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  • in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2268908

    >>>It’s also interesting how communities which minimize nissim and believe in “rationalism,” castigating Torah jews as backwards, and denying things like golems or stories of mofsim performed by tzadikim, are happy to accept nissim performed for a mixed gender army of mechalelei shabbos.

    Of course the converse is also true….

    In Satmar they celebrate 21 Kislev every year with total disregard for who were the one who arranged that “Nes Hatzlalah” Because they correctly perceive as being done on behalf of the Satmar Rebbe and not the people who they passionately hate who arranged it . Ditto when anyone else see nissim in Israeli wars. They see it as on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

    There however certain militant secularists and atheists who refuse to see Yad Hashem. They have ood company in some of the anti-Zionist zealots.

    Saying that “whoever thinks our victory in the six day way was because God intervened on our behalf is mistaken, it was all our superior strength and planning” is no more acceptable haskafa when coming from Yitzchok Rabin than when coming from Yakov Shapiro in The Empty Wagon. The difference is that Yitzchok Rabin was a tinok shnasba speaking to other tinokos snisbu. The Empty Wagon is meant to influence the frum world…

    In the antizionist propaganda literature that I saw dropped in shul a few weeks ago there was the claim that the Israel stays around in these situations because of the Sitra Achra . Rav Shlomo Lorincz wrote in B’Mictasom that he asked the Brisker Rav what he thinks of that approach. The Brisker Rav said that it is ASSUR to say such things because it attributes to much independent power to the Soton over Ratzon Hashem.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2268925

    >>>According to the Satmar Rav ztz’l miraclles cam originate from both sides. The eigel did not come from kedusha.

    It’s one thing to say that the Soton has small time power in this world. Saying that he can control world events and major events affecting klal yisroel in a miraculous fashion sounds like Polytheism R’L. Which is universally considered to be kefira. See my other comment about that the Brisker Rav (whose antizionist credentials were impeccable) said it is ossur to say such a thing

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267797

    >>>I’ve been in basically every anti zionist circle around; it’s just not true. Perfidy is the icing on the cake, but it’s not the reason why anyone’s antizionist.

    I never said it was the reason anyone is antizionist.

    I said that one of the many hypocrisies I saw in the antizionist groups was the reverence and unquestioning belief they accord to the book Perfidy when had the author written on any other topic pertaining to the Jewish world it would have been banned reading by them and something they would have unquestioning rejected as not true if they don’t like what it said . Similar to the way they do relate to the response of the people he accuses in the book. And that is just one EXAMPLE of the hypocrisy and lack of concern for the actual truth I saw which pushed me out of the extreme antizionist world.

    I’m still not a Zionist. But I also came to realize that there is a lot of bad haskafa in what the antizionists write.(Their reverence for the book Perfidy is benign compared to some of the other haskificly questionable positions they take) And their propaganda does motivate many of their followers to engage in wrong behavior

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267716

    >>>Smerel, I’m as anti zionist as they come, and i have never seen anyone put ben hecht on a pedestal or praise him.

    On a personal level, no, they don’t praise Ben Hecht. On a theological level his book is considered the ultimate unquestionable truth. I grew up reading anti-Zionist propaganda and the book was frequently referred to. To this day the Natruna website of Yaakov Shapiro and his ilk (currently Torah Jews) sandwiches Perfidy between their haskafa seforim that are available for download. As in two links down from something written by Rav Elcohonan Wasserman. And one link above Yirmiyahu Cohen (a major theoretician of theirs) That is how much parity and value they give to it.

    It goes without saying that although the people accused were alive at the time that Perfidy was written and their side of the story is easily available no hint of it, let alone a refutation, is ever given in anti-Zionist literature.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267605

    Ben Hecht admits to nothing. The book is limited to accusations about others. For things Ben Hecht was not even a witness to. The extreme anti-Zionist crowd puts him on such a pedestal and he is so central to their belief system and ideology because they seem desperate for validation coming from mechalel shabbos and koferim. . (Ben Hecht is very far from the only person who this is true about)

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267592

    >>>In fact, the Zionists caused the Holocaust and also contributed to it, as the gedolim noted and, liHavdil, secular writers as well.

    This comment focuses on the end of that sentence

    One of the many, many reasons I became so disillusioned with the extreme anti-Zionist haskafa I once believed in was the hypocrisy I saw in it’s theoreticians and propagandists. One of their many hypocrisies was that they viewed anything coming the secular world as completely off limits. Yet when it came to Zionism that haskafa and belief of their was out the window.

    A book like “Perfidy” written by a mechalal Shabbos b’farhesia and a Zionist to boot was treated with reverence almost as if it were a haskafa sefer written by a gadol hador who agreed with their haskafa. (For the most part they had no problem making fun of Gedoley Torah who didn’t agree with their haskafa) Had the author written on any other topic it would have been banned reading. Had he been making claims about anything they weren’t interested in believing it would have been dismissed out of hand because you can never trust such people. But since he wrote what they wanted to believe it was treated with total reverence and unquestioning belief.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267563

    >>>this is a part of why zionism is bad, that it costs Jewish lives. There isn’t a safe way out of the distress that the zionists put us in

    Blaming the Zionists for the situation “they” put “us” in even if true (1)has no practical relevance today and (2)is not so different than the belief that gave birth to the Zionist movement to begin with which was “if we only we had a state of our own we would put a stop to the mass murder of Jews” that was then going on the world.

    Both of them largely push Hashem and the hasgacha of Klal Yisroel and even the historical patterns faced by Klal Yisreol out of the picture. Both of them think “listen to us and antisemitism and murder of Jews will be a thing of the past”

    I know some will say that murder of Jews in Israel today is Hashem’s punishment for Zionism . When you will explain why Hashem would punish people for something done way before they were born that they have no option or ability to change, maybe I’ll consider that as a valid haskafa.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267405

    >>>The problem with these discussions is everyone has their preconceived notions and cherry picks Pieces mamarei chazal to fit .

    I have read a lot of anti-Zionist propaganda .Some opposition that I agree with. Some is a legitimate haskafa or political complaint even I personally do not agree with the conclusion. There is however one very important component that I have never seen in any of the anti-Zionist propaganda written over the past sixty years: Anyone even TRY to make an intelligent non emotional argument that Israel has the CURRENT option to give into the anti-Zionist demands without at the at least the very heavy risk of a Jewish bloodbath afterward.

    in reply to: R Soloveichik on girls education #2265609

    >>>Rav Aharon Kotler ZT’L said many times that he will not enter YU because it is bad. His son, Rav Schneur ZT’L, followed suit

    Baloney! Rav Aharon Kotler ZT’L was in YU borrowing seforim from their library. His name and identify is clearly written on the library cards which you can find on line but this site does not allow links. I heard from a SIl of ss son, Rav Schneur ZT’L in an ANTI YU speech that his scver was in YU trying to get them to hire a certain Lakewood talmidim as a rebbeim

    in reply to: R Soloveichik on girls education #2265610

    >>>The ‘oh really’ was in reference to your immature conclusion behind the edit. If you knew the truth, you’d be embarrassed you said it.

    Now you REALLY sound like a high school kid

    shkoyach, your unsolicited opinion is warmly received.

    in reply to: Minister Gallant Assures U.S. No Jews Will return To Gaza After #2257813

    It isn’t true that Jews can live wherever they want in the US. Technically and legally they may be able to live where ever they want. Safety wise they certainly can not. There is a reason why Yeshiva D’Harlem closed down and why Chaim Berlin did not move to East Flatbush after starting work on their building and why Brownsville which was once called the Jerusalem of America is now Judenrein. Etc.

    And at least in those neighborhoods the people who choose to live there are only putting themselves at risk. Living in Gaza is putting unwilling others at risk too.

    As long as we are in golus there will be places that Jews can not live in. Including in Eretz Yisroel. You may as well complain about the parts of Lebanon that are halachically Eretz Yisroel where Jews can’t live either.

    in reply to: Silence from the intellectual left #2256441

    It is true that covid was overplayed and a lot of “following the science” just meant follow my power hungry opinion but those who downplayed covid also cost many lives. Ridiculous as some of the measures ostensibly put in place to avoid Corona were, those who flouted rules and precautions did die at a lot higher rate than those who ignored them.



    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2256059

    I personally would not eat something so unhealthy but for those who do they can probably rely on Shomer Pesaim Hashem to eat it.

    Speeding when driving and breaking other traffic laws would probably be a much more serious concern when it comes to halacha and health

    in reply to: Upcoming showdown: Democratic Convention #2251325

    Even if the Democratic party does endorse the “D.E.I” platform favoring discrimination for favored groups and an endorsement of Hamas’s demand for genocide of Jews, most secular and liberal Jews will continue to support them anyway.

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248329

    For all those who are sayin they would want to be a Shabbos goy when was the last time you were walking or driving down the street and were happy to stop to walk into some random strangers house to do something for him that you are so sure you would like be asked to do so repeatedly?

    On a related note the proprietor of the “Shabbos guy business” in Lakewood said in a recent interview (that was clearly looking to drum up business) that as a teenager growing up in Lakewood he and his friends did not like that the frum community avoided then all week but all of the sudden Shabbos were calling them into their houses asking for favors

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248104

    Nobody ,Jew or non-Jew, likes changing demographics resulting in their group being a diminishing presence in the area and some other group that doesn’t share their interest or political values taking over.

    That said it also depends on where and what the concern is. I understand the resentment in a place where the frum community is rapidly growing and demanding changes to the budget and zoning to accommodate them. In a large urban area where even if the frum community does take over one neighborhood they still won’t be a big enough voting presence to cause any changes to the lives of the people living just a few blocks away from them, the resentment is not justified.

    in reply to: About Yahya Sinwar #2245902

    Mr Kuvult

    May I remind you and everyone here of YOUR deep assessment of the issue here on YWN. I haven’t forgotten it becuase as I said then and repeat now it is from the most vile and antisemitic comments I ever seen on the blog world. And I’ve seen many vile and antisemitic comments on the blogworld

    Here is your “brilliant” assessment

    >>>Indefensible borders from who? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan & Egypt have neither the will nor capability to go to war with Israel. The Gulf States have no interest in war with Israel. The Palestinians with some automatic rifles & crude rockets are a non threat. The only threat is Iran 1,100 miles away giving Israel plenty of time to react before they get near Israel (& truth be told Iran really has no interest in a war with Israel.)
    This is what bothers people about Israel (& Jews). Israel is the undeniable Superpower in the region where this time instead of a 6 day war it’d be max a 3 day war with a total victory for Israel. Yet we’re crying to the world like Israel is on the verge of being destroyed & people resent that.

    Going down the wrong street

    in reply to: Rally in Washington #2242036

    >>>Zionism is a clear issur from the gemara (shalosh shavuos)

    Even assuming that is true, what falls into the category of zionism/shalosh shavuos is certainly not a clear cut issue. Not in the Gemora and not in the Rishonim and not even mentioned in Rambam or Shulchan Aruch

    >>>everything that anyone argues is a legitimate machlokes, no matter of the consensus of rabbonim etc.

    The differences between what make someone a Rav or lhvdil a reform rabbi is not an issue of consensus at all. Do you know what it is?

    In my experience people whose relationship to Torah and mitzvahs is so heavily influenced by their view on Zionism (pro or against)that it is a part of their identity usually are willing to bend Torah sources to fit their biases on the issue


    For the same reason there is usually a 7:1 Palestinian versus Israeli ratio of deaths during the fighting.
    Palestinians are far more willing to suffer and die and send others out to suffer and die for their cause than Israelis are. Hundreds of Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails is only a problem for them in the context of less fighters. Hamas is never under any pressure to get their prisoners freed from the prisoners families, whereas the Israeli leaders are always crazy intense pressure to get the hostages freed. Therefore Hamas has the upper hand in the negotiations which it exploits to the fullest.

    I’m not saying the exchanges are the right thing to do. I’m just saying why they happen

    in reply to: Speakers by rally #2240023

    >>>The Zionists misuse/abuse the Torah when it suits their propaganda purposes. That’s normal for them.

    That is also true about their more extreme opponents

    >>> their first leader, David Green, did so as well

    Actually when he was alive the more extreme anti-Zionist was always complaining about why he never mention Hashem or Torah (though they had no problem with sucking up to non Israeli secular Jewish politicians who were guilty of the same) Now that the Israeli prime minister does frequently mention Hashem and Torah their partly line changed to he distorts Torah . What they remained consistent about is that they still have no problem sucking up to non Israeli secular Jewish politicians who are guilty of the same.

    in reply to: Rally in Washington #2240026

    Even assuming the opposition to the rally of those Rabonim and Roshey Yeshiva is the final word on this issue, those quoting them online clearly do not have those motivation for opposing it


    >>>That’s not how we fight a war. We fight by sitting in the Bais Medrash and crying Tehillim.

    Nu, So how much more of that have YOU been doing since the war started? I’m not disagreeing with you. I just don’t get the sense that those most of those who oppose the rally on the grounds of “we fight by more learning and crying Tehilim” are actually doing so to any great degree. There are in fact many people who are doing so. But they aren’t the ones who are hocking online about how this is not the way we do things

    in reply to: Rally in Washington #2238744

    Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin spoke for over thirty five minutes about the importance of Teshuva, Tefila, more learning, more Bein Adam L’Chovery due to the matzav. Interspersed in that he also spent two minutes against the rally. If you are seriously acting on what he said during the other thirty five minutes. Wonderful. Chazak V’Amatz. But if you aren’t then Rav Sorotzkin has nothing to do with why you aren’t attending.

    in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238437

    >>>the Ribono shel Olam is a Democrat
    He is the Malbish arumim, someich noflim, zokef kifufim.

    He doesn’t do so by taking away money from unwilling third parties. He expects histadlus from those who aren’t on a very high level of bitochen. etc.

    in reply to: Eric adams is a corrupt mayor and nyc is a corrupt city #2238434

    Eric Adams may be corrupt but realistically speaking for a NYC Democrat he is about as good as you can get so no need to look for fights with him.

    in reply to: CNN headline #2235458

    Most charity warehouse aren’t open free for alls .Why should these warehouses be?

    in reply to: Chasing the elusive unicorn #2235456

    In my opinion much as these people want to get married they would still prefer to be single over marrying someone who they do not believe to be ideal for them. Deep down they know they are being unrealistic and have limited chances of getting married with these stipulations. They would still prefer that over someone who isn’t their ideal

    in reply to: moving from Jerusalem to Cleveland – TIPS please! #2235451

    If you know so little about Cleveland , have so few contacts there and apparently no job waiting for you there that you need to ask about all this online before moving why are you limiting yourself to Cleveland?

    in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2235262

    I’m not sure if this is a troll question or not so I won’t answer it than to say thanks to modern technology, namely the Internet(Yes, Internet), there’s so much easy to do averos available. As a result of these innovations, people across the religious spectrum are doing averos every day, more so than the previous generations, is there a question why there may be more troubles facing Jews?

    in reply to: Israel is going to do nothing #2234360

    There was never any chance of a massive ground invasion last week or the week before. The amount of traps, hidden tunnels in front and in back, the amount of Hamas training for this battle vs. the Israeli amount of planning etc. would have made it impossible. Even when the news was saying again and again that it is imminent I knew it would not happen then.

    For the ground war to start Israel needs (1) a weakened Hamas infrastructure from the bombings and weakened Hamas fighters from the siege (2) Hamas can not be on alert like they certainly were over the first two weeks (3)intelligence needs to be discovered (4) serious planning needs to be done. Even then they probably won’t do an all out invasion. They will probably try to locate specific targets to destroy that can’t be destroyed from the air and retreat right afterwards.

    in reply to: The Israel Pogram of 2023 Jewish Massacre #2233853

    The anti-Zionist movement, which once criticized the Zionist movement for thinking that if there would be a state of Israel and a Jewish homeland then we would be free from antisemitism, has to go a great degree adopted their view in reverse, thinking that if there would NOT be a state of Israel and a Jewish homeland we would be free from antisemitism.

    The Posuk in Tehillim of כִּֽי־ עָ֖לֶיךָ הֹרַ֣גְנוּ כָל־הַיּ֑וֹם נֶ֜חְשַׁ֗בְנוּ כְּצֹ֣אן טִבְחָֽה predates the Zionist movement by thousands of years and has been a constant in golus . Yet I see the more extreme anti-Zionists talk as if had the Zionist listened to them such a thing wouldn’t exist.

    in reply to: When will Netanyahu accept responsibility #2233402

    >>>In a well functioning democracy, a leader who presides over a catastrophic security failure leading to the deaths of more than 1000 civilians would accept responsibility for it and offer to resign.

    Not true. Bush didn’t resign after 9/11. Roosevelt didn’t resign after Pearl Harbor. etc. Leaders rarely resign after some disaster happens. The exception would be if (1)there was an intrinsic reason why they should have known, like they were warned or (2) The disaster was clearly the result of some prior action they took.

    If leaders resigned over catastrophic security failures than the leader of any democracy that gets attacked by some other country would have to resign afterwards.

    in reply to: The End Game for Israel #2232614

    >>>The Zionists always believed that anti-Semitism was a reaction to what Jews did (dress differently, worship differently, value different classics, etc.

    Actually it’s the oppisite. Zionism was born by the Dreyfus trial. Herzl was a reporter there. Seeing the obvious antisemitism against Dreyfus, a French artillery officer who like Herzl was so removed from anything having to do with Judaism religiously and even culturally caused to him realize that antisemitism is NOT a result of Jews acting differently. After the pogroms in Odesa, the bastion of assimilation that idea started picking up speed. With the Zionist conclusion that the only ways Jews no matter how secular can be free from antisemitism is they have their own country.

    In either case Zionism has been dead for decades already

    in reply to: “Are you Gri’bben” #2232504

    >>>Binyan olam was written by Rav Chatzkel Levenstein Zatzal.

    It was also rumored to be written by someone who gone to work and was trying to get others to go the other way. A sefer like Binyan Olam that claims there are more chiyuey krisosos than those that are mentioned in the Mishna, Gemora, and the Rambam is upgefregt. Rav Chatzkel Levinstein would not have written stories about the Belzer Rebbe in a sefer of his.

    in reply to: The End Game for Israel #2232216

    What is the end game was asked ever since Israel came into existence. B’Derech Hatevah it no longer would. In this particular situation their end game seems to be to keep fighting and squeezing Gaza until the residents of Gaza themselves no longer have any interest in Hamas keeping up the fight. End of the day even Hamas could never survive without popular public support. There is a limit to how despotic they can be inside Gaza and still live off donations and arab and liberal sympathy

    in reply to: A simpler time #2232215

    >>>The majority of Israelis were living it up.

    Um…no. The majority of Israelis were NOT living it up during the gulf war. Even the anti semitic New York Times claimed otherwise when describing the situation in Isreal. For that matter I don’t recall any Americans fasting or doing Yom Kipper kottons during the gulf war either. The most I recall was everyone lighting candles five minutes early on ONE erev shabbos due to a made up rumor that Rav Schach had said to.

    >>>People went out the next day after their own brothers were just killed. They don’t think like you. Silly Americans freak out more than the Israelis.

    What choice was there? Stay home and starve to death? Go crazy from staying in a one room house for an indefinite amount of time? How well followed was the covid lockdown in America after a few weeks? That was much less restrictive.

    in reply to: “Are you Gri’bben” #2232206

    amircan yeshivish

    I’ll only comment on the disputed ones and will try to avoid loshon hora and machlokes but as someone over 45 I know the answers to almost all

    (3)It was only said to be three in my days, then two others were added after they got divorced. And no, not every shidduch that RBS was shadchan for ended up in divorce.

    (7) It’s question of whether some bochurim went to the rebbe for a yartzeit or for Shavous. Either way he retraced his resignation. According to Reb Moshe Pivovitz from the few people to have learnt by Rav Schach in Karlin to still be alive ten years ago, most of the Yeshiva was not chasidim to begin with

    (10)Binyan olam was written anonymously for good reason. They say Rav Hutner threw it on the floor when he first saw it. Alleging authorship to someone would put that person into question in general

    (13) Probably no one. Toras Chabad is too vast for someone to learn all of it unless he learns it on a daily basis. Rav Hutner was a chavrusa of the Lubaivtcher rebbe in Toras Chabad before he became rebbe. He then become a strong opponent of his . Of note the Lubavicher rebbe has no other known chavrusa

    in reply to: Goodbye, Bibi? #2231036

    Mr Kuvult

    May I remind you and everyone here of YOUR assessment of the issue here on YWN. I haven’t forgotten it becuase as I said then and repeat now it is from the most vile and antisemitic comments I ever seen on the blog world. And I’ve seen many vile and antisemitic comments on the blogworld

    Here is your “brilliant” assessment

    >>>Indefensible borders from who? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan & Egypt have neither the will nor capability to go to war with Israel. The Gulf States have no interest in war with Israel. The Palestinians with some automatic rifles & crude rockets are a non threat. The only threat is Iran 1,100 miles away giving Israel plenty of time to react before they get near Israel (& truth be told Iran really has no interest in a war with Israel.)
    This is what bothers people about Israel (& Jews). Israel is the undeniable Superpower in the region where this time instead of a 6 day war it’d be max a 3 day war with a total victory for Israel. Yet we’re crying to the world like Israel is on the verge of being destroyed & people resent that.

    Going down the wrong street

    in reply to: “Are you Gri’bben” #2229584

    I’ll start but first I’ll say that these questions are really geared to a younger crowd. In my days the questions were like “which three people are not in the famous picture of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Shanghai becuase on principle they refused to be?” I only know what was the hock in my time. Anyway here goes.

    (1)Any Rosh Yehiva under forty who learned in Lakewood would be a former Rosh Chabura there

    (3)To long to list but start with the Roshey Yeshiva over 65 under 85 and you will easily come to 15

    (5)Please enlighten me and with details. When was this offer given? Which Chabad branch? Do you mean the offer to the Ponivitcher Rov which was given over a hundred years ago? This is intriguing because I can’t picture Chabad after 1951 offering Rosh Yeshiva (not magid shiur) positions to any Litvish yeshivish Rosh Yeshiva

    (9) I don’t want to rehash old fights

    (11) Actually you mean Rav SHAUL Brus. Not Rav Shmuel. The answer is the Kanareck brothers

    (15) Not sure where this comes into Yesivish hock but standing up for a talmid chochom or zoken can only be done when initially sitting

    (18) Degel HaTorah was started in 1989

    in reply to: Biden or Trump #2227153

    A plague on both their houses. They are both horrible people but as of this writing the polls based on the electoral college alone show Trump as winning.

    I think it’s 50/50. This election is unique that both sides aren’t even pretending to have any platform other than pouring vitriol on the other guy and party. Both parties and candidates are doing a great job at proving that the other side is correct with it’s accusations. They are not doing a good job at anything else….

    in reply to: False Claim about Jewish History #2222460

    Rav Hutner writes that he once told the a kibbutz gathering in the 1950s “Your grandchildren will either have (somewhat) returned to Torah or not be living in Israel. ” That does seem to be what happened to a large degree.

    Now take all the other anti-frum groups of the 1950s. Name a single one who that could have been said to as a correct prediction about where their ideology will lead to . If their grandchildren today are Jewish at all they are probably even more anti-frum. And anti-Zionists to boot.

    in reply to: False Claim about Jewish History #2222340

    Very few people who were frum beforehand went OTD because of the lure of the Zionist movement alone. Had the Zionist not existed they would have found some other OTD movement to join.

    For all their faults and personal opposition to religion, the Zionists did not run around preaching abandon Torah and join us. There are plenty of movements that did that you barely hear about. Because most of the anti-Zionists are only interested in fighting with those who they can accuse of being Zionists. They don’t seem to have any interest n fighting other groups who acted and continue to act worse. They have no problem giving kovod to members of the the latter groups when it suits their purposes. They certainly never initiate conflict with them.

    in reply to: Going local for Mesivta versus out of town #2221235

    I don’t know about Monsey but Lakewood and certainly Brooklyn are not facing any mesivta shortages for Litvish Bochurim who don’t want to go OOT.

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220953

    >>>I choose to listen to people who are more religious,

    Making a living off being vitriolcy anti-Zionist doesn’t make you more frum. As the Satmar Rebbe put it “anyone who wants to can become a kanoi overnight”

    >>>because even if they’re biased, they’re airing on the right side

    If they are too extreme and emotional about the issue they very likely are NOT on the right side. I’m sure Shapiro didn’t bother informing you that Ponevich fly’s the Israeli flag on Yom Haaztmut, Rav Shach used to daven in a shul that said Hallel and Yom Haatmut (he himself never said it but he didn’t walk out in protest either and by far of most importance, Rav Shach strongly felt that Shapiro’s group and their ilk are the cause of a lot of the hatred to the frum world in Israel due to their endless standoffish and confrontational behavior with secular Israelis. I go with Rav Schach and the many other Gedoley Torah who felt that Shapiro and co are doing the WRONG thing.

    >>>The biases of a person who wishes to further Torah and minimize sin is better to me than that of leftists

    Having read Shapiro’s book it has nothing to do with Torah and minimizing sin. It has to do with propaganda and trying convince you that secular Israelis today are collectively responsible for the attitudes and behavior of people who are long dead. If he is going to plagiarize from the Chazon Ish the title “The Wrong Battle” would be a far better title for his book than the one he choose.

    Rabbi Shapiro is a brilliant person with so much to offer the frum world. In times like today when Yiddishkeit is under attack from all sides, there is so much he could accomplish for the frum world and Torah.Had he written a 1300 page book against the CURRENT enemies of Torah and their ideologies he would be from the strongest spokesman for and defenders of Torah Judaism in our time. His former website, frumteens, was a lifesaver for some. Tragically he closed that website down and chose to use his talents and energy to fight people and ideals that are long dead. Chaval!

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220915

    >>>So you should speak to the Rabbonim shlita giving these horrible shiurim and give them a piece of your mind

    Very few of the many Talmedey Chachmim I’ve met talk that way.

    It’s primarily the proselytizers for hating secular Israelis (but of course no other secular Jews, they give plenty of kovod to anti-Torah secular American Jews when it suits their purposes) who talk that way. I hear from them via their students who continue their proselytizing so I respond to their students. Not to them

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220834

    >>>definitely heard it from the author of the Empty Wagon

    A rule in life is not to trust people who are in the business of pushing an agenda…

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220646

    >>> Rav shach would daven everyday for the peaceful dismantling of the state.

    What is the source for this statement?

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220254

    >>>So you really want me to stick my little head between them – between Rav Amram Blau, zul’zein gezunt, and between, let’s say, Rav Chaskel Abramsky, who’s not Neturei Karta?!

    Neither the Neturei Karta today nor the people who they fight against are the same as what the situation during the lifetime of Rav Amram Blau was.

    And the Neturei Kara was controversial back then too. See what Rav Yosef Elyah Henkin had to say about them at the end of Kisvei Rav Yosef Elyah Henkin. And that was even though he agreed with them that frum people should not vote or be in the Knesset.

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220196

    >>>The Israeli army and the whole Zionist enterprise is the biggest chillul Hashem that exists in the world today

    Do you really believe this? Do you think the Reform movement (which is mostly anti-Zionist these days) and openly preaches fighting against Torah M’Sinia to people who actually are going to synagogue and somewhat looking for Torah in their lives is something Hashem prefers over “the whole Zionist enterprise” (whatever that is) and it’s ostensibly neutral stance on religion and it’s funding for Yeshivas and kollelim? Why?

    in reply to: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army #2220193

    >>>Awareness of the rishus of a Zionist and his hate for Charedim.

    How do you define Zionist?

    I’ve heard and seen enough of those type of shiurim in life to know that a secular Israeli could just as easily give a lecture called “Awareness of the evils of a Charedi and his hatred towards us.”

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