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September 14, 2022 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2124658smerelParticipant
No point in discussing how to change old schools. Won’t happen because of talk. Talk about how to start new schools that align with what you want. That is far more likely to happen. Particularly if you are willing to do the work and put up the money
smerelParticipantCharles Tyrwhitt would be a good way to go if they had front pockets for pens and CC cards like most other white shirts do. Paul Fredrick raised their prices like crazy but you can still check your old emails from prior purchases for coupon codes on future purchases. They give off 20-25% and free shipping. Most will still work
I think I’m pretty consistent in saying that (1) with all Trump’s many faults his adversaries frequently (usually?) are not the good guys, the honest guys, or the people who care about the best interests of the US in the many conflicts they start with him or (2) all the false accusations and investigations into Trump do not absolve him from the things that he has done that were wrong (3) both sides are lying to you (4) with all the screaming “cultist” and other such insults at Trump supporters it seems to me that at least in CR it is Trump’s opponents who seem to hold a much stronger grip on those who side with them than Trump does.
Had someone started a thread similar to this one expressing such terror of Joe Biden and Democrats (who other than being born with a better personality isn’t someone I think of as being morally superior to Trump) I would have said the same comment.
smerelParticipant>>> Refusing to step down from the presidency is big news and it is dangerous path.
And so is making up trying to get rid of the president by making up stories about Russian collusion interference in elections and making up fake documents like The Steele Dossier.
I’m 100% confident that the prospects of the Democrats doing that again doesn’t frighten you in the slightest. So don’t worry about Trump either. Based on his age and health he won’t be active in politics in five years from now (though the Democrats will probably still be using his as a bogey man and scapegoats) The people involved in the Russian collusion story still will be.
smerelParticipant>>> just thinking of this dangerous moron makes my blood boil…..
By reading your posts on the topic I was able to tell even without you telling us …
I’m not going to debate your perception and beliefs about Trump but I will give you one piece of advice coming from Rav Avigdor Miller ztzl
If you want peace of mind don’t read the newspapers. They are going to tell you that hooligans are running wild in frum neighborhoods. They are going to tell that if this politician gets elected the world will come to an end. They are going to fill your minds with all sorts of serious sounding problems that you otherwise never would have heard of but now you can do nothing about…
That was over forty years ago when newspapers still had some standards. Today the media and even more so the social media are just straight fear mongering and manipulation to those who take them seriously. So DON’T take them seriously . Not even what even they tell you about Trump…
September 11, 2022 11:01 pm at 11:01 pm in reply to: Paskez Chew chews and other extinct nosh photos #2123469smerelParticipantGoogle it and it isn’t hard to find. Kosher Fresser even started a petition on Change.Org that Paskez should start remaking them and got over 1800 signatures
smerelParticipant>>>To the best of knowlege the last major talmud chocom in goverment service was Rav Meir Shapiro and he was in the Semp, not CR
The Reise Rav (Rabbi Aharon Lewin) and Rav Alexander Zusia Friedman (author of the Meyaneh Shel Torah) Hashem Yinkom Domom were among the Agudah elected members of the Sejm after him
The Ponivitcher Rov was also a member of the Lithuanian parliament after that.
As far as chief rabbis go: Rabbi Yehuda Levin, chief rabbi of Moscow (died 1970) was also a major a Talmid Chochom, a close chaver of Rav Yaakov Kamenstsky from when they learned together in Slobadka.
Given his position he also did controversial things. His life and success as chief rabbi depended his acting like a Soviet Union propagandist and claiming that the Jews are NOT being persecuted there.
When he came to the US in 1968 secular Jewish groups hounded and heckled him . It was the lhavdil elef havdolas Gedoley Torah like Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov who stood by him and apparently agreed with him that it is worth saying Soviet propaganda in exchange for maintaining some semblance of Jewish life in Russia such as shul activities and matzoh-baking etc.
When he spoke at secular venues there was open jeering at him because of the Soviet propaganda about the treatment of Jews there that he had to say . When he spoke at the Sefardsher shul in Boro Park Rav Yaakov Kamenstsky introduced him with the highest amount of respect talking about how we are about hear from the most chosuv alumni of Slabodka etc.(although he did hint that you have to understand that Rabbi Levin is speaking in code) The crowd which included many Talemdey Chachomim listened to him and accorded the highest respect .Even the streets around the shul were packed with police and police barricades to prevent the mob of people who wanted to meet him and hear from him.
smerelParticipant>>>Smerel, are you engaging in “the ends justifies the means”?
No but for Pikuach nefesh purposes one can certainly enter a church. Believing that a breakdown in diplomacy can cause Pikuach Nefesh that allows one to enter a church is not so outrageous of a svorah. As above I don’t know if it is true but I heard from semi reliable sources that Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach told Israeli diplomats that if there is no other time they can work on Shabbos preparing statements for MAJOR diplomatic events (unrelated to clear and present danger) due to the danger in them failing to do so. One thing is certain in the case of Rabbi Hertz the svora absolutely proved itself given his ability to save Jews during WWII.
smerelParticipant>>>R. Hertz saved jews during the war, but it doesn’t make his use of bible critics “when they’re right” any less wrong
It does however make people like Rabbi Sacks have a much stronger argument that they are allowed to enter a church for a civic function when invited by the king or queen.
Do you think that had Rabbi Hertz (who was also criticized in the 1920s for attending such a event) snubbed those invitations and expectations he would been in as much of a position to save Jews during WWII?
smerelParticipant>>>Would Chief Rabbis have authority in their own right, without being poskim?!
No. A government appointed official is no more of an authority on Halacha than any yungerman who went through the sugyos. If even that. Unless of course he is independently a Talmid Chochom
It is very rare however that a government appointed rabbi is also a respected Talmid Chochom in areas of halacha. When was the last time you heard anyone mention a psak halacha from the chief rabbis of France, South Africa, England, Iran or Morocco?
On the other hand not dealing with their situations there is no way you are in the position to mach avek their behavior in a situation where there is definitely room for them to do so.
(Rabbi Herz mentioning bible critics is completely independent of his being chief rabbi of England. I was also told that he himself told people not to learn his commentary on chumash. He just felt that a time when bible critics held so much sway and influence a commentary on chumash written for a secular audience can’t ignore them. I disagree but that is not a England specific question like this is)
smerelParticipant>>>I love how the terms darchei sholom and mipnei aivah are thrown around haphazardly.
And what are you dong with this comment? Giving the gedorim on when darchei sholom and mipnei aivah do and don’t apply and expanding it the what you believe the halacha to be in this situation? Or just making a haphazard comment?
If you want to explain things like (1)the isser of going into a church (doyraysa, d’rabonon, by which religions, when there if ever there are hetterim, (2)darchei sholom and mipnei aivah etc. I’m all ears. But please give maarje mokomos and no boich svoras
smerelParticipantI don’t know if I’m not a Talmid Chocom like Chief Shemerel (I guess that is why he is a Chief and I’m just Smerel) but he seems correct. As far as I know the policy of the Chief Rabbi and London Beth Din is to enter a church only if the Queen (now king) commands. Invitations to coronations, royal weddings and funerals have the status of such royal commands.
Rabbi Sacks was not the first British chief rabbi to attend such events. When asked why he did so he said:
“For at least 150 years, British chief rabbis have attended such functions. In America you don’t have something like this. In Britain – because we have a queen and an established church – when there is a state occasion, the Jewish community is represented by its religious head. That is a civic act, not a religious act. Every chief rabbi has always attended a national service, even if it was in a church, as a civic representative of the Jewish community loyal to the head of state. This falls under the halachic categories of mipnei darchei shalom and mipnei eivah. ”Of course there are exceptions and rules Rabbi Saks himself did not attend Diana’s funeral because it was on Shabbos (not because it was in a church) and his predecessor did not attend the church part of the Charles-Diana wedding (it was enough of a ceremony for him to find other places and time to show up)
There are plenty of boich svoras I can say and “rayos” I can bring either way so I’ll stop here and say that it isn’t so simple. Different poskim will rule differently on what is Pikuach Nefesh for Yom Kipper and Shabbos. So too for this question. Those who believes that participation in government ceremonies when they are expecting you to is a form of communal life-saving activity have what to rely on . I was told by semi reliable sources that Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach told that to Israeli diplomats . I was also told by semi reliable sources that the mayors of Lakewood NJ got a hetter from the Lakewood poskim to attend the funerals of Lakewood policemen killed in the line of duty in Lakewood even thought those funeral took place in a church (don’t know if either of them are true)
smerelParticipantIt’s amazing how blind the Biden supporters are to how full of hate they are and how wrong Trump’s opponents frequently can be with their behavior against Trump (as obligatory when making such a comment let me be clear I’m NOT a Trump supporter -so you don’t to start sneering “cultist” and all the other obnoxious comments I get for daring to not follow the DNC party line on Trump)
Like over 50% of Americans in general and two thirds of all neutral independent voters I agree it was a hatful speech designed to cause damage
If Biden had anything other than malevolent intentions with this speech he would have struck a conciliatory tone and said something like “those who believe” “were misled by Trump” should reflect on the danger of their view. blah…blah… blah…It would certainly have more of an effect than the actual effect which was that ninety percent of all Republicans, Trump supporter or not, looked at it as an atack and dangerous rhetoric. People rarely change their mind because of viscous ataks but by Biden and co that is such second nature to them that they forgot how to talk differently
smerelParticipantBiden and co are clearly looking to cause conflicts and fights because they believe it will help them in the next election. No previous president – not even Trump – would have attacked those who have a different political ideology AS A GROUP as viscously Biden does. Biden’s repeated efforts to do so are super inflammatory. They also run the risk of turning into a self fulfilling prophesy. Which is what Biden is hoping for to help the Democrats in the elections.
smerelParticipant>>>YU has no problem attacking a gadol, but if someone says something against R’ Shechter or R’ Soloveichik there is no room for compromise.
The type of YU people who support and identify with the toevah crowd would have no problem saying something against R’ Shechter or R’ Soloveichik either if it suits their purposes. And it is only when it suits their purposes that they have issue with anyone else doing so as well.
smerelParticipant>>>Also, could you imagine RIETS being under the umbrella of the Mennonites?
No comparison. The umbrella YU organization is not under the control of the toevah crowd. Nor will it ever be.
The toeava crowd is demanding supreme rights that marginalize those of everyone else in YU like they do everywhere else. Being that in the liberal world the toevah crowd is their sacred cow they have the right to make such demands on secular groups. Question is if YU is included in such secular groups. Even if they will ch’v be successful the situation will remain the same. YU is being strong-armed and bullied by the toevah crowd who is acting on their initiative in YU. It is not something YU is doing or supporting.
smerelParticipant>>>Rabbi Yeruchem Gorelick ZT’L was asked what induced him to go work in YU. He said (in Yiddish), “Rabbi JB Soloveichik convinced me that the future of Torah in America depends on YU.” Then he slapped his head, as if to say “What was I thinking?”
So why didn’t he pick himself up and go? He needed parnossa? That is exactly how YU justifies being classified as a secular institution and got themselves into this mess. How was he different than them?
Years ago I used to think that if the Chareidi mosdos were faced with the same dilemma as YU they would stand strong. Today I no longer do. Faced with the dilemmas that YU is facing of (1) needing funding but compromising on values and or (2)Trying to reach as many people as possible to teach Torah but knowing that doing so will also cause a compromise in values many, many Chareidi mosdos (by no means all!!!) would act similarly to YU.
The above is not an endorsement of YU or it’s haksafa in general. I’m just saying that in this specific question it’s not so simple that YU is doing the wrong thing or that it’s critics are so different from what Chazal say that “A thief who doesn’t have what to steal also takes pride in his honesty”
(If you are on government programs but bending the rules don’t come with tainos on YU for what they are doing to get funding)
August 30, 2022 9:23 pm at 9:23 pm in reply to: Thank you for your love, best wishes and prayers #2119951smerelParticipantהמקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון וירושלים
smerelParticipant>>>Whatever it was, nobody observed any increase in anti-semitism on campus after that anti-Semite visit.
Did you think one visit would cause one? Even (particularly ) the most liberal colleges ban speakers who they don’t agree with their political views.
But lets take a more simple and comparable example to a single speech. Would you be OK with the American Nazi Party forming groups on college campuses all across America
smerelParticipant>>> I don’t understand what heter there is after the clubs began 22 years ago. Rabbi shechter, Rabbi Willig, and Rav Aharon Kahn should have left
While you can’t understand they of course do…
Why do they need a hetter to continue to teach someone because some toeava people are strong-arming the school?
YU probably wouldn’t hire a Rosh Yeshiva who has no college level secular education but if they did they would have no problem getting resumes from some of the most Yeshivish places…
smerelParticipant>>>One should consider whether any private university that received direct and indirect (e.g. student loans, tax exemptions, etc.) is allowed to ban an organization whose advocacy it disapproves of. Could YU ban a “friends of cheeseburgers” club?
YU isn’t looking to ban clubs and the toeva crowd did not sue them for attempting to do so. The toeva crowd sued them for not allowing any school facilities to be used for their meetings and not allowing them to PROMOTE or advertise their clubs existence on school property or use any other type of school resources. YU lost the case due to the sacred status given to toeva people by liberal groups.
Even from a totally secular perspective YU seems correct.
Say you have a (non-Jewish) college. There is frat group that does little other than smoking, drinking beer and partying all night. The school is unhappy with it’s existence and decides to treat it the same way YU wants to treat the toeva clubs. Even from a totally secular perspective shouldn’t they have that right?
Or say you have a group of religious people who made a secular college. There are a group of students who want them to make the school to actively promote beliefs and behavior that are antithetical to their religion (as opposed to just ignoring the students engaged in it) Shouldn’t freedom of religion allow them to refuse to PROMOTE that group?
smerelParticipant>>>Another is that we don’t know his intentions; why exactly did the Yemenite jews need help? Because they were poorer than Jews in tel aviv?
According to all neutral versions of history they needed because the Jews in Yemen were facing a difficult time. Over 80 Jews were killed in the 1947 Aden riots and many Jewish owned houses were destroyed, In 1948 there was an accusation that the Jewish community in Sa’ana had murdered two Muslim girls so all the community leaders were imprisoned. etc
Without going into the debates on the subject and even assuming the Zionist version of history is pure revisionisms, ask yourself the following question. Do you think that in the span of just one year over 95% of the Yemenite Jewish community (about 50,000 people) just picked themselves up and abandoned their homes and communities and country they had lived in for over 2,500 years to start a new life in a new country because a few (very , very few to be exact) Zionist representatives showed up and convinced them to move to Israel ? Or was there some other factors behind that decision?
August 25, 2022 5:50 pm at 5:50 pm in reply to: what advice do u wish you’d have received when you were younger? #2118654smerelParticipantTo answer indirectly the advice I wish I would received if shared here would probably be harmful to most of those reading it .
You have to live your own life and not base things on what is true for others. But that is such a vague statement that it should be of little help to anyone
smerelParticipantNo way Trump is going to jail. It doesn’t suit the Democrats purposes. If Trump were in jail (1)The Democrats would not him as the bogey man to revolve their whole party agenda around anymore and (2)it would galvanize Republican and independent voters who hate Trump to vote Republican anyway (3)would set a precedent that would land many Democrat lawmakers in jail as well.
Therefore the Democrats are just going to continue what they have done for past six years which is to tell us of how Trump is a major threat to Democracy , assure us that they have the information to send him to jail which is about to be made public. But never actually send him to jail.
smerelParticipant>>>Hageman was supported only because she was now a supporter of the BIG LIE.
Um… no. I’m guessing you are copying and posting your comment from some liberal website because no one familiar with the campaign could have come to that conclusion.
Hageman did not campaign on her views on Trump. You could passionately hate Trump and still vote for her because you agreed with the issues she raised during her campaign.
It was Cheney who campaigned on a platform of demanding absolute unquestioning loyalty to her view on Trump with zero allowance for nuance or shades of gray. And did not allow any other issues facing Wyoming to be a factor in her campaign.
No surprise that she lost so badly. I can’t stand Trump but would have voted for Hageman over Cheney any day.
smerelParticipantJackk. I won’t argue with your perception but I will say Cheney was the one for who the election was all about (dis)loyalty for Trump. Not Hageman.
Hageman for all her alliance with Trump did not run on the platform of “I’m Trump’s heir…I will keep the legacy of Trump etc.” She ran on issues that resonated with the voters in Wyoming that she could have stressed even were Trump to never have existed. Other than pure hating Trump what reason did Cheney give for anyone to vote for her?
People like yourself should realize that for all your faulting and claiming the Republican party is the party of Trump in reality it is people like yourself who are the ones truly obssessed with and willing to revolve all politics around Trump.
smerelParticipantI can’t stand Trump but few politicians were more deserving of losing than Cheney.
Had Cheney (1) given off the impression of conducting a good faith, fair, unbiased investigation and (2) show a tenth of the passion she shows for hating Trump for caring about her constituents she would have been reelected. Being that she didn’t it was a very well deserved loss.
Trump’s corruption does not make the J6 committee straight and honest . Nor do his personal faults make his opponents into tzadikim. Not even in relation to him.
smerelParticipant>>>Point of information: Ethel was later determined to be innocent. She was stitched up by her brother David
Zero sympathy for her here. She refused to talk during the investigation and trial to save the other communist activists she was dealing with.
Her brother David was recruited by her husband into the spy ring. His false testimony was based on what his wife claimed. (He claimed to have seen it himself when it was really hearsay from his wife who was a Russian spy herself)
So if you think you have a bad family just look at them…
smerelParticipant>>>One count against Trump now is espionage ! They can’t make this stuff up !
When it comes to Trumps more rabid enemies you can make anything up…
To paraphrase Trump: The New York Times can make up that Trump shot three people on Fifth Avenue and the entire media world will fly into outrage and the FBI will fly into action.
smerelParticipant>>>Why are there similarities between Hinduism and Judaism or in general Indians and Jews? etc.
Because certain truths are or were universally recognized. I can think of concepts a lot more central to Judaism than walking around going around 7 circles in the Chuppa that are also found in some other religions religions. It makes a lot of sense that those religions would have independently came to do/say the same thing. And it wouldn’t surprise me n the slightest in it was proven that such things were in practice/in writing before Mattan Torah. Do you expect that every mitzvah and concept in the Torah should be something that does NOT resonate with people and something that no one would ever think of their own as being the right thing to do/correct way the world works?
smerelParticipant>>>I’m fairly certain Garland, with extensive trial court experience drilled down fairly deeply on the scienter arguments of whether DOJ could demonstrate that Trump etc. etc. etc.
This is the standard circular logic that the media is using. How do you know the raid was justified? The FBI /DOG/Garland would not have taken such a dramatic step this unless it really needed to and had solid evidence for that
Not only does such an approach give carte blanche to the government to use unrestrained power to do whatever it wants against it political enemies
Moreover the Steele dossier, the FISA surveillance of Carter Page, the Mueller report, and the near endless web of implications and insinuations should disabuse any fair-minded person that the FBI deserves such a trusting mindset.
smerelParticipant>>>Didn’t he say, ” Anyone being investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be president of the USA”.
At the time he said it the FBI was still a respected government agency that was considered above making investigations for political motives . Today it no longer is.
And it wasn’t Trump who caused them to lose their good reputation . I despise Trump but still lost my respect for the FBI
smerelParticipantAnyone – and that includes me – who is online on Tisha B’Av is totally not in the position to be telling others what the right way to spend Tisha B’av is. There is zero question that Hashem would prefer someone watching some inspirational speaker over being here right now.
And, no, I don’t remember that before these speakers became the in thing that Tisha B’Av was a day of mourning, reflection and tfilla for the masses. The type of people who spent their Tisha B’Av that way are still doing so today. The masses who were not, are a lot better off having these speakers available.
Personal question for the OP, Other than going to shul and coming here to start this thread, how did you spend the rest of your day today?
smerelParticipant>>>Do we really know the grave site of Tziporrah, Yitro. Aharon Hakohen, Yehoshua?
Explicit posuk that Ahron was buried in Har Hahor in what is now Jordan. Where in Jordan is Har Hahor is not clearly known but the MUSLIM tradition that he was buried where he is believed to by some to have been buried is over 700 years old.
The posuk says that Yehoshua was buried in Timnath-serach but it is unclear where that city is today, let alone where in the city Yehoshua was buried
smerelParticipant>>>Lot’s wife? Gilgal? Shlomo Hamelech beams marking the Yam Suf crossing? Noach Teva in Turkey? Kever David?
No one visits Naoch’s teaiva but there is an explicit posuk saying that it landed on Mount Ararat so yes it’s location is known. Whether it is still there today is debatable
smerelParticipant>>>Mordechai and Esther today are still currently buried in Iran with the government allowing visitors to the site.
I’m not saying they aren’t but Mordechai is mentioned in Gemara Menochos as having been in Eretz Yisroel after the second Beis Hamkidash was built. Why would he have gone back to Iran/Persia afterwards? (I can think of many possible reasons but still I question if it is so clear that he actually did)
>>>Just in the last decade they have recently been trying to bring their kevorim to Israel with no Success.
Even for the purpose of bringing them to Eretz Yisroel who would possibly take it on his responsibility to dig up their kevarim?
smerelParticipant>>>Based on experience I can tell you this is not a true generality. And if you say it based on personal speculation, it might be motzei shem rah
How much experience do you have with anonymous donors?
How is it possible to speak motzei shem rah on a unknown antonymous group?
smerelParticipant>>>I get turned off when a wealthy fellow seems to be donating big money to a yeshiva/tzidaka/organization in a very public way.
Even assuming you would be correct I much prefer people give Tzedoka and get kovod than they don’t give as much. It is safe to assume that the anonymous baaley tzedoka don’t give as much. When was the last time you heard of a Yeshiva building or any other massive tzedoka donation that was made by an anonymous donor?
Moreover a guy who has his name on a building or some other kovod is announcing that he is a baal Tzedoka, come and solicit by me. An anonymous donor is avoiding the solicitors.
smerelParticipant>>>Sorry, current events is not called being fixated. It is daily in the news as the committee does it’s work and republicans who were the closest to the president testify to congress under oath.
Being fixated on one version of something that happened a year and a half ago doesn’t make it current events. It’s called being fixated on telling one version of something that happened a year and a half ago.
That applies to both you and the committee
smerelParticipant>>>What about John Kasich?
Amazing that because he hates Trump liberals believe that John Kasich is a man of principle as opposed to an opportunist jerk.
We’ll put aside that Trump was only candidate by the 2016 Republican debates to refuse to support whoever the Republicans nominee would be, but then when Trump became the nominee breaking that pledge and not supporting became an act of principle for Kasich
Kasich is the one person who could have prevented a Trump presidency. In 2016 when it was him, Cruz and Trump who were the only candidates left in the race, Kasich would have needed him about 85% of all future delegates to become nominee.(an impossibility) Therefore the Republican party begged him to drop out and not split the anti-Trump vote so Cruz would be the nominee. Kasich refused and Trump became the nominee without ever winning the majority in any state. Yet the Democrats still believe he is all principle and only motivated by country over party and not wanting Trump as president. As opposed to relishing in the honor they are giving him for claiming to have such motivations
smerelParticipant>>>What about John Kasich?
Amazing that because he hates Trump liberals believe that John Kasich is a man of principle as opposed to an opportunist jerk.
We’ll put aside that Trump was only candidate by the 2016 Republican debates to refuse to support whoever the Republicans nominee would be, but then when Trump became the nominee breaking that pledge and not supporting became an act of principle for Kasich
Kasich is the one person who could have prevented a Trump presidency. In 2016 when it was him, Cruz and Trump who were the only candidates left in the race, Kasich would have needed him about 85% of all future delegates to become nominee.(an impossibility) Therefore the Republican party begged him to drop out and not split the anti-Trump vote so Cruz would be the nominee. Kasich refused and Trump became the nominee without ever winning the majority in any state. Yet the Democrats still believe he is all principle and only motivated by country over party and not wanting Trump as president. As opposed to relishing in the honor they are giving him for claiming to have such motivations
smerelParticipant>>> I disagree with her on many issues but can’t help but respect her for standing up for truth, justice and the American way.
Do you really think she is doing it out of altruism or out of seeking admiring comments like yours , fawning media articles about her and the suggestions that she run for president that no one was making a year ago?
It’s possible that one point in time she was altruistic. At this point the power and honor has gotten to her head.
What does she have to offer anyone other than hating Trump?
When as widely predicated she loses her primary you can be sure she will be whining that it is all because she stood on principle blah, blah, blah. In reality it’s because why do the Republican voters in Wyoming need her for? For her to send out more subpoenas and be on more headlines?
If her message was “I have your best interest at heart and I believe that getting rid of Trump is one of them” she would probably get reelected. Her actual message is “I’m here to get at Trump. Who cares about the people of Wyoming and their best interests?”
smerelParticipantThirty years ago I would have preferred a Jewish politician
Back then a secular Jewish politician was more likely to identify with Jewish causes even frum ones than a non-Jewish politician. There were exceptions even back then NYS Senator Alfonzo Demato was a lot closer to the frum community than his liberal Jewish opponents . But on the whole it was true Rav Moshe Feinstein left his hospital bed to visit the hospital bed of totally secular Jewish NYS senator Jacob Javits as hakoras hatov for all that he did for K’llal Yisroel.
Today on the other hand, no way! Not only would I not be more likely to vote for a secular Jewish politician over his non-Jewish opponent even a frum Jewish politician is questionable. If it was a frum Democrat running against a non-Jewish Republican I would almost certainly vote for the non-Jewish Republican candidate.
smerelParticipantDid he have a hard life? Yes
Will Hashem take his past into account? Yes
As humans should we give him the death penalty anyway? Also yes
Only Hashem can truly judge people. We for our part need to be careful not to give free passes for people to harm others because of the difficulties they had in life.
smerelParticipant>>>What are Trump supporters gonna do now that Truth Social is a disaster and Twitter is not going to allow Trump back?
Don’t worry about them. They can always rely on people like you to faithfully make sure everyone knows some version of everything Trump said or did. Whether he actually said it or did it or not.
How on earth does a Musk-Twitter deal conversation start off with the main focus on Trump ?
What does Musk’s personal life have to do with it?
Do you know how common it is to back off from deals causing losses to the other side in the business world? I personally know someone who recently lost a quarter of a million dollars because he signed a contract with the government which backed out on him for political reasons so all the money he invested into getting his business ready to take on the contract was down the drain.
July 10, 2022 11:01 am at 11:01 am in reply to: Inefficient and Sketchy Non Profits / Tzedaka organizations #2104819smerelParticipant>>>I have a couple in mind, almost all don’t put out their tax returns like they’re supposed to and could be just cash cows for the one or two people running them.
If they don’t make their tax returns public how do you have this information about them? How do they keep their tax exempt status?
smerelParticipant>>>Most people love the person that the establishment hates etc.
Not really. In a functional society it is a certain type of person who hates the establishment and loves those who it hate it . They are anti-establishment because that is who they are personality wise . Not because it tells them what to do.
It is in a dysfunctional society (like the current US political situation) where so many people hate the establishment and love who it hate it.
smerelParticipant>>>There are many fanatical evangelical christian trump supporters who worshipped trump in a religious way since day one. etc.
Like so many other things about Trump I only hear that his supporters think that way from his enemies . I’ve yet to see an actual Trump supporter say such things.
I know you can find You Tube video’s of anything. End of the day I’ve never come across any actual Trump supporter who advocated such beliefs.
Then again I’ve never cam across any Trump supporter who is nearly as obsessed with him as some of his enemies are
smerelParticipant>>>Neo chasidis is trying to fight this, but who ever isn’t from an hasidic background wouldn’t want another culture to save their own.
Neo chasidis does not look to fight with anyone or anything. There are those who grew up chasidish who identify with neo chasidim and go to their shiurim. But they don’t recruit such people. Or anyone else.
smerelParticipant>>>Neo chasidus is ncsy but with beards and peyos
Not really. NCSY does not focus on Chasidish seforim.Neo Chasidus does
Neo chasidus is not well defined movement even according to some of those who teach it . They focus on incongruent Chasidish seforim of a certain variety (they aren’t into the Meor V’Shemsh or the Noam Elimech) but the they also add Pachad Yitzchok from Rav Hutner and Rav Kook into the mix.
They do not follow Chasidish minhogim and do not value growing breads and peyos. (Some of the neo-chasidus adherents do grow beards and long peyon but that isn’t a value stressed by the leaders of the movement )
NCSY does not stress a mystical component. Neo Chasidus does.