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  • in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2215697

    If you want to know who founded Modern Orthodoxy, then I suggest that you read the biographies of Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch.
    Here are a few quotes from one of his biographies:

    Behold! G_d speaks to you through nature, and again through history!…

    Rabbi Hirsch’s positive view of the study of secular
    subjects was not limited to science and history.

    SOURCE: Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch by Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman (chapter 17, pages 204 to 205), year 1996 CE, ArtScroll History Series, Brooklyn NY 11232

    “The girls in the [Orthodox] Realschule [which was founded and directed by Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch] studied the same subjects, including Chumash and Hebrew grammar, as the boys, except for Talmud and mathematics, in place of which they were taught handicrafts.”

    SOURCE: Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch by Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman (chapter 19, page 223), year 1996 CE, ArtScroll History Series, Brooklyn 11232, ISBN 0-89906-632-1.

    “Rabbi Hirsch preferred honest Gentile teachers for secular subjects over non-observant Jews, who he felt would have a negative influence.”

    SOURCE: Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch by Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman,
    year 1996 CE, ArtScroll History Series, Brooklyn 11232, ISBN 0-89906-632-1.

    In [year] 1888 [CE], the Prussian government issued a decree requiring all students to take standardized examinations, which were to be administered on the Sabbath.

    No special dispensation was granted to Jewish students to take the exam on a different day.

    Rabbi Hirsch authored a petition to the Prussian Minister of Education Gossler, signed by 115 Rabbis from all of Germany, stating that all writing on the Sabbath was prohibited by Jewish law…soon before his passing Rabbi Hirsch received a reply from the Minister of Education assuring him that school principals would be permitted to “judge sympathetically” requests to defer the examination to a weekday.

    SOURCE: Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch by Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman (chapter 19, page 231) year 1996 CE, ArtScroll History Series, Brooklyn 11232 ISBN 0-89906-632-1

    Rabbi Shmuel Landau, the son of [the author of] Noda BeYehudah and his successor as Rabbi of Prague, also expressed his approbation for [secular] studies directly related to earning a living:

    “[One should] learn German thoroughly, as well as other required subjects, because without German, including written German, it is impossible to survive in these countries.

    Someone who does not read and write German cannot succeed in any trade, and every father has an obligation to teach his son the language and customs of the country in which he lives…”

    SOURCE: Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch by Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman (chapter 18, page 210) year 1996 CE, ArtScroll History Series, Brooklyn 11232 ISBN 0-89906-632-1

    in reply to: Jew vs. Jewish Person #2213110

    George Santos is *** NOT *** Jew”ish” and *** NOT *** a Jew!

    in reply to: Another brutal racist-Arab attack on Haredi youth #2211573

    PLEASE do a google-search on: “Charedim attack soldiers”.

    in reply to: Another brutal racist-Arab attack on Haredi youth #2211353

    Chareidim often attack the Jewish soldiers who protect them.

    Even Jewish soldiers who are Chareidi — are attacked by Chareidim.

    Since Chareidim ATTACK soldiers who protect them from Arabs, I do NOT feel sorry for Chareidim when Chareidim get attacked by Arabs.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206915

    QUESTION: How do we Jews BENEFIT from a dead moshiach?

    A dead moshiach cannot bring all Jews back to the Derech HaTorah.
    A dead moshiach cannot bring all Jews back to Eretz HaKodesh.
    A dead moshiach cannot defeat the enemies of our people.
    A dead moshiach cannot rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
    A dead moshiach does NOT BENEFIT Jews in any way!


    According to my understanding, the Spanish Inquisition happened because wealthy Jews displayed their wealth a fancy possessions before the eyes of the Gentiles:

    {1} Shevet Mussar, Chapter 17, paragraph 15:
    Those who rise up against us seek false accusations against us when they see Jewish women decorated with gold and silver.

    {2} Kav HaYashar, Chapter 18:
    “Because of our many sins, the Gentiles have their eyes on Jewish wealth.
    It is a very good idea to conceal your wealth from them.”

    {3} Kav HaYashar, Chapter 82:
    Imitating the fashions of the Gentiles… they provoke the jealousy and hatred of the Gentiles. They look at us and notice that Jewish women appear better dressed than the Gentile noble women; and we are in bitter exile, where according to justice we should be wearing black clothes to mourn the length of our exile and the destruction of the Temple.

    {4} “Because flashy clothes and jewels draw so much attention to themselves, they may also draw the ire of your clients who may secretly question why your clothes are so much more costly than their own. Wearing flashy outfits is particularly dicey during a recession or during a down business cycle when company layoffs abound.”
    SOURCE: 301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette Questions (page 142) by Vicky Oliver, year 2010, Skyhorse Publishing

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205175

    UJM, you must make a distinction between hating Reform Judaism and hating Reform Jews.

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205173

    The Metsudath David commentary on Tehillim, chapter 69, verse 5, seems to imply that Sinat Chinam is hating a person who never harmed you.

    Netziv’s introduction to his commentary on Bereishit [HaEmek Davar] teaches that sinat chinam is hating someone because he belongs to a different group or because he has a different point of view or because he does things differently or a different custom.

    in reply to: Should Israel reduce its massive affirmative action for Arabs? #2205172

    Arabs are 20% of Israel’s population, but they are 40% of Israel’s doctors, 40% of Israel’s pharmacists, and 40% of Israel’s nurses.

    This is partially because of preferential admission to medical programs (which in the USA is known as “Affirmative Action”).

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204892


    For 20 years, I fought against “Jews For J____” (with haskamahs from prominent Orthodox Rabbis) and lots of mesiras nefesh.

    The differences between Chabad / Lubavich and “Jews For J____” are much smaller than most people realize, and the number of similarities between Chabad / Lubavich and “Jews For J____” are much more than most people realize.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204778

    If mashiach-from-the-dead really is possible, then why did NOBODY in Chabad / Lubavich believe in mashiach-from-the-dead when Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was still alive and healthy?

    I challenge you to find even ONE Lubavicher who said, when Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was still alive and healthy, that mashiach-from-the-dead is possible.

    You cannot find any, because there never were any. Not even one.

    If was only **** AFTER **** Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became sick and died that Chabad / Lubavich suddenly decided to believe in mashiach-from-the-dead.

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2204531

    If the Melech HaMashiach can come from the dead,
    then Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is competing against:

    David HaMelech (Navi and author of Sefer Tehillim),
    Shlomoh HaMelech (author of 3 books of Tanach),
    Chizkiyahu HaMelech,
    Josiah HaMelech,
    Raban Gamliel, Maharal, and many more.

    If you believe that Rabbi Schneerson can win that competition, then you do not understand the principle of Yeridat HaDorot, which means that previous generations were much greater than us.

    Even the Rishonim were much greater than us, how much more so the Rabbis of the Talmud, how much more so the the Rabbis of the Mishnah, how much more so the Neviim of Tanach.

    But a famous Jewish musician, Mr. Paul Simon, said this in year 1969 CE:
    “Still a man hears what he wants to hear; and disregards the rest.”

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2203891

    If the Melech HaMashiach can come from the dead, then Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is competing against: David HaMelech, Shlomoh HaMelech (author of 3 books of Tanach), Chizkiyahu HaMelech, Josiah HaMelech, Raban Gamliel, Maharal, and many more.

    If you think that Rabbi Schneerson can win that competition, then you do not understand the principle of Yeridat HaDorot, which means that previous generations were much greater than us.

    in reply to: Is there a greater meaning to the Titan accident? #2203003

    N0mesorah: I do not understand your question.

    Are you asking how old I am?

    in reply to: Is there a greater meaning to the Titan accident? #2202683

    The CEO of the company that produced the Titan submarine said that he did NOT want to hire “50 year old white men” to design his submarine.

    Instead, he insisted on only hiring Politically Correct minorities (women, gays, lesbians, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims) to design the Titan submarine.

    in reply to: Kollel life with no parental support #2200518

    I know a Baal Teshuvah who took two years away from work to study in yeshivah.
    He paid full-tuition, using his money ONLY.

    So his total expenses were: two years of full-tuition PLUS the amount of money he lost by not working for two years.

    If an FFB did something like this, he would be respected as a tzadik.

    But since this person was only a lowly Baal Teshuvah , he gets no credit at all.

    in reply to: Clarification regarding Syrian Jewish Community and geirim #2200514

    In the average Ashkenaz synagogue, the % of kohanim is around 1% to 3%.

    In the average Syrian synagogue, the % of Kohanim is around 30% to 35%.

    Since the Torah prohibits Kohanim from marrying converts [gerim],
    is it wise to permit converts in a community where 30% of the men are Kohanim?

    Additionally, some poskim [whose names I unfortunately cannot remember] have written that Kohanim who are Syrian and/or Sephardic have a greater [or better] mesorah of kehunah than Ashkenazic Kohanim, which makes the prohibition against Kohanim marrying converts even greater for Kohanim who are Syrian and/or Sephardic.

    For example:
    When a Syrian Kohen performs a Pidyon HaBen, he NEVER returns the money, because Syrian Rabbis hold that there is no doubt [safek] on the identity of their Kohanim.

    Compare this to Ashkenaz Kohanim, who return the Pidyon HaBen money,
    because they fear a doubt [safek] on their identity of their Kohanim.

    Is it wise to permit converts in a community where 30% of men are Kohanim,
    who have no safek [or less safek] on their yichus as Kohanim?

    PS: Many Orthodox Rabbis in England do not accept converts, because Jews were re-admitted to England on condition that they not accept converts.

    in reply to: RCA Statement Regarding Chabad Messianism #2200515

    DaMoshe is correct!

    Conservative is an offshoot of Reform, from Jews who thought that Reform went too far in abandoning Halachah.

    Those who say that Conservative is an offshoot of Modern Orthodox do not know Jewish History and do not know what they are talking about.

    I do not complain when people disagree with me, or have a different opinion.

    But I do complain when people who do NOT know what they are talking about falsely “correct” people who DO know what they are talking about.

    in reply to: Girls only kosher hangout #2199069


    Where in Brooklyn is a “Jewish kosher Gym exercise room”?

    Seriously, I want to know.

    ujm and 135847:

    Your super-strict attitudes are one of the many factors that drive Jews away from the world of Orthodox Judaism and make them go off-the-derech (in my humble opinion).

    in reply to: Commemorating the 20th of Sivan #2198518

    On the Jewish calendar, EVERY DAY is filled with countless tragedies, from the first day or the year, to the last day of the year, and 100% of the days in between.

    This entire discussion is pointless, and should be deleted.

    in reply to: Ice cream truck frequency #2196314

    Always_Ask_Questions said:
    “in Gemora, chicken was a delicatessen”

    You meant to say:
    “in Gemora, chicken was a delicacy”

    in reply to: Trump Voters #2195938

    President Donald Trump cut-off the money supply to the so-called “Palestinians” (actually, they should be known as The Phoney-stinians). Because of their reduced money supply, The Phoney-stinians were unable to pay terrorists to murder innocent Jews, which resulted in a large decrease in the number of Jews murdered by Phoney-stinian terrorists.

    When Joe Biden became President, he restored hundreds-of-millions of dollars in payments to The Phoney-stinians. As a result, Phoney-stinian leaders are again able to pay terrorists to murder innocent Jews, which resulted in a large increase in the number of Jews murdered by Phoney-stinian terrorists.

    Who should Jews vote for: The Democrats, who intentionally pay for Phoney-stinian terrorists to murder Jews (even though this violates American law), or Donald Trump, who stopped payments to The Phoney-stinians, so they could not afford their “Pay-for-Slay” policy, which literally saved Jewish lives?

    So long as the Democrats remain in power, YOUR TAX DOLLARS will be used to pay Phoney-stinian terrorists to murder Jews!! Wow!! Wow!! Wow!!

    If you are a True Democrat, then you will completely ignore and completely forget everything that I just said, because the Democrats use the Mainstream News Media and educational institutions and Hollywood, to exert a powerful form of Mind Control on millions of people.

    This Mind Control shuts-down your ability to think logically, and forces you to always vote for The Democrats 100% of the time, even when doing so is completely contrary to basic logic.

    If I wanted to, I could easily give many good reasons to vote for Donald Trump instead of the Democrats — but would be a total waste of time, because no amount of facts or logic can break the powerful Mind Control that Democrats use to brainwash people.

    in reply to: Ice cream truck frequency #2195127

    This past Shabbat, I visited a family that has many guests.

    When the time came for dessert, they served iced cream.

    Since I cannot eat dairy foods, checked the box, to verify that it was pareve.

    I could not find a kashruth symbol, even after inspecting the box many times.

    I showed the box to the host & hostess,
    who also could not find any kashruth symbol.

    The iced cream was taken back, and thrown in the garbage.

    in reply to: Kol HaTorah Kula #2194508

    125 st said:

    “Nach should be taken out. It’s not Torah.”


    What “125 st” said above is one of the most ignorant statements that I saw in my entire life.

    For your information, any Jew who says that ONE WORD of Nach is NOT from HASHEM, that person is an Apikuris Gamur, and he or she is guaranteed to be eternally-banned from Gan Eden, no matter how many good deeds he or she did in his lifetime.

    If Sefer Mishlei is not Torah, then why did: Rashi, Vilna Gaon, Malbim, Metsudath David, Ibn Ezra, Ralbag, Rabbeinu Yonah all write commentaries [peirushim] on Sefer Mishlei?

    Everything that I just said about Sefer Mishlei is true for all of Nach.

    Midrash Tanchuma, Parshat Re-eh, chapter 1:

    “The wicked rebels of the Jewish People do not believe in the Neviim (Prophets) or the Cetubim (Divinely Inspired Writings).”

    Midrash Rabah, Seder Tisa, Parshah 41, Paragraph 5:

    Rabbi Levi taught in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish:
    Just as a bride wears 24 different decorations,
    a Torah Scholar must be diligent in all 24 books of Tanach.

    Midrash Rabah, Seder Bamidbar, Parshah 2, Paragraph 10:

    Through the study of Torah, Neviim and Cetubim,
    the Holy One Blessed Be He atones for him…

    Midrash Rabah, Kohelet, chapter 1, paragraph 34:

    The Neviim and Cetubim [Nach] were given
    so we should labor in them, and do mitzvot
    and good deeds and receive reward.

    Rashi commentary on Exodus/Shemot,
    Parsha Tisa, chapter 31, verse 18:

    …A Torah scholar needs to be expert
    in 24 books [of Tanach, which has 24 books].

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2194505

    Rabbi Moshe Feinstein [ZTL ZYA] was accepted as the highest posek by BOTH the Chareidi Yeshivah World AND the Modern Orthodox.

    So far as I know, he was the last Rabbi to hold that distinction.
    This demonstrates how much the situation has deteriorated since his death in 1986 CE.

    Additionally, it is dangerous to say:
    “Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO”,
    because it could cause the Modern Orthodox to believe they are NOT part of “The Torah World”.

    That is much more likely to push them farther away from Torah, than it is to draw them nearer.

    Rabbi Moshe Feinstein [ZTL ZYA] once said that it is very important that EVERY JEW consider himself to be Orthodox, regardless of his level of mitzvah-observance.

    in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2194061

    Right now [May 2023 CE] Lubavitch has hundreds of posters in Brooklyn, placed where they can be seen by millions of people, most of whom are not Jewish.

    These posters strongly suggest that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson [the last Rebbe of Lubavitch] is alive right now, and that he is the Melech HaMashiach, right now.
    This is very wrong, for many reasons.

    No matter how many things Lubavitch does wrong, they always have thousands of useful idiots who rush to defend them and justify the things they do wrong.

    I wish that I also had thousands of useful idiots, who would rush to defend me, and justify me, no matter what I do wrong.

    in reply to: Takanos Chazal #2193104

    In March 2002, the Moetzes Gedolai Torah issued a public statement, which decreed that the Vort ceremony be COMPLETELY ELIMINATED, to reduce the cost of getting married.

    That decree was published in Jewish Observer magazine, which was the official magazine of the Agudath Israel organization (at that time).

    That decree was completely ignored, even by the most “Frum” Jews, and even by people who claimed total loyalty to “Daas Torah”.

    Soon after, the decree was completely forgotten by almost everybody.


    In March 2002, the Moetzes Gedolai Torah issued a public statement, which decreed that the Vort ceremony be COMPLETELY ELIMINATED, to reduce the cost of getting married.

    That decree was published in Jewish Observer magazine, which was the official magazine of the Agudath Israel organization (at that time).

    That decree was completely ignored, even by the most “Frum” Jews, and even by people who claimed total loyalty to “Daas Torah”.

    Soon after, the decree was completely forgotten by almost-everybody [except me, because my special midah is that I remember things that other people forget.
    Many people, both Jews and non-Jews, told me that I have a “photographic memory”].

    PS: We “Frum” Jews spend too much on liquor.

    in reply to: עצה טובה קא משמע לן #2192462
    in reply to: Cholent for a crowd #2191846

    You might want to include a few whole eggs in the chulent, some people like that.

    To reduce excess gas: pre-soak the beans in water for 24 hours, then drain-out the water, then add new water, and then pre-soak the beans in water for another 24 hours.

    I did this, and it removed the excess gas from the beans.

    Is that is not possible, then use fewer beans.

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #2188391

    “Rabbi Yisroel Reisman [a very respected Orthodox Rabbi] spoke out against those Jews who plan their vacations for locations like: Switzerland, France, or Italy where the people hate Jews.”

    [He said:] “It would be better to visit the Land of Israel to benefit from its holiness and help our brothers economically.”

    SOURCE: Flatbush Jewish Journal, 2010/6/17, page 32

    in reply to: Is every Rav now a Gaon as well? #2181352

    The word “Gaon” is certainly over-used as a title for Rabbis.

    When the word “Gaon” is over-used as a title for Rabbis, then those Rabbis who are not referred to as “gaon” are being indirectly demoted.

    If my memory is correct, the Steipler Rav requested that he NOT be referred to as “the Steipler Gaon”.

    If my memory is correct, the practice of over-using “gaon” as a title for Rabbis started with Chareidim, and only Chareidi rabbis are referred to as “gaon”.

    YU / Modern Orthodox Rabbis are never referred to as “gaon”, no matter how much they know.

    in reply to: Sefira Reminders #2180570
    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2179008

    Donald Trump freed Jonathan Pollard –- something other presidents did not do.

    Donald Trump was the ONLY President to have two Orthodox Jews as close advisors.

    Donald Trump cut-off funding to terrorists, resulting in a big decrease in terrorist attacks.

    Donald Trump showed that Jerusalem is Jewish, by moving the USA Embassy to Jerusalem.
    (Something many other presidents promised, but never did.)

    And lots of other things that we must be grateful for.

    When you rejoice over the downfall of Donald Trump,
    you are rejoicing over the downfall of the most
    pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president of all time.

    That makes you a wicked fool.
    The G*D-of-Israel HATES ungrateful people.

    Our obligation as Jews is to give gratitude to those who helped us,
    not to judge them for their flaws,
    and certainly not to rejoicing over their downfall.

    Those who rejoice over the downfall of those who helped us
    (like Donald Trump) they make Chillul HaShem,
    because people will say:

    PS: Under Donald Trump, inflation was under-control.
    Under President Joe Biden, inflation is out-of-control.

    in reply to: Judicial reform poll #2178585

    The members of Israel’s Supreme Court were NOT ELECTED by anyone, yet they have the power to overrule ANY elected government official.

    Even worse, nobody has the power to overrule ANY decision of Israel’s Supreme Court.

    Israel’s Supreme Court has unlimited power and is not accountable to anyone.

    in reply to: korbonos #2177399

    In our times, the Mainstream News Media relentlessly attacks: the State of Israel and also Orthodox Jews and Orthodox Judaism.

    If the Beth HaMikdash were fully-functional today, then the Mainstream News Media would attack it relentlessly. There would be many attack-articles (also known as Hit-Pieces) about cruel Jews slaughtering innocent animals.

    There would also be massive protests against the Beth HaMikdash in all major cities.

    The United Nations Organization (UN) would repeatedly condemn the Beth HaMikdash for slaughtering innocent animals, and also for excluding non-Jews from the Temple, and also for excluding non-Kohanim and women from the Avodah.

    Many organizations around the world would boycott any business that sells things to the Beth HaMikdash, and also boycott any person who works the Beth HaMikdash.

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) would issue arrest warrants against the people who work in the Beth HaMikdash for slaughtering innocent animals, and any other accusation they could think of.

    The attack-articles, and the protests, and the condemnations, and the boycotts would be 365 days a year, and endless.

    The countless enemies of the Beth HaMikdash would never get tired of attacking the Beth HaMikdash: they would attack the Beth HaMikdash again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever….

    in reply to: Bein Hazmanim Shiurim #2176896

    Since you are a high-level Yeshiva bochur, you must certainly be intelligent enough to understand that nobody can tell you where to find a shiur, unless we know WHERE you are located — unless you want us to recommend a telephone shiur or internet shiur.

    in reply to: Hand Matzos vs Machine Matzos #2175685

    “Rav Soloveitchick actually preferred the use of machine-baked matzot-shemurot to the traditional hand-baked version.

    The risk of hand-baked matzot becoming chametz has not changed fundamentally in the past 3,000 years.

    However, technological progress has resulted in a baking process that leaves almost no possibility of machine-made matzot becoming chametz.”

    SOURCE: Rabbi Aharon Ziegler, The Jewish Press, 2009 March 27, page 31.

    in reply to: Flying to Israel #2175684

    Rabbi Shlomoh Zalman Auerbach said this in Halichos Shlomoh, 1:95-96:

    “It is better to pray Shemoneh Esrai sitting down than to stand in the aisle of an airplane, both because of concentration and consideration of others.”

    FOUND IN: Relevance Pirkei Avot (page 107) by Rabbi Dan Roth, year 2007 CE, Feldheim Publishers

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2175163

    “Since the Jew is dependent upon opinion for his profession, his rights, and his life, his situation is completely unstable. Legally not open to attack, he is at the mercy of the whims and passions of the ‘real’ society.

    He [the Jew] carefully watches the progress of anti-Semitism; he tries to foresee crises and gauge trends in the same way that the peasant keeps watch on the weather and predicts storms.

    He ceaselessly calculates the effects that external events will have on his own position. He may accumulate legal guarantees, riches, honors; he is only the more vulnerable on that account, and he knows it.

    Thus it seems to him that at one and the same time that his efforts are always crowned with success — for he knows the astonishing successes of his race — and that a curse has made them empty, for he will never acquire the security enjoyed by the most humble Christian.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 87) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    This helps to explain why Jews need their own state.
    The anti-Zionists do not understand that their hatred of the Zionists does not accomplish any good, and only makes things worse, by increasing hate among Jews.

    in reply to: Looking for a song #2174469

    Go to a store that sells Jewish music; then ask the people who work there.

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2174024

    “For Jews are often uneasy.

    An Israelite is never sure of his position or of his possessions.

    He cannot say that tomorrow he will still be in the country he inhabits today, for his situation, his power, and even his right to live may be placed in jeopardy from one moment to the next.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 132) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    PERSONAL COMMENT: This helps to explain why Jews need their own state.
    The anti-Zionists do not understand this, and they never will understand this, because they do not want to understand this.
    The anti-Zionists do not understand that their hatred of the Zionists does not accomplish any good, and only makes things worse. And they never will understand that, because they do not listen.

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2173822

    “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.

    But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obligated to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play.

    They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors.

    They [anti-Semites] delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 1, page 20) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    PERSONAL COMMENT: May G*D reward the person who said this, and all those who defended the Jewish people, even though they themselves were not Jewish.

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2173544

    “I noted earlier that anti-Semitism is a passion.
    Everyone understands that emotions of and anger are involved.

    But ordinarily hate and anger have a provocation:
    I hate someone who has made me suffer, someone who contemns or insults me.
    We have just seen that anti-Semitic passion could not have such a character.

    It [anti-Semitism] precedes* the facts that are supposed to call it forth; it seeks to nourish itself upon them; it must even interpret them in a special way so that they may become truly offensive.

    Indeed, if you so much as mention a Jew to an anti-Semite, he will show all the signs of a lively irritation.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 1, page 17) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    * PERSONAL COMMENT: Since anti-Semitism “precedes the facts that are supposed to call it forth”, this indicates that anti-Semitism is not based on truth or logic.

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2173241

    “The Jew has a marked inclination to believe that the worst difficulties may be resolved by reason…”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 125) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    in reply to: How much does a shadchan charge? #2173032

    In year 2008, The Jerusalem Post published an article by Chananya Weissman, in which he suggested that:

    If Jewish singles are expected to make Shidduch Resumes that they give to shadchanim, then shadchanim should make Shadchan resumes, that they give to Jewish singles.

    In year 2007, The Jewish Press published an article by Chananya Weissman, where he said:

    “Strange as this may sound, the occasional success makes it easy for shadchanim with haphazard methods to pass themselves off as competent, for singles to continue putting their fragile hope and energy into something that depletes them of hope and energy, and for our inertia-laden society to delude itself into believing the system is working pretty well. (After all, it worked for so-and-so.) As a result, change continues to be slow and tentative while the ranks of suffering singles continue to grow.”

    In year 2020, Emes Ve-Emunah published an article by Chananya Weissman, in which he criticized shadchanim for abandoning older singles and the poor.
    In that article, he also criticized shadchanim for not knowing the people they match, and for not trying hard enough.

    In year 2023, Chananya Weissman published an article on his web site, in which he pointed-out that shadchanim are one of the few professions that have no way of removing people who do not belong there.

    In the same article, he also pointed-out that we sometimes reward failure by giving more money to shadchanim who do not succeed in getting Jews married; in any normal profession, people who do not succeed would be fired from their jobs, and thereby removed from a profession where they do not belong.

    In year 2023, Chananya Weissman published an article on his web site titled:
    “What Makes Someone a Good Shadchan?” Three quick quotes from that article:

    [1] “It is not the place of a shadchan to admonish people to settle for something that they don’t want. There is a fine line between offering advice and trying to control people, and many shadchanim trample over that line like they own the place.”

    [2] “A good shadchan offers encouragement. A bad shadchan offers despair.”

    [3] “It’s common for a shadchan to place someone on the front burner when they first meet them, make a haphazard attempt or two to fix them up, and then give up on them when it doesn’t work out. They admonish singles to never give up, yet they give up if they don’t get satisfying results from their initial attempt.”

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172941

    Naïve and full of good will, it is inevitably the democrat who makes all the concessions; the anti-Semite does not make any.

    He [the Jew-hater] has the advantage of his anger.

    People say, “Don’t irritate him.” They speak softly in his presence.

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 70) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474


    This quote is a great description of negotiations between Leftist Israeli Jews and so-called “Palestinians”. Leftist Israeli Jews may be described as “Naïve and full of good will” and they “make all the concessions”.

    The so-called “Palestinians” are described by “the anti-Semite does not make any [concessions]” and with “Don’t irritate him [because of their murderous violence].”

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172730

    Jean-Paul Sartre said as:

    “He [the Jew] has passionate enemies, and defenders lacking in passion.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 3, page 72) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    He also said:

    “The cause of Jews would be half won, if only their friends brought to their defense a little of the passion and the perseverance their enemies use to bring them down.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 4, page 153) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172616

    Jean-Paul Sartre described anti-Semitism as:

    “…a regressive social force and a conception deriving from the prelogical world.”

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 4, page 143) by Jean-Paul Sartre in year 1944 CE, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

    In other words, Jean-Paul Sartre stated that anti-Semitism is NOT based on logic!

    This conclusion is valuable because it comes from a highly-respected non-Jew (see Mishlei, chapter 27, verse 2: “Let a stranger praise you, but not your own mouth”).

    in reply to: Anti-Semitism refuted by Non-Jewish Philosopher #2172570

    Jean-Paul Sartre said this, in defense of Jews:

    “There are too many Jewish lawyers, someone says.
    But is there any complaint that there are too many Norman lawyers?”

    EXPLANATION: The Normans were descendants of Vikings who came to France and lived in a place called The Duchy of Normandy. Their language was called Norman.

    SOURCE: Anti-Semite and Jew (chapter 1, page 16) by Jean-Paul Sartre, translated from French to English by George J. Becker, published by Schocken Books in NYC in year 1995, distributed by Pantheon Books, ISBN 0805210474

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