Forum Replies Created
VM you are opposing the death penalty, but not other penalties such as life imprisonment. Why is that? You clearly agree that punishment is necessary and good. You are opposing punishment with punishment.
squeakParticipantIts like giving clean needles to drug addicts.
squeakParticipantNo Candidate Deserves My Vote. Co-Founder.
squeakParticipantMy guess would be that most if not all gedolim had no beards for the first twelve years of their life. Thats when they were gedolim ketanim.
squeakParticipantYoure kidding right? Whats the point of a cover up?
squeakParticipantThe article above goes into the same category as popa’s take on the fat/shallow arguments. Narrowing the competition.
April 23, 2013 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm in reply to: Wait for The Guy Behind You to Finish Shemona Esrei #950466squeakParticipant“Long daveners in the back”
And let’s also attack the marching band practice in the back. You know what I’m talking about, the guys who are locomoting around by the entrance humming and mumbling (sotto voce).
squeakParticipantI was wondering when you’d realize that.
But how clever of you to answer my question from the other thread like this.
squeakParticipantThen how the blazes are we supposed to move to your community?
squeakParticipantChechen mah bah l’rabos? Shemaleh kol ha’aretz dassam.
squeakParticipantNostalgia ain’t what it used to be.
April 18, 2013 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm in reply to: All Children Who Leave Our Community Should Pain Us Equally #947411squeakParticipantWIY, yichusdik,
Don’t put words in my mouth. I was putting words into sweet’s mouth.
April 18, 2013 12:04 pm at 12:04 pm in reply to: All Children Who Leave Our Community Should Pain Us Equally #947394squeakParticipantWe get that you feel happy for the successful one. A successful OTD is a permanent OTD. A loser will be dead or come crawling back to yiddishkeit given enough time. Was that your point?
squeakParticipantSimplify? Sure. I let you have your fun and you let me have mine.
squeakParticipantMy fault. I would apologize for derailing your thread, but that’s not something to apologize for.
squeakParticipantAt least they wash them
squeakParticipantA Capella is assur during sefirah. Your Rabbi probably meant you could play some nice non-jewish music. That’s not assur during sefirah because ain issur chal al issur.
squeakParticipantWell that explains your world view
squeakParticipantI say let the zionists go. They will figure out how to turn the landscape into a flourishing paradise and within the decade, Martians will claim that they were there first. Its the surest way to make contact with ET.
squeakParticipantSaysme: If you want my take, its misplaced nostalgia of sorts. Most traditional employers right now are old school folks, and measure you by their own perhaps outdated standards. I got a BA so I want to see you do the same if you want to work with me. Why you were a philosophy major at Edison who decided to go for a career in finance is a story they can respect, even though logically it may make no sense to value that over no degree at all. As time passes employers will get wise to the online degree scam and learn to value it appropriately (as they did with BTL and then with Touro).
Government jobs are a different story and might have pay scales or requirements that incent or require the degree.
Again, this is all applicable when we are talking about a career that doesn’t have specific BA requirements. Obviously anything in the medical field is going to have specific requirements, but I’m talking about the careers where knowledge by any means is the requirement.
squeakParticipantI see. Makes no sense, but thats fits the CR M.O.
squeakParticipantHe should go back to crowdsourcing. This time to get a viable theory. I realize it didn’t work the first time, but nothing could be worse than that attempt at a theory.
squeakParticipanthe’s a mod?
squeakParticipantI will donate one bitcoin, freshly mined.
April 17, 2013 12:15 pm at 12:15 pm in reply to: Amusing Questions (division of the Joke Thread) #1020293squeakParticipant” If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? humans”
No, that answer doesnt follow. The correct answer is humanitables, which is the english term for adnei hasadeh.
squeakParticipant“Our Rabbi ruled not to observe Shiva”
Presumably, you would be allowed to keep the dinim of shloshim, such as not shaving or taking haircuts, until Shavuot terminates the shloshim.
squeakParticipantSqueak is a fascist
I wouldn’t deny it if it was true, but I don’t see how that follows. In any case, I was just making a point. Not sharing my personal values.
I don’t mean double taxation as in corporate profits followed by personal profits. I mean that after the income is taxed what’s left should be mine. Wealth is post-tax income not spent.
Now if you’d like to discuss my personal opinion on this (which is: a bank account should be subject to property tax like any other significant asset) somewhere else I’d be glad to. Just not near Ayn Rand.
squeakParticipantTaxing assets is double taxation. You already took your cut when I earned it and didn’t spend it. I don’t want to get involved here but I think that was simple enough.
squeakParticipant“even if it’s a degree in tennis and i’m applying to a dental office job?”
Perhaps, though a degree in tennis might not count for much anywhere. But any ordinary major would be fine no matter where you end up; you might be asked to talk about why you chose to work as a dental hygienist after studying english literature in college, but in my opinion that would make a good interview topic if you had a good story behind the decision (something better than simply that english people have bad teeth)
squeakParticipantAgeism only works one way, discriminating against the old, not against the young. Disciminating against the young is just called putting them in their proper place.
squeakParticipantSorry that you missed the reference.
April 16, 2013 11:59 am at 11:59 am in reply to: UNREAL: Obama Refuses To Call Boston Bombings 'Terror Attack' #946075squeakParticipantMR, nope, there never were any. It has been all but proven that the intel was fabricated so that jr. could get revenge for his tatte. The sites that supposedly had the wmd showed no evidence of ever having any, radiological or otherwise.
So yes please, do not lump Bush with Obama unless Obama goes on to prove himself as debase as Bush.
squeakParticipantDon’t ignore the value of being able to write it in the resume. While you may not need the BA to do your chosen job, you may find you need one to get your chosen job. Many employers view a degree as a stepping stone, rite of passage into the career, or what have you.
squeakParticipantIs this spot near a bus stop, by any chance?
squeakParticipantI never heard of the term belieber before this thread. I think a more appropriate term would be beleaguered though. What an idiot, but who cares.
squeakParticipantThere is no CR without people posting. If posting too much brings you happiness, have at it. Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose in your life.
squeakParticipantya well, its not for cliffnotes folk and the like bro.
squeakParticipantoom- I apologize for coming across as condescending. I saw your defense as a long shot and I thought the tone of my reply was dismissive, but light hearted. I can see how you thought it wasn’t. Sorry.
squeakParticipantIn a Maserati, when faced with a choice of cobblestones or pavement, choose pavement.
Or were you intentionally contradicting yourself from the “too many books” thread?
April 14, 2013 5:08 pm at 5:08 pm in reply to: Are there too many seforim being published today #945325squeakParticipant“I guess I’ve proven that Norton and the like cause computer viruses.”
You haven’t proven a thing but you did stumble on the truth. Who do you think is continually making the thousands of new viruses each week? No one stands to gain from making viruses except the Nortons of this world.
squeakParticipant“That offer stands to any CR-ers.”
Joseph just said to tell you he is on his way over.
April 14, 2013 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm in reply to: Are there too many seforim being published today #945319squeakParticipantWell then, on behalf of the motivational materials producers alliance (mmpa), I thank you for your unwavering and unquestioning support. Its not us, but people like you who are increasing happiness- ours, that is, as much as money can buy. Money for drivel, who would have thought we could keep it up for this long?
squeakParticipantdude, I get that it’s Motzai Shabbos and all but this is super weak. From where would a guy like you even pick up a word like diversity? Last week youse only wanted to live among youse own kind, now you’re interested in kumbaya?
Move along folks, nothing to see here.
squeakParticipantYou’re trying way too hard, and it’s cracking me up.
April 14, 2013 12:56 am at 12:56 am in reply to: Are there too many seforim being published today #945316squeakParticipantsays me- i had to read that twice. so you are asking me for a hundred inspirational books in exchange? im disappointed.
April 12, 2013 8:42 pm at 8:42 pm in reply to: Are there too many seforim being published today #945303squeakParticipantInspirational material has been demonstrated to not help with happiness, self-esteem, or self-improvement over any significant amount of time. In fact it often has the opposite effect because of the letdown factor. The motivational industry has been pushing the stuff for decades, so we have decades worth of failures to prove the negative effects.
There is not nearly enough Demotivator material though. Demotivation helps you set your sights lower, so you avoid missing your goals and feeling bad about yourself. Plus, its funny instead of sad. I’d trade a hundred inspiration books for one t shirt.
squeakParticipanthave your professor call me and ill straighten him out.
squeakParticipantyou mean you cant do this in your head? thats got to be frustrating.
squeakParticipantoom read my phrasing again. if you thought between the infinites i meant only ordinary numbers then you would have to interpret between 0 and 1 the same way.