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  • in reply to: Do you care about the royal baby? #968241

    Torah- for number 3, why doesnt a boy have to also worry about not finding anyone of higher status to marry? So much for the equality goal.

    in reply to: Who is Mordechai Schmutter? #967044

    Mordechai Schmutter

    Part of writing is that some people will like what you write and others won’t. I hardly think that a few people expressing their inability to appreciate Mordechai’s columns needs to be silenced. I didnt see anything personal about it.

    That said, most people with a good sense of humor love his stuff.

    in reply to: Canadian Provinces Should Become U.S. States #1106816

    We should return to our sovereign England. The taynos that made sense in the 18th century have all been addressed. The queen can communicate with her subjects instantly, and we could have Parliamentry representation in real time via video conference or by hopping a plane. Put an end to the centuries long treason. Canada can too.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966557

    Sam, you would be making a good defense if he were disavowed by YCT. The examples you bring to mind were disavowed by their institutions.

    in reply to: lol they are apikorsim #966553

    I see a number of contradictions in his article that cannot be explained without unreasonably stretching his meaning. For example, in his list of contradictions he says that G-d wrote something in Numbers and that G-d wrote something in Deut. But in the summary he says there were two authors. So it appears that the simplest approach is that more than one author wrote the article, and at least 2 of them were drunk.

    Seriously though, I am an academic myself, and purely from that viewpoint alone this article is garbage. He forced an article to present a predetermined premise. If this is representative of his caliber of work, I would drop him from my program.

    in reply to: Possible solution to the shidduch crisis #966185

    If the numbers are actually 110 to 100, there is a more complex reason to it than just the age gap tbeory. Of that I am certain.

    Here is what your insistence that it is the age gap leads to:

    – Tacit approval of every personal criteria invented by shadchanim and/or parents. Theres nothing wrong wih saying we can’t go out with baalei tshuva, or someone who graduated high school with only a B average, or someone from a broken home, or someone whose distant relative is rumored to have been sick at some point, or someone who davens in a shul I once felt uncomfortable going to, or someone who lives on Kings Highway, etc etc. Nothing is wrong with this, because the main thing that is wrong with shidduchim is just the age of the boy and girl.

    – A new criteria is introduced to the list of moronic ones already in effect. If the relative ages are not good then nix it. Girls have to wait longer than they’d like to start dating; boys have to go out younger than they possibly should be and with girls who make them seem inadequate.

    If all the age theory did was make it “kosher” for a girl to be older than 22 and to make it kosher for a girl to be older than her husband, then kol hakavod. Removing artificial restrictions is a good thing. But it leads to a worsening in the restrictiveness, and the bad clearly outweighs any good. Especially because the whole theory is based in simple mindedness and ignorance of external factors.

    in reply to: Possible solution to the shidduch crisis #966176

    “Even if the person you spoke to was a gadol, and even if he did tell you it was nonsense, maybe he didn’t really think so, but felt there was no harm in telling that to you.”

    Exactly how I interpreted your anecdote, DY. As in, wheres the harm in letting this simple minded kid believe he knows the answer to life the universe and everything.

    in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165173

    I respect anyone who believes in the age gap theory, just because these days “respecting” someone means you disagree with them, think they are off the wall, but still want to be friends.

    in reply to: Possible solution to the shidduch crisis #966163

    “It really doesn’t; it merely assumes that there us one factor, which if not dealt with, will continue to cause an insurmountable disparity.”

    See this is a perfect examle of the simple mindedness I was talking about. There are probably any number of factors that would cause insurmountable disparity – if viewed in isolation. But the different factors interact with and mitigate each other. If you want to be an oiber chochom and get so tchnical that you truly believe the shidduch world IS an island, you are going to miss some pretty relevant data.

    And hiding behind the skirts of talmidei chachomim is a pretty lame defense, IMHO, which has grown exceedingly tiring.

    in reply to: Possible solution to the shidduch crisis #966146

    I certainly don’t think the shidduch crisis is a work of fiction. Characterizing the source of the problem as one that could only occur in a community of bacteria is, though. The “theory” is far too simplistic and utterly fails to take into account anything other than a single variable. An idea that excludes every complexity and any alternate inputs can only be welcomed by the simple minded.

    in reply to: Pacing during davening #965674

    This used to bother me too. So I donated a set of leg chains for each seat in the shul and for every 3 feet of wall space (installation included). But the gabboim refused to do their part of attaching them to the shul patrons. So I ended up following popas advice.

    in reply to: Mac vs PC poll #964960

    Unix. Developer and loyal forever.

    in reply to: Why everyone should post on this website #964770

    Lolololol! Its this type of modding that brings me back to the fun times here.

    in reply to: Lyrics for "Beshoh Sh'melech Hamoshiach Boh"? #965017

    Clearly as 42 alluded, moshiach will do some video editing to show himself being on top of the sketchelach of the bais hamikdosh. Then he will post the video on jewtube. The real bais hamikdosh will come later and of course he wont stand on its roof.

    in reply to: Plow This Snow! #964926

    This is the third year in a row that you bumped this? Why does a thread like this deserve so much attention?

    in reply to: Has anyone ever died of sitting too long on the Internet? #964569

    I know a man who died after being on the internet for 90 years. He also smoked for 90 years, so apparently internet is more lethal than smoking.

    in reply to: Ki-naidel #1117815

    This sounds too lofty for simple ears. Anyone under 40 should be blocked from reading this thread. Such machshovos!

    in reply to: The last supper #964312

    All you can eat fish at Eden Wok?

    in reply to: Because my father wasn't a kohen #964323

    Next time wear a badge.

    in reply to: Because my father wasn't a kohen #964320

    If you’re still around, Im at the Starbucks drive thru holding a cup for you.

    in reply to: What pet would you want? #964281


    Have many

    in reply to: Watching the trial live #964418

    For one thing, someone whose views fall within the realm of compromise individually. Not the “average” of all his/her views. Sometimes to the far right and sometimes to the far left doth not each other cancel out.

    in reply to: Hakadosh Bar-b-que #963708

    You don’t need to be a chanifa girl to know that if the kadosh is supposed to be an adjective, it should be BBQ kadosh. So I’m still waiting for a genuine name change.

    in reply to: Watching the trial live #964415

    Thats just a hodgepodge, no reason to describe that as moderate just because you pick from both sides of the fence.

    A minimum wage increase across the board just leads to general inflation through trickle up. Marriage in this case can be argued to be just about the rights of marriage, aka a civil union on steroids, which seems unfair to oppose from a non religious perspective. Private school vouchers seem like a way to defund public schools and divert tax money to religious entities.

    It would be fun to debate any of these, but I hardly think this qualifies you as moderate. More like ideological confusion. Or, to put all the views you listed into one bucket, I would say working poor religious sap.

    in reply to: Marrying a Good Wife #963792

    I’d chip in if I was in a position to.

    in reply to: The Complainers Thread #963719

    Waiting for all the non-complaining people of the CR to complain about this threads existence.

    in reply to: Stupid ASPCA commercials #1040001

    Context. Know your audience. Stupid commercials are appropriate for reaching TV audiences.

    in reply to: Locking bedroom door when lending apartment #963175

    You all think I locked the bedroom to keep him out, but the real reason I locked it was to keep my ocelot from getting out of the room and bothering him. And this is the thanks I get.

    in reply to: Watching the trial live #964395

    Popa. Enjoy disney 🙂

    in reply to: Girls: Like a guy? #961135

    I think I would only marry a woman who would be open to my constructive criticism of her cooking/baking

    You’ve got a lot to learn my friend.

    in reply to: Regents #960489

    jfem- the answers were published ahead of the exam in the new york times, IIRC. A few kids getting the answers happens all the time, I’d bet.

    in reply to: Rashi Biography and the Heart of Darkness #960291

    OOM…. I didn’t say entertaining books. That of course would include TP.

    in reply to: Rashi Biography and the Heart of Darkness #960289

    Every one of those similarities are superficial, so even if they are intentional it means nothing. For exampl, number 2, Kurtz was drunk on his deity status, his plan was for himself only. If the author of Rashi borrowed on the plan, he failed to understand theme of the novel which is dichotomy and contrast.

    We ought to have a book club thread to discuss worthwhile books. Maybe I will award credits to posters demonstrating sufficient reading comprehension.

    in reply to: Rashi Biography and the Heart of Darkness #960280

    I havent read this biography but I have heard of Rashi before. Therefore, I am more than a little bit baffled at what comparisons could have been drawn from the fabulous literary work by Conrad. Rashi’s commentary may well be fondly called kurtz and sharf, but even Kurtz wasn’t kurtz. Can you give us an example?

    Moreso, I find it extremely unlikely that a frum author could capture anything from it at all without copying the actual text word for word.

    in reply to: What problems can you think of in this sticky Halachic case? #957508

    What if you found out that your non jewish live in was jewish, and then she found out she was actually not jewish- what would she do?

    in reply to: A homemaker's daily chaos #958132

    Call a girls high school and ask for chesed hours. Less stress on you means you will be able to handle things better.

    in reply to: Nice Chassan present ideas for the Yichud room #957828

    “Golf clubs. One thing no married man should be without.”

    A baseball bat is just as good.

    in reply to: Now everything smells #957472

    I hope I would have been #3.

    in reply to: Shared Driveway #957405

    Does he even use the driveway? When popa is in town, Im betting he can’t access it anyway because of the car blocking it. So it makes sense to build over it.

    in reply to: Tipping Workers #956226

    If the workers are African American, it’s insulting to tip them.

    (since this will almost certainly be misunderstood, no I am not serious. it is a ref)

    i also misunderstand it. But I trust you, so I’ll let you explain the ref

    in reply to: Never Send to Know for Whom the Troll Trolls #972157

    I would venture that this is completely unnecessary with this audience. Everyone here is convinced that the troll is trolling for them, when in reality perhaps some should be more modest.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956946

    The biggest proof of how disingenuous AZ, DY, and all of NASI really are is this conversation with ubiq. He present a problem that is indisputable (on “shidduch island” even 112 girls to 100 boys should lead to all girls getting ample dates) and they say “We could argue about that forever”. Note that ubiq isn’t even contending the age gap or any other NASI dogma, he is accepting their dogma as fact and then going a step further (or to the side perhaps), but even that amount of intellectual honesty is not to be found with them.

    Off of the island, aka the real world, this is also true. There will always be some folks who will not marry and some who will never land a date (except a 100% blind one). This doesn’t go against anything NASI stands for, so I can only think of one reason why they would fight against the acknowledgement of this point.

    in reply to: Harder than kriyas yam suf #955650

    You must really like koolaid.

    in reply to: There is NO Shidduch Crisis #955675

    GM1, your father’s work and his credential might mean something, if he were willing to show it. But with nothing but empty words to back an empty theory, you’d be better off not mentioning it.

    For years now AZ and his ilk have been pretending their basis is fact, and now they admit otherwise. The paper signed by the 70 RY no doubt was based on a thorough investigation, but we know what that means now, too. I have doubted from the start that any reputable statistician had anything to do with this and now there is overwhelming anecdotal evidence that I am right.

    in reply to: There is NO Shidduch Crisis #955669

    “NASI is the only group doing anything to try and resolve this problem and for that they should be commended, not condemned.”

    If your car breaks down in some backwoods town where no one knows how to fix it, would you commend the fool who started tinkering and yanking wires? Wouldn’t you demand that he not do anything he doesn’t know how to do? I’d say do no harm, and wait for a qualified mechanic to make an appearance. Either way you won’t have a car for an indefinite period of time, but your way there is a chance of breaking it beyond repair.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956898

    Page 4 already? Time for another. This supposed shidduch crisis is very confined to a lone demographic. So even assuming that the reason for the crisis is a shortage within the community, why wouldn’t the extras spill over and be absorbed into the next closest in ideals community? Certainly a shortage of prospects is a good reason to broaden one’s search. If you are thinking because of refusal to compromise on frumkeit, let me point out that frumkeit is a sliding scale, with ideologies varying slightly from person to person even within each community, and certainly the end of the spectrum of one commjnity lines up closely enough to the top of the spectrum in the next. The shortage would thin itself out as the spillover was shared through multiple communities and probably would resolve itself naturally. Unless there is such an enormous gap between the spectrums that no mobility is possible.

    If that were the case, I’d be more worried about the ideals gap than anything else. Because if somehow a retaining wall is holding everyone in the same spot, against the natural tendency for people to be varied and complex, then I would bet dollars to donuts that the shidduch crisis far from the only crisis that this community is facing.

    in reply to: Does not believing in the shidduch crisis make you a koifer? #954281

    I’ll assume you don’t understand what you read, or I’m sure you would not dare use the word heretics as a segue to those giants.

    in reply to: Does not believing in the shidduch crisis make you a koifer? #954272

    There are problems in the shidduch scene, I don’t think anyone pretends otherwise. Maybe some would hesitate to call it a crisis, but that is semantics. Did you mean to ask whether its kefirah to deny the popular explanations as to the cause? I’d have to pull a Wolf if you did.

    in reply to: Where is __________? #955637

    DYs comment was funny because of the irony, but he was being two thirds factual.

    in reply to: Bnos Yaakov High School in Brooklyn #983121

    It’s fantastic.

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