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  • in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049126

    Payments over time are double the lump sum.

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928438

    Assuming this actually happened, the most likely explanation is that the man found himself thinking of this student inappropriately and, not knowing how to deal with that, overcompensated for his embarrassment.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049120

    Wow. I just got the solicitation and read the fine print. What do you know, they are violating hilchos ribbis. Are they equipped to represent us or do they just push the “beauty of judaism”? Sadly, this is just another thing to add to a list of problems with this “hype outreach” locomotive. What a misdirection of charity.

    I see that Dash already pointed out the ribbis issue.

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #925987

    Yep unless you can tell me how having someone in the house with you contributes to your sense of self, I will contend that it is a juvenile insecurity.

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #925985

    Congratulations, herr rabbiner dr. You found a true naarishe reason.

    in reply to: In Witch He Snorted #1115449

    Oom, why are you ranting? HP appeals to the masses. TP only to the elite. QED

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #925979

    And if you are wondering why I am so passionate about this, its because I just got engaged to a top bachur who is going to be learning for longer than your chosson, nananakooshkoosh : p

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #925978

    Oh, life decisions. Like looking for yichus in a shidduch, picking a yeshiva, which neighborhood to live in, which school to send your kids to, what car to drive, which career and firm you go into, etc, etc?

    Its called seeking prestige, and yes, most people make most of their life decisions based on it. So either you shatz up the whole world as naarish, which redefines naarish as normal, or actually find something naarish about it (and not just about wanting to be important).

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #925975

    It is utterly absurd to put DYs reason down to immaturity. It comes from the most basic human need, the need to feel important. The girl who boasts about her husband in kollel is no more immature than the girl who boasts about how smart her baby is for saying NO to carrots, or some other stupidity. No more immature than the grandma on the bus who forces you to look at her beautiful grandchildren (are those your grandchildren or their dogs, lady?). No more immature than popa trying to make everyone laugh (okay, maybe that actually is immature). No more immature than telling the gabbai to call you up as harav or ben harav instead of Reb.

    The question then becomes how did saying my husband is in kollel become something that makes a girl feel important? The answer is obvious.

    in reply to: In Witch He Snorted #1115409

    Wow, it always amazes me how the intellegent 🙂 folks here can never seem to get past the mouse allegory. It just seems so simple minded…

    Ordinarily, I wouldn’t debase myself, but I have to point out that popa is Quirell if anything. He has quite a gift with trolls.

    in reply to: What do you drink, if you have a cold on motzaei shabbos? #924828

    ” imho tea is for old ppl!!!! and russians.. or chinese”

    and british!!! and indian!!! and japanese!!!! and polish!!! and hungarian!!!

    Seems like its for just about everyone except american youth, a small and shrinking minority 🙂 I dont think anyone was offended

    in reply to: Looking for info on Montreal #925105

    french, shvartzahs, or other goyish troublemakers?

    Unconscienable that such a sentence was posted. In a thread complaining about racists, you need a mirror.

    in reply to: What to do on Motzei Shabbos #923787

    “troll on YWN”

    Yeah what happened to that? Those were fun…

    in reply to: Another 'When To Tell' Situation #923205

    ” But it’s ok; you can’t lock popa out of the know. Popa knows. “

    Yet another way popa is like an onion.

    in reply to: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft #939973

    Our land? Have you gone mad? Did I miss the memo telling us Moshiach came? How can anyone besides Joseph talk like that? If the arabs were in control, or the British, or anyone else, you would be subject to their rule. Face it, the irrelegious are the sovereignty and their rule is no different from your perspective than any other ruler.

    If you think you can convert them en masse then you may have something, but this is not age of empires.

    in reply to: Great Business Idea #924127

    The cups are the more expensive part of the drink sale so the two cups idea wont go over well. A better idea is to sell diet soda in large cups and allow one free refill. That way you can spill out the diet soda and refill with sugary drink

    in reply to: Dollar bill with out a president on it #1014787

    Next I want to know who has seen a president without a dollar bill on him.

    in reply to: The Most OVERrated Things in Life #923290

    DY: you’re saying what every old fogie says, namely that the music you liked was music but everything that comes later doesnt qualify. But I disagree- its never been anything but insolent noise. Every production boils down to the same formula:

    Take 3 or 4 random notes and line them up, find a tonal center to put at the end, and theres your low part. Take the same notes and move up an octave or so, theres your high part. Next play a bunch of chords to take away focus from the melody, and call that a song. Then do a goirel hagra to see which part of tanach or sifrei mussar will be sacrificed to become the lyrics- or if you are really looking to skirt the edge, have a chassidish woman write “english” words that oh so subtly refer to moshiach. Its always been this way and the only way people are able to enjoy it is by playing it so loudly that their brain goes into a temporary shock coma allowing primitive instincts and reflexes to take over.

    Even a Monkey could do better.

    in reply to: The Most OVERrated Things in Life #923288

    Jewish music

    Fancy plates, when the food going on them is shtetl cuisine

    Circle dancing

    Shmorgasbords that have salad

    Im not saying that weddings themselves are overrated though.

    in reply to: Oldest Current CR Posters #1211707

    6 years, gosh golly.

    in reply to: Too Harsh? #920190

    ICOT: you are quite obviously among the most respectible and kind people to ever post on this site. I hate to imagine this site without someone like you to keep the balance and to consistently be the calm voice of reason. That said, the style of your rebuke was out of character even though the thrust was wholly justified. What you could have done differently was to give the rebuke gently as you have been wont to do and leave to tearing apart to the wolves (who are in no short supply here).

    Tbe latter part of your message was no less than a public service. He needs to be reigned in publicly for the sake of those who dont know (including newcomers).

    in reply to: I just bought meat #920657

    Tevya’s Ranch? Why would you want to buy henpecked meat? It would ruin my appetite to see the beak marks.

    in reply to: Oldest Current CR Posters #1211690

    First thread.

    See, even from the start it was always about tznius.

    in reply to: Oldest Current CR Posters #1211668


    in reply to: "Dating Early" Kol Koreh- Who's missing? #918307

    The NASI ad reads: “…our Gedolim have called on us to encourage our bochurim

    Let’s be honest. I find that hard to believe. The Gedolim were calling on them to do this? From everything I’ve seen going back to the beginning, it’s a major campaign for these NASI guys to get the signatures; certainly no one is chasing them down to do it. Next up, we’ll be getting photoshopped ads from Kupat Hair showing the Gedolim banging down the doors to call on the tzedaka collectors to offer “segulos” via airmail.

    That kol koreh was not meant to convince guys to date younger; it was simply meant to make the promoters of the kol koreh feel good.

    Possibly, but the primary purpose of the kol korehs is a curtain for AZ and his ilk to hide behind. You may mean the same thing. What better way to silence the intelligent opposition than to make it seem like they oppose the Gedolim? Brand them as koifers and every time someone dissents the masses will genuflect and cover their children’s ears.

    They can self-promote only by hiding the problems with their mission statement.

    in reply to: Recipes for the seriously poor #1030170

    Yehudayona, but see how far a pound goes and you may agree its worthwhile.

    in reply to: Parental Controls #917867

    Popa, what do you do after 6?

    in reply to: When do you tell… #917689

    Before you tell us 🙂

    in reply to: Some notes about what it means to be truly poor… #1001089




    in reply to: Shabbos Shoes #1134507

    So you revived the shoe thread and the population growth thread. Just curious, do you sell more pairs of shoes in small sizes than in larger ones? If popular “theories” are correct you should be able to tell us about a noticeable difference in the number of size 2 shoes you sell each yomtif season vs. the number of size 5. Any truth to that?

    in reply to: Popa vanquished the bagel #917113

    So you didn’t recognize me. I had to be sure.

    in reply to: how does Hashem want girls with good voices to use them? #917078

    People with good voices are their own biggest fans anyway. She can impress herself with her singing while the challah dough is rising. And while she does the laundry. And when she says tehillim.

    Seriously, are you asking for sympathy because you cant perform? How utterly vain.

    in reply to: Recipes for the seriously poor #1030156

    I am surprised no one mentioned quinoa. Cheap, filling, easy to prepare, and extremely nutritional. Lots of fiber, protein, and even calcium. Make a sauce to add flavor.

    in reply to: Mezonos trolls #916842
    in reply to: How do I stop my wife spending??! #1177077

    Open a trust in her name and stipulate exactly how the funds can be used. Your funds should be banked offshore in a nonnamed account.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069857

    Rules 3 and 4 seem to conflict

    in reply to: Shang Chai #916599


    Would you also call Warsaw “that place in Germany”?

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069853

    one h + bead = bone head.

    Et tu, ICOT?

    in reply to: Shang Chai #916590

    ” all my maggedei shiurim call the place in japan shangchai”

    The place in Ja-what?

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049109

    What a poor analogy. If you don’t see where the kiruv industry’s talents could be better directed internally then shame on you.

    in reply to: ALL SHIDDUCH Q's WELCOME #917672

    The guys arent here to ask questions because they are out on dates.

    The girls dont need to ask questions because they dont get dates so what do they need to know anyway?


    in reply to: Jews protesting against a job fair! How low will they fall? #915845

    ” The Chareidim were there first and did not seek or wish zionist rule. They ought to be exempt from it.”

    Weak argument. I suppose you could have said that about Roman rule too, but none of the jews were exempt from that either.

    I too wish to be exempted from my sovereign on the grounds that my family predated this , nonsense upstart American government (and were Tories). I too have been unsuccessful, so I know the Charedim’s plight. Maybe I need to just accept reality.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049107

    100% agreed with popa.

    I guess its not as flashy to be involved with “inreach”, but it is infinitely more important. I don’t want to say anything negative about Kiruv but if we focused half as much attention and charisma back into the community we could have a much happier community.

    in reply to: The Coffee Room Beis Din #913067

    Grumble grumble. I’ll do it but what’s that about my alts? You might be aware of one that I used a few times when I wanted to say something a bit nasty but there aren’t others. I’m certainly no sock puppeteer as you insinuate.

    in reply to: Chalav stam if no milk allergy listed? #915614

    “I eat it when I’m fleishig”

    But not WITH fleishig, am I right?

    in reply to: Feif Un was right #912925

    DaMo- Two things you need to learn about the CR:

    1) You need to be more “Selective” about what personal information you share here.

    2) Don’t bother fighting with The Talking Horse here

    in reply to: Dear Popa Bar Abby (Advice Column) #1091992

    Dear popie,

    I thought I had a good question but I guess it embarrassed the moderators, them not being ferds and all. In the future, do you think its a good idea to not call attention to things just because they may be embarrassing to a moderator?



    in reply to: 1 in 10 girls will not get married #913443

    “So the extra Chasidish boys can marry the extra Litvish girls.”

    Someone who is “extra litvish” would probably be compatible with someone else who is “extra litvish” and not the other extreme. Maybe someone moderately litvish can marry someone moderately chassidish.

    Kidding aside, the chassidish girls are comaptible with litvish boys and do marry each other. But darned if you’ll find many litvish girls willing to buy into and marry chassidishe boys.

    in reply to: 1 in 10 girls will not get married #913423

    I want to protest the use of the word “females” by loyal j. above. It is not tsnius. Non-males or unmales would be an acceptable substitution.

    in reply to: opposite gender therapists #912356

    “Loyal Jew – I just thought of something. Let’s say you tried a male therapist and it didn’t work and you tried them all -do you think you should stay with your mental illness”

    We can all tell that he does prefer his mental illness.

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