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  • in reply to: A shift in rhetoric #2064912

    >>>Now Biden has practically done nothing and he is being called a coward. Isn’t this what the conservatives wanted?

    I STILL don’t think Biden should do anything but once he got involved beforehand and spent weeks goading Putin to invade by telling us that Putin is about to do so and worse after sending US troops to bolster NATO in early February which caused an escalation of the crises his current lack of involvement is deserving of criticism.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064581

    >>>Paul Gosar and MTG spoke at a pro Russia white nationalist event led by well known anti semite Nick Fuentes.

    The event they attended wasn’t inherently anti-Semitic and neither of them said anything remotely anti-Semitic at the event. I have no idea what MTG and PG privately think but one thing is certain: The Jewish community making a major about an event they attended and calling them anti-Semites is guaranteed to send them in that direction.

    >>>One can only imagine the large OUTRAGE headline if it was AOC or Ilhan Omar.

    I don’t remember any large OUTRAGE headline over AOC or Ilhan Omar attending events organized by anti-Semites. And they do so all the time!

    >>>Is antisemitism merely a tool to use against political enemies?

    Quite ironic that you would ask that question because that is exactly what you are doing with this post

    in reply to: I feel bad for Putin #2063455

    >>>Smerel: Why blame NATO? Part of the purpose of NATO is to deter aggressors from invading sovereign countries

    Not really. Officially the UN peacekeepers do that and even they don’t really do so.

    NATO was formed to protect anti Russian countries. From the Russian perspective when they are moving their troop closer and closer to the Russian they are the aggressors. There was no conflict that precipitated those moves. Putin is correct to see it as a move against him and to respond.

    As above how would the US react to military “peacekeepers” from hostile counties being moved closer and closer to the US border?

    in reply to: I feel bad for Putin #2063269

    I don’t feel bad for Putin but I do agree with him that the US and other Western groups have plenty of blame for the current conflict. Putin didn’t just wake up one fine day and start moving troops towards the Ukrainian border. It was a response to NATO troops moving closer to his borders and talk of Ukraine joining NATO etc.

    He is 100% correct for saying that if Warsaw Pact was still around and there was talk of Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact along with Warsaw Pact troops moving into Mexico the US would not just ignore it. (Nor should they)

    in reply to: Is it time to leave America #2061711

    >>>So, no, the Zionist “ideal”, and practice of the same (meaning shmad) is, unfortunately, very, very much alive, and is, by far, the greatest source of shmad worldwide, far, far greater than the dying “Reform” and whatever damage “Footsteps” has done.

    This comment epitomizes why I look at the more anti Zionist crowd as being badly brainwashed and purely political as opposed to having actually caring about shmad. You can’t reason with such people

    Reform, a movement that openly fights against Torah and even has some “rabbis” who openly preach not believing in God? Nu, nu not so bad. Footsteps who I personally who they led off the Derech? Also Nu, nu not so bad.

    The main thing is not to be a “Zionist” Whatever “Zionists” are.

    I leave you with one thought. There are plenty of Satmar alumni hanging out in Footsteps fighting Torah with them. How many are being led astray by the “Zionists”?

    in reply to: Is it time to leave America #2061536

    >>>In fact, the opposite has occurred. Moreover, there are numerous kiruv and other places throughout the USA, including on colleges, and in communities

    I’m curious do you any involvement with Kiruv? Do you know that even American Kiruv organizations focus on Israeli Yordim because the typical American college student has so little Jewish identity that s/he wouldn’t go anywhere near a Kiruv center?

    I’m no Zionist but I see more and more the truth of what Rav Yaakov Kemintsky said that Hashem wanted the state of Israel because otherwise most of the Jews living there would be assimilated.

    Do you know that most of the anti religious activity in Israel today is done through the pressure and funding of secular American Jews not native Israelis

    If you want to be such a kanoi go fight with Footsteps and the Reform movement. Not people and ideals who are long dead. As an aside it amazes me how all the big anti-Zionist kanoim in the US would never dream of fighting with the Reform movement or ANY other anti-Torah movement as long as it’s members aren’t Zionists

    in reply to: Renaming the Republican Party #2061534

    I’m an independent voter who usually votes Republican as the lesser of the two evils and I’ll say enough of the Kool Aid. If you believe the Republican party should be renamed the Trump party then you must also believe that the Democratic should be renamed the BLM rioter party.

    There are a lot more Republicans who are willing to stand up and criticize Trump than there are Democrats who are willing to criticize BLM rioters

    in reply to: Is it time to leave America #2059831

    The “in Germany they also thought it can’t happen here” are making a false analogy. There is a big difference between a situation where a party like the Nazis is ALREADY in power and a situation where they aren’t. A guy living in Germany in the 1920s indeed had no reason to flee and was a lot safer than Jews in most of the rest of the world were at the time. Someone saying we have to leave Germany in the 1920s was making a foolish comment unless he was a novi. While it is possible that the situation in the US could rapidly change just like it did in Germany that possibility exists in other countries as well so there is no reason to go running to them.

    Another factor to consider is that the US has far more things decided on a local level than most other countries. It is possible that some of the more liberal states will become unlivable for Orthodox Jews but not the US a whole

    in reply to: Is it time to leave America #2058893

    >>>With all the rising anti Jewish attacks in so many states and big cities, is this the wake up call to think about packing our bags?

    If you wouldn’t follow social media and have been around in the seventies you would realize that there is no major increase in these type of attacks.

    To quote Rav Avigdor Miller on peace of mind “Don’t read the newspapers! They are going to tell you that hooligans are running around in Boro Park beating up innocent people. They are going to fill your minds with all sorts of problems with all sorts of problems you an do nothin but otherwise never would have heard of” This was fifty years ago. Today substitute social media for newspapers

    >>>When the police do nothing to stop the rioters and arrests and prosecutes Jews who try to defend themselves against the rioters that is a government sponsored pogrom.

    The first half is exactly happened thirty years ago during the Crown Heights pogrom. The police did not arrest Jews who tried to defend themselves because few tried but the liberal media made it sound as if the Jews were the aggressors or at least equally at fault .

    What is a problem is that the increasing hostility to religion in general among the more liberal circles. e.g. Forty years ago The New York Times and those type of publications were anti-Semitic but they did not mock frum people per se. I do think that things will get worse in a general sense in America but not to the degree of needing to run away

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2058279

    >>>Bashing a capital policeman with a fire extinguisher followed by a shpritz of bear spray is an explicitly recognized form of political discourse

    Are you trying to remind us about how the Democrats and media lied to us for WEEKS claiming capital policeman Brian Sicknick was killed by being beaten with fire extinguishers and when that was demonstrated to be a lie they went ahead and lied to us for another few WEEKS claiming he was killed by bear spray until the family and medical examiner report forced them to admit it was all made up?

    But those are the truth seekers and truth purveyors who we are supposed to follow about everything else with regard to the capital riots .

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2058161

    >>>Smerel, one does not need articles or investigators to know what Trump is.

    No idea what you are trying to say with this. As I said I’m no Trump supporter, but I also recognize that a lot of what his opponents say and do is very wrong as well. And as above if you have a specific question on what I said I will respond

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2058163

    >>>The Republicans should be working on fence building and reconciliation, rather than passing a resolution designed to encourage people who would otherwise vote Republican

    There is no way you can reach out to someone who isn’t interested in reaching out to you and the only thing she says to or about you is “I hate you” like Liz Cheney. If she had the exact same viewpoints but also used her media limelight to advance ideas that Republicans care about and speak against Democrats ideas that they oppose she would be in a very different situation.

    Unlike the censure of Sinema or the fact that Manchin now needs private security wherever he goes
    Cheney wasn’t censured for her political views. She was censured because there is a limit to how much of a fight you can pick with people and expect them to continue to consider you you as one of their own .

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2057971

    >>>What else do you call someone who lost and after unsuccessfully trying to prove that he won, continues to claim that he won the election and it was stolen from him ?

    The great hero of the Democrats in Georgia , Stacy Adams did the same things and continues to make the same claims. Unlike Trump she has the brains to realize not to endlessly fight a battle she won’t win. But she has acted exactly like him when she still thought it would benefit her

    >>>Here is a list of the people subpoenaed. Cross off the one who was not involved in Jan 6th.

    None of those people were personally involved in the Capital riots, the ostensible excuse for the January 6th. If you are going to prosecute people for peddling false information and try to get rid of a legally elected president through peddling lies then you can investigate almost Democratic member of congress. They all tried to get rid of Trump through an impeachment trial based on baseless accusation and then tried to do so peddling the Steele Dossier , now universally acknowledged to be a pack of lies. And that was just the start of the Democrats trying to get rid of Trump through false accusation and lies

    When the Democrats will investigate how there was an impeachment trial based on so little evidence and start worrying about the precedent of trying to get rid of political opponents through false trials and false accusations then I’ll believe the January 6th commission is even remotely about truth, democracy and integrity in government .

    As above let me stress and stress again. I am NOT a Trump supporter. But other than having better temperaments I just don’t see his opponents as being morally better than him or being the good guys and doing the right thing in all the conflicts they have with him

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2057911

    >>>Smerel, why in the world would Cheney suddenly embrace the Left-Liberal agenda?!? Are you for real? Stop spewing the lunatic Trump propaganda which can not withstand the smallest scrutiny.

    You are screaming so loud I can’t hear what you are saying. If you have a specific question or scrutiny on what I said let me know and I’ll respond.

    On a personal note as my comment indicted I am anti Trump. However I also realize that his career opponents are frequently lying and frequently doing the wrong thing as well. It is rare to read an article about Trump that is pure honest and straight reporting . And many (most?)of the people who are investigating him are Rodfim. Your emotional response to my comment complete with the standard insults Trump’s opponents tell their followers to believe about anyone who doesn’t blindly and slavishly parrot their party line indicates that you have fallen into their web. The only difference between your comment and the type of comment you would expect from a Trump devotee who believes whatever Trumps says is which side you happen to be on

    in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2057870

    Embracing the left-liberal framing of this issue, right down to using slogans like the big lie isn’t called speaking truth. Kitzinger and Cheney are part of a partisan committee that exists only for the Democrats political benefit that at this point has little to do with January 6th anymore (Less than 10% (!)of the subpoenas sent out by the commission were to people who were actually involved with January 6th) They have done whatever they can to look for fights with other Republicans and are being responded to in kind

    One can dislike Trump and at the same time realize that Cheney and Kitzinger and many other opponents of his aren’t good people who are acting out of altruistic motivations or standing up for truth.

    in reply to: Seriously Wondering #2057227

    Don’t know if this counts for personally but Rav Lipa Margulis died of Corona two weeks ago but he was also in his late nineties and had many other complications

    in reply to: Six-Day-War Major-general “There was a Siyata diShmaya” #2057126

    >>>All rabbi shapiro did was talk with atzmon in an interview with them both

    That isn’t true. They both quote each other on plenty of other occasions and I’ve seen Shapiro make other references to conversation he had with Atzmon . As a rule by people like Shapiro hischabrus wiht resoyim is only wrong when the Rosha is suspected of being a Zionist. And if the Rosha is an anti-Zionist then even chanufa to Resoyim is allowed.

    >>>What r wein is basically saying is that since the frei say it, they must be wrong

    Rabbi Wein said nothing of the sort. It was a neutral observation commenting on political views and activism done in Russia over 125 years ago. BUT Chazal said “lo Bchinom holoch hzarzar etzel H’arov” is based on Pesukim in the Torah

    >>>If the frei happen to be presenting military facts

    If it were the consensus of secular world that would be true. If it is only the militantly secular who are presenting such “facts” but the more mainstream view is and was that the Six Day War results were better than any expectation then it is suspect.

    in reply to: Six-Day-War Major-general “There was a Siyata diShmaya” #2057027

    >>>The state of Israel purposefully grew the myth of both the danger they were in as well as the legend of their unlikely victory.

    To answer your question as to where Rabbi Wein’s observation came in, it because the only three groups who make such claims about the Six Day War are (1) Far far right frum groups (2) militantly atheistic anti religious secular Jewish Groups and (3)anti-Semites.

    When Yitzchok Rabin said that “anyone who thinks we should be thanking for our victory is the six day war is mistaken. Is was all out superior planning” that statement was unacceptable in the frum world. Rabbi Shapiro saying it doesn’t make it any better or different. It’s not for no reason that Rabbi Shapiro is such good friends, quotes and appears at so many events with Gilad Atzmon (google the two names together) a guy who makes the typical secular Israeli seem like a tzadik. And it’s not for no reason that both of them are quoted in anti-Semitic literature

    in reply to: Six-Day-War Major-general “There was a Siyata diShmaya” #2056139

    >>>His point was the the gedolim said that the 6 day war was a war like the American revolution, civil war, gulf war, and countless others that were within derech hateva.

    That is exactly what the militantly atheistic Zionists say too. If the American revolution, civil war, gulf war and other wars were also a situation of very two unequal sides facing with such a quick victory for the weaker side with so few causalities for them I would also see and say that the Yad Hashem was on their side.

    >>>So too here; Israel had a lot of advantages, so the war was not a miracle at all.

    Can you name the Israeli advantages other than claimed ingenuity and better planning?

    >>>But we don’t say halel on that, and we’re not even allowed to, as chazal say about someone who says halel everyday…

    I don’t say Hallel for the Six day war either but based on that logic you can stop saying “Rabim B’Yad Me’atim and many other parts of the Chanuka story from Bemay MAtisyahu. I’m sure the Misyavnim back then also said the Chasmoniam were stronger, smarter etc and won through natural means.

    >>>Why are they called laitzonei hador?

    Because they refused to acknowledge Yad Hasem and said after all the years Sorah did not become pregnant from Avorhom it must be that she can’t and became pregnant from Avimelech.

    >>>Ever wonder why the same people who consider themselves “rationalist”, eschew kabalah etc.

    Actually the oppisite. Rabbi Berel Wein has the observation that throughout history three groups have frequently shared and advocated the same position with regard to various Jewish community issues .those groups are (1)The very, very far right frum groups (2)the militantly atheistic anti-religious Jewish groups and (3) the non-Jewish anti-Semites . This approach to the the Six Day War (and the general approach to the State of Israel today) is just a typical example following history.

    in reply to: Six-Day-War Major-general “There was a Siyata diShmaya” #2055981

    >>>Where does the empty wagon advocate kochi veotzem yodi?

    It doesn’t use those words but does have the exact attitude the posuk

    וְאָֽמַרְתָּ֖ בִּלְבָבֶ֑ךָ כֹּחִי֙ וְעֹ֣צֶם יָדִ֔י עָ֥שָׂה לִ֖י אֶת־הַחַ֥יִל

    That is exactly the way The Empty Wagon describes the six day war. Keep Hashem out of the picture. The fact the Israeli were facing armies with more than three times the amount of soldier, tanks, airplanes, money and other equipment each .And in some cases more than five times the amount of Israeli resources ? No problem. Israeli ingenuity knows how to deal with that. Hashem helped? What? Where does Hashem come into the picture? It was all superior Israeli strength.

    You can’t get more Kochey Votzem Yodey than that.

    in reply to: Six-Day-War Major-general “There was a Siyata diShmaya” #2055894

    >>>Smerel, rabbi yaakov shapiro’s “the empty wagon” devoted an entire chapter to this issue – he has all the quotes there,

    I’m not going through a one thousand page book to find the quote and it’s source. Which page is it on.

    Plus having read some of “The Empty Wagon” on this topic all I can do is note the irony of the fact that the book pushes the Kochey V’Otzem Yodey attitude even worse than the secular Zionists do.

    in reply to: Six-Day-War Major-general “There was a Siyata diShmaya” #2055860

    >>>The CIA chief at the time said that Israel would win in “probably 6 or 7 days”.

    Can you give a direct to where that was said . I know YWN does not allow links so give some basic ways I can find that prediction. I’ve tried to do so and all I could come up was predictions of Israeli victory between six and eight WEEKS with tens of thousands of Israeli dead (which actually matches the Israeli predictions)

    Plus at that point in time the CIA was also predicating the US would quickly win in Vietnam as well.
    So the CIA were no neviem and their assessment is of little value. Particularly when it makes so little sense. How was Israel with less than a third the amount of soldier, planes, tanks and other equipment supposed to win the war in less than a week?


    >>>Do you think the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened?


    >>> And if you think it did, did China HAVE to do it as it had no other course it could follow?

    To answer indirectly if the US was facing such an insurrection they would have responded the same way. Especially if the demonstrators were white.

    >>>What about the Kent State Shootings?

    Given the information known to the National Guard at the time (they were falsely told the demonstrators were armed) and given the violence done by the demonstrators over the previous days I do not blame the national guard for shooting at them

    in reply to: Why is no one talking about the uyghurs #2055326

    If I KNEW that what I hear about the Uyghurs is true and there were protests on their behalf I would join them. Being that my knowledge of the issue is coming from sources that I do not trust and even those sources are giving over very little information and no one else is organizing protests on their behalf, not even Uyghurs in other countries, I don’t feel I can get involved.

    And no I don’t fault, say, some potato farmer in Idaho who didn’t protest the holocaust because he barely knew about it if at all

    in reply to: Question for Frum Jews who are anti Trump #2055317

    >>>He is completely narcissistic who has not stood up against white supremacists because he would have lost their votes.

    Even assuming this was true the same would be true about most liberal politicians with regard to left wing anti-Semites who are much more of a clear and present danger to the frum world .

    >>>Only showed concern towards his rich cronies with his tax cuts by enriching the already rich corporations.

    Even assuming this was true how does this hurt you? The inflation and lack of work ethic caused by Biden presents problem for me on a day to day level.

    >>>He wanted to overturn the election by choosing false electors through storming the Capitol because he did not like the results.

    Again even assuming this was true this means that before the election you didn’t hate him so much?

    To be clear I also think Trump is an absolute jerk who is all about himself and hope he never runs again but (1)I don’t think he is that different from Joe Biden and other politicians in that area. Biden happens to have a better temperament and a sympathetic press (2) I don’t think he is a as one dimensional as the media says and his enemies believe (3) I don’t have issues with his policies


    >>>People only look at results.

    You gotta be kidding. Do you think that people should judge a president by something other than results?

    >>>It does not matter that the Senate is obstructing him

    If not for the “obstructionists” in the Senate things would be a lot worse.

    >>>he is unable to live up to his promises.

    The Senate is not the ones who are stopping him from being the unifier who would lean across to get things done that he promised to be. It takes two to be bipartisan

    in reply to: Golem of Prague #2052941

    >>>This is a slippery slope. Kuzari principle states that the Torah is proven v. other religions because it was given publicly to millions of people, rather than a small band of people, and then passed thru generations and could not have been conceivably introduced later on. If we take our trust in Golem to the same degree, we will successfully disprove Kuzari.

    Totally off topic but it would have no bearing on the Kuzari. The Kuzari is discussing a belief that STARTED off claiming to have been witnessed by millions of people. An author making something up that goes on to become widely believed is no comparison. e.g. It is very easy to get both the pro and anti Trump crowds to believe all sorts of lies about him . But you could never convince either crowd that his first inauguration never happened or that his second one did. That is the scale of the lie the Kuzari is referring to

    in reply to: Trumpamania? #2051809

    >>>I think that if the media and world hadn’t been pressing Trump from day 1 or rather even before he took office, he wouldn’t have had to go so extreme.

    The rov of my shul almost never mentions politics (maybe once in five years) I have no idea what his personal political views are . Even so he did once make the point that Hashem is mevakash es nirdof even is a Tzadik is being rodef a Rasha . And in the case of Trump the people being rodef him aren’t tzadikim…

    He said it in an almost neutral political context . Just making the point that the ENDLESS investigations and allegations (many proven false already) against Trump being made by open enemies with obvious personal gain and even impeachment trials being judged by open enemies who weren’t even paying lip service to listening to both sides before deciding how they would vote is totally incompatible with Halacha and Torah Haskafa and frum people should realize that

    in reply to: Trumpamania? #2051593

    >>>If you don’t like Biden’s policies then give all the money he gave you

    That is like saying if wealthy Democrats don’t like Trump they should continue paying taxes on as if he didn’t cut them.

    And I AM paying for all the money Biden gave me. Heavily. Every time I walk to the store I see higher prices. the predictions and warning of heavily inflation were clearly correct. AND I or my children will one day be asked to pay back for it even more directly in the future as well. The 1.9 trillion covid relief bill added about $6,000 in new debt for every man women and child in the US

    in reply to: Trumpamania? #2051499

    >>>Why would you rather trump win? Biden isn’t good that’s obvious

    I know I’m in the minority but I don’t consider Biden to more any more trustworthy or morally better than Trump AND I dislike his policies. Therefore if it would be Biden against Trump I hope Trump wins.

    Biden became president through means of deception and claiming to be someone he wasn’t (a moderate , consensus builder, a competent person who leans across the aisle to get things done etc.) With all Trump’s faults he didn’t campaign on a false platform. Therefore I trust Biden even less than him.

    Biden happens to have the brocha of being born with a better temperament, impulse control and a media looking to cover up for him. If Trump had those brochas he would still be president. But aside for temperament Bideni no less of a person who would do anything to stay in power. No matter the damage to the US . He is a demagogue just like Trump but he knows how to be more subtle. Trump should learn to keep quiet. Biden usually refuses to talk because like all liars he knows that keeping quiet will keep him out of trouble.

    And this is aside from all of Bidens policies which have only caused problems, the absolute corrupt idiots he has appointed for judges and other federal positions etc.

    in reply to: Trumpamania? #2051433

    I agree that something changed about Trump. At this point I can’t stand him.

    Even so if the choice boils down to Biden vs. Trump in 2024 I hope Trump wins. Even though I probably won’t vote for him myself.

    in reply to: Unicorns – Real or not? #2050251

    >>>>Rabbi Slifkin discusses Unicorns at legnth in his book “Mysterious Creatures”. He demonstrates conclusively it does not exist

    Sure and Slifkin knows everything there is to know. The Saola, the one horned deer that I mentioned was an unknown creature until the 1990s. You can’t prove an animal the size of a horse or smaller does not exist. You can only prove that it is not known to exist.

    in reply to: Unicorns – Real or not? #2050034

    Like most people I assume it is not around anymore but a Cassowary is (probably) a kosher bird which has one one horn and many colors (including the skin under the feathers)

    Of course I don’t think it is the Tachash. I’m mentioning it as an animal that 99.99 percent of people never would had heard of that meets some of the criteria being discussed (kosher, colorful, one horned)

    Another such animal would be a Saola which a one horned deer whose current natural habitat in Vietnam and Laos . I don’t think it is the Tachash either (although it is more likely to be it that a bird)

    You never know what others are out there

    in reply to: Golem of Prague #2048843

    >>>I don’t follow so Sherlock Holmes, and Peter Pan have some truth because they are so well known?

    I’m not sure what the question is. An unheard of 19th century author would not be about to create a universally known legend and remain unknown. That has no bearing on the fact that universally known fiction writers still write fiction.

    >>>they cant just be from a 19th (early 20th for the latter) century author?

    not sure what you saying with this at all

    in reply to: Golem of Prague #2048777

    I doubt the Golem of Prague existed but why wasn’t he mentioned by… isn’t really such a question?

    According to all version of the Golem story it’s existence was a strict secret at the time. Therefore it would make sense for people not to have heard of it. That would also explain why there is no written reference to it prior to the 18th century.

    On another note while I doubt the Golem existed I also don’t believe that the origins of the legend are some obscure 19th century author . It could not have become such a widespread legend on the basis of some author who 99.99999% of people ever heard of in any context other than the claim that he was the one to make up the story

    in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045831

    If an investigation is ongoing those involved should HEAVILY, HEAVILY, HEAVILY stress that they do not know whether the accused is guilty or not, they are gathering information anyone who can help should please do so.

    That way on the one hand people know to be wary of the person but OTOH peoples life aren’t being destroyed over allegations. It also avoids t creating a heavy prejudice either way before the investigation even starts.

    (I heard from a lawyer involved in prosecuting these type of things that he tries very hard to get the media and social media involved in these cases because he knows that once they do the defendant has a zero percent chance of acquittal.)

    in reply to: Political Bechira Chofshis #2045109

    There is absolutely nobody that I would bentch gomel if he won. In the end there will be plenty of garbage no matter who wins. The question is how much and how bad.

    For Republicans I would want someone Desantis, Halley , Pence, Walker or a guy who isn’t a career politician like Ben Carson. (That would be true of either party but a non-career politician has no chance among the Democrats)

    For the Democrats I would want Joe Manchin or John Delany (Delany is a former democratic congressman who ran in the 2020 primaries. Had he won would have been from the few Democratic nominees I would have voted for on a national level. During the debates he was talking common sense to which our VP K Harris “brilliantly” responded with “those are Republican talking points so I won’t address them”)

    in reply to: House January 6th Commission #2043030

    >>>And similarly the commenters here who continue to express support for the attempted coup that would have ended democracy in the US

    Curious to know:

    Does anyone here truly believe that the January 6th riot was an attempted coup that would have ended democracy in the US?

    If you do believe that can you elaborate on your beliefs?

    Bonus question: Do you also believe that the Democratic congressmen who refused to certify in Trump in 2016 were looking to end Democracy in the US? Do you also believe that the Democrats who tried to get Trump impeached on the basis of lies (Russian interference in the 2016 elections)and falsified documents (The Steele Dossier) were trying to end democracy and are at least as guilty as those who didn’t want to certify Biden?

    If not why not?

    in reply to: House January 6th Commission #2042555

    >>>And I would be absolutely shocked if the Founding Fathers weren’t all anti-Semites as most goyim of their time were.

    It’s safe to say they were a lot less anti-Semitic than the typical progressive Democrat is today.

    >>>>My point is, can we stop treating the image of the USA as the Founding Fathers envisioned it as some sort of gospel that can be no wrong?

    It’s no gospel nothing but Founding Fathers of the USA did make a country that was a haven for Jews like no other known country has ever done. Those who are looking to drastically change it are also looking to undermine the principles of WHY it has been such a haven

    in reply to: PETA #2042347

    In one way I do have a respect for CERTAIN animal rights activists. It takes sacrifice not to eat meat. I was once driving to a county agricultural fair and passed some animal rights activists protesting the farming and eating of animals and thought you have to give credit to middle aged people who would stand the whole day in over ninety degree weather holding signs specifically in an area where the people passing them aren’t going to listen and think they are crazy. We can learn from their mesirus nefesh

    OTOH most animal rights activists ARE crazy. They protest wearing fur but wear leather shoes (some don’t do even that) They protest medical tests on animals even though the human suffering with the lack of these experiments dwarfs that of the animals involved. They protest kaporos but not only ignore KFC they even ignore Red Lobster even though lobsters are cooked by boiling them to death. They oppose farm animals but ignore those who declaw cats, which to a cat is like missing a finger to the knuckle. Etc.

    Bottom line is the Teshovos HaRashba gives the guideline of dealing with animals and says that all normal animal usage is allowed by the Torah. (Rav Moshe writes that because of this Rashba force feeding animals like foie gras are prohibited. So the animal right activists are actually right about that one) Even from a secular perspective the Rashba is probably the most humane balance for dealing with animals

    in reply to: House January 6th Commission #2041750

    >>>A lot of news recently from the commission about texts being sent to the former WH COS from fox news hosts and Jr, and also a PowerPoint on how to commit a Coup.

    If after going through over 6,600 PAGES of Meadow’s documents the worst the January 6th commission can come up with is a bunch of texts from Republicans trying to get Trump to stop the rioters, then the committee has nothing on the Republicans.

    For those with TDS even had Trump gone in person to stop the riot he would be 100% guilty anyway. I don’t consider him 100% innocent but in fairness to Trump the mob breached the building itself at 2:12 PM. At 2:38 p.m. he tweeted, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!” A short time later, at 3:13 p.m., Trump added a note, “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!” At 4:17 he posted a video on Twitter telling the rioters to stop. He did not wait until it was over to protest like I sometimes see him being accused of.

    I’m no Trump supporter but I oppose government commissions consisting of long term very biased enemies with unrestrained subpoena power and no transparency even more. Which is exactly what the January 6th commission is

    in reply to: Interesting Supreme Court case #2040241

    For the record I am against the efforts to get government funding for private education. It will only cause problems. I do agree with the plaintiffs in this case. If the government is funding private education without policing any of the curriculum then why are the religious schools being excluded?

    However from a frum perspective government funding of private schools would be bad news. There will almost certainly be rules attached that will exclude Yeshivas. There will also be rules that will greatly increase costs of education and in places like Lakewood and Monsey where the frum community is the majority they will be the ones bearing the bill anyway through their school tax portion of the property bills. Plus you can be certain that down the line the government will make rules that will cause major problems for Yeshivas.

    To put things in perspective the Catholic preschools (who unlike Yeshivas have no issue with accepting non-Catholic children) are fighting AGAINST Biden’s Build Back Better funding of preschool education saying that there is no way they can comply with those regulations. That boils down to the (1)government funding of free preschool but (2) but only if they are aren’t religious. That would put them out of business. (Same principal as this court case)

    in reply to: Interesting Supreme Court case #2040005

    >>>Would the SC agree that the the state should pay for Muslim , Buddhists and scientology schools?

    If private schools are being paid for, yes. The conservatives on SC are not so dumb so as not to realize that possibility.

    >>>In the wedding case decision , the SC ruled that a business is allowed to discriminate based on religion

    They never made any such ruling. They ruled that a business can not be compelled to service a customer who is asking for them to do something that violates their religion.

    in reply to: Interesting Supreme Court case #2039982

    Won’t have any major ramifications for Yeshivas in places where the government does not pay for private school. This isn’t a case parents asking for religious schooling to be paid for. They are saying that if the government anyway unconditionally pays for private schooling what are the grounds to discriminate against religious school?

    In Espinoza v. Montana Dept. of Revenue. the Supreme Court already ruled that once a state is any funding private schools it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious.

    in reply to: Airline lawsuits #2038431

    >>>Smerel I hope you never need an attorney to help you in your own frivolous lawsuit.

    Uh…I hope I would never engage a lawyer for a frivolous lawsuit. I’m going to repeat that lawyers have a terrible reputation in the US and it’s not for nothing. A frum lawyer who fought for the wrong side because they were the ones padding his pockets is no better than a non-Jewish lawyer who did the same (in that area)

    in reply to: Airline lawsuits #2038181

    >>> YWN appears to be a case of a couple complaining of bias when they weren’t provided with a privilege that other passengers don’t receive.

    Not exactly. They are claiming that the flight attendant went through the overhead compartments and ONLY removed the bag with Teffilin .

    I would never sue in such a case anyway but I also think that most lawsuits in the US are little more than legalized theft (lawyers don’t such a terrible reputation for nothing) If anything this is more of a case of some couple jumping onto the “sue” bandwagon.

    There are no frum communal organizations taking up this couples cause.

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2037927

    I’m not going to get involved in this conversation and certainly not about specific people but I will however say over something that Rav Yaakov Kamentky said in a smooze in Camp Ohr Shraga at a time of controversy.

    “If there is a difference in opinion between me and the Satmar Rebbe whether a specific person is a Tzadik or a Rosha then just go with the opinion of whoever you usually follow because it is probably an underlying haskafa question based on Mesorah. If however despite our similar haskafa and upbringing there is still a difference in opinion between me and Rav Moshe Feinstein whether someone is a Tzadik or a Rosha then no matter who your Rebbe is and what he told you STAY AWAY FROM THAT PERSON!!!”

    in reply to: “Jews” In Government #2036587

    Thirty years ago things were different. Generally speaking a Jewish politician even a secular one could have been counted on to have a Jewish identity and identify with Jewish causes. Even frum ones.

    Today we are better off with a conservtive non-Jew than a secular Jewish politician. And from people like Bernie Sanders and the other left wing “Jewish” politicians we can only expect hostility. Even worse than from the average non-Jewish politician.

    If a politician makes reference to his being Jewish in a context other than when it benefits him politicly it’s one thing if he lights a Menorah. When a guy like Doug Emhoff lights a menorah all I can say is “What are you celebrating? Your side lost!”

    in reply to: Operation Paperclip #2035541

    Under the circumstances I do not blame the US for using Nazi scientists for their own benefit. Even today if they could recruit Iranian nuclear scientists I think they should. Would you prefer they continue to work for Iran?

    People like Wernher von Braun (who lied repeatedly about his involvement with the SS)
    was an evil person but the American veneration for him and his work in NASA was due to believing revisionist history and Braun’s lies. Not because they forgave his Nazi past

    in reply to: Justice in the USA #2034758

    Does anyone here believe that had it been White Trump supporters who did the BLM riots and black Biden supporters who did the capital riots we would be looking at the same reaction (and lack thereof) today?

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