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  • in reply to: Are white skirts not tzanuah? #1034482

    WIth questions like this…….It’s no wonder so many are going off the derech.

    in reply to: Girl Refusing a Shidduch Because Boy is Shorter #1026957

    I hate to say this, but it takes MUCH more than “middos tovos” to make a happily married couple. Attraction is VERY important. Especially now a days where access to beauty is at ones very fingertips at all times. That being said, if a girl knows that she is not attracted to short guys, there is no reason to waste his or her time. Just as being thin is important to some guys, so too height is important to some girls. It’s not for me or you to say that they are being picky or silly, etc. It is they who will be living with the prospective partner.

    in reply to: Girl Refusing a Shidduch Because Boy is Shorter #1026947

    In today’s world, with so much divorce and so little time spent getting to know each other before marriage, if a girl knows that this is something that bothers her, chances are it will continue to bother her. Let’s face it, there’s nothing that he can do to change his height. One may think this is a ridiculous reason to say “no”, however, who are we to judge someone else’s preferences for a life long partner with whom to build a bayis neeman b’Yisroel?

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