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  • in reply to: The Squiggly Sign in My Subtitle #934916

    You are missing a term. I don’t know what it is, but it’s something very small.

    in reply to: Average #934843

    Why would I ever need to describe myself as average?

    I am a giant amid pygmies;

    A spiritual guru amid atheists;

    An elder amid toddlers;

    A radical amid the primitive;

    A genius amid the lobotomized;

    Swift amid zombies.

    Not to mention that I am downright friendly amid the bar_abbas 🙂

    in reply to: Grammar Is Making a Comeback #934570

    So that gets me off the hook, at least.

    in reply to: Come with popa #937536

    is there a mechitza in the hostel?

    in reply to: What's bad about pictures being taken? #933249

    when you take someones picture it captures a piece of their soul. the more pictures you let people take the less you retain. that is why nearly all celebrities are so soulless. so someone who values their soul would not allow himself to be photographed.

    in reply to: Facebook Is To Blame For Rising Orthodox Jewish Divorce Rate? #935230

    No, if facebook causes divorces then he could not have ignored them because it wouldn’t help.

    in reply to: Utterly disgusted with the throw up stains on sidewalks! #933224

    give it a few days. the plows cant get to every sidewalk in one day.

    in reply to: Did your wife fast today? #932108

    During lent, yes, every day.

    in reply to: We should eat more than usual this Shabbos #931758

    sounds like someone did a mukdam on the drinking

    in reply to: Pratim of Ad Delo Yoda #1062614

    Desire to not drink much, do you? Hmm? Hmm. Seek a heter then, you must. Yes, hmmm.

    Yoda teaches like drunkards drink.

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930906

    Ssa- your shoes example uses a model far too simple to develop a useable forecast. But given an appropriate amount of data a qualified statistician can forecast trends very accurately. You like your weather forecast right? You like it when you call a company and get connected to customer service rep quickly right? Operations management and weather both rely a great deal on statistics to make forecasts, and wouldnt bother if it didnt help predict the future. If you are interested in how it works, go ahead and study statistics. If youre like me and just like having others do the maths for you, trust them to do their job 🙂

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930899

    “If the odds of getting 10 in a row of heads or tails can be computed by multiplying .5 to the 9th power and gives us 1 in 500, then how can the z score for the same thing be 1 in 100?”

    Since torah613 decided to patronize me, let me provide the answer. Not 42. I refer to popas first post in the thread. “Popa knows statistics. He can run a Z score, and a T score, and all the clever things he can do to convince you of things that aren’t true.”


    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930893

    If you guys are struggling with 10 flips, maybe you can reduce it to 2 flips for simplicity. The chance of getting two heads in a row is one in four. Same chance of getting two tails in a row. With three flips, the chance is one in eight, count em. Just add two possibilites to each of the four from the two flip case. Keep adding a flip at a time and youll get to ten. All your fancy z scores dont mean a thing if they give you the wrong answer.

    I never would have imagined that I would one day be explaining something to a statistician. Too bad we lost dr. Pepper.

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930887

    This is starting to go over my head, but I think you missed what I said. You claimed that 1% of the time you would get a quarter to land on ten heads in a row and I pointed out that it is only a tenth as likely. Everything you said after that was to try and confuse me.

    Torah- there are several other blogs that discussed nasi and posters known to be experts (ie not anonymous to the forum) made their points. But most of my due diligence was by asking real people what they think, not online, so I have no links for that. But if you are interested reach out and ask someone who has the analytical ability to help you figure it out for yourself. Nasi offers the easy blameless answer, so it takes some willpower to allow yourself to disbelieve it.

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930881

    ” To my knowledge, not one reputable statistician has weighed in on this.”

    The truth is many have weighed in, but NASI did not like what they heard so shouted them down.

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930879

    Popa- your example with the quarter is also incorrect, sorry. Shame on me because I just skipped over it expecting you to be right. But the chance of a quarter landing on the same side 10 times in a row is less than one in a tbousand. I dont know t and z, but I can multiply 50% by itself as many times as need be.

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930876

    “Ever saw their red, blue and gray chart? They claim……..”

    Yes, they claim many things. Its one of their greatest achievements. Making claims.

    ” higher variance means the spread of the data is larger, covering a wider range.”

    But that doesnt tell you enough. If one mean is hgher than the other, there will be some above average points in set 1 that are still below the other mean. Sure, you can make up an example that proves your point, but you didnt give enough information at first to state your conclusion.

    And skoyach, popa!

    in reply to: Generalizations vs. Statistics #930870

    ” If Lakewood boys have a lower average intelligence, but with higher variance, than boys from Brisk, then if you date an above average boy from Lakewood, he is probably more intelligent than an average Brisk boy.”

    Inconclusive. He could be more or less.

    ” Statistics allows you to say TRUE or FALSE by turning generalizations into quantified facts.”

    Patently false. No amount of statistics yields facts.

    ” NASI (National Abusers of Statistical Information), is an example of an organization that abuses statistics.”

    No, their entire problem is that they completely lack statistics and instead use emotional anecdotery. Would that they abused statistics, for then they could be made to see reason.

    You asked for our thoughts so here they are. Study harder for your test.

    in reply to: Girl with "Sechorah" (AKA GELT) #930979

    You shouldve took the gelt…. you never listen when I say you should take the gelt.

    in reply to: No Parking Anytime Signs in Front of Shuls #930107

    I’m sorry, was there a crime committed here that I missed?

    In my world, a guy who vents frustration over the parking situation by claiming he will do this or that is no more guilty of a crime than the tippish who took him seriously. No one needs to be stripped of their credibility or ordination because of a rant. Are you related to the guy who wrote the count of monte cristo, or do you just share a last name?

    I have a subtitle for BPM. “Takes rants at face value”


    We should take care of handicap spot takers internally and not involve the police.

    in reply to: Free Advice! #930007

    Well you should always read the label, always read it well.

    in reply to: No Parking Anytime Signs in Front of Shuls #930043

    It is not illegal, rather punishable. In other countries however, parking in front of a shul is a scare and so should never be done.

    in reply to: Outdated Industrial Knitting Machine Needles/Parts�Junk Metal? #976492

    .Sweatshop boss comes in just ahead of slave owner these days. The reparations you owe are more than the machines are worth. So my advice is junk it, run and hide. (For Godwins sake) this sounds like selling inherited zyklon b canisters.

    in reply to: CHLv Stm pigs mlk – NothA klasic BY Popa #929775

    Kill the pig

    in reply to: Minhag of Women Shaving Head #1191875

    I have a new favorite mod 🙂 🙂

    Unless it was done by my standing favorite mod, in which case I have an old favorite.

    in reply to: Miracles�Amazing Wonders! #994549

    I was being mean. But also pointing out that this is making something of nothing. Its no fun to point out though if I have to make him feel good about it.

    in reply to: Miracles�Amazing Wonders! #994545

    I would have stared at all the snow on the ground. Or did that disappear?

    in reply to: Minhag of Women Shaving Head #1191869

    It should be someones subtitle so the link is always on hand

    how about the link in someone’s username?

    in reply to: Should Proper Grammar Be Required in the CR? #929471

    Two things:

    1. You can always use an SMS translator to read a text speak encrypted post. For example http://transl8it.com/

    2. Perhaps more importantly, the person in question is most likely using such a site for its english to text translating capability to encrypt posts. Dont forget what this site is (and what we’ve seen before). Spelling mistakes dont get translated correctly if at all, which indicates that one probably is being used.

    in reply to: Rant About Neighbors Who Open Your Mail #929270

    Order a package of dye bombs.

    in reply to: Keurig Tevila #928081

    Is the heating element a kli? Or is it just a rod that the water passes around? Genuinely asking.

    in reply to: Becoming A Rebbetzin #958836

    Happy belated birthday.

    in reply to: Most Capable Minds in Klal Yisroel #929026

    The point is that if the most capable ones stayed in learning it would embarrass the bench warmers out of there. So they go, leaving the ones who dont make anyone feel inadequate.

    in reply to: Wherein Popa gets his deserts #1108923

    Great practical joke, except you missed the part about the clean getaway. I bet everyone i there was shouting at you for holding the door open letting cold in. By then they were perfectly willing to deal with the dog instead of the crazy guy with his can of oil (or gasoline for all they knew). This can be compared to the man who helps a short little boy ring a doorbell and then asks, now what? Instead of running away like he should.

    in reply to: Keurig Fans are the Biggest Trolls #1218416

    All the other brands are Green Mountain too (see they tricked you good).

    in reply to: THE PURIM (urim) STORY (ory) Fan Club #1219269

    If the people here were characters from The Purim Story, who would be whom? I’ll start.

    zahavasda- Sir Squeegee

    Ferd- Sir Tofes

    popa- Shikkur (because he is so giving with his alcohol)

    Joseph- Alvin, Simon, and Theordore, among others (obviously)

    in reply to: Keurig Tevila #928079
    in reply to: In Telshe They Don't Wear Tzitzis, and Other Stories #927799

    Sheesh, it wasn’t a moshol, it is a pretty famous story. I’m sorry if you never heard it. And the point of referencing it was just for the punchline so that was all I quoted. But what disappoints me the most though is that best part was the end, and no one even noticed.

    in reply to: In Telshe They Don't Wear Tzitzis, and Other Stories #927796

    You can also compare it to the old couple who had been married for many years. They were so tired of talking to each other that the man took a course in korean and tbe wife took a course in greek just so they could speak to each other without knowing what the other would say. Eventually they both got alzheimers and ended up in assisted living, but since they spoke different languages had to be cared for in different homes.

    The moral is that by alzheimers, long term memory is the first thing to go.

    in reply to: Besherts #928237

    Now watch as people reply to this without even considering the fact that the premise is made up.

    in reply to: In Telshe They Don't Wear Tzitzis, and Other Stories #927789

    So you do respond to mosholim…… :-Q

    in reply to: Keurig Tevila #928076

    If you arent noheg to tovel plastic what parts need tvila besides the 2 pins?

    in reply to: Unfriend or never friend? #927501

    How did you get your first two wives to agree to marry a third?

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049141

    Sounds like you are making the assumptions here. You think it is likely that Oorah k ew there is an issue? Thats one. That they asked a shaila about it? Thats two. That they did all this beforehand and incorporated it into the rules? Three.

    Why dont you take a look yourself and find out if what I say has any basis.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049137

    And for those interested , yes I have discussed this with a mumche in hilchos ribbis.

    RegularJew, I dont mean to ignore you but I am not about to debate the role of kiruv orgs in our generation because it wont do anyone any good. I happen to be of the opinion that they are disproportionately funded relative to their value to yiddishkeit compared to other tzedaka causes. You are free to disagree.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049136

    Mod, I hear your point and I concede it is not a simple or straightforward issue here. However, since the rules do not describe any halachic workarounds, the contract is that if you win they are required to pay you 100x per year for 10 years. But you can exempt them from the full obligation by accepting half as an immediate payment, which is an issur ribbis drabbonon. Stated another way, if you want your money now you only get half. They can fix this by saying they will pay 1000x whether you ask for it upfront or over time.

    From the other perspective (since it is ambiguous) maybe the prize is 500x right now but if you let them pay over time you get 1000x. Then it is ribbis doraisa. The winner then might be able to prevent the ribbis by refusing the alternative offered and allowing them to pay 500x over 10 years or immediately. But what kind of business is that for a kiruv org to leave control of the ribbis issue up to whoever wins? Chances are the winner will have no idea what ribbis even means.

    in reply to: Oorah's Million Dollar Raffle #1049130

    Joseph, your understanding of halacha is as shallow as the Great Sahara Lake.

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #926006

    You need to stop sniffing your cologne

    in reply to: Popa figured it out. #926003

    As it is taught in seminaries, it is better to live as one than to live as two together and working.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 5,337 total)