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  • in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2336363


    President Ronald Reagan

    President Donald Trump

    Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona

    Representative Tulsi Gabbard

    Representative Tricia Cotham

    Mia McLeod (South Carolina State Senator)

    Elon Musk (owner of SpaceX and Twitter)

    Joe Rogan (podcaster, comedian, actor, television host)

    Andrew Yang (lawyer, author, businessman, political candidate)

    Nicole Shanahan (lawyer and philanthropist)

    Allison Huynh (former Obama fundraiser)

    Alan Dershowitz (Harvard Law School Professor)

    Mr. Shabbos Kestenbaum (recent Harvard graduate)

    Miss Elizabeth Pipko (founder of JExodus = Jewish Exodus movement)

    The correct answer is: ALL OF THEM!!

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2335890

    Mr. Eric Levine (a founding member of a New York City law firm) said:

    “No doubt [Donald] Trump’s strong showing among Jews is a reaction to the
    explosion of antisemitism on our university campuses and in cities across the country,
    and to the Democratic Party’s failure to condemn it.
    To the contrary, significant portions of the Democratic Party embrace it.”

    “Vice President Kamala Harris’s failure to select Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
    as her running mate, her tepid support for the Jewish state and her failure
    to contradict a protester who said Israel is committing genocide in Gaza
    created a four-alarm fire in many quarters of the American Jewish community.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “How to defeat the antisemitism
    of the progressive left and strengthen America

    by Eric Levin 2024/11/26 for www (dot) JNS (dot) org

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2335891

    Mr. Eric Levine (a founding member of a New York City law firm) said:

    “No doubt [Donald] Trump’s strong showing among Jews is a reaction to the
    explosion of antisemitism on our university campuses and in cities across the country,
    and to the Democratic Party’s failure to condemn it.
    To the contrary, significant portions of the Democratic Party embrace it.”

    “Vice President Kamala Harris’s failure to select Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
    as her running mate, her tepid support for the Jewish state and her failure
    to contradict a protester who said Israel is committing genocide in Gaza
    created a four-alarm fire in many quarters of the American Jewish community.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “How to defeat the antisemitism
    of the progressive left and strengthen America

    by Eric Levin 2024/11/26 for www (dot) JNS (dot) org

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2335889

    Mr. Eric Levine (a founding member of a New York City law firm) said:

    “No doubt [Donald] Trump’s strong showing among Jews is a reaction to the
    explosion of antisemitism on our university campuses and in cities across the country,
    and to the Democratic Party’s failure to condemn it.
    To the contrary, significant portions of the Democratic Party embrace it.”

    “Vice President Kamala Harris’s failure to select Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
    as her running mate, her tepid support for the Jewish state and her failure
    to contradict a protester who said Israel is committing genocide in Gaza
    created a four-alarm fire in many quarters of the American Jewish community.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “How to defeat the antisemitism
    of the progressive left and strengthen America

    by Eric Levin 2024/11/26 for www (dot) JNS (dot) org


    akuperma said:

    “The Democrats’ “Progressive wing”, which is ascendant,
    supports active discrimination against Jews,
    tolerates anti-Jewish violence, and endorses Hamas’s demand
    for “ethnic cleansing” of Jews “from the River to the Sea…..”.

    MY REACTION: What akuperma said is 100% true and correct.


    UJM, I appreciate this excellent article.

    But what is the name of the author? Which newspaper published this article?

    in reply to: Trump Cheated The Election’s! #2334431

    Dear YWN Moderator,

    The two recent comments from BURGTHZ should be deleted, as soon as possible.

    This web site can be read by ANYONE, including people who hate Jews.

    BURGTHZ’s comments can be used to attack all Jews, so they must be deleted.


    in reply to: Trump’s presidency #2334159

    Rabbi Avrohom Birnbaum said this in Yated Neeman :

    We all set goals, especially spiritual goals.

    We all want to accomplish so much in both asei tov and sur meira.

    There are masechtos we’re determined to learn,
    areas of halacha we want to master.

    There is the fight against the yeitzer hara that we are so determined to win;
    the shemiras halashon kabbolah and shemiras einayim kabbolah;
    the kibbud av v’eim kabbolah and the internet kabbolah
    that we have made with such conviction…and then nisyonos happen,
    obstacles are placed in our way, and we often feel like we simply can’t win.
    It’s too hard. “Oy,” we think, “we didn’t realize how tough it would be.”

    It’s at these moments that we should look at Donald J. Trump and say:

    “Look at what Trump did. He had a goal. He may be a little meshugah
    in some ways, but this meshugeneh didn’t let anything stop him.
    He stayed focused, going after his prize with tenacity.
    He didn’t give up for a second, and now he’s president of
    the United States once again. He’s got battle scars, but he made it.”

    When it comes to our goals in ruchniyus, we should be as meshugah as Trump.

    Now go be a meshugeneh!

    SOURCE: “The Belief and Mussar Lesson” by Rabbi Avrohom Birnbaum
    November 13, 2024 www (dot) yated (dot) com

    in reply to: A lot of DL Bashing Charedim Lately #2334100

    akuperma, if you read mussar books carefully, you will be amazed
    by the wrongdoings committed by Jews of previous generations,
    back in the days when every Jew was allegedly a Tzaddik Gamur.

    David HaMelech had two sons who attempted to KILL him,
    and another son who forced his own sister into physical intimacy.

    in reply to: Understanding בינה #2334098

    Coffee Addict, I actually liked UJM’s comments in this discussion,
    and I may copy his comments to my computer for future reference.

    Coffee Addict, your question about binah is a valid question,
    but this Coffee Room is not the best place to ask that question.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2333793

    President Obama vs Jewish Victims of Terrorists

    The victims of the Sbarro’s bombing of August 2001 tried to sue Iran,
    but then-President Barack Hussein Obama changed the law,
    to make it impossible for American Jews to sue Iran.

    In other words, then-President Barack Hussein Obama
    helped the terrorists and harmed the victims of terrorists! Wow!

    Even worse, President Obama (Democrat) and President Joe Biden
    (also Democrat) both gave BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to Iran,
    which was used to massacre more than 1,200 Jews on October 7, 2023.

    Sadly, most American Jews continue to vote for the Democrats.
    If Kamala Harris (Democrat) were President now,
    she would certainly give BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to Iran,
    which they would certainly use to kill even more Jews.

    Jews should NEVER vote for any Democrats, because
    the Democrats are allies of Muslim terrorists and Iran.
    Democrats are ENEMIES OF JEWS, both in Israel and the USA.

    in reply to: A lot of DL Bashing Charedim Lately #2333507

    In this web site, in this Coffee Room, there are people
    who insult the Dati Leumi at every possible opportunity.

    I will not mention their names.

    in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2333375

    There is a famous picture of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s first smichah class.

    In this picture, none of the smichah students wear black hats or black suits;
    all of them wear the clothes and colors that were worn
    by most non-Jews in New York City in the 1940s or 1950s.

    By today’s standards, their clothes would be considered Modern Orthodox.

    in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2333373

    Kuvult said:

    “Why did the Torah [Scroll] have to come from an Orthodox Shul?”



    Thank you for your question, It is a very important question.

    You might not be aware of this, but in recent decades,
    Reform and Conservative and other off-the-Derech movements
    have been writing their own Torah Scrolls! Rachmanah Latzlan!!

    One female fake-sofer, Miss Aviel Barclay, calls herself “Soferet”
    and her web site is www dot Soferet dot com.

    There are big problems with this.

    [1] Halachah clearly states that a Torah Scroll written by a woman is PASUL (invalid).

    [2] If I remember correctly, Aviel Barclay is a convert to Reform Judaism,
    which makes her NOT Jewish, and a Torah Scroll written by a non-Jew is PASUL (invalid).

    [3] She holds by non-Orthodox Rabbis, and only by non-Orthodox Rabbis,
    which again makes her Torah scrolls100% PASUL (invalid).

    She also teaches random people how to write Torah Scrolls, if they pay her.

    Many years ago, I sent her an email which quoted classic Torah sources
    which prove that a Torah Scroll written by a woman is PASUL (invalid).
    She sent me an email back, and she already knew that the Halachah
    was definitely against her, but that did not stop her, or even slow her down.

    In the 1990s & early 2000s, there was another Reform female fake-sofer
    who called herself “Chatam Soferet”. I do not know if she is still active or alive.

    In my opinion, it would be very appropriate to pray that
    all of the fake Torah Scrolls written by her,
    and all of the fake Torah Scrolls written by all pasul people,
    should all be completely burned.

    PS: In Eretz Yisrael, fake Torah Scrolls have been written by ARABS!!
    Rachmanah Latzlan!! Rachmanah Latzlan!! Rachmanah Latzlan!!

    in reply to: Not every chabadnik is meshichus and we need to see that line #2333360

    I never hear the voices of the non-Meshichist Chabadnicks.

    The Meshichist Chabadnicks seem to be a 1,000 times louder than the non-Meshichist Chabadnicks.

    Can you name one prominent non-Meshichist Chabad Rabbi?

    in reply to: Israel Seminary – Pros, Cons Etc. #2333356

    Is seminary worth it, if it causes the girl to delay marriage by 1 or 2 years?

    in reply to: Trump Cheated The Election’s! #2333355

    Reb Eliezer said:

    “He is picking the worst expertise members in their fields of his cabinet.”


    Around 4 years ago, President Joe Biden publicly admitted that
    the only reason why he chose Kamala Harris to be Vice President
    was because she was a “woman of color” or non-White woman.

    Not because of her talents or her credentials,
    but because of her race and her sex.

    in reply to: Trump Cheated The Election’s! #2332712

    Donald Trump was supported by EVERY RAV.
    Kamala Harris was supported by the EREV RAV.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2332696

    Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont recently said:

    “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party
    which has abandoned working class people
    would find that the working class has abandoned them.”


    The Democratic Party abandoned working class people a long time ago,
    especially poor White people, and many people noticed this,
    long before this recent statement by Bernie Sanders.

    The Democratic Party demonizes and dehumanizes straight White men,
    especially those who believe in traditional values,
    which caused millions of straight White men to vote for Donald Trump.

    in reply to: Tutoring in Yeshivot in EY – A LOSE/LOSE DEAL #2332663

    I am sorry to hear that you experienced hardships as a tutor.

    I have experience tutoring secular subjects, and my students
    attended around 50% of the time, which made it
    very hard to make any money from tutoring.

    I have not tutored in many years; I just gave up.

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2332328

    My Thoughts After 400 Days without Music

    After 400 days without music, my memories of the
    music that I used to listen to seem to be fading slowly.

    Still, musical memories continue to enter my mind every day,
    unwanted and unprovoked. This seems to indicate that I spent
    way too much time listening to music, before
    the Nova Music Festival massacre of October 7, 2023.

    A few weeks ago, a pleasant musical memory entered my mind.
    Because my musical memories are very accurate, this gave me
    just as much pleasure as actually listening to music, for a few seconds.

    Then I remembered the soldiers in Eretz Yisrael who lost
    hands and feet and arms and legs, and then suddenly,
    my pleasant musical memory stopped, because I could not
    allow myself to enjoy myself that way when our heroes are suffering.

    How can I listen to music when the one country that
    is SUPPOSED to be our big friend betrays us
    and helps genocidal terrorists who want us all dead?

    Not too long ago, when I heard someone say that all
    of the hostages were probably dead, I shook for a moment,
    as if I were suddenly hit by a big blast of freezing cold air.

    50 years ago, one of my childhood memories was Israel
    being attacked by the surrounding nations, nations who
    intended to commit genocide against Israel’s entire Jewish population.

    50 years later, Israel is still being attacked by armies who
    intend to commit genocide against Israel’s entire Jewish population.

    Like Mr. Jackie Mason said in September 2014:
    “Three things are certain: death, taxes and anti-Semitism”.

    The MSM (Mainstream News Media) does everything possible
    to make Israel look like the wicked villains and also make
    Israel’s genocidal terrorist enemies look like innocent victims.

    The MSM immediately accepts the claims of Israel’s genocidal
    terrorist enemies as being 100% true and reliable,
    because they believe that Jews should be the only people
    in the world who should not have their own land to live in.

    The MSM also believes that Israel should be the ONLY country
    in the world that must defend itself with ZERO civilian casualties,
    even when they fight against lunatic genocidal terrorist enemies
    who always use civilians as Human Shields
    (for example: Hamas and Hezbollah).

    Shmuel Abramson said:

    My Heilige Zaideh was an Odom Gadol and leader in the Oilam HaYeshivos of America.

    During the 1967 war, he didn’t eat for 6 days when the “Treifeh Medina” was under attack.

    This was a Yid who couldn’t stand for the faults of that Medina, yet a yid is a yid is a yid!

    SOURCE: Letter to the Editor: Lakewood Protest or Unity?
    Choosing Solidarity with Eretz Yisroel During Wartime

    by Shmuel Abramson, 2024 September 26, VIN News (dot) com

    On 2024 October 14 Yeshiva World News reported:

    “Rebbetzin Leah Kolodetsky, the daughter of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, z’tl,
    moved the relatives of hostages to tears who visited her at her home in Bnei Brak
    on Sunday evening. The hostages’ relatives were in Bnei Brak as a part of a Sukkos tour.

    The Rebbetzin told them that for months after October 7, her husband,
    HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Kolodetsky, 70 [years old],
    slept on the floor in solidarity with the suffering of the hostages.”

    SOURCE: MOVING: HaRav Chaim’s Son-In-Law Has Slept
    On A Piece Of Plywood Since October 7
    ” 2024 October 14, Yeshiva World News

    in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2332323


    Thank you for sharing those very valid facts!


    After 120 years, G*D will judge you for Sinat Chinam
    against Torah-observant members of the IDF.
    You are not good enough to polish their shoes.

    You will also be judged for your inexcusable lack of gratitude
    (Hakarat HaTov) towards members of the IDF,
    who make gigantic sacrifices protect Jewish land and Jewish lives.

    Last but not least, the people who taught you to hate
    will be punished for teaching Sinat Chinam and ingratitude.

    in reply to: Adopt a dog. It’s a chesed. #2332322

    If you truly desire to do a great chesed,
    then forget about adopting animals,
    and instead adopt a Jewish orphan,
    or a Baal Teshivah or a sincere Gair Tzedek.

    in reply to: Israel Seminary – Pros, Cons Etc. #2331917

    One of the Frummest Rabbis who I ever knew,
    a man who knows all of Shas and Shulchan Aruch,
    who holds by every possible chumrah,
    who holds by only the Charedi Gedolim,
    told me many times that seminary for girls
    is waste of time, and he refused to send his girls to seminary.

    in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2331907

    There are Orthodox synagogues in New York City
    that have more than a dozen Torah Scrolls.

    There are Orthodox synagogues in New York City
    that have twice (2x) as many Torah Scrolls than they need,
    or even thrice (3x) as many Torah Scrolls than they need,

    These synagogues should consider donating some
    of their Torah Scrolls to Orthodox synagogues in
    Eretz Yisrael, or some other place that truly needs them.

    If I remember correctly, there was a non-profit organization
    around 20 or 25 years ago, whose only purpose was to
    transfer Torah Scrolls from Orthodox synagogues
    in the USA who had more than they could use,
    to poor Orthodox synagogues in Eretz Yisrael.

    Sorry, but I do not remember the name of that organization.

    in reply to: President-Elect Donald J. Trump #2331725

    Jonathan Pollard said this on 2024 March 19:

    “The Biden Administration IS an enemy
    of the Jewish people and State of Israel.”

    SOURCE: Youtube video titled: “Jonathan Pollard:
    The New American Pier and Rescuing Gazan Refugees” by Machon Shilo

    PS: The Biden Administration includes Kamala Harris,
    who publicly claimed to participate in every important
    decision that was made by the Biden Administration.

    Last but not least, Kamala Harris is infamous as the
    most anti-Israel member of the Biden Administration.

    in reply to: Adopt a dog. It’s a chesed. #2331724

    If I remember correctly, one Rabbi said that
    a Jew should not have a dog in his house,
    if the dog will scare aware poor people
    who come to collect tzedakah.

    Sorry, I do not remember the name of the Rabbi.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2331364

    Jonathan Pollard said this on 2024 March 19:

    “The Biden Administration IS an enemy
    of the Jewish people and State of Israel.”

    SOURCE: Youtube video titled: “Jonathan Pollard:
    The New American Pier and Rescuing Gazan Refugees” by Machon Shilo

    PS: The Biden Administration includes Kamala Harris,
    who publicly claimed to participate in every important
    decision that was made by the Biden Administration.

    Last but not least, Kamala Harris is infamous as the
    most anti-Israel member of the Biden Administration.

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330787

    [1] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who worked to reduce or eliminate the right of Free Speech for all Americans.

    [2] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who used Social Media censorship to block and erase the opinions of people who disagreed with them.

    [3] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who immediately accused anyone who disagreed with them of being:
    haters, racists, sexists, fascists, etc, etc, etc.

    [4] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who used their power to “cancel” people who disagreed with them:
    by getting them fired from their jobs, and by boycotting their businesses,
    and by blocking people from attending their public speeches,
    and by rudely shouting-down speakers who disagreed with them, so they were unable to speak.

    [5] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who attempted to confuse voters by accusing their political opponents
    of committing the same wrongdoings that they themselves were guilty of.
    Psychologists refer to this as “projection”

    [6] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who weaponized government agencies against their political opponents,
    which included using the Court System and the Department of Justice
    and the FBI to constantly harass their political opponents with relentless prosecutions.

    NOTE: President Obama used the IRS to attack pro-Israel non-profit organizations.

    [7] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who created a two-tiered dual Court System, in which Politically Correct people
    (who agree with the Democratic Party) are given minimum punishments, or no punishments,
    while Politically Incorrect people (who disagree with the Democratic Party) are given maximum punishments.

    [8] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who created a new “education system” where very young children
    can have their sex changed, through surgery, WITHOUT the consent of their parents!!
    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!
    And if their parents try to stop the sex-change surgery, they were threatened by the FBI!!
    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!

    [9] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who worked long and hard to normalize the abominations of:
    homosexuality, lesbianism and so-called “trans-gender-ism”.

    [10] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who worked long and hard to give legal rights and preferential hiring to:
    gays, lesbians, and so-called “trans-gender” people.

    [11] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who gave the USA out-of-control currency inflation and HUGE price increases.

    [12] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who members supported Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran,
    in their unholy crusade to completely erase and completely destroy Israel.

    [13] It is the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who HATE AMERICA and its wise Constitution, which guarantees
    the rights of American citizens, in a way that people around the world envy.

    If you believe that Donald Trump is a dictator, then you are worse than simply wrong;
    you are viewing the situation upside-down and backwards.
    Your view of our situation is not merely false; it is the complete opposite of the truth.

    It is the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump, who want to make the USA
    into a dictatorship with no free speech and no free news media and
    only one legal political party (the Democratic Party) and only one legal religion (Islam).

    If you still support Democratic Party, then you are an ALLY of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran.

    If you still support Democratic Party, then you are an ENEMY of Israel,
    and an ENEMY of all Jews, and an ENEMY of the USA,
    and an ENEMY of the G*D-of-Israel and His Torah.

    in reply to: Adopt a dog. It’s a chesed. #2330508

    Your Dog Doesn’t Love You by Rabbi Yonason Goldson

    in reply to: Adopt a dog. It’s a chesed. #2330506

    Bava Kama, page 83A,:

    Once, a pregnant woman went to bake in the house of another person. 

    A dog in the house barked at her, so the owner assured her:
    Do not worry, his teeth were removed! 

    She said to him: It is too late for your reassurances.
    Take your favors and throw them on the thorns!
    The fetus has already died. 


    Rambam’s Hilchot Nizikei Mamon, chapter 5, paragraph 9:

    The chachamim prohibited the raising of pigs, in every place,
    and also dogs, unless it is restrained with a chain…
    and the chachamim said:
    Those who raise dogs or pigs should be cursed,
    because they often cause damage.

    .ואמרו חכמים: ארור מגדל כלבים וחזירים מפני שהזיקן מרובה ומצוי

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330498

    When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 CE,
    many Leftists and Liberals publicly stated that
    Donald Trump would certainly start new wars.



    in reply to: Is The “Mysterious Benedict Society” Kosher #2330472

    MRS PLONY said:

    “Did Avigdor Miller say anything about the Narnia books?”


    The Narnia books written by C. S. Lewis contain a very strong Xtian messages.
    Reading those books is like reading Xtian missionary literature.

    MY ADVICE: Stay away from the Narnia books written by C. S. Lewis.
    Even the Gentiles are turning away from those books.

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2329670

    Baruch Green of VIN News said:

    Here’s why it is clear and irrefutable that Donald Trump deserves to be re-elected, and the country badly needs his leadership.

    (1) Heading in the Wrong Direction

    The nation is on a troubling path. Open borders have led to an influx of unvetted illegal migrants, attracting drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking networks, and terrorists, who invade and exploit vulnerable suburban neighborhoods. Innocent lives have been taken due to this flagrant violation of our country’s constitutional laws.

    Meanwhile, soaring inflation and interest rates have made life increasingly difficult for middle- and low-income Americans who struggle with exorbitant costs

    Additionally, concerns over political freedom have emerged, with Biden and Harris weaponizing the justice system to target political opponents through “lawfare,” rather than protecting the American people’s freedoms.

    The left is on a mission to censor the opposition, suppress the facts, and control the flow of (mis)information. This poses an existential threat to democracy which must be defeated, or the future of our republic is in peril.

    (2) Dangerous Radical-Left Ideologies

    Progressive policies have redefined essential aspects of American life, from “woke” gender ideologies and immorality infiltrating schools and institutions to controversial diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies affecting our everyday lives. The left has promoted late-term abortions, even during the ninth month, when a child is viable.

    Biological males can access women’s locker rooms and sports, eroding women’s rights and protections. Meanwhile, taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal aliens in prisons, promoted by Kamala Harris, reveal how her radical agenda has shifted society away from core American values, and toward dangerous social experimentation.

    (3) Attacks on Our Closest Ally, Israel

    The recent, brutal assault on Israel by Hamas and other Iranian Proxies underscored the critical importance of maintaining strong relationships with allies. Biden’s lifting of sanctions on Iran has fueled regional instability, enabling adversaries to target Israel, our strongest Middle Eastern ally.

    Kamala Harris has been sympathetic and supportive of pro-Hamas elements which have hijacked the Democrat party.

    Trump’s first administration, by contrast, made historic strides in fostering peace in the region by strengthening Israel. These include the embassy move, recognition of sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and Abraham Accords, which expanded diplomatic ties and enhanced Israel’s security.

    (4) Strengthening Economy Through Capitalism

    Trump’s commitment to free-market capitalism starkly contrasts with the current administration’s tilt–or total shift–toward socialism. His tax cuts and deregulatory policies served as a catalyst for business growth and prosperity, creating jobs and exciting opportunities for all Americans.

    The current administration’s policies of wealth redistribution, heavy regulation, and crushing climate policies reflect a socialist direction, which stifles innovation, job creation, and personal responsibility. Trump’s policies created explosive economic growth that benefited American workers, helped the ‘little guy’ and allowed families to thrive.

    (5) School Choice and Support for Communities of Faith

    Trump has been a vocal advocate for school choice, which provides much-needed support to parents who want quality education options. This approach especially resonates with the Orthodox Jewish community, who face astronomical private school tuition costs. Trump’s policies would ease this financial burden and give parents more control over their children’s education, in line with their faith and values.

    ‘America First’ Foreign Policy and National Security: For the first time in decades, there were no wars during Trump’s presidency. His foreign policy focused on reducing U.S. involvement in costly foreign entanglements while prioritizing American interests and security. His firm stance on military strength and global engagement left the U.S. safer and respected on the world stage, in stark contrast to the Biden administration’s policies of weakness and cowardice that have led to escalating international crises and heavily diminished national security.

    (6) Return to Law and Order

    For decades Trump has championed justice and law enforcement, recognizing the need to keep our communities safe and secure. His commitment to law and order offers a counterpoint to current policies, which have encouraged violent crime, theft and shoplifting to surge. Under Trump, Americans knew they could depend on a leader who would prioritize the safety of their children, families and neighborhoods, while protecting and supporting the police who risk their lives daily to protect our citizens.

    (7) Two Divergent Visions for America

    This election represents a choice between two distinct paths: one vision that promotes a prosperous, secure, and proud America, and another that leans toward economic hardship, international instability, and ideological experimentation. Trump’s re-election would mean a return to policies that champion freedom, economic opportunity, and American pride.

    It’s time to make America great, prosperous, safe, and proud again.

    In Conclusion…

    President Trump is the candidate with the unwavering values, moral clarity, strength, integrity, courage, resolve, and principles to lead our nation out of the many struggles we face. He is a proven winner.

    Most importantly, as during his first term, Trump demonstrated leadership abilities and success, despite immeasurable obstacles and enmity from the Democrats, media, and even some Republicans.

    The choice is clear.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Why Donald Trump Deserves Re-Election
    and Kamala Harris Must be Defeated
    ” by Baruch Green,
    2024 October 31 www (dot) VINNews (dot) com

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2329668
    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2329667

    Please watch this Youtube video about why Jews are leaving the Democratic Party:

    “Charlie Kirk VISIBLY SHOCKED when Jew says what Most are Afraid to Admit” by Rabbi Pinchas Taylor

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2329663

    Kamala Harris is exposed on these 3 Youtube videos:

    Kamala Harris INCAPABLE of doing interviews (less than two minutes)

    Kamala Harris Just DESTROYED Her Campaign by WolvesAndFinance (27 minutes)

    Hysterical Kamala Harris parody ad goes viral after being banned by Gavin Newsom
    by Sky News Australia (6 minutes and very funny)

    in reply to: What Can YWN Do To Improve Itself This New Coming Year? #2328802

    Yeshiva World News should report statements made by
    the Rosh HaYeshivahs of the Hesder Yeshivahs.

    The Hesder Yeshivahs spend half their time studying Torah
    and half their time protecting the Jewish People, and
    protecting the holy Jewish Land, and fighting against Amalek.

    They are part of the Yeshiva World, whether you admit it or not.


    Joshua Marks of Jewish News Syndicate said:

    “Former Israeli ambassador to the United States Michael Oren
    on Sunday called for the White House to state unequivocally
    that Jerusalem is not committing genocide in the Gaza Strip,
    after U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris appeared to equivocate on the issue.

    The Democratic nominee for president [Kamala Harris] appeared
    to suggest at a campaign event in Milwaukee that the Jewish state
    was committing genocide, in an incident involving an anti-Israel heckler.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Harris Genocide Accusation
    ‘shocking,’ says Former Israeli Ambassador

    by Joshua Marks, 2024 October 20, www (dot) JNS (dot) org

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #2328489

    Reuven Rosenfeld of VIN News said:

    WASHINGTON D.C (VINnews)-President Donald Trump has publicly
    criticized President Joe Biden for advising Israel not to launch an attack
    on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Trump called Biden’s stance the “wrong answer,”
    signaling disapproval of the current administration’s
    approach to the growing threat posed by Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

    Trump made it clear that, under his leadership,
    the U.S. would fully support Israel in neutralizing Tehran’s nuclear threat.

    He emphasized that a strong and unyielding stance against Iran
    is necessary for both regional stability and global security.
    Trump’s remarks reflect his previous administration’s
    hardline policies against Iran, including withdrawing
    from the nuclear deal and imposing sanctions.

    The former president [Donald Trump] also suggested that
    [President Joe] Biden’s cautionary stance could embolden
    Iran to continue its nuclear development unchallenged.

    Trump underscored his commitment to Israel’s security,
    stating that the U.S. should back any action Israel deems
    necessary to defend itself from existential threats
    posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Trump Criticizes Biden
    for Warning Israel Against Striking Iran’s Nuclear Facilities

    by Reuven Rosenfeld, 2024 October 5, www (dot) VINnews (dot) com

    in reply to: Is The “Mysterious Benedict Society” Kosher #2328488

    If I remember correctly, Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZTL ZYA
    once said, in a public lecture, that if you want to find
    kosher secular books to read, then search for books
    that were written a very long time go,
    before the secular society became atheist and immoral.

    If you want kosher secular books to read, then I suggest
    the Sherlock Holmes books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    and “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” by JRR Tolkien.

    Also biographies of people who lived long ago,
    like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2328301

    Joshua Marks of Jewish News Syndicate said:

    “Former Israeli ambassador to the United States Michael Oren
    on Sunday called for the White House to state unequivocally
    that Jerusalem is not committing genocide in the Gaza Strip,
    after U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris appeared to equivocate on the issue.

    The Democratic nominee for president [Kamala Harris] appeared to
    suggest at a campaign event in Milwaukee that the Jewish state
    was committing genocide, in an incident involving an anti-Israel heckler.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Harris Genocide Accusation
    ‘shocking,’ says Former Israeli Ambassador

    by Joshua Marks, 2024 October 20, www (dot) JNS (dot) org

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2328300

    Reuven Rosenfeld of VIN News said:

    WASHINGTON D.C (VINnews) — President Donald Trump has publicly
    criticized President Joe Biden for advising Israel not to launch
    an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Trump called Biden’s stance
    the “wrong answer,” signaling disapproval of the current administration’s
    approach to the growing threat posed by Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

    Trump made it clear that, under his leadership, the U.S. would
    fully support Israel in neutralizing Tehran’s nuclear threat.

    He emphasized that a strong and unyielding stance against Iran
    is necessary for both regional stability and global security.

    Trump’s remarks reflect his previous administration’s hardline policies
    against Iran, including withdrawing from the nuclear deal and imposing sanctions.

    The former president [Donald Trump] also suggested that [President Joe] Biden’s
    cautionary stance could embolden Iran to continue its nuclear development unchallenged.

    Trump underscored his commitment to Israel’s security, stating that
    the U.S. should back any action Israel deems necessary to defend itself
    from existential threats posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

    SOURCE: article titled: “Trump Criticizes Biden for
    Warning Israel Against Striking Iran’s Nuclear Facilities

    by Reuven Rosenfeld, 2024 October 5, www (dot) VINnews (dot) com

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2328298

    Mr. Dominic Green wrote this:

    “Nor are American Jews unique in voting Democrat,
    even though the Democrats will tax them and use quotas
    to exclude their children from the best universities.”
    “the Democratic Party is now the party of the rich.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Despite it all, America’s
    Jews are still voting for the Democrats

    by Mr. Dominic Green 2023 June 29 www (dot) The JC (dot) com

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2327944

    Yeshiva World News HQ in in NYC said this:

    “Jewish support for the Democratic Party has fallen to its lowest level in 40 years,
    according to a poll released Friday by the Manhattan Institute.”

    “The survey shows that Vice President Kamala Harris holds 67% of Jewish
    voter support, compared to 31% who favor former President Donald Trump.
    While Harris is expected to secure a majority of the Jewish vote,
    the figure marks a sharp decline from former President Bill Clinton’s
    80% [Jewish] support in 1992, and the lowest since the Ronald Reagan era.”

    “The shift comes in the wake of the October 7 [2023 CE] Hamas massacre
    of Israeli civilians, which has left many American Jews furious with
    the mixed response from the Biden-Harris administration
    and growing antisemitism on college campuses.”

    “Despite Jewish voters traditionally leaning toward Democrats on most issues,
    the Biden administration’s fluctuating stance on Israel and its relationship
    with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has prompted
    some American Jews to reconsider their allegiance to the Democratic Party.”

    “The poll reveals that 86% of Jewish voters support Israel,
    while 62% express concerns aboaut rising antisemitism within the Democratic Party.”

    Jesse Arm, chief of staff at the Manhattan Institute, noted that
    Jewish voters now see “security, Israel, and antisemitism”
    as vulnerabilities for Harris in comparison to Trump.

    “This is evidenced by the fact that Jews are almost universally supportive of Israel
    —only 5% of Jewish voters say they do not support the Jewish state,” Arm said.
    “[Kamala] Harris’ strongest support comes from Reform, unaffiliated,
    or nondenominational Jews, according to the survey.”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Jewish Support for Democrats
    Hits 40-Year Low Amid Concerns Over Israel and Antisemitism

    2024 October 21, Yeshiva World News HQ in in NYC

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2327940

    News Reporter Josh Christenson of The New York Post said:

    “Vice President Kamala Harris’ tax proposal would cost the US nearly 800,000 jobs,
    roughly twice as many as former President Donald Trump’s plan,
    according to a recent analysis.”

    “The nonpartisan Tax Foundation think tank estimated that Harris’ proposals
    would shrink the American long-run GDP by 2% and
    reduce wages by 1.2%, while lowering employment by roughly 786,000 jobs.”
    “At least 177,000 jobs would be lost under a Harris administration just by
    raising the net investment income tax rate from 3.8% to 5%
    and shifting the Medicare tax rate up to the same percentage.”

    “Another 131,000 jobs would vanish under the expansion of the earned income tax credit,”

    SOURCE: article titled: “Kamala Harris’ tax plan
    would cost nearly 800K jobs: analysis

    by Josh Christenson, 2024 September 20,
    for The New York Post, www (dot) NYPost (dot) org

    in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2327935

    Dear Neville,

    In Tanach, in Sefer Shmuel Aleph, chapter 16, verse 6,
    the great Shmuel HaNavi mistakenly identified Eliav ben Yishai
    as the next Melech Yisrael, because of his external appearance.

    In the next verse, verse 7, G*D said to Shmuel HaNavi:

    “Pay no attention to his appearance or his stature,
    for I have rejected him.
    For not as man sees; man sees only what is visible,
    but the G*D sees into the heart.”

    Since this is written in Tanach, all Jews must learn from this.

    in reply to: Jews must recognize the mysterious world #2327931

    Numerous Torah sources indicate that serious Kabalah study
    is *** ONLY *** correct for a small minority of Jews who
    excel in Torah scholarship and righteousness, as defined by Torah.

    Please do not feel offended by what I am about to say, but Kabalah study
    is NOT for women, and NOT for young people, and not for Gentiles.

    This is contrary to wicked fools who teach Kabalah to everybody.

    If you are not an Orthodox Rabbi and over age 40, then Kabalah study
    is probably not for you. Sorry about that!

    The Shabbetai Tzvi disaster was largely caused by the Kabalah study
    of many unqualified people. Why should we repeat that tragic history?

    Last but not least, the Midrash clearly teaches that:
    “The Jews will not be redeemed until they unite as one …”
    (Midrash Tanchuma, Parshas Nitzavim, end of chapter 1).

    in reply to: Is The “Mysterious Benedict Society” Kosher #2327928

    There is only one way to know for sure if a specific book is clean and correct for Jewish children.

    You must read the book yourself, from the first page, to the last page.

    Then you will know the answer to your question. I hope this helps.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2326914

    Professor Thane Rosenbaum wrote this
    for The Los Angeles Jewish Journal:

    …after 46 years as a die-hard Democrat, I have alerted the NYS
    Board of Elections that I am now, officially, an Independent.

    The past eight years have been one slow death march of
    the Democratic Party’s abandonment of its Jewish voting bloc.
    It coincided with a descent into an illiberal, ahistorical and
    morally misguided adherence to identity politics,
    intersectionality, CRT, DEI, anti-colonialism,
    and the social upheavals wrought by “political correctness.”

    It has led to a wide assortment of pathologies, ranging from
    restrictions on free speech and open inquiry to the debasement
    of our immigration laws, the bedlam on our streets and college campuses,
    the desertion of foreign allies, the brainwashing of our youth,
    the wrecking of our economy, the upending of gender and sexual categories,
    and an appalling anti-Americanism that I surely have not seen in my lifetime.

    …The [Democratic] Party has fast become a home for left-wing zealots
    for whom nothing matters more than pronoun usage, open borders,
    and emptying our prisons of over-represented minorities.

    For me, the breaking point came with Joe Biden’s shameful
    CNN interview where he made clear that the United States
    would not support Israel’s incursion into Rafah to route
    the remaining Hamas terrorists responsible for 10/7.

    Let me get this straight: The United States devoted a decade to
    hunting down and assassinating Osama bin Laden,
    killing 250,000 Afghani and Iraqi civilians along the way.
    No condemning U.N. resolutions. No protests. No International
    Court of Justice proceedings. All throughout America’s War on Terror,
    Israel provided necessary intelligence and regional backup,
    and erected a 9/11 memorial —t he only one outside
    the United States listing the names of all victims.

    Yet, the Biden administration is withholding from Israel the necessary
    weaponry (already earmarked by Congress) with which to conduct
    its wholly justified military operations? Israel does not require Biden’s blessing.
    And the precision of the Rafah campaign will now be less precise.

    Curiously, the president repeatedly acknowledged that 10/7 was
    an unprovoked attack for which Israel has a moral and legal right of self-defense,
    and that Hamas presents an existential threat that must be eradicated.
    Biden’s “ironclad” commitment to Israel has already gone limp.

    Apparently, unlike the United States, Israel must be denied
    its moral obligation to bring justice to its people and security to its borders.
    It can defend against missiles, but not dismantle them at the source.

    Biden’s actions have given comfort to Hamas and its patron, Iran.
    Why should Hamas return hostages (some, Americans),
    if Biden is singularly focused on constraining Israeli military offenses?

    Moreover, Biden just gave a shout-out to those ignorant college students
    and their Jew-hating, anti-American professors. Sorry, “Genocide Joe,”
    asserting your mojo and cultivating a youthful
    antisemitic constituency won’t help you come November.

    For reasons only rabid progressives can explain, Palestinians,
    who are more like Hamas accomplices than true civilians,
    are more precious than the world’s other civilians.

    Is it because Jews aren’t permitted to win wars,
    especially against brown-skinned people?

    The Jewish state must always agree to ceasefires,
    perform humanitarian acts while fighting in self-defense, and sue for peace.

    This betrayal has little to do with moral equivocation
    and everything to do with local politics. Biden will, apparently,
    do or say anything to woo the 600,000 Muslim voters of Michigan,
    and stay within the good graces of that
    dreadful Detroit Motown act, Bernie Sanders and the Squad.

    Is it worth it, this backstabbing of Jewish-Americans, an important
    minority reliably loyal to the Democratic Party? Always true blue,
    as if the Party had nominated Moses as its standard bearer
    and Anne Frank as his running mate. The progressive perfidy
    is even more heartbreaking. Jews stood at the forefront of
    nearly every movement of social activism in the United States,
    from labor unions to civil liberties, feminism, civil rights, and gay rights.

    Apparently, the reward for all those years of solidarity
    has been exclusion and antisemitism.

    In the end, Joe Biden picked the Muslims of Michigan over
    moral clarity, a coherent foreign policy, and love of country.

    SOURCE: article titled: “So Long, Democratic Party
    by Professor Thane Rosenbaum, 2024 May 12,
    The Los Angeles Jewish Journal, www (dot) JewishJournal (dot) com

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