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  • in reply to: Mekubal/Tzaddik #2145688

    Another reason why this question is difficult-to-answer:

    Words like “tzadik” and “mekubal” and “Ruach HaKodesh” do not have definitions that are precise or universally-accepted.

    If I really wanted to, I could probably find five definitions for the word “tzadik”, and five definitions for the word “mekubal”, and five definitions for “Ruach HaKodesh”.

    in reply to: Mekubal/Tzaddik #2145482

    We might be able to answer the question better,
    if we knew WHY you want a tzadik with Ruach HaKodesh.

    Are you looking for a miracle cure for a terminal illness?
    Are you looking for someone who knows the future?
    Are you trying to decide who to marry?

    in reply to: Important Advice for Jews #2144710

    If anyone wants to help combat anti-Semitism,
    then I humbly suggest that you go to:
    www (dot) HonestReporting (dot) com.

    So far as I can tell, they seem to be doing
    very good work with correcting anti-Jewish
    falsehoods in the News Media.

    Our great Rabbis taught us that falsely slandering
    or falsely accusing an innocent person
    is one of the worst sins possible.

    From this, we may deduce that saving Jews from
    being falsely slandered or falsely accused
    is one of the greatest merits possible.

    And that is what HonestReporting (dot) com appears to be doing.

    And that is one way we can combat anti-Semitism [IYH & BSD].

    To receive quick Torah quotes every month, go to:
    https:// groups. io/g/DerechEmet/

    Thanks for catching on 

    in reply to: YE #2144130

    In year 2009, Kanye West made himself into a fool before the entire world, when he jumped onto the stage [without permission] and rudely interrupted Miss Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the VMA [MTV Video Music Awards] ceremony.

    That incident alone is enough to expose Kanye West as a shameless lunatic.

    This distasteful incident is still recorded in many places on the internet.

    in reply to: latest shidduch data #2144113

    Please read “An End to Shidduch Resumes” by Rabbi Chananya Weissman:
    www. chananyaweissman. com/article.php?id=89

    in reply to: Jewish Israel #2143682

    My four decades of experience with secular Jews taught me this lesson:

    Nothing is more futile than attempting to influence secular Jews in the direction of mitzvah observance. It is a total waste of time, 99.95% of the time.

    Charedim refusing to serve in the Israeli Army has made the Charedim the most hated people in Israel – even more hated than the Arabs!

    Add to that the many scandals involving Charedim, that make Charedim even more hated.

    Add to that the high percentage of Charedim in Israel who do not pay taxes because they do not work, this makes Charedim even more hated.

    Charedim cannot influence secular Jews to mitzvah observance, because Charedim are the most hated people in Israel.

    Instead of trying to improve secular Jews, Charedim should try to improve themselves.

    in reply to: Brooklyn Sephardi Shuls Non-SY #2143452

    In the average Ashkenazic synagogue,
    the % of kohanim is around 1% to 3%.

    In the average Syrian synagogue,
    the % of Kohanim is around 30% to 35%.

    Since the Torah prohibits Kohanim from marrying
    converts [gerim], is it wise to permit converts in
    a community where 30% of the men are Kohanim?

    Additionally, some poskim [whose names I unfortunately
    cannot remember] have written that Kohanim who are
    Syrian and/or Sephardic have a greater [or better]
    mesorah of kehunah than Ashkenazic Kohanim,
    which makes the prohibition against Kohanim
    marrying converts even greater for Kohanim
    who are Syrian and/or Sephardic.

    For example: When a Syrian Kohen performs a
    Pidyon HaBen, he NEVER gives the money back,
    because the Syrian Rabbis hold that there is
    no doubt [safek] on the identity of their Kohanim.

    Compare this to Ashkenazic Kohanim, who return
    the Pidyon HaBen money, because they fear
    a doubt [safek] on their identity of their Kohanim.

    Is it wise to permit converts in a community
    where 30% of men are Kohanim, who have
    no safek on their yichus as Kohanim?

    To receive quick Torah quotes every month,
    please go to:
    https:// groups.io /g/DerechEmet/

    in reply to: Should all Yidden know Hebrew? #2143024

    [1] In Tanach, Nehemiah (chapter 13, verses 23 to 24)
    bemoaned the fact that after 70 years of exile,
    many Jews of his generation had forgotten
    how to speak Hebrew:

    [2] Tosefta, tractate Chagigah, chapter 1, paragraph 3:
    …[A Jewish child who is old enough] to know
    how to speak, his father [must] teach him:
    Shema, and Torah, and the Hebrew language
    [Lashon HaKodesh].
    And if he does not, [then] it would be better
    if he never would have been born.

    [3] Sifri, Parshat HaAzinu, near end of Piska 28:
    Rabbi Meir taught: Whoever lives in the Land of Israel
    and recites Shema morning and night and speaks Hebrew
    [Lashon HaKodesh] he is worthy of Olam HaBa.

    For more quick Torah quotes like these, go to:
    https:// groups. io/g/DerechEmet/

    in reply to: Siblings’ machatonim on shidduch resumes #2142659

    The most logical articles about the Shidduch Crisis
    are those written by Rabbi Chananya Weissman.

    I suggest this article:

    How to create a Shidduch Crisis in 15 easy steps:
    http://www. chananyaweissman. com/article.php?id=219

    in reply to: Does Hashem Want Us to Survive? #2142663

    Those who have money and yichus are treated with respect.

    But what about: Baalei Teshuvah, gairim,
    Sephardim, Russian Jews, and the poor?

    What about those Jews who observe mitzvot,
    but do not wear The Uniform (white shirt &
    black hat & all other clothes black)?

    One older bachur I know lives in an apartment building in one of NYC’s most Orthodox neighborhoods.

    None of the Orthodox Jews who live in his apartment building are interested in learning Torah with him, nor are they interested in inviting him for Shabbat, nor are they interested in befriending him or even talking with him for more than a few minutes. Not even those who live on the same floor as him; not even those who live next-door to him; not even those who go to the same shul as him.

    It is “every man for himself” – there is zero friendship and zero unity among Jewish neighbors, even though they have been living in the same apartment building for more than 25 years.
    Is that normal? Is that what G_D wants from His people?

    in reply to: Who is a bigger threat in America #2141839

    ALL people who hate Jews are dangerous, and it is difficult to know with certainty who is the most dangerous, because nobody knows the future with certainty.

    However, the political Far Left [also known as the Radical Left or The Woke or The Socialists] are especially dangerous to Jews, because they dominate numerous powerful institutions, for example:

    almost the entire news media, almost the entire Hollywood entertainment industry, almost all High-Tech & Social Media companies [except for Twitter, recently bought by Elon Musk], almost the entire educational system [especially colleges and universities], almost the entire Democratic Party, and many non-Orthodox synagogues and large churches and big non-profit organizations (including Amnesty International, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and the New Israel Fund, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam, NGO Monitor), and many more.

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