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  • in reply to: Oh, they just wanna be like men #954096



    I think I specifically mentioned cooking because I enjoy cooking (maybe breakfast for himself, Itold us that one time he was cooking and his grandmother R’ Ahron Kotler’s Rebbetzin told him that “a bochur doesn’t belong in the kitchen”.

    Unfortunately, that is part of a larger shittah (to which I strongly disagree). Out of that shittah comes the Kollel guys who claim that taking out garbage is “beneath them”. I hear, it is a “Lakewood” shittah, but IMHO (and that of many Gedolim of the previous generations) Chazal would disagree.

    My take is a bit different. Unfortunately, this is part of a larger problem of taking random stories and elevating them to Tziddukki Torah. Without context, the story must be taken literally and a kitchen receives the din of a ladies restroom. But most likely, what she intended to say was something along the lines of “I’ve got it this time”.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956854

    A large number of chassidish girls opt out so they can marry normal litvish boys and be allowed to walk outdoors and drive. Not many litvish girls opt in to the chassidish scene willingly. That’s a better explanation of the two crises than anything you’ve read here so far.

    And I can make up another fwo or three theories if you ask. AZ iz a raving lunatic. The age gap theory is, and always was, sold- never bought.

    in reply to: Chase Bank #954314

    gefen- yes. Why else would I post that here?

    in reply to: Why do they teach girls to sound like Harrys? #1144969

    pba, thank you muchly

    in reply to: Pushing off Geirim #954020

    “Marriage has a way of solidifying things for them and giving their change a permanence.”

    You mean trapping them. And that is true for geirim, BTs, and FFBs.

    in reply to: Why do they teach girls to sound like Harrys? #1144958

    So they can never be Rabbis; never speak in public; never lain in shul without being laughed out of the house.

    The MO teach boys and girls the same havarah, and look where that’s going. The Maharats are an offshoot, as are all the talmudettes.

    OK I’ve had my fun. Now thread can be closed.

    in reply to: The Goq #979069

    In opposition to the closed thread…

    in reply to: B'nos Desheh #954474

    All teyulim are to the valley of the shadow of death?

    Corporal punishment with a stick?

    in reply to: What if you weren't Jewish? #974451

    I would go to the police and tell hem everything I know.

    Then I would convert.

    in reply to: Chase Bank #954307

    I have a fraudulent charge as well from the 16th. So do 2 other people I’ve spoken to.


    A mistake doesn’t undermine the concept of daas torah. Neither does an apology. It does, however, undermine everything daas torah has stood for in this daas askan vs. daas baal habayyis world. So its either back to the ranch or dig deeper.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956787

    G-d bless everyone opposing AZ. Its comforting to know that not everyone is farkoift. It never ceases to amaze me how some people know how to fix things before they can even explain the problem. It’s everywhere- America has a gun crime problem, and one group of people knows that we can fix it by prohibiting gun sales, while another group knows we can fix it by giving everyone concealed weapons to defend themselves. Its ridiculous. If I say hold the presses, I don’t think I am standing in the way of any improvements, just the opposite, in fact. If you can’t figure out the problem, you have no chance of improving things with your proposed solution.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956749

    Unfortunately, at this point the shidduch crisis is too politicized and there can be no more productive conversations about it. Too many egos are involved. I imagine all the singles are eternally grateful.

    in reply to: What's for supper? #951976

    Purina One Cholent Style.

    in reply to: Shavuos Minyan #951775

    Before the first passuk, after the first passuk, whatever. Point is you get a catnap so you can be alert and not have to listen to taynos like mr dafyomi tried to make up.

    in reply to: Al zeh haya for Mi bon Siach #951762

    Popa, you mean we don’t want to take away the one part of the chuppah that doesn’t shtim with aveilus. And I don’t agree that this would, because true aveilus would be have no music (unless you are MO) at all, not even mournful tunes. So I say go for it.

    in reply to: Describing Differences Between Jews #973618

    Are you actually saying not all MO communities have YU rabbis because some of them come from KBY? Puhleese.

    I don’t expect that rabbis are lecturing about tum philosophy at the pulpit. Regardless, if that is the rabbi’s hashkafa and the community follows him, they are practising TUM whether or not they know enough to know that.

    in reply to: Shavuos Minyan #951771

    its better to be alert and awake during davening then to learn all night and sleep during the aseres hadibros! “

    Yes and that is why we lain akdomus a few minutes prior to that.

    in reply to: Describing Differences Between Jews #973616

    “being MO means being Orthodox but not wearing a uniform associated with those farther right (black and white, velvet kippas, etc.), not having a bias in favor of more machmir interpretations of everything, and holding by rabbis who dress and think like them.”

    Your last point essentially proves that MO is by definition TUM. The rabbis are without exception YU educated and ordained. So their congregants who “think like them” are de facto Maddaites (note that I am not being intentionally offensive here, or I would have called them Scientorahlogists again).

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069917

    Icot… two out of one, not a bad score.

    in reply to: Women wearing pants #952644

    ZD you are a veritable encyclopedia of hetterim. I say that only half-jokingly, because one might actually need to come on to such a resource. I happen to know who you are referring to in this case.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069911


    in reply to: Getting over Android Game addiction #950500

    Wow. You should write an inspirational book for teenagers.

    in reply to: Kallah Circles the Chattan #950251


    in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950842

    I was refering to our culture. Not sure how you missed that.

    in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950837

    Baldy, the culture does not accept it. That is not because it isn’t normal (it certainly is, which is in contrast to the other example) but because we disapprove of it as jews. Silence is acceptance.

    in reply to: Kallah Circles the Chattan #950248

    Thanks. Now I set my timer for three days… when it rings I’ll know popa chapped too.

    in reply to: Kallah Circles the Chattan #950246

    I misread the title. I thought it said “Kallah Circles the Chattel” and I thought, what is that supposed to mean? The Kallah is the chattel!

    in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950835

    “I just dont understand how threatening people will stop the issue. I usually have a great respect for Rabanim But I dont understand. They didnt stop anyone from talking to the opposite gender since every kid will just find a different way to do it and getting a letter isnt going to be a miraculous “oh yes i totally didnt realize i was doing something so different but thank you rabbis now i realize. All they accomplished is have these kids continue and on top of that hate rabbanim”

    Do you also think we should have kept quiet about the whole alternate lifestyle marriage issue? Or did you agree then that we should stand in the way of culture changing behavior as much as possible? In either case you don’t have a chance of stopping the reprehensible behavior. But it is worth delegitimizing it for the sake of preserving social norms.

    in reply to: Is anyone else… #963357

    Pound foolish? Everything with you is about weight?

    in reply to: Orthodox Jew Won Major Lottery #950396

    In this case, you can include zionist, modox, and even YCT as orthodox. A rich jew is always unzerer.

    in reply to: Is anyone else… #963354

    DY- sustained volume would be a nice thing, most people would think, and growth is perois dekel. You feel otherwise? So I assume that you don’t mind if your wife stays fat, as long as she inhibits further growth?

    in reply to: Getting over Android Game addiction #950494

    “You can solve both problems at once by being a video game tester. You won’t be cheating on your employer when you play, and you’ll hate playing so much that you’ll rather read the tax code cover to cover.”

    Far-side ripoff I think. Though he had the boss yelling at them for working on spreadsheets when they should be playing games.

    in reply to: Is anyone else… #963350

    Paying a membership fee is not on the table- no one would for this site or any similar site. But users of a free service tolerate being harrassed to some degree while getting their fix and that is their (our) quasi-payment. The question is what the limit is before they individually decide its not worth it and stop visiting. I’m sure the owner would notice if that was happening.

    in reply to: Mitzva of Mashkeh #950212

    V’atem hadevaykim bahashem elokaychem, l’chayyim kulchem hayom.

    in reply to: Mechitzah question #950596

    In my shul we have always had a mechitza b’peh, a separation made by words of mouth, which is learned from the Halachos off Teruma. It is very effective at keeping men and women separate because it is understood that if you don’t abide by the mechitza b’peh you are undermining the separation of Terumah, and no G-d fearing person would want to eat tevel. It also has the fringe benefit of ensuring that no kiddush clubs are formed because all the women would see clearly who left and that is an effective deterrent.

    This old minhag has come under some attack recently by the more modern folks who insist on having a mechitza b’kli, a separation using a wall. They are not afraid to degrade the mechitza b’peh because they don’t worry about hilchos terumah- everything they eat is either grown in chu”l or is grown with some concocted heter mechirah (why they don’t require a heter mechirah b’kli is beyond me). I see that this newfangled shtus is getting some support here, no one even mentioned the original preferable mechitza. Is there no one who will stand against this?

    in reply to: Anyone ever hear of this? #950371

    Merci beaucoup

    in reply to: One way trip to the red planet. #949868

    There are no tznius problems on Mars. You can’t go outside even slightly exposed, and there are no beaches to be found anywhere.

    There are no fancy foods or extravagances.

    Your neighbors’ homes will be the same as your own.

    There is no shidduch crisis. Two men and two women only. No matter how far apart they are in age, this island is a win.

    It’s a kanoi paradise. Submit an application and post here, I’ll vote for you. The only downside I can think of for a guy like Joe is you can only have one wife (at least you can only take one along with you).

    in reply to: What did you think was cool… #1002595

    Honestly, there are far too many people who don’t know enough American history that it is a real concern. Not worried about the g-men.

    in reply to: Blemished People #949905

    Judaism is not about ignoring tbe physical. It is about elevating the physical. Point is, physical matters and don’t be misled by ideals inappropriately borrowed from other religions (such as transcendence). Hashem said KiTov about the physical world.

    It doesn’t answer your specific question, but at least I am not steering you the wrong way or blindsiding you with hogwash.

    in reply to: What did you think was cool… #1002589

    Time for his subtitle to change, don’t you think?

    in reply to: Buying tefillin online. Need help. #985151

    I agree with the title.

    in reply to: Mechitzah question #950556

    So two Boro Park guys have been learning bechavrusa for over a decade, when one of them finally makes a confession.

    “I’m a goy,” he says, “I got interested in your religion about ten years back and I figured the only way to really find out about Judaism is to live in your midst. So I’ve been passing myself off as one of you, and now I want to be magayer.”

    His chavrusa is shocked. “My friend, we’ve been learning together all this time,” he says. “You know as much Torah by now as I do. Surely you remember learning Goy SheShovas Chayav Misah? A goy who keeps Shabbos earns the death penalty.”

    “Of course I know that,” the goy responds. “So every Shabbos afternoon when I came here to learn with you I would bring my house keys with me as I walked through the streets.”

    “But… but… that doesn’t help! There is an eruv here in Boro Park! So you are still Chayav Misah!”

    “Not to worry, friend. I hold like Rav Belsky.”

    in reply to: How many wives? #1003463
    in reply to: Itchy Beard Begone! #998879

    Health- I’ll start if you will.


    OK, starting now.

    in reply to: Capital Punishment #951522

    No response. OK, so I’ll just say my piece then.

    The death penalty is an expedient method of punishment that not only ensures the guilty person will not commit the crime again, but also prevents him/her from connecting with and influencing others. An added benefit is that it is a no maintenance dispensing of punishment. Maintaining jails is difficult, costly, and potentially risky (holding masses of dangerous people on leashes). Only a very leisurely society (such as ours) can even afford to allow capable people to become jailers, who do nothing but hold criminals at bay. An agrarian society would starve.

    Therefore, jail should be looked at as an unhappy compromise between light punishment (monetary fines or forced service) for criminals who are no danger to society and maximum punishment (death) for those who deserving of that extreme. The only question is how do we decide what type of criminal is one that we will give the maximum punishment. We probably should not execute someone who can be rehabilitated into society, or someone who did not have the capacity to understand his/her own crime. But it seems like you believe no type of criminal is deserving- I say then you are wrong. Some criminals should be executed rather than preserved.

    Agreed in any case that the US system for capital punishment is today 100% flawed and lives up to none of its purpose. I wonder can capital punishment be rehabilitated?

    in reply to: Emunas Yisrael's Position On Internet Use #948142

    “The rav is saying he personally

    discourages Internet use. However, if one is already in a position where

    they need to use the Internet, (for parnassah or school, for example)

    they might as well use it for good by listening to shiurim.”

    Your logic here is absurd. If someone needs internet for parnassah or school, they should use it for that and no more. Why should they stay on the internet longer to also use it for shiurim? During the time they don’t need it for business or school use they should be no different from the default psak, which is to not use internet even for torah.

    Rather, he means for those who are already freely using the internet, despite the psak not to, to have torah available to them as an alternative to non torah. See my moshol above.

    in reply to: Itchy Beard Begone! #998872

    popa, if you shave everyone will know you are not a gadol. Kind of changes the landscape, knowing that.

    in reply to: Capital Punishment #951521

    To expand: Imprisoning the bomber also will not bring back the victims who died, nor heal the wounded. That was your criteria, no? So why not just let him go?

    Helpful hint: Don’t answer to stop him from doing it again. That is a trap.

    in reply to: Computerized Ledger/Finances Tracker #948206

    use google docs

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