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  • in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069907
    60 149 138 80 57 46 113 144 34 114 43 46 100 134 126 59 94 134 122 36 114

    63 127 129 68 28 12 113 133 17 120 27 12 63 107 123 61 105 127 128 17 120

    63 262 201 143 177 183 140 215 103 117 110 183 257 262 165 65 75 189 125 113 117

    Based on the outcome of your latest multiple screen name thread.

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945519

    oom you are entirely incorrect

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945518

    Because your way, you would need to ask each guest to move to their room number plus infinity in order to make infinite rooms available. They’d all end up going to the same room and tben you would have infinite complaints. By doubling the room number everyone has a unique room number to go to.

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945514

    Are you asking questions here or answering? The correct answer is indeed yes (yay), but how?

    And your answer about the number of numbers would have been correct if I had specified ordinary numbers between neg and pos infinity. That is a countable infinity, aleph sub 0.

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945511

    ICOT, I know well about golemhood. As they say, “With age comes wisdom; sometimes age comes alone.”

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945507

    All of the numbers found between zero and one are also found between neg and pos infinity. Both are aleph sub one, therefore ICOT is correct. This means you have answered 2 of my questions on this thread incorrectly so far.

    You manage a hotel with infinite number of rooms, but all are occupied. Suddenly an infinite number of busses pull up with an infinite number of guests who wish to get rooms. Can you accomodate them?

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945501

    Thanks torahcot.

    in reply to: Seminary Group Flights: Pros and Cons #944669

    you can’t watch movies on the plane (pro)

    if you brought any food that you planned to eat on the plane instead of the horrible airline meal, you get to give shiureim to every girl on the plane (pro)

    You get to be a human pillow to the girl sitting on either side of you for 12 hours (chesed, definitely pro)

    your comrades will take pictures of you drooling in your sleep without your makeup and save it to try and get more dates than you in a few years (maybe a con)

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945498

    Are there more numbers between negative infinity and positive infinity, or between 0 and 1?

    What is the combined weight of all the trees cut down to produce all the US money in circulation?

    in reply to: How to tell the Shadchan that the girl's too heavy #946236

    When she burns your dinner you will have to come up with a reason not to eat it that doesnt involve saying how bad the food is. Life is all about finding diplomatic ways to get what you want. This should be easy.

    in reply to: Ask me any question #945479

    Will you answer it correctly?

    in reply to: Sem, weight, shidduchim #946868

    I did the work for her in the mixed gym thread.

    in reply to: Popa's Havtacha #945087

    So you can finally date brony now!

    (yes, i saw that thread)

    in reply to: No sem next year… #944508

    I am also not going to seminary next year, and I didn’t even get accepted to any. So don’t feel bad.

    in reply to: PHOTO: Orthodox Jewish Man Covers Himself In Plastic Bag On Plane #945786

    How is a plastic bag a tefach challal in any case? Could a cohen even get away with doing this? A proper box could do the trick but not a bag. I dont believe this picture is real anyway.

    in reply to: Mixed Gym #944516

    If seminaries are to make women fat, and they go willingly, who is to say there is any market for a frum women’s gym? The person who is interested in both would have to be strange indeed. Also, why would a married woman need a gym? You are left with a very small target market.

    There. Sem, weight, and shidduchim. I guess math jokes are just something I cannot do.

    in reply to: Girls' Names #948085

    charlie… le-a is still one of my all time favorites here. Thanks for the reminder.

    in reply to: Why all the fancy cars? #944271

    “Why All the Fancy Cars”

    I asked my rov about this, and he said the reason many jews have fancy cars is because if it is fancy there is a heter to be in it on shabbos. It has the status of a tachshit, like a hatzolah walkie talkie.

    I guess the part I don’t understand is why new york people have fancy cars. Out of town you can’t walk to shul but in ny you always can, so why are they following kulos?

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073673

    I see, so he was misquoted. Maaseh Satan does not mean what yytz thinks, ascribing power to satan comes from christian theology. Satan does the job given to him by Hashem only. I was just reacting to that misunderstanding.

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073664

    The Satmar Rebbe after the 1967 war even claimed that it was Satan, not God, who allowed the Israelis to recapture Yerushalayim

    How do you know he said this?

    in reply to: Girls' Names #948070

    How about a nice Russian name, like BGWJJILLIGKKK. Powerful, unique. The only trick is learning how to pronounce the name and outlive it.

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073656

    With that said I pretty much agree with popa 100%.

    in reply to: How would you respond to Savage on Metzitzah #1028032

    Sounds like hand matza vs machine. With pretty much the same players.

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073655

    “If I get to olam habah and see its no better than this, I’ll complain: I already had this at Achashverosh’ palace.”

    This is what popa meant by “I would become a christian”.

    in reply to: Yom Hashoah, any thoughts? #944582

    Since I know not everyone will read 3 paragraphs, let me summarize the main points.

    Following Chazal: appropriate, honors the victims

    Following Zionists: self serving, disgraces the victims

    As always.

    in reply to: Yom Hashoah, any thoughts? #944580

    If we were to “give a day” to every major Jewish tragedy that occurred in history there would not be enough days. Our wise sages therefore confined the period of national mourning for all tragedies to 3 specific weeks, so we can live normally the rest of the year.

    Klal yisroel gave the day of tisha bav to holocaust victims as a day of rememberance/mourning. Yes that day is shared with rememberance of countless other tragedies, but nothing could be more appropriate.

    Obviously, the zionists had and continue to have absolutely no interest in or respect for our sages. Their purpose in this case was not even to have you remember the holocaust but to have you remember that the day is brought to you by your friendly hedonistic zionist leaders. Nothing could be more disgusting.

    in reply to: Brainwashing in College #943355

    Torah… perhaps not the most powerful, but second only to popa.

    in reply to: Wife serving jury duty in NY #943562


    They make you swear. Or affirm, but it’s the same thing. Asseres Hadibros, hello?

    People dress not tznius. Shmiras eynayim, hello?

    Courts ruled against G-d in schools, courthouses, and the pledge of allegiance. Kefirah, hello?

    As a juror you are forced to fraternize with goyim. Am segulah, hello?

    Jurors are entrusted with being the triers of fact. Only Hashem can determine the facts. Kefirah again.

    Plus of course it is Bittul Torah because you can’t learn while listening to the proceedings.

    But the main reason why court is no place for a frum jew is gezeirah atu coming as a defendent.

    in reply to: Not hiring divorcees #943170

    “I don’t see the nafka mina between a married or divorced rebbe.”

    Well that just means you need a hint. Bread. Basket.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069905

    OK <sniffle> you convinced me to put the hanky away.

    Anyone without a team of Polish crypto scientists would need the key to decode it, but how are you so sure I did?

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069903

    114 100 77 116 34 125 70 76 58 88 115 133

    108 74 31 87 9 107 81 31 38 63 103 128

    163 219 262 249 135 217 46 257 147 197 184 180

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069902

    Doc. I am very insulted.

    in reply to: Tzitzis in or Tzitzis out? #984352

    Tucked. ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ??

    And for those who quoted the Mishna Brura, his language indicates it is enough to expose just one thread,

    in reply to: Popa Critiques Troll Posts #942889

    At the seder I attended, there were lots of kids and not nearly as many adults. So we only let one of them say mahnishtanna because we didn’t want to sit through a thousand garbled yiddish translations.

    To make it up to the others who were left out, we hid extra afikomans – enough for all the kids there to find at least one. There was only one matza to hide, but plenty of hard boiled eggs (we make them for shulchanaruch anyway). And to make sure none of the kids cheated by taking an egg out of the fridge and pretending it was a hidden one, we colored the eggs with food coloring before we hid them. Everyone who found one got a prize.

    My neighbor liked the idea so much, he did the same thing in his backyard after Shabbos.

    in reply to: Stuffing Your Face w/ Marror, Red as a Tomato #940634

    No, DY, nothing of the sort. Their religion is torah plus science, with equal weights.

    in reply to: Stuffing Your Face w/ Marror, Red as a Tomato #940631

    Only in English.

    They coined the term themselves in Ivrit.

    in reply to: Carrots from Israel #1086371

    “I simply do not use fresh Israeli produce.”

    That’s sad. Learn the halachos that pertain to demai and don’t boycott Israeli produce.

    in reply to: Stuffing Your Face w/ Marror, Red as a Tomato #940625

    I guess that would be a problem then if I was Rsv Schachter

    in reply to: Stuffing Your Face w/ Marror, Red as a Tomato #940622

    So the YUniks are angry at people who like horseradish. How typical.

    Not that I will ever feel the need to defend us to the scientorahlogists, but no one I heard of uses horseradish for marror to the exclusion of all else. So you can all relax with your “fool”ing because you are not describing any reality. People do exclude lettuce from korach for gebrochts reasons, and however you feel about that doesn’t really matter to anyone.

    But I remember clearly the days of not being able to get any lettuce besides iceberg, and adding some horseradish helped us imagine we weren’t just eating salad. Personally I eat some horseradish because it tastes better than plain lettuce, romaine or otherwise, and if that bothers you then let loose here and save your therapist the headache.

    in reply to: Nice Person, ethics, being frum, discombobulated #939624

    Sell photo rights to your homework for $50 per page. At the very least, you’ll have started a legitimate business while in college, which bodes very well for later in life. Well, you’ll have started a business while in college, which what counts.

    in reply to: Give Tzedaka to Yeshiva or Chickens for Shabbos? #939684

    ” squeak think before you type.”

    Honestly I didn’t know that was an option on this site.

    in reply to: Give Tzedaka to Yeshiva or Chickens for Shabbos? #939674

    If people wanted chicken for shabbos they could enroll in yeshiva. Obviously their need is not that great. If anything, your donation is perverse, enabling them to live a lifestyle more separated from Torah. So the question is how does a charity like chicken for shabbos even exist in our Torah world?

    in reply to: Donald Trump #939553

    92,700,000 results in google. There are not even that many people in NJ, so I would say that’s not the right way to narrow it down.

    in reply to: Donald Trump #939550

    His name is EDITED. I wont post his full last name, but his first name is unusual enough that with the last initial many people can figure it out, ask him, and come back to corroborate.

    in reply to: Stuffing Your Face w/ Marror, Red as a Tomato #940611

    Horseradish is the best food that is kosher for pesach. Thats why I eat it. Why do you?

    in reply to: Snuff on Pesach #939110

    Also in mesechtas buba meisah is that jews hold their noses when they walk by mcdonalds. Sheesh.

    You can smell chometz. But snuff is considered consumption, so if there were anything chometz about it then we’d have a legitimate shailah. Unfortunately, the world wasn’t created in a way that validates this shailah.

    in reply to: Why Are Seminaries So Expensive #939128

    ” Any decent school costs 50k a year.”

    Decent schools man dechar shemay?

    The point about hypocrisy is absurd. They are preaching what they practice, albeit they found a more lucrative “kosher” job than 99% of girls in that lifestyle. And they are in it for the money, so what exactly would be the reason to charge less than they can?

    in reply to: Donald Trump #939547

    Though the man declined payment, he agreed to let Trump send flowers as a token. A massive bouquet of flowers arrived with a very loud card that thanked him, informed him that his mortgage was paid, and identified Trump as the beneficiary of the favor. All in quintessential Trump style.

    I know the man in the story personally and he told me he kept the card (this was more than 15 years ago)

    in reply to: Pesach Cleaning on Steroids #939604

    I dont clean for Pesach and I dont understand why others do. Everything should be clean and neat at all times. When it comes to Pesach you just start eating matza and thats it. Besides, where in the Torah does it say we only have to be clean Jews for 8 days a year and we can be messy the other 346? Pesach cleaning is not written in the Torah and do you know why? Because we have a chiyyuv to be clean every day.

    in reply to: Books: Recs and Where To Buy Hebrew Softcover #1004982

    To read through the seder? Why dont you just give up and go to sleep instead? Instead of zechiras yetzias mitrayyim you can be yotze actual yetzias hashibud, which has to be a higher level.

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