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The anti-Zionist claims about he Muslims having been such Tzadikim all the years are not true but this doesn’t seem 100% accurate either. There weren’t pogroms and the like in the Muslim countries as often as in Europe. (They did happen but not as often) Shuls were not routinely being turned into mosques etc.
What is the source for the claim that in the 1950s, in Yemen, 50,000 Jews were forced to convert to Islam. I googled it and couldn’t find it anywhere
smerelParticipant>>>Smerel, your way of reading the gemara would mean that the main purpose of sifrei tanach including iyov is written so that goyim should read it.
I’m in wonderful company. You misunderstand the Gemorah and you misunderstand me. I have no idea where you see what you are claiming I said that but to be clear. The Gemora asks as a question how anyone can think that the Neviem were not also written for non-Jews אַטּוּ כּוּלְּהוּ נְבִיאֵי מִי לָא אִינַּבּוֹ לְאוּמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם. The Gemora answers that Iyov is unique in that the entire sefer was (also) written in a manner that is for non-Jews עִיקַּר נְבִיאוּתַיְיהוּ לְאוּמּוֹת. You can possibly kvetch into the Gemora that it means that during their lifetimes their nevua was also (or primarily in the case of the other seven) for non-Jews but the written seforim of their nevuos were not meant for non-Jews bit there is is no way it can be understood as saying that Sefer Iyov is primarily ABOUT non-Jews like you do. Reread the gemora with Artscroll a few times if you still think I’m misquoting it.
>>>As for c’kohen gadol, avi quoted it and it’s not relevant, because it’s referring to a goy who keeps the 7 mitzvos.
Says who? Who made that a unanimous opinion? Is it all or nothing when it comes to the Shiva mitzvas? As an aside someone enrolled in this course is far more like to end up keeping the Shiva mitzvas than someone who isn’t.
I’m not posting further on this thread so you are welcome to have the last word.
smerelParticipant>>Smerel, I gave clear mareh mekomos in my first post. Look them up. Goyim who learn Torah are chayav misah.
Depends on the aspect of Torah. The Gemora Bava Kama 38A says
מִנַּיִן שֶׁאֲפִילּוּ גּוֹי וְעוֹסֵק בַּתּוֹרָה שֶׁהוּא
כְּכֹהֵן גָּדוֹל תַּלְמוּד לוֹמַר אֲשֶׁר יַעֲשֶׂה אֹתָם הָאָדָם וָחַי בָּהֶם
Based on that the Rishoniim distinguish on what he is learningThat is why it is a complicated sugya and without maarhe mokomos down to achronim in relation o this specie situation you are just hocking.
>>>Re, B”b 15b, it’s not saying that goyim should learn it, it’s saying that nevuah was said about them.
You are badly misquoting the Gemora. If the Gemoroa meant “about” it would say “al” or “Odos” If as you understand it to e saying that שִׁבְעָה נְבִיאִים נִתְנַבְּאוּ לְאוּמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם means that seven Neviem were sent about (but not for) non-Jews and that הָכָא – עִיקַּר נְבִיאוּתַיְיהוּ לְאוּמּוֹת
הָעוֹלָם means that Sefer Iyov was primally written about (but not for) non-Jews then you would have to say that people like Bilaam said his main nevuah about non-Jews (to who?) and that Sefer Iyov which does not discuss explicitly discuss non-Jews at all was primarily written about them. .smerelParticipantThe Gemora Bava Basra 15B says ?אַטּוּ כּוּלְּהוּ נְבִיאֵי מִי לָא אִינַּבּוֹ לְאוּמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם about the thought that the Neviem in Tanach were not talking to non-Jews as well.
I’m no posek and not endorsing the idea of a masters program teaching Tanach to non-Jews from a Jewish perspective but the Gemora does seem to clearly indicate that non-Jews are encouraged to learn Tanach. Who is supposed to be teaching it to them?
Unless you can prove with solid maareh mokomos that YU is clearly doing an aveira just bug off.
smerelParticipant>>>Rav Aharon Kotler ZTV’L, in Mishnas Rabi Aharon (Vol. 3, Hesped on the Brisker Rav) states that the essence of Modern Orthodoxy is the same as the Reform and Conservative. That is, change Judaism into something that more people will be willing to accept.
Then he wasn’t referring to most people who consider themselves modern orthodox because virtually none of them would say they ascribe to such a view.
smerelParticipant>>>From all the “sinas chinam” or “it ain’t different in xyz community” it would seem that no one has a good answer to OP’s question.
As the famous comment from the Rav Chaim Volozhiner goes “Questions have answers, answers do not” Meaning that if someone isn’t looking for an actual answer no one can give him one.
If someone is sincerely interested in understanding MO haskafa and how they deal with the questions asked in the OP they can be addressed. If someone isn’t you may as well focus on the sinas chinom and hypocrisy of the implied questions . Things are not so simple that they can be answered in the simplistic manner they are presented. They are like asking Can you be Yeshivish and wear a blue shirt and no hat? Can you be a Satmar Chosid but oppose women shaving their heads? Can you be a baal musser but only learn from musser sources that the musser movement did not stress learning? What was the mesorah that the musser movement used in picking the seforim and some of the concepts it would focus on?
smerelParticipant>>>R Kook and R Soloveitchik all learned in Litvish Yeshivas.
This is incorrect
While Rav Kook learned in Volozhin, Rabbi Soloveichick was never formally enrolled as a student in any of the standard Litvish Yeshivas. Not even in Brisk by his grandfather.
Neither of them ever claimed to be following the Mesorah of the Litvish Yeshivos
smerelParticipant>>>Does anyone know what the MO Mesorah is? Or how old it is? Who started it?
Depends on who you ask. Some would say that the Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin was the first “modern” MO institution so MO traces it roots to there. Others would claim that Rishonim like who were up secularly educated were haskaficlly MO so they trace their roots to them. Others would claim that RYBS from Boston and YU was the founder of MO. And others would claim…
You would get conflicting claims if you were ask about the current variations of many other movements as well. While no one disputes that the Baal Shem Tov was the founder of Chasidus, many would question how strongly he would identify with the current practices and haskafa of certain Chasdish groups today.
>>> And what are the commonalities that all MO Jews share?
The answer to that would depend on how you define MO. As above one can ask that about many other groups as well
>>>Is a Rabbi ever required to be consulted or is each person able to decide everything on their own?
No learned or deeply committed member of any frum community believes that each person able to decide everything on their own. MO included. Am Haartzim and apathetic people rarely have halacha shaalos. That isn’t unique to the MO world
smerelParticipant>>>It is an ISSUR DEORAYSA to cut your beard.
Am haartzus. It depends on how you remove it
>>>There is a well known story that a Bachur came to Rav Shteinman and asked if he could shave his beard. etc.
Baloney. In the pictures of Rav Steinman as a bochur and yungerman he didn’t have a beard either.
>>>The Chafetz Chaim wrote a whole Sefer against cutting your beard
More like a pamphlet. And as Rav Moshe Feinstein told someone who was trying to get him to oppose shaving due to that pamphlet. “I wish some of the people who tumult about growing beards would have a tenth of the Yiras Shomyin of the bocurim who were learning by the Chofetz Chaim. None of them had beards”
>>>A Rabbi by the name of Reb Moshe Viner wrote a two volume set with all the mekoros and letters of the Gedolim about cutting your beard.
I didn’t look at the sefer but I’m 100% confident it is limited to those who oppose not having beards. With a possible exption made for those who hetter for shaving was too well known to ignore. Along with a reason not to pasken like. I’m sure it doesn’t include gedolim like Rav Gustman who emphatically told my father during some anti shaving with a shaver tumult “shoin ah upgepasknta shaaola as mehn meg” (it has already been paskened that you may use an electric shaver)
smerelParticipant>>>I’m confused, does the court in Israel have the power to create new laws, or is it just like America where they just strike down laws?
Officially they can’t create new laws but technically they can. If a petition is brought to them claiming that the government is being unreasonable for NOT doing something they can and have forced it to act. Therefore they do have power to create laws. –
>>>My instinct as someone who likes freedom is that it should be as difficult as possible to make news laws
This is the actually the first time I’ve seen anyone argue in favor of the supreme court with an argument that borders on anarchy.
>>>I’m confused as to why people (especially what appears to be the conservative side) would oppose a strong judicial branch.
Unelected people who are accountable to no one being able to strike down any laws they want because they say it is “unreasonable” isn’t judicial review. It’s dictatorship
smerelParticipant>>>There are millions of Israelis who are vehemently against these reforms. They aren’t fascists or anarchists.
Opposing the reform in itself doesn’t make any a fascist or a anarchist (although as above the argument given for the opposition are pro dictatorship arguments) It is the manner that some have expressed their opposition that makes them such horrible people.
>>>When you shown this contempt and deligitimization for a significant portion of Israel’s population your contributing to extremely negative polorazation.
Had the people making these protests not had a long history of showing such contempt and delegitimization to those who support these reform they probably never would have happened.
Were the the supreme court not so clearly biased and reliably left wing (1) there wouldn’t be such a need to curtail some of its power and (2)those who are protesting wouldn’t care so much if happened anyway.
smerelParticipantWhile I could answer all the issues raised by the OP, I won’t. Not only that I will concede that there is some merit and truth behind what is being said there. I’ll even take it a step a further and acknowledge that there is truth and merit in some of the other criticism of the Yeshiva World not mentioned in the OP.
In fact whatever group you are part of you should realize that there is probably some truth behind the criticism other groups have of yours that you shouldn’t just ignore or assume they are wrong because you and your leaders know better.
Now back to Chabad. As a secular historian discussing the frum world of the 20th century put it. Chabad in the 1950s was unique among the frum groups that they were the only group who was only answerable to their rebbe and was willing to ignore the VEHEMENT opposition of other frum groups. This in turn led to serious problems among the movement which by the end of the century had raised their rebbe almost to the point of deification (R’L) L’havidil Rav Hutner in the 1950s also predicted where Chabad was heading because of the above assessment. I mention a secular historian only because he would be thought of as more neutral.
There is what to complain about Chabad even without the messianic and borderline deification of the rebbe. But admittedly when it comes to that you can brush it off by saying that other groups also have what to criticize, complain and say they are doing the wrong thing about. Those things however don’t push anyone behind the pale of Orthodox Judaism. The messianism and borderline deification of the rebbe R’L do. It’s absolutely unacceptable. It’s not a question of relying on non mainstream shittos in halacha or questionable haskafa . It’s a question of the Ikerey Emunah and Avodah Zora R’L. You just can’t ignore the vehement opposition of so much of Klal Yisroel when it comes to a thing like that.
smerelParticipant>>>They are fascists (ones who desire a strong government, under their control because they are right rather than because they have popular support, and opposed to democracy especially if the wrong people win the election).
That isn’t fascism. The far right and the far left BOTH support giving the government unrestrained power to carry out their agenda. If anything I would call them Autocracists which is the name for those who support dictatorships.
The arguments for the continued power of the court to strike down laws based on the reasonableness clause basically go as follows: The public can not be trusted to make the right decision through its elected officials so it need independent unelected judges to have veto power over the elected officials who will ensure they are reasonable and responsible . That is the standard pro dictatorship argument and belief that those who support dictatorships make.
July 24, 2023 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2210634smerelParticipantThere is little reason to rally around anyone who doesn’t look like they will win the nomination. Frum people only rally around primary candidates in situations where their vote may actually make a difference about who will win the primary. This is not one of those times.
(There was a fundraiser for Nikki Halley in Deal this Sunday but if she wouldn’t have had close ties with the frum community way before she decided to run that never would have happened)
The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office dropped the complaint against Christie, because they did not believe that an official misconduct charge can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The government investigation conducted later also reached the conclusion that Christie had no prior knowledge of the incident
smerelParticipant>>>Rabbi Krohn said that there was no golem as there was no mention of the golem in any writings until many years after the maharal was niftar.
That doesn’t prove anything. According to all versions of the Golem story it was a strictly kept secret at the time it existed. From the few people who did know about it was the SIL of the Maharal who helped make it. The way the story allegedly became known to the public was after it was found in that SIL’s private writings about a hundred years after his death. Therefore the question of “why wasn’t it mentioned/known?” doesn’t really prove anything
smerelParticipant>>>I’m sure there is a way of understanding the Gemara without saying that matter came to life without any internal organs.
Why is that difficult to understand? Are there no robots in human form carrying out some human functions and activities without internal organs? They came to being through mechanical methods and golems came into being spiritual methods but they are relatively similar in function despite lack of internal organs
smerelParticipant>>>Yserbius: That’s a very Chasidish answer.
It’s not. Rav Yaakov Kamentsky also expressed his discomfort with the golem deniers to someone I knew (a talmid of Rav Boruch Ber) . Not because Rav Yaakov Kamentsky was so convinced that the golem had actually existed. It was just the whole academic approach and discomfort with belief in the supernatural that motivates so many of the deniers that Rav Yaakov had issues with.
People who believe that someone of the level of the Maharal could make a golem whether they believe he actually did so or not usually would not care enough about the subject to write entire seforim on it. Just like they don’t write seforim on other debated legends or questionable well know stories.
That is why Rav Schach (and Rav Yaakov) were saying.
smerelParticipantCurious George is probably the worst in that area. The stories almost all revolve around him stealing and damaging people’s property, yet he is depicted as the hero.
smerelParticipant>>>Either way, any way you explain it, the Rebbe and/or the Riyatz seems to be saying that the story of the Golem is true.
Not saying otherwise but the evidence here is based on the perception of the Riyatz of what he saw in the alteneushul attic. By his own account it wasn’t the actual golem. Even had the Riyatz not gone into the attic of the alteneushul they probably would have felt the same way about the golem.
smerelParticipant>>>Regarding the story from the Riyatz, I believe there are sources which make it clear that he never said he saw it
There are many versions of that story. According to his daughter, Chana Gurary, he told her that he saw the form of a man wrapped up and covered. Which of course could have been anything that was wrapped and covered in that size and shape. According to the Lubavicther Rebbe his FIL the Rayatz said he saw “what remained of the golem” which is even less clear. Other versions say he refused to discuss it.
There are no even semi reliable versions claiming that he saw the actual golem the way it would have looked when it allegedly existed or that he saw it in uncovered form.
smerelParticipant>>>Just heard lately that the whole Golem thing is a fabrication of someone Reb Yudel Rosenberg from Montreal about 100 years ago.
Whether the golem is real or not isn’t something I’ll argue about but it certainly wasn’t made up 100 years ago in Montrea, Canada. Marcus Lehman who wrote his books about two hundred years ago in Germany makes a reference to it. Rav Yaakov Kamentsky who was a child over 120 years ago told someone I know that when he was a child everyone had heard of the Maharals’s golem. I asked my grandfather who grew up in the same period around a 100 miles away from RYK (a very far distance considering the limited communication) and he also said that in his place too everyone had heard of it
July 4, 2023 1:24 pm at 1:24 pm in reply to: Reason for the Spanish Expulsion & Inquisition: Secular Education #2205550smerelParticipant>>>The kefirah is believing in another, independent power besides Hashem.
Believing that Hashem gave people bechira to the extent that he does not restrain them even when they are causing an outcome he does not want to happen is not believing in another, independent power besides Hashem. Someone would have to believe that he CAN not stop them to be believing in another, independent power besides Hashem.
July 4, 2023 12:31 pm at 12:31 pm in reply to: Reason for the Spanish Expulsion & Inquisition: Secular Education #2205509smerelParticipant>>>The ramban doesn’t say that the mitzriim did so independently; he aays that they went beyond the gezerah of avdus, but there obviously is a new gezerah,
Where did you see that in the Ramban? He seems to pretty clearly say otherwise
וזה טעם דן אנכי שאביא אותם במשפט אם עשו כנגזר
עליהם או הוסיפו להרע להםseems to be clearly saying that they added on the gezera on their own. If there was a new gezara then what does הוסיפו להרע over the gezeira mean?
I’m not going into the whole question of whether the Ratzon Hashem that (a) should have bechira would allow him to harm (b) even when (b) wouldn’t have otherwise been harmed is a possibility or not. I’m well aware that there are different views on this and the sifrei musser take the view that the answer is no. You however seem to believe that saying the answer is yes is kefira. What are your sources for that?
July 3, 2023 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm in reply to: Reason for the Spanish Expulsion & Inquisition: Secular Education #2205322smerelParticipant>>> it definitely is kefirah to think that the fate of the jewish people depends on the bechirah of goyim.
Claiming that believing that goyim have the bechira to kill a large percentage of kllal yisroel is kefira needs solid mekoros for it to have any weight.
Do you believe that the Nazis did NOT have bechira? Do you believe with 100% certainty that had they done nothing everyone would have been killed and experienced that suffering some other way?
The Torah very clearly says that Klal Yisroel would be enslaved but the well known Ramban (Breishis 15:14 says they had the bechira to be more benign and that the MURDER of Jews committed by the Egyptians (like throwing the boys into the Nile) was something they had complete bechira over .. Among many other sources that would support the concept of goyim having bechira to decide the fate of a large part of klal yisroel like the case of the holocaust. There are Rishonim who give other reasons for why the Egyptians were punished but no one who argues on the Ramban and those who say like him so strongly.
What is your source for saying that believing that goyim have bechira to determine the fate of a large part of klall yisroel like the holocaust is kefira?
July 3, 2023 4:53 pm at 4:53 pm in reply to: Reason for the Spanish Expulsion & Inquisition: Secular Education #2205286smerelParticipant>>>I understand how survivors often are upset at the idea that the Holocaust was a punishment. We can’t judge people who went through that gehinnom. But what excuse to armchair philosophers online have? It’s total kefirah to say that suffering is just mikrah, pointless, random
You lost me here. How do you get from saying that the holocaust was not (necessarily) a punishment to saying it was just mikrah, pointless, random etc. I’ve never heard anyone express the latter view. The closest I’ve heard anyone come to saying that is saying the Nazis were people with bechira who used it the wrong way with the holocaust as a result. That certainly isn’t kefira.
July 2, 2023 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204938smerelParticipantPart of the reason why Chabad generated so much controversy is because they insist on inserting themselves everywhere. Including where they clearly aren’t wanted .e.g. Other groups don’t advertise their leaders yartzeit in publications read primally by non members and opponents. Of course the message in the publications meant for outsiders is very different from what is said in venues intended for internal consumption….
As a secular historian who got it very right about Chabad put it . In the 1950s Chabad developed an attitude of being accountable only to Rebbe. They were willing to do things over such vehement opposition of other groups that no other Orthodox group would ignore. As time went on this led to serious problems among the movement, most serious of which was the borderline deification of their rebbe.
My father still remembers how in the 1950s some of the elderly Chabad Chasidim who he knew and still respects, strongly denied Chabad would go down the messianic route .
smerelParticipant>>>The Rebbe often discussed the questions that were asked in the kovtzim, and clarified and answered.
If he felt like answering he did. And if he choose not to he did not. No one in Chabad was able to challenge him personally on what he said. No one asked him kashes on a shvera sugya or tosfos in a venue where he was being put on the spot. Certainly no one went over to him and asked him “how could you say …when…?” And I don’t mean question him a hostile way. I mean not even in the derech of talmidey chachomim discussing the sugya.
smerelParticipant>>>if you want to know about the rebbe, learn his 200+ seforim on all parts of torah,
בבלי, ירושלמי, מדרש,קבלה,חסידות וכוif you want to know about the rebbe read a sefer like Al Hatorah V’al Hetumrah or Im Nosi yechta . They have have avey nice synopsis of his writing along with “he’oras” .
The Rebbe was a very learned person but he did write anything on the daf and was not known to be a lamdam or an amkan. He did not speak ot people in learning. It was expected in Chabad that you accepted whatever he said. No one asked him kashes on it
smerelParticipant>>>So Mrs. Shneerson was fluent in Russian? Interesting, I thought she spoke Yiddish.
No one ever claimed that she and her husband weren’t fluent in Russian. In Chabad the many languages her husband spoke is a source of pride. She even corresponded with her father in Russian in the 1920s (presumably because it was easier to find a Russian speaking censor so the letters had more of a chance of getting to their destination that way)
Her primary language was Yiddish
smerelParticipantEven in Chabad I don’t think they claim the Rebbes wife worked for the NYPL system anymore. I’ve seen Chabad documentaries about her none of which make such a claim. She is now descried as “the quiet woman behind the scenes”
One general observation that comes from reading pro and anti Chabad books about the rebbe is that no one really knew him. Not just after he became rebbe. He and his wife were about 50 at the time, yet in all the pro and anti Chabad books about his activity before he became rebbe not one ever mentions any friends that either of them had. Plenty of people came in and out of his life in various business or academic type relationships . None of them claimed to have been personally friends. Or mention anyone else who was friends with them. No one had any stories of the rebbe attending a simcha because back in Russia…Berlin…Paris… etc
After he became rebbe it was even worse. He did not have any talmidim in the sense of someone who could discuss the kashas he had on what was said by the sichos with him. Even R’ Yoel Kahn was not free to talk to him without permission from his secretaries. Leibel Groner claimed that in all the years of being gabbai, not once did he ever initiate a conversation with the rebbe. Let aloe those who had limited access to him
smerelParticipantI’m not voting for Trump anyway but you can add on all the indictments and possibly convictions that you want and they still would not be my reason for not voting for Trump. If anything they would make me MORE likely to support him .
Trump’s enemies are no more honest or less corrupt than he is, their endless efforts to indict or convict him, frequently by means of outright falsehood if not crazy double standards, to a certain degree make him the lesser of the two evils.
That said I’m still not voting for him. If the issue is Trump vs. the Democrats endless efforts to indict then Trump is the better person. If the issue is Trump in general then he remains a first class jerk who can’t be trusted
June 4, 2023 2:20 pm at 2:20 pm in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2195527smerelParticipant>>>I left the MO world the day I went for my YU interview and saw posters of model’s hanging in the dorms. I realized you can’t be both a yeshiva and a university.
I’m not sticking up for YU or the MO world but in fairness and accuracy the type of people who hang up pictures of modelsin the dorm are probably not in the YU Yeshiva program anyway. They are probably either in The James Striar of Isaac Bruer program at YU neither of which claim to be a Yeshiva. Those programs justify their existence and lack of religious observance by SOME of their students saying that if we did not offer them this framework they would be in a lot worse environment (James Striar focuses on those who did not grow up frum and try to be mekarav them) Whether they are right or wrong or whether even if they are right, those programs should be located on a separate campus , is a different question but they don’t in essence disprove any validity to YU and MO
June 1, 2023 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2194882smerelParticipant>>>Could there be some sort of rabbinic board that connects the frum YU type and the Yeshivish Velt.
What for? Other than having members from both groups what other function would that rabbinic board have?
There isn’t any internal apparatus preventing a MO rabbi from becoming a member of Agudah if he wanted to. There isn’t any internal apparatug preventing a Yeshvish rav from joining the RCA either. There isn’t any internal apparatus preventing members of both groups from joining the hisachdus. The reason why they chose not to do so is why their won’t be such a rabbinic group either. The people involved have too much uncommon ground to be in a joint group without friction with other members ever coming up. Therefore better not to try to begin with.
There are venues that venues that representatives of Agudah, the hisacdus and the RCA all attend when there is clear common ground.
May 6, 2023 11:36 pm at 11:36 pm in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2187684smerelParticipantFor the past 150 years the chief rabbis of England have attended ceremonies in churches when the following two conditions were met (1)the invitation was coming directly from the office of the king or queen themselves and (2)the ceremony in itself was a secular one.
There are poskim who hold that the prohibition of entering a church is only during times of worship (minority view)
smerelParticipant>>>For those not sure that this is fair… Look up John Edwards. 10 years ago, John Edwards, a Democrat, had his Presidential campaign undermined for such behavior and then faced criminal charges in North Carolina over this.
No comparison between Trump & Edwards . Edwards paid one million to his mistress out of campaign funds and did not report it. Therefore he had the standard investigation into misuse of campaign funds that is common.
Trump for his part was using his own money from The Trump Organization. He booked it as legal fees. Even assuming that was incorrect that would only be a misdemeanor. Therefore they are claiming that is also helped and was a part of his campaign to drag felony charges into it.
Had Edwards spent a million dollars of his own money he never would have ended up in court.
(Another difference is that Edwards was using his terminally-ill wife and his alleged devotion to her as a campaign prob while fathering a child with his mistress during the campaign. Trump for his part never denied being a first class jerk. At least in his personal life . Therefore the intrinsic argument of deception and advancing your campaign with hush money is inherently a weaker case against Trump )
smerelParticipant>>>Are we going to pretend it doesn’t exist and hope it goes away or do something proactive?
Other than giving opinions what else are you volunteering to do?
February 7, 2023 1:24 am at 1:24 am in reply to: Quick Quote about Older Singles from Rabbi Zelig Pliskin #2163135smerelParticipant>>>They tell me things like: You should not be so picky!
(Do they suggest that I marry someone with whom I do not feel I will get along?)
“You might have missed your bashert!”
(Great! What can I do about this now?)The above is the famous opinion of the Steipler . I know someone who asked those questions directly to the Steipler himself. The Steipler answered that after enough years of going out and not finding anyone who you think will work out it’s time to realize that this isn’t working. The person should have their parents find a Shidduch who they think will work for them. Meet briefly to make sure there is no major aversion and if not just engaged.
Note the Steipler did not actually give this advice to anyone that I know. He was talking in theory. In any specific situation he may have said otherwise.
But the point remains. A person reaches a certain point where their continued refusal to get engaged to anyone they are meeting makes the risk of an unhappy marriage because their parents will make the wrong choice smaller than the risk of their not getting married or their getting married in ten years to someone a lot worse than who their parents would choose for them now.
February 1, 2023 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161689smerelParticipant>>>if she thought an attempted kidnapper was on the loose, even if her own son was safe, it certainly is a pikuach nefesh situation.
Falsely reporting someone for kidnapping is also causing a pikuach nefesh situation. Just imagine how this story would have ended if there didn’t happen to have been a video camera in the shul.
smerelParticipant>>>If you say you’re a racist and or against the American government you won’t have to serve
DON’T try this. The judge can decide that you are in contempt of court if you do. Then you are really in hot water.
January 3, 2023 6:41 pm at 6:41 pm in reply to: Differences between newspapers and Jewish news sites #2153690smerelParticipantBecause the newspapers hold themselves to a much higher standard of frunkeit than the online venues.
I can think of many think that online venues allow that the newspaper wouldn’t. Conversely I never heard hear of anyone getting chizuk from an online venue but I have heard people express that about certain newspapers.smerelParticipantOn a political and moral level I would place him along AOC because they both campaigned on similar lies pertaining to their background but not necessarily their policies. AOC campaigned on being “the girl the Bronx” when she really grew up in the suburbs (to escape the policies she tries to implement)
On a political and moral level I would also place him as high above Joe Biden whose entire essence of his campaign and self description was deception about who he is and how he would govern. Biden claimed to be a “moderate, a consensus builder who leans across the aisle who will restore civility to American politics and honesty and integrity back to the Oval Office”
And of course Biden also told the same type of lies about his background and experience. He claimed his house was destroyed in a fire, that he was a civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested (noting to be proud of) that he was an award-winning student who earned three degrees and many many other lies
smerelParticipantWhich yeshiva(s) did Yankel Feferkorn attend?
Where is he these days?
smerelParticipantThe question is discussed in the poskim including the CC Hilchos Shemiras Halashon 6:4. It is beyond the scope and the wrong forum to discuss this online so ask your LOR
One thing is certain however. Not only is venting Loshon Hora online not permitted doing so has a terribly destructive personal effect on the people who do so.
Say the question in the OP of “So, ideally, how is a Jew supposed to express their negative feelings in a healthy way?” were asked in a non-Jewish venue as “ideally, how is a someone supposed to express their negative feelings in a healthy way?” constructive people would not answer “start venting to other people all about some of the world’s problems that you have come across”
smerelParticipant>>>Your making a good argument. But there are even better arguments.
Without articulating what they are you aren’t really saying anything other than expressing a belief.
I’ve read many, many anti-Israel articles and pretty familiar with the anti- Israel view. Even so I’ve yet to see anyone even TRY to make an intelligent argument that Israel has the ability to achieve peace by giving in to Palestinians without in – best case scenario – taking serious risks to the lives of Israelis for a questionable commitment of peace.
smerelParticipant>>>For now forget the exact words Kuvult used.
No. Doing that I may as well ignore his entire post . Which reminds of some of the vitriolic bloodthirsty antisemitism I’ve seen anywhere .
>>>The point is, that one can be totally pro-Israel and still acknowledge the truth.
By “truth” you actually mean the opinion widely held by the anti-Israel crowd.
>>>And the idea that Israel might be in a weak position to defend itself, is not really true.
Why, do they do such a great job defending themselves against Gaza missiles that you want more and larger borders of that nature (I happen to still support the Gaza disengagement but the West bank is a very different situation)
>>>When you say that Israel has a right to defend itself, a proponent of a two-state solution can respond that Israel can defend itself enough from any invasion.
Missiles from Gaza aren’t an invasion. The pro two state solution crowds protests when Israel responds even to that. Just imagine if that were the case with all of the West Bank.
None of this however has anything to do with Kuvults post which was saying that people hate Jews because they have the nerve of not wanting to do something that they think can get them killed. Such antisemitic is usually something you only see on the most blood thirsty antisemitic sites
smerelParticipant>>>Modern, no one said everything was perfect before the zionists came, but it was nothing compared to Europe.
While the entire Jewish population of Eretz Yisroel was so small there were fewer people to start up with and kill. On a proportional level things were not better than in Europe at the time. They certainly couldn’t come close to how much better countries like say Germany were treating their Jewish residents at the time
smerelParticipantDear N0mesorah,
I’m clueless about what you are trying to say. Can you explain in terms that even I can understand?
smerelParticipant>>>can anyone give attention to the question, if pali got their own state,…Would it be better for Israel to give them a country in that case?
Look at the Lebanon wars and the Gaza wars for the answer to that question. There is no way Israel can just obliterate or even successfully win a war against a hostile neighboring country that is constantly attacking them.
smerelParticipant>>>Mdd, why did the arabs almost never bother the old yishuv, for centuries?
They didn’t? That isn’t the picture you get when reading about life in Eretz Yistoel in the 1800s. But of course when neither group had any interest in ruling there was less friction.
>>>The Arabs didn’t “start” it; foreigners came to their area and looked as though they were going to take over. The chalutzim started it.
By that logic the main Arab issue should have been with the British Mandate who indisputably came as foreigners and did – not just looked they would – take over
>>>It’s not “lefty” historians, it’s literally the government archives etc.
Not really. In any conflict you going to find ways to fault some of the behavior of some on both sides but no serious unbiased historian agrees with the “Arabs were minding their own business… the Zionists came… the Zionists then did… that you are trying to peddle.
>>>Why are you surprised that a group which killed its own, as in the altalina, and were said by rav chaim to he rotzchim in the 1910, would kill goyim unjustly?
Without going into the details or defending anyone they didn’t just open fire on a rival group because they were blood thirsty. Most countries would have acted similarly during the Altalena story. The reason Rav Chaim (allegedly) gave for calling Zionists Rotzchim would be true about most secular Jews. No reason to single the Zionists out.
>>>Why jump to defend them?
Because those who make these type of arguments are usually using them to justify murdering Yidden today over seventy five years later. As Rav Yakkov Kametsky said the Neturey Karta who run around doing Arab propaganda are Rodfim
smerelParticipantYou need to speak to someone in real life but based on the way you are describing the situation you should stop running after them and try to find others instead
The Gemara Bava Kamma 92B brings the following common expression קרית
חברך ולא ענך רמי גודא רבה שדי ביהIf you called to your friend and he did not answer you, throw a large wall at him
The expression actually means not to help those who spurns your offers of help and the Gemora points that there is a posuk saying the same thing but the literal meaning is also an important piece of advice. There is just a limit to how much you an run after people to be their friends. For now let things cool off and then see .
But as above you should ask someone in real life who knows the situation