ideas I posted #899398

    Bubkis, every caregiver has to provide for the needs of their charges. Its not an additional role.

    in reply to: Working parent letter: two implementable ideas I posted #899395

    To those who think schools are not a baby sitting service, you are simply wrong. If children were not going to school, where would they be? At a babysitting service. The school is a surrogate babysitter, hence it is a babysitter. Just an extremely haughty and unreliable one.

    in reply to: Actuaries #898927

    Clearly no real actuaries have responded in this thread. The giveaway is that the phrases “actually” and “on the other hand” do not appear. In my significant experience dealing with and even managing actuaries, they are an overpaid relic of the insurance industry who become increasingly less important every year. The barrier to entry is too high for the need they fill and gives them an unjustifiably high sense of self importance.

    in reply to: Walking slow & holding with 1 hand #899268

    Anyone with sense throws out their lulav after hallel on hosh rabba since the mitzva is over. Then, you have no lulav for hoshanos and no reason to walk around. No reason to complain.

    in reply to: So today, I was Popa #1141794

    “They don’t have a Bimah to circle. The were just walking in stupid circles.”

    First off, they were probably simply copying what the men were doing because they assumed that was the correct way to do things. Watching and learning, without understanding, which is not all that different from what most men are doing. You went around, they went around. You went outside for part of the circuit, so did they. Probably sincere individuals whose only fault is ignorance. Just like most of their male counterparts on your side of the ‘tza.

    Second, what a doorknob. Going around the bimah is a stupid circle too. We used to walk around the mizbeach, but now we do the best we can to remind ourselves of that. So who says that if they walk around a chumash on a table in their section thay they are any more stupid than you walking around a scroll on a bimah? A sincere argument can be made that the zecher is equal. Wrong maybe, but sincere.

    in reply to: Murphy's Law #992051

    Whenever Murphy’s Law can go wrong, it will.

    in reply to: Binah Magazine – Celiac Cure #896184

    If they did write an article claiming a cure for celiac, it would be the height if stupid journalism.

    Alas, not even close.


    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895186

    I douht this ever happened. After all, the source of this story is worthless as an eid, so he probably also has no neemanus. Just like other pesulai eidus, such as women 😉

    in reply to: Zionism argument #894181

    As Toi said. HaK-L hagadol v’hanorah

    But the last line is blasphemy. So did you not get that far?

    in reply to: Zionism argument #894175

    G-d is great!

    G-d is terrible!

    G-d is not getting greater.

    G-d is not getting any more terrible.

    Therefore, Israel is catching up to G-d.

    in reply to: Shlomo Carelbach #895739

    i heard that the amshinover rebe sais that his “mimkoimcha” is from the beis hamikdash.

    In Amshinov time, the beis hamikdosh probably hasn’t been destroyed yet. Hence he could say that about many contemporary songs.

    The only question is how has the Amshinover already heard of this song?

    in reply to: Calling Curiosity! #891874

    “Some may make shoelaces obsolete!”

    Imagine that! Yes, NASA brought us velcro. Money well spent, well spent indeed. I refuse to wear velcro on my shoes though, I’ll stick to the laces thank you very much. Next time someone is passing around 50+ year grants worth trillions of dollars just send them to me and I’ll try to produce something as valuable as velcro out of it.

    in reply to: Giving Torah Kavod to a Money Bag Guy #891295

    I think most of us are familiar with the story of the butcher who sponsored the formative torah learning of R’ Moshe and R’ Yaacov. I don’t think anyone would disagree that through that act he became deserving of tremendous kovod and more. Al achas kama v’kama this man who is responsible for mass learning such as we have seen since his philathropy was channeled to this cause. Not to mention any kovod he is due in his own right for his own ameilus batorah. I doubt we could show him enough kovod in this world.

    in reply to: Riddles #1050078


    in reply to: Mazel Tov to Aly Raisman #890624

    ” She deserves nothing but ignoring her.”

    Well, that’s one of the two thing most cr people are capable of. 1)Ignore. 2)Rants. Now say it together… See what I did?

    in reply to: Is she right for me? #898253

    Shlomo Hamelech had 1000 wives and not one of them was right for him. This is the way of the world, like it or leave.

    in reply to: Open long-sleeve shirt buttons #880831

    In the 1800s buttons were very expensive and it would be considered showing off to have buttons on sleeves, where they are not needed. Even those who could afford it didnt flaunt this, shelo l’haashiro es boniv. The rabbonim of the shtetls wrote a joint letter to the mechaber asking him to add this to shulcha aruch, which he did in YD siman 404. But very good question.

    BTW, now you know the source for “404 error”

    in reply to: Are Joseph and Mrs. Zarves related? #933654


    in reply to: CREAM OF THE CROP!?! WHERE R THEY??? #879693

    popa- I cite Niemoller

    in reply to: Trivia Question #879920

    “I don’t think they allowed audiences in to see the shaming of the Sotah. Who knows, maybe they did?”

    What do you mean who knows? Anyone who has learned a little bit of gemara knows that the public is invited to watch the sotah in the azarah. It doesnt go by what you do or don’t think.

    To answer your question, pregnant by a kohen in a house with a meis.

    in reply to: Dear Popa Bar Abby (Advice Column) #1091897

    Dear Bar Abby,

    What in the world was the point of being mattir internet use for business need, when we all know mitoch sh’hutra l’tzoirech, hutra nami sh’loi litzoirech? Do they think that just because we don’t get to sit on the dais we don’t know shas and poiskim?


    Logged Off Forever and Trying Not To Think


    I haven’t.

    Now I expect you will accuse me just to strip me of that dignity.

    in reply to: The all new ARE YOU CRAZY thread #874018

    Yeah but now its my intellectual property and you can’t reproduce it. Or else I will stop making my posts available online and you’ll have to come to my house to buy them on post its.

    in reply to: Would you serve in US army if drafted? #875290

    Lt. Berenbaum was drafted and had no choice

    I think they called him Mike.

    in reply to: The all new ARE YOU CRAZY thread #874015

    will you two keep quiet i have to be up at 5am.

    Is that 5am2 or 5am4321?

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907692

    Popa, you’re just being argumentative and clearly haven’t seen her comments yet.

    I am a nine but been told I am a ten. I have been set up because of my looks but I automatically reject the shidduch

    There is nothing in that that you could agree with.

    in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003972

    Wasn’t he a molester?

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907687

    Calling popa! Please put this girl in her place. Don’t make me do it, it’s beneath me :p

    in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003970


    in reply to: Chalav Yisrael Milk #873660

    apy, that’s OK, I’m used to being misunderstood

    in reply to: Light a candle today #873509

    It’s working…..

    in reply to: Looking people up and down is rude? #876724

    You wish, Jaysberg

    in reply to: Light a candle today #873505

    Sorry, I went straight to church to light after he posted and couldn’t comment until now.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907674

    good looking wife so that his children will be good looking.

    How selfless of him. But I have a helpful suggestion- he doesn’t need to ask for a picture to achieve this goal. If the girl he marries turns out to be super ugly he can just ask adoption agencies for pictures of attractive kids. Nothing to lose by this, since he wouldn’t have married the ugly girl anyway its not like they would have had biological children and this way they are happily married, with beautiful kids, plus the beautiful orphaned kids have a home. Win, win, win.

    in reply to: working the night shift #875191

    I guess you were off a bit. As you can tell, I am at least 195 years old

    in reply to: Chalav Yisrael Milk #873653

    He said he gives hashgocha for baby cows.

    in reply to: working the night shift #875188

    Just FYI, not until recently are they 2 specialties. Back when I started, we had to specialize in both.

Viewing 50 posts - 901 through 950 (of 5,337 total)