Forum Replies Created
Donald Trump freed Jonathan Pollard –- something other presidents did not do.
Donald Trump was the ONLY President to have two Orthodox Jews as close advisors.
Donald Trump cut-off funding to terrorists, resulting in a big decrease in terrorist attacks.
Donald Trump showed that Jerusalem is Jewish, by moving the USA Embassy to Jerusalem.
(Something many other presidents promised, but never did.)And lots of other things that we must be grateful for.
When you rejoice over the downfall of Donald Trump,
you are rejoicing over the downfall of the most
pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president of all time.That makes you a wicked fool.
The G*D-of-Israel HATES ungrateful people.Our obligation as Jews is to give gratitude to those who helped us,
not to judge them for their flaws,
and certainly not to rejoicing over their downfall.Those who rejoice over the downfall of those who helped us
(like Donald Trump) they make Chillul HaShem,
because people will say:
“LOOK AT THOSE UNGRATEFUL JEWS!!”PS: Under Donald Trump, inflation was under-control.
Under President Joe Biden, inflation is out-of-control.SQUARE_ROOTParticipantThe members of Israel’s Supreme Court were NOT ELECTED by anyone, yet they have the power to overrule ANY elected government official.
Even worse, nobody has the power to overrule ANY decision of Israel’s Supreme Court.
Israel’s Supreme Court has unlimited power and is not accountable to anyone.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIn our times, the Mainstream News Media relentlessly attacks: the State of Israel and also Orthodox Jews and Orthodox Judaism.
If the Beth HaMikdash were fully-functional today, then the Mainstream News Media would attack it relentlessly. There would be many attack-articles (also known as Hit-Pieces) about cruel Jews slaughtering innocent animals.
There would also be massive protests against the Beth HaMikdash in all major cities.
The United Nations Organization (UN) would repeatedly condemn the Beth HaMikdash for slaughtering innocent animals, and also for excluding non-Jews from the Temple, and also for excluding non-Kohanim and women from the Avodah.
Many organizations around the world would boycott any business that sells things to the Beth HaMikdash, and also boycott any person who works the Beth HaMikdash.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) would issue arrest warrants against the people who work in the Beth HaMikdash for slaughtering innocent animals, and any other accusation they could think of.
The attack-articles, and the protests, and the condemnations, and the boycotts would be 365 days a year, and endless.
The countless enemies of the Beth HaMikdash would never get tired of attacking the Beth HaMikdash: they would attack the Beth HaMikdash again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever….
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantSince you are a high-level Yeshiva bochur, you must certainly be intelligent enough to understand that nobody can tell you where to find a shiur, unless we know WHERE you are located — unless you want us to recommend a telephone shiur or internet shiur.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“Rav Soloveitchick actually preferred the use of machine-baked matzot-shemurot to the traditional hand-baked version.
The risk of hand-baked matzot becoming chametz has not changed fundamentally in the past 3,000 years.
However, technological progress has resulted in a baking process that leaves almost no possibility of machine-made matzot becoming chametz.”
SOURCE: Rabbi Aharon Ziegler, The Jewish Press, 2009 March 27, page 31.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantRabbi Shlomoh Zalman Auerbach said this in Halichos Shlomoh, 1:95-96:
“It is better to pray Shemoneh Esrai sitting down than to stand in the aisle of an airplane, both because of concentration and consideration of others.”
FOUND IN: Relevance Pirkei Avot (page 107) by Rabbi Dan Roth, year 2007 CE, Feldheim Publishers
March 20, 2023 4:13 pm at 4:13 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2175163SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“Since the Jew is dependent upon opinion for his profession, his rights, and his life, his situation is completely unstable. Legally not open to attack, he is at the mercy of the whims and passions of the ‘real’ society.
He [the Jew] carefully watches the progress of anti-Semitism; he tries to foresee crises and gauge trends in the same way that the peasant keeps watch on the weather and predicts storms.
He ceaselessly calculates the effects that external events will have on his own position. He may accumulate legal guarantees, riches, honors; he is only the more vulnerable on that account, and he knows it.
Thus it seems to him that at one and the same time that his efforts are always crowned with success — for he knows the astonishing successes of his race — and that a curse has made them empty, for he will never acquire the security enjoyed by the most humble Christian.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 87) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
This helps to explain why Jews need their own state.
The anti-Zionists do not understand that their hatred of the Zionists does not accomplish any good, and only makes things worse, by increasing hate among Jews.SQUARE_ROOTParticipantGo to a store that sells Jewish music; then ask the people who work there.
March 15, 2023 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2174024SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“For Jews are often uneasy.
An Israelite is never sure of his position or of his possessions.
He cannot say that tomorrow he will still be in the country he inhabits today, for his situation, his power, and even his right to live may be placed in jeopardy from one moment to the next.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 132) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
PERSONAL COMMENT: This helps to explain why Jews need their own state.
The anti-Zionists do not understand this, and they never will understand this, because they do not want to understand this.
The anti-Zionists do not understand that their hatred of the Zionists does not accomplish any good, and only makes things worse. And they never will understand that, because they do not listen.March 14, 2023 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2173822SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.
But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obligated to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play.
They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors.
They [anti-Semites] delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 1, page 20) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
PERSONAL COMMENT: May G*D reward the person who said this, and all those who defended the Jewish people, even though they themselves were not Jewish.
March 14, 2023 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2173544SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“I noted earlier that anti-Semitism is a passion.
Everyone understands that emotions of and anger are involved.But ordinarily hate and anger have a provocation:
I hate someone who has made me suffer, someone who contemns or insults me.
We have just seen that anti-Semitic passion could not have such a character.It [anti-Semitism] precedes* the facts that are supposed to call it forth; it seeks to nourish itself upon them; it must even interpret them in a special way so that they may become truly offensive.
Indeed, if you so much as mention a Jew to an anti-Semite, he will show all the signs of a lively irritation.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 1, page 17) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
* PERSONAL COMMENT: Since anti-Semitism “precedes the facts that are supposed to call it forth”, this indicates that anti-Semitism is not based on truth or logic.
March 13, 2023 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2173241SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“The Jew has a marked inclination to believe that the worst difficulties may be resolved by reason…”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 125) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIn year 2008, The Jerusalem Post published an article by Chananya Weissman, in which he suggested that:
If Jewish singles are expected to make Shidduch Resumes that they give to shadchanim, then shadchanim should make Shadchan resumes, that they give to Jewish singles.
In year 2007, The Jewish Press published an article by Chananya Weissman, where he said:
“Strange as this may sound, the occasional success makes it easy for shadchanim with haphazard methods to pass themselves off as competent, for singles to continue putting their fragile hope and energy into something that depletes them of hope and energy, and for our inertia-laden society to delude itself into believing the system is working pretty well. (After all, it worked for so-and-so.) As a result, change continues to be slow and tentative while the ranks of suffering singles continue to grow.”
In year 2020, Emes Ve-Emunah published an article by Chananya Weissman, in which he criticized shadchanim for abandoning older singles and the poor.
In that article, he also criticized shadchanim for not knowing the people they match, and for not trying hard enough.In year 2023, Chananya Weissman published an article on his web site, in which he pointed-out that shadchanim are one of the few professions that have no way of removing people who do not belong there.
In the same article, he also pointed-out that we sometimes reward failure by giving more money to shadchanim who do not succeed in getting Jews married; in any normal profession, people who do not succeed would be fired from their jobs, and thereby removed from a profession where they do not belong.
In year 2023, Chananya Weissman published an article on his web site titled:
“What Makes Someone a Good Shadchan?” Three quick quotes from that article:[1] “It is not the place of a shadchan to admonish people to settle for something that they don’t want. There is a fine line between offering advice and trying to control people, and many shadchanim trample over that line like they own the place.”
[2] “A good shadchan offers encouragement. A bad shadchan offers despair.”
[3] “It’s common for a shadchan to place someone on the front burner when they first meet them, make a haphazard attempt or two to fix them up, and then give up on them when it doesn’t work out. They admonish singles to never give up, yet they give up if they don’t get satisfying results from their initial attempt.”
March 12, 2023 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172941SQUARE_ROOTParticipantNaïve and full of good will, it is inevitably the democrat who makes all the concessions; the anti-Semite does not make any.
He [the Jew-hater] has the advantage of his anger.
People say, “Don’t irritate him.” They speak softly in his presence.
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 70) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
This quote is a great description of negotiations between Leftist Israeli Jews and so-called “Palestinians”. Leftist Israeli Jews may be described as “Naïve and full of good will” and they “make all the concessions”.
The so-called “Palestinians” are described by “the anti-Semite does not make any [concessions]” and with “Don’t irritate him [because of their murderous violence].”
March 11, 2023 8:06 pm at 8:06 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172730SQUARE_ROOTParticipantJean-Paul Sartre said as:
“He [the Jew] has passionate enemies, and defenders lacking in passion.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 72) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
He also said:
“The cause of Jews would be half won, if only their friends brought to their defense a little of the passion and the perseverance their enemies use to bring them down.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 4, page 153) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
March 10, 2023 2:07 pm at 2:07 pm in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172616SQUARE_ROOTParticipantJean-Paul Sartre described anti-Semitism as:
“…a regressive social force and a conception deriving from the prelogical world.”
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 4, page 143) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944 CE, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
In other words, Jean-Paul Sartre stated that anti-Semitism is NOT based on logic!
This conclusion is valuable because it comes from a highly-respected non-Jew (see Mishlei, chapter 27, verse 2: “Let a stranger praise you, but not your own mouth”).
March 10, 2023 10:41 am at 10:41 am in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172570SQUARE_ROOTParticipantJean-Paul Sartre said this, in defense of Jews:
“There are too many Jewish lawyers, someone says.
But is there any complaint that there are too many Norman lawyers?”EXPLANATION: The Normans were descendants of Vikings who came to France and lived in a place called The Duchy of Normandy. Their language was called Norman.
SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 1, page 16) by Jean-Paul Sartre, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIf teenage Jews want to fight, then they should be organized into a neighborhood patrol, designed to defend places where we live from criminals and from those who hate us.
February 27, 2023 10:43 pm at 10:43 pm in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2169809SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIf my memory is correct, our Torah teaches that the Melech HaMashiach will be identified by Eliyahu HaNavi, and later confirmed by the Sanhedrin.
The opinions of ordinary people will not count, not at all.
The vast majority of Chareidim will never accept any candidate for the Melech HaMashiach who is Sephardic or a Baal Teshuvah or Modern Orthodox or Religious Zionist, even though there is no Halachic reason why those people should be automatically disqualified — but Chareidim have a very low opinion of those people, so they will never consider it.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantSome people have health problems that prevent them from drinking even a small amount of liquor.
I strongly believe that the less liquor we drink, the more fortunate we are.
This is not just my personal opinion; it is support by numerous quotes from:
Tanach, Talmud, Rishonim & Acharonim, and mussar books.February 26, 2023 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2169373SQUARE_ROOTParticipantRambam’s commentary on the Mishnah,
tractate Sanhedrin, chapter 10 says:“When the Mashiach dies, his son will rule after him,
and his grandson will rule after that.”CONCLUSION:
The Melech HaMashiach cannot be a childless man,
because he must have a son and a grandson who rule after him.Rambam does not mention Mashiach returning to life, after he dies.
At its annual convention in June 1996,
the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) declared that:“there is not, and never has been, a place in Judaism for the belief that the Messiah, a son of David, will begin a Messianic career only to experience death, burial, and resurrection before completing it.”
February 25, 2023 8:42 pm at 8:42 pm in reply to: Does Netilas Neshama on Shabbos Only Apply At the Organism Level? #2169170SQUARE_ROOTParticipantYalkut Meam Loez commentary on Bereishit, perek 2 pasuk 7
(volume 1, page 245):“A person who has not been religious,
and then returns to the path of Torah
(a baal teshuvah) can be worthy of
such an additional soul every day.”In other words, Baal Teshuvah can have the extra Shabbat soul even during weekdays!
Yalkut Meam Loez was written in Turkey by Rabbi Yaakov Culi, who was born in year 1689 and died in 1732 of the Common Era.
Dear WolfishMusings,If I guess correctly, you will soon be taking chemotherapy.
I might be wrong about this, but in my humble opinion, chemotherapy can do more harm than good.
I might be wrong about this, but I strongly suspect that chemotherapy harmed my mother, just as much as the cancer itself did, maybe more.
SQUARE_ROOTSQUARE_ROOTParticipantThe Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] are misused by Satmar, because we did not come and conquer Israel by force (לא עלינו כחומה). Rather, it was given to us by the nations.
Now that we are in Israel, we have an obligation to defend ourselves.Also, Arizal stated that the Gimel Shevuot [Three Oaths] did not apply after 1,000 years of exile. Meaning we could have come up by force to conquer Israel after that.
But we did not even do that.The 16th Century Kabbalist, Rabbi Chaim Vital expressed the view that the Three Oaths were only binding for the first thousand [1,000] years of Exile.
Rambam [Maimonides] in his Epistle to Yemen specifically states that the Three Oaths are “metaphorical”.
It appears that Nachmanides [Ramban] implicitly REJECTS the Three Oaths as Halachically binding.
The Three Oaths are Agadic Midrash, and therefore they are not Halakhically obligatory [they are not legally binding].”
If the Three Oaths are Halachically obligatory, then where are they mentioned in Rambam or Shulchan Aruch?
February 22, 2023 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168332SQUARE_ROOTParticipantI have never been drunk in my life, and I do not intend to start now.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIn the 1980s, an elderly [retired] Torah scholar told me that “Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai” is not [always] meant literally, and sometimes means “a very old law”.
February 19, 2023 1:59 pm at 1:59 pm in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2167223SQUARE_ROOTParticipantMentsch1, you do not understand what Chananya Weissman is trying to accomplish.
He is NOT a dating coach, and giving dating advice is NOT his goal [or at least, not his primary goal].
Hi8s goal is to identify the causes of the Shidduch Crisis, and hopefully, eliminate them.
Chananya Weissman has actually succeeded in making shidduchim, in three ways:
First, Chananya Weissman has made shidduchim by directly introducing Jewish singles to each other, who are now married to each other.
Second, Chananya Weissman has made shidduchim by personally organizing over 100 events for Jewish singles.
Third, Chananya Weissman has made shidduchim by encouraging mixed-seating at Jewish weddings, which has repeatedly resulted in shidduchim and marriages, because male and female wedding guests were able to: see each other, speak to each other, date each other, and marry each other.
All of these things he does for the mitzvah, not for money.
He rarely speaks about these accomplishments, because he gives all the credit to HASHEM, not to himself.
February 19, 2023 12:45 am at 12:45 am in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2167094SQUARE_ROOTParticipantFor UJM:
I am very familiar with the writings of Chananya Weissman, and he is NOT in favor of “hookup culture”.
REPEAT: Chananya Weissman is ***** NOT ***** in favor of “hookup culture”, and anyone who says that he is, that person is guilty of Motzi Shem Ra.
February 19, 2023 12:44 am at 12:44 am in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2167095SQUARE_ROOTParticipantmentsch1 said:
“Can we call him an expert if he’s still not married?”
response to mentsch1:
Just because someone is married, that does not prove that he or she is “an expert”.
There are many people with below-average personalities who got married because they are tall or rich or beautiful; and there are many people with above-average personalities who are not married because they are short or poor or ugly.
There are many people with below-average intelligence who got married because they are tall or rich or beautiful; and there are many people with above-average intelligence who are not married because they are short or poor or ugly.
Also, there are many people who are married now, but will be divorced in the future.
Are people who are married now, but will be divorced in the future “expert”, because they are married now?You seem to not understand that if our personal circumstances were just a little different, many people who are married now would not be married, and many people who are not married now would be married now.
February 19, 2023 12:43 am at 12:43 am in reply to: Rewarding Failure by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2167093SQUARE_ROOTParticipantmentsch1 said:
“Can we call him an expert if he’s still not married?”
My response to mentsch1:
Just because someone is married, that does not prove that he or she is “an expert”.
There are many people with below-average personalities who got married because they are tall or rich or beautiful; and there are many people with above-average personalities who are not married because they are short or poor or ugly.
Also, there are many people who are married now, but will be divorced in the future.
Are the people who are married now, but will be divorced in the future “expert”, because they are married now?You seem to not understand that if our personal circumstances were just a little different, many people who are married now would not be married, and many people who are not married now would be married now.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“We know that, if need be, we could pick up and move tomorrow to a state with an army and nuclear weapons.
This sense of security that the existence of Israel provides cannot be overstated.
It makes life in an uncertain Brooklyn or Toulouse possible.Anyone who denies this, I believe, is lying to you or to themselves.”
FROM: How to fight anti-Semitism (chapter 6, page 193)
by Bari Weiss, published by Crown in year 2019
in New York, ISBN 9780593136058 & ISBN 0593136055February 17, 2023 10:41 am at 10:41 am in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2166821SQUARE_ROOTParticipantChananya Weissman organized more than 100 events for Orthodox Jewish singles, before he made aliyah.
His articles have been published many times by:
Arutz Sheva, Horizons, Five Towns Jewish Times, The Jerusalem Herald, The Jerusalem Post, The Jerusalem Star, The Jewish Press, The Jewish Star, The Jewish Week, New York [City] Blueprint [no longer published], The Times of Israel, and The Yeshiva World.Rabbi Chananya Weissman wrote seven [7] books, including: “Go Up Like a Wall” and “How to Not Get Married: Break these rules and you have a chance”.
He is also the director and producer of a documentary about the shidduch world:
Single Jewish Male, and The Shidduch Chronicles, available on YouTube.Chananya Weissman is also the creator of three Jewish web sites:
EndTheMadness (dot) org
HotKiddush (dot) com
ChananyaWeissman (dot) comWhat has UJM ever done, other than use the internet to make anonymous attacks against people who have already accomplished much more than he ever will?
If UJM thinks that Chananya Weissman is wrong, then he should PROVE IT, with accurate facts and correct logic —- not snide remarks that prove nothing.
February 17, 2023 9:58 am at 9:58 am in reply to: An End to Shidduch Résumés by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2166822SQUARE_ROOTParticipantChananya Weissman organized more than 100 events for Orthodox Jewish singles, before he made aliyah.
His articles have been published many times by:
Arutz Sheva, Horizons, Five Towns Jewish Times, The Jerusalem Herald, The Jerusalem Post, The Jerusalem Star, The Jewish Press, The Jewish Star, The Jewish Week, New York [City] Blueprint [no longer published], The Times of Israel, and The Yeshiva World.Rabbi Chananya Weissman wrote seven [7] books, including: “Go Up Like a Wall” and “How to Not Get Married: Break these rules and you have a chance”.
He is also the director and producer of a documentary about the shidduch world:
Single Jewish Male, and The Shidduch Chronicles, available on YouTube.Chananya Weissman is also the creator of three Jewish web sites:
EndTheMadness (dot) org
HotKiddush (dot) com
ChananyaWeissman (dot) comWhat has UJM ever done, other than use the internet to make anonymous attacks against people who have already accomplished much more than he ever will?
If UJM thinks that Chananya Weissman is wrong, then he should PROVE IT, with accurate facts and correct logic — not snide remarks that prove nothing.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantMenachem Shmei:
You took my words out-of-context, COMPLETELY out-of-context; so much so that you completely reversed the meaning of what I intended to say. PLEASE STOP! Thank you.
coffee addict:The true mashiach will be a King of Israel, like David and Shlomoh.
That is why he is called the Melech HaMashiach
The Melech HaMashiach must be a direct descendant of both David and Shlomoh.Rambam [shown above] teaches that the Melech HaMashiach will have a son who will be King of Israel, and the son of the Melech HaMashiach will also have a son who will also be King of Israel [who will be the grandson of the Melech HaMashiach].
Therefore, no childless man can be the Melech HaMashiach.
Rambam [shown above] teaches that the Melech HaMashiach will have descendants who inherit land from him. Therefore, no childless man can be the Melech HaMashiach.
Additionally, if we open our Tanach to Yechezkel, chapter 46, verse 16, we see a prince who has sons who inherit from him.The Metsudath David commentary on Yechezkel, chapter 44, verse 3 and chapter 45, verse 7 identifies the prince as the Melech HaMashiach.
Since the Metsudath David interprets these verses as referring to a Melech HaMashiach who has sons who inherit from him, no childless man can be the Melech HaMashiach.
<< Presumably the followers would claim that their Moshiach will father children afterwards >>
What do you mean by “afterwards”?
If you mean “after death”, then any Jew can claim to be the Melech HaMashiach, and when people ask why he has not fulfilled the requirements to be the Melech HaMashiach, he can just claim that he will fulfill the requirements after he returns from death.
Additionally, the concept of the Melech HaMashiach coming from the dead is NEVER mentioned by Rambam (or any other Rishon).
1A2B3C SAID:<< perhaps that the talmidim can be called children >>
Torah law requires that the Melech HaMashiach be a direct descendant of David HaMelech AND Shlomoh HaMelech. This eliminates 99.99% of randomly-selected talmidim.
Also, if Rambam would have meant talmidim, then he would have written talmidim.
February 7, 2023 7:42 pm at 7:42 pm in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2163563SQUARE_ROOTParticipantNobody should tell single Jews:
“You should not be so picky!” unless they would give the same advice to their own children.If a Jew tells singles not to be picky when he [or she] insists on ONLY THE BEST marriage-partners for his [or her] own children, then that is hypocrisy — and G*D does not approve of hypocrisy.
And giving bad advice is a SIN [aveirah].CONCLUSION:
Do not give any advice to Jewish singles that you would not give to your own children.February 6, 2023 1:35 am at 1:35 am in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162737SQUARE_ROOTParticipantDemocrats have made all these stupid wicked choices:
(1) Israel’s enemies over Israel
(2) Muslims over Americans
(3) socialism over democracy
(4) criminals over police
(5) illegal aliens over citizens
(6) atheism over All-Mighty G*D.============================
Caroline Glick said:“Over the past several years, Congress made several attempts to amend Title VI to include anti-Jewish discrimination. These efforts enjoyed broad bipartisan support.
But they were all blocked by members of the progressive camp inside the Democratic congressional caucus. Like the anti-Semitic boycott activists ostracizing Jews on campuses, the progressive lawmakers claimed that expansion of the protections of Title VI to include anti-Jewish discrimination would undermine the free speech rights of anti-Israel activists on campuses. That is, they said the rights of anti-Semites to preach anti-Semitism superseded the rights of Jewish students not to be harassed.”
SOURCE: Why American Jews slander President Trump
by Caroline Glick 2019/12/15 www (dot) JNS (dot) org============================
Ammiel Hirsch said:“The Democratic Party is increasingly tolerant of voices that are opposed to Israel’s existence…”
SOURCE: Prominent US Reform Rabbi Warns of Growing Anti-Israel Sentiments in Democratic Party
by the Algemeiner Staff, 2019/10/30============================
from Mosaic Magazine (2019/10/30):…the extreme progressive Democrats and their allies who try to delegitimize and demonize Israel have managed [to make commonplace] a set of mantras…
about the Israel-Palestinian conflict without questioning their veracity.For instance:
“Israel is or is bound to become an apartheid state or lose its Jewish identity”;
“Israel is a colonialist and racist state that illegally occupies Palestinian territory and builds illegal settlements”;
“Israel occupies Gaza”; [and other] nonsensical claims.
SOURCE: When It Comes to Israel, Moderate Democrats Are Now Under the Sway of Progressives
February 5, 2023 10:33 am at 10:33 am in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162579SQUARE_ROOTParticipantJeremy Rosen [an Orthodox Rabbi] said:
“We were fooling ourselves if we thought that anti-Semitism had disappeared.
And if the left wing of the Democratic Party achieves dominance, you can be sure it will increase.”SOURCE: The One Easy Answer: Blame the Jews by Jeremy Rosen, 2018/11/27, The Algemeiner
“Writer David Steinberg identified 105 news stories written in the immediate aftermath of [Ilhan] Omar’s victory [as one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress], and not a single one mentioned that she believed Jewry possessed mind-control abilities or that Israel was evil.
No one called on the Democratic Party to distance itself from this rhetoric.”SOURCE: Here’s the anti-Semitism the Media Doesn’t Want to Mention by David Harsanyi, 2018/11/11, www dot NYPost dot com
Jonathan S. Tobin [editor in chief of JNS] said:“If even a popular, pro-Israel Jewish Democrat like Adler was afraid to stand up to Ilhan Omar in his own city, then it’s not clear under what circumstance any member of that party would think they could afford to do so.
That means that the battle to quarantine an anti-Semite like Omar to the margins of American politics has been lost. Not only are she and Tlaib among the young rock stars of their party, they have far greater influence than anyone would have thought only a few months ago.”
SOURCE: Is it Ilhan Omar’s Democratic Party now? By Jonathan S. Tobin, 2019 May 22, www (dot) JNS (dot) org
Daniel Greenfield said:“The Democrats have made it clear that if they win the presidential election, they
will restore the flow of cash to the terrorists.”SOURCE: Loyal and Disloyal Jews by Daniel Greenfield, 2019 September 1, from SultanKnish on blogspot com
NOTE: The Democrats did win the election, and they gave around $950 million dollars to the so-called “Palestinians”, with another $50 million dollars soon.
February 4, 2023 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162432SQUARE_ROOTParticipant“In January, Pew reported that liberal Democrats side with the Palestinians over Israel by a margin of nearly two to one. Conservative Republicans support Israel over the Palestinians by a margin of more than 16 to 1.”
FROM: Heeding Dem Warnings by Caroline B. Glick, 2018 May 25
Keith Ellison, an anti-Israel Muslim, became Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by a UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE of DNC members, according to Wikipedia.==================================
“…leading members of the Democratic Party like Keith Ellison and luminaries like Linda Sarsour openly espouse anti-Jewish sentiments and propagate anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, Democrats ignore, whitewash, deny and minimize the significance of the swelling chorus of anti-Semitism within their ranks.”FROM: The peril of Politicized Anti-Semitism by Caroline B. Glick 2018 June 22
“Rising stars in the Democratic Party, including Rep. Ellison and Women’s March leaders Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour along with the Congressional Black Caucus embrace Louis Farrakhan, and defend his notorious, virulent hatred of Jews. They demonize Israel and its Jewish supporters.”FROM: The peril of Politicized Anti-Semitism by Caroline B. Glick, 2018 June 22
Mark Steyn said:“It is embarrassing that this nut [Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan] is a power-broker in the Democrat Party, and the media won’t cover it.”
FROM: Why don’t the media care about Democrats’ ties to Farrakhan?
a youtube video by Fox News, 2018 March 8,==================================
Shmuley Boteach said:“Even the American Jewish community is feeling more and more isolated as anti-Semites now openly walk the halls of Congress and parties that have previously been stalwart foes of anti-Semitism, like the Democrats, cannot muster the moral courage to condemn Jew-hatred specifically and unequivocally.”
FROM: Trump’s Love Affair with Israel and the Jewish People
by Shmuley Boteach, 2019 April 8, The AlgemeinerSQUARE_ROOTParticipantKitzur Shulchan Aruch, chapter 183, paragraph 3:
“Similarly with all other taxes, it is forbidden to attempt to influence a government official to excuse him, because through this, the burden is increased for other [people].
And whoever does this is called a betrayer [mosair].”SQUARE_ROOTParticipantRabbi Shimon Schwab taught:
“He who cheats in business or on his tax returns cannot be considered a religious Jew.”
Seen in: Daily Halacha by Rabbi Eli Mansour
January 19, 2023 12:23 am at 12:23 am in reply to: The Bringing of Meshiach through Sheliach Hakein #2157697SQUARE_ROOTParticipantNo offense intended, sir, but Shiluach HaKan cannot and will not bring the Melech HaMashiach.
Chazal clearly teach that the destruction of the Temple and the exile were both caused by our failure with mitzvot-ben-Adam-LeChavero. Therefore, the Melech HaMashiach can only be brought through mitzvot-ben-Adam-LeChavero. Sorry about that!
If you doubt that what I said is true, then please read the two Torah quotes shown below:
Jerusalem Talmud, tractate Yoma, chapter 1, law 1, page 4B:
Rabbi Yochanan ben Tortota taught:
“…During the era of the Second Temple, the Jews labored to study Torah, and they were careful with [all] mitzvot and tithes, and every kind of good deed was found in them.
However, [the Second Temple was destroyed] because they loved money and hated each other.”Babylonian Talmud, tractate Yoma, page 9B:
“In the time of the Second Temple, they [Israel] occupied themselves with Torah [study],
obeying the commandments [mitzvot] and performing acts of kindness (chesed).So why was the [Second] Temple destroyed?
Because of causeless hatred (sinat chinam) that was there…”
January 19, 2023 12:22 am at 12:22 am in reply to: We must stop the hostile takeover of YWNCR #2157695SQUARE_ROOTParticipantYou attacked me five times (completely unprovoked, I might add).
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantMr. FrumWhere, Mr. Common Saychel is not trying to mock Kli Yakar; he is mocking me.
I never harmed Mr. Common Saychel in any way, yet he mocks me at every possible opportunity (which violates Torah Law), and the moderators don’t care.
If I would type the web address (URL) of my Torah web site in the Coffee Room, the moderators would delete it immediately, even though it is a mitzvah. But when “Common Saychel” mocks me, the moderators never delete his comments, even though they are a violation of Torah Law.
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantOnce again, Mr. Common Saychel has posted a message to the YWN Coffee Room for the specific purpose of mocking me and my messages.
Maybe he believes that by mocking me and my messages at every possible opportunity — and then pretending to be innocent — he can persuade me to quit the Coffee Room, and get away with it too.
He is wrong; I will NEVER quit the Coffee Room (IYH & BSD).
His messages should be deleted, and he should be banned from the Coffee Room.Mockery [laitzanus] is a violation of Torah Law, but surprisingly, the Coffee Room moderators permit it. Since I trace my ancestry as a Kohain all the way back to Tanach times, mocking me is a double violation of Torah Law.
(Not that I think anyone cares; on the contrary, my decades of experience with “Frum” people have repeatedly taught me that nobody cares.)
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Megillah, page 25B:Rabbi Nachman taught: All mockery is forbidden, except mocking idol worship, which is permitted.
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Avodah Zarah, page 18B:Rabbi Elazar taught: Whoever mocks, sufferings come upon him…
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Avodah Zarah, page 18B:Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish taught: Whoever mocks, will fall into Gehinom.
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Avodah Zarah, page 18B:Rabbi Ketina taught: Whoever mocks, his wealth [literally, food] is decreased…
Rabbeinu Yonah commentary on tractate Avot, chapter 3, paragraph 2:Those who mock others, the Holy One Blessed Be He will mock them, and they will lose more than the people they mocked. And the humble persons who remain silent and tolerate them and they do not answer back, the Holy One Blessed Be He will give them grace [chein].
Rabbi Yehuda Cahn said:“…one who mocks others has a mean and defective character…”
SOURCE: Torah From Jerusalem Volume 2 (page 335), by Rabbi Yehuda Cahn, year 2002 CE, Baltimore, Maryland.
Rabbi Yehuda Cahn is a graduate of Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore.
==============================SQUARE_ROOTParticipantMr. Always_Ask_Questions said:
“Gemora lauds a Rav who did not differentiate between rich and poor kids”Can anyone please give us the exact mesechta & page that says this?
If this is a Midrash, then please give us the exact place in the Midrash?SQUARE_ROOTParticipantAround 3,000 years ago, Shlomoh Melech Yisrael taught:
Mishlei, chapter 14, verse 20:
BUT THOSE WHO LOVE THE RICH ARE MANY.”SQUARE_ROOTParticipantI recently read a book about Jews [adults, not teenagers] who were born into Chassidic homes, but went off-the-Derech, and no longer practice mitzvot, unfortunately.
This book mentions several reasons why Jews go off-the-Derech.
Reason Number One was the lack of business ethics [or monetary ethics] in the world of Orthodox Judaism.Simcha613: Orthodox Judaism already has ethics!
Ethics from the 613 mitzvot, ethics from all of Tanach, ethics from Mishnah, ethics from Talmud, ethics from Midrash, ethics from Halachah books, and ethics from Mussar books.
The problem is not that Orthodox Judaism lacks ethics;
the problem is that people who claim to believe in Orthodox Judaism forget the ethical teachings of Orthodox Judaism.SQUARE_ROOTParticipantMaybe the very-warm-winter is G*D’s way of helping Ukraine to defeat evil Russia, because a cold winter would help evil Russia to blackmail entire nations by reducing the amount of oil they supply?
SQUARE_ROOTParticipantYou should be able to find the answer to that question by searching the internet (with google dot com or duck dot com); or go to the 7-11 web site, then contact their corporate headquarters.