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  • in reply to: Memorial Day #2286275

    I think frum people should be showing hakaros hatov. Years ago I used to make it my business to attend memorial days parades and thank the veterans. In Dorash Moshe there is speech given by Rav Moshe Feinstein in honor of July 4th. Today a similar speech on July 4th from a major gadol would be unthinkable.

    But it’s not only the frum world where the attitude of appreciation to the US has changed America has become so polarized, there is so much anti America sentiment among the non-Jews that memorial day is little more than any other secular holiday like presidents day that is just ignored in the context of having meaning by everyone Jew and non-Jew alike.

    48 year the US centennial was a major celebration year. (look at the quarters) In two years from now is the Semiquincentennial (250 years of the US) There are no plans for celebration. There are no bipartisan committees (remember those) working on making it a memorable event.

    The frum world is not going to show more appreciation than the non-Jews do

    in reply to: Are we praising the same people we are shocked by? #2286005

    First of all the OP is using the standard logic common among anti-semites. If some Jews did something wrong then it must be that the “Jewish community” is guilty of it.

    Secondly, no, my blood does not boil after seeing someone who you can be almost certain was aware that he should not be there walk into a crowd of police in riot gear getting knocked to the floor. Where else in the world would a frum person do something similar? You act like an idiot you get treated like one. The fact that people like him went to Meron shows that even they with all lack of respect for the law and safety they do not believe that you a religious Jew, are an object to be smashed and kicked, given the chance. Otherwise they would have stayed home.

    You provide zero evidence to say the police and the IDF are all the same. But I’ll end with this thought. even a Rosha like Achav was praised by Chazal for self sacrifice in a battle to save others. Even though he was told by the novi not to engage in that battle to begin with

    in reply to: Understanding Lag Baomer #2285954

    >>>It’s the same mindset that leads to any sort of conspiratorial thinking.

    Quite an ironic comment coming from someone like yourself

    People like yourself who believe that the alleged then prevalent Greek thinking had an influence on Birchas Hasacher or that Lag Baomar was most likely not Rashbi’s birthday as this tradition seems to be based on nothing more than a typo are openly believing in and promoting conspiracy theories…

    in reply to: what do you think of daf yomi? #2285952

    I no Lubavitcher but I understand the point of view of the 6th Rebbe about Daf Yomi. I heard from elderly Chabad Chasidim who actually knew him that he did not advocate it because he felt that the mass learning of Daf Yomi would replace the type of learning that had been the common approach for hundreds of years in Eastern Europe. There were different groups for people of different abilities and inclination. There was a chevra shas, a chevra mishnoyis, a chevra ein yaakov, a chevra halacha etc. etc. He was uncomfortable with the promotion of the mass learning of Daf Yomi which (would have) replace(d) those groups. On the flip side he did not oppose Daf Yomi . Had Daf Yomi been another group associated with Chevra Shas he would have supported it. He never said his concerns mentioned above publicly because then people would (incorrectly) say “The Lubavitcher Rebbe opposed Daf Yomi”

    Even though his concerns may have been valid in the 1940s today the chevra shas, chevra mishnoyis, chevra ein yaakov, chevra halach etc. are anyway long gone. If someone feels he will accomplish more by learning something other than Daf Yomi, then he should go ahead and do so. But the intrinsic concern the 6th Rebbe had is no loner relevant

    As far as the 7th Rebbe and his approach goes … I’ll repeat something else my friend father was once told by the 6th Rebbe. “Chasidus can bring a person to very high madrogos but only if he keeps himself tied down to this world by learning gemora, rashi and tosofos” Enough said

    in reply to: Understanding Lag Baomer #2285517

    >>>whatever “anti-torah blogs” you are referring to, they likely don’t have much of a market for those who aren’t initially acquainted with the concepts they are dismantling.

    And they have even less of a market among those who are actually acquainted with the concepts they are attempting to dismantle. Their target audience is those who have vague knowledge but no actual in depth knowledge of what they are discussing.

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2284093

    >>>Smerel, NK might not do kiruv (i have no idea if they do or not) , but their presence and their dress might serve as examples for these kids that you could be super religious and fit their twisted political agenda

    If anything the NK presence on college campuses and elsewhere is a replica in the US of their shmad campaign in Eretz Yisroel. Take a guy name Adam. He is a sincere Jewish student with a strong Jewish identity and some sort of interest in following Judaism. IOW the target group for campus kiruv. He like most people in his demographic is deeply disturbed over Jews being killed in Eretz Yisroel and Arab terrorists. He sees Jews with long beards and peyos ,who to him look like the epitome of Orthodox Jews, coming out in support of those murderers and their goals. Is he now going to be more likely or less likely to be interested in Torah True Judaism?

    Now take Adriana. She is a completely secular Jew whose only reference to her Judaism is when she says “As a Jew I condemn Israel for…” Her only connection to Jewish groups are anti-Israel groups. Her perception of Judaism is some sort of Tikkun Olam which means whatever is written on the op-ed pages of the liberal publications. Which of course requires her to be anti-Israel and pro-Palestine . As above I was told by two people involved in campus kiruv that such people don’t go near them other than for possible harassment purposes. Adriana sees Jews with long beards and peyos ,who to her look like the epitome of Orthodox Jews, coming out in support of Palestinian Nationalism and saying exactly like her that “Judaism” requires them to support Palestinian Nationalism. They make no other reference to Judaism. Will that interest her in Torah True Judaism or will she say that since even those Jews equate Palestinian Nationalism with Judaism that must be what Judaism really is ?

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2283599

    >>>unfortunately their campus rabbis are typically modern orthodox or chabad, which make Israel advocacy and hasbara a huge part of their kiruv.

    I know two campus rabbis both of whom say (1)they avoid all political conversation (most kiruv organizations try to) and (2)other than harassments they have never seen any interest from students who are involved in anti-Israel activity.

    >>>I’m talking about the less than 10% of college jews who are not pro israel; they are a considerable population. And if NK makes even one of them interested in authentic yiddishkeit, then that’s a positive.

    The NK has zero interest in Kiruv. Even they don’t claim anyone became interested in Torah because of their promotion of Palestinian Nationalism and claiming that is Judaism. On the flip side they have been engaging in a campaign of shmad even since the state of Israel came into existence. Their behavior makes Torah true Jews seem so detestable who can know how many people they have turned off from it R’L? Simple proof. Take me personally. Some of the zealots here consider me to be a Zionist. (I don’t consider myself to be one) ) How did I become one when I grew up in a very anti-Zionist background? The answer is that having lived in Meah Shearim for three years and seeing the behavior of extreme anti-Zionists.

    Or to quote Rav Shlomo Pappenheim (spokesman for the Edah Hachereidis) “Violence on our part causes hatred of chareidim which turns into hatred of our religion and eventually leads to hatred kiveyachol of the One Above. … I can say unequivocally that a chiloni who gets hit by a stone on Shabbos is never going to do teshuvah.”

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2283200

    >>>Agreed there’s nothing that can be conclusively drawn from his quote. Except that these sentiments were wellspread and their inclusion can be attributed to their time/place

    I agree that YOUR sentiment and the sentiment of your teachers on the blogs you plagiarize from are to be attributed to your/their time and place.

    When it comes to Chazal absolutely not! Had those blogs been around in the time Chazal were actually living they would be writing against them for NOT subscribing to and coming under the great enlightened and educated non-Jewish view . Like some living at the time actually did.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2282947

    >>>Diogenes Laertius lived about three hundred years before the gemara that gives us the version that is now in our siddurim

    This is of course plagrized from an apikorsus blog.

    The Tosefta which first mentions making those brochas predates Diogenes Laertius.

    The reliability of Diogenes’ sources has been questioned, even by secular scholars . Do you believe Diogenes Laërtius claim that when Diogenes of Sinope committed suicide he held his breath for a few days until he died? Or do you go with the teretz that he had several breath holding sessions until he caused himself enough brain damage that he died? Even the believers who give that answer are clearly saying that not everything coming from Diogenes Laertius is to be taken at face value. And in this case he himself explicitly says that his source is just hearsay ( hundred of years later)

    In general the sentiment found among academics that if the Torah says something but that sentiment is also found by non-Jews of the time there must have been some non-Jewish influence is nonsense. Some sentiments are universally believed at least at certain times. The fact that Torah and lhavidl say some Greek philosopher both said a similar concept just shows that the idea resonated even in other cultures. Not influence ch’v

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2281632

    >>>If not for NK, all jews would get blamed for everything Israel does that the world disapproves of.

    Why? There are plenty of vitriolically anti-religious secular Jewish groups who have identical views and act identically to the NK when it comes to Israel. They loooooooove saying “As a Jew followed by some NK view about Israel” Why not give them the credit?

    Say there was an American Arab group who was as anti-Hamas as the NK is anti whatever Israel does. Not only that , they also ran around protesting everywhere screaming loudly the propaganda and rhetoric of the far , far , far right in Israel. Many Zionists would love them like antisemites love the NK. But by being so inflammatory and adapting the rhetoric of the far , far , far right not only would they cost Arab lives they probably cost Jewish lives as well.

    We have no such groups causing such results . The Arabs have the resoyim from NK. Lo B’Chinom holacha hazarzir etzel horev

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2281303

    >>>The anti semites, who hate us all anyway, now have to think twice before killing us, or attacking us.

    How does telling a bunch of anti-Semites who will hate us anyway that they are right and doing PR for them cause them think twice before killing us, or attacking us? Maybe we should have sent a delegation to Hitler to tell him that we support him too?

    Explain this in simple terms that even I can understand

    >>>I know many anti semites, personally, who have expressed support for anti zionist jews because of NK

    How do you have a personal relationship with so many anti-semities? Everyone loves a traitor defecting from the other side and tells him that he is the good guy unlike everyone else in his former group. Himmler YMS also talked about how every German has his “good Jew”. And unlike the NK those good jews weren’t Moisrim and malshinim like the NK is

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2280833

    >>>The difference between the Zionists who attended that Zionist rally, vs. NK bringing to the gentiles the Torah’s indisputable message that Zionism is not Judaism etc

    The “difference” that you are claiming boils down whether you believe the resoyim from NK claiming to being motivated by Pikuach Nefesh concerns or whether you believe the exact same claim coming from those who went to the rally. (Which included many anti-Zionist talmidey chachim)

    I don’t believe anything will change your mind or assessment on the issue so I will limit my comment to saying , Proselyting to non-jews about your views on Torah opposition to Zionism does not require adopting and encouraging Palestinian nationalism, chanufa and PR to those who want to kill Jews like the NK Resoyim are proudly guilty of ,

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2280417

    The Neturey Karta resoyim WERE at the Pro Israel DC rally. They were the only group of Palestinian nationalists that were there.

    You don’t ask questions on the NK assuming there is any type of Torah based chesbon for what they are doing. Whatever they were 30 or 50 or 70 years ago (there is a difference between what they believed and preached in all those time periods), at this point in time, they no longer even bother claiming to be a Torah haskafa based group . They are Palestinian nationalists. Their website is pure militant Palestinian nationalism, their rhetoric is straight party line Palestinian nationalism, their references to Torah are only made in an effort to encourage Palestinian nationalism etc.

    The Satmar Rebbe (Rav Yoel) was well known to have opposed making any joint efforts with non-Jewish anti-Zionist groups. As one close Talmid of his told me he was there when someone broached the ideas and The Satmar Rebbe emphatically answered “Chalila to do such a things!!!” I used to think that it was only because of what rotzchem most non-Jewish anti-Zionist groups are. I now realize another reason why it is such a terrible idea: Torah haskafa needs to be exclusively Torah based. Once you start making common cause with non-Jewish groups to advance an haskafic issue it is only a matter of time until that group will start having a heavy influence on you and your haskafa. Particularly when they are giving you money and honor like the NK receives. That is how and why the NK ended up what it is today

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278886

    >>> But in Eretz Yisroel more Jews have been killed in the last 75 years than in any time in history since the Churban Bayis Sheini.

    That doesn’t seem true. Of course when Eretz Yisroel was desolate and almost bereft of Jewish inhabitants very few Jews were being killed there. Which was the situation for the majority of the time after Churban Bayis Sheini. But when there was a significant Jewish population there was plenty of persecution. For example

    More Jews died in Churban Beitar than in the entirety of the existence of the State of Israel. That was more than 50 years after Churban Bayis Sheini

    Rav Sheria Gaon and Rav Hai Gaon say that the persecutions in Eretz Yisrael at the time of the compiling of the Yerushlami, were so intense that the halachic discussions ended abruptly and did not reach their complete conclusion. Therefore we pasken like the Bavli over the Yerushalmi


    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278302

    >>>He can keep his chezkas kashrus, but the story in which the Satmar Rav is quoted saying something he never said, to which the Brisker Rav replied that you can’t say

    The way Rabbi Lorinzcz wrote it he never attributed anything to the Satmar Rebbe to the Brisker Rav to begin with . He attributed is as being a general Satmar view. It certainly was a Satmar view to attribute Israel’s successes to the Sotton. I’ve heard it many times from those who align themselves with Satmar

    Although over the past few years ago some of them seemed to have shifted and taken on the kocey v’potzem yodey approach to explain it instead

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277943

    >>>Rabbi MP Lorincz quoted that from him, as I recall. That’s the same Rabbi Lorincz who misreported to the Brisker Rav

    Oh, of course. When Rabbi Lorincz is being quoted to you about what the Briker Rav told him it must be true.(I read what he wrote about his encounters with the Brisker Rav in his autobiography and don’t recall any such quote) When he himself is talking to the Brisker Rav himself he misrepresented the truth…

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277797

    >>>the Brisker Rav famously stated that “the State they have managed to achieve is the greatest victory of the Satan since the sin of the golden calf”.

    The Brisker Rav never said such garbage. I learned in Brisk for three years. I heard endless anti-Zionist sentiment but I never heard any Brisker claim the Brisker Rav ever said such a thing.

    I did hear that sentiment from other anti-Zionist zealots and that sentiment is basically creating a new religion out of their hatred for Zionism. Yeruvem Ben Novat making ACTUAL idolatrous cows and forcing people to worship them, Menashe burning every Sefer Torah in all of Eretz Yisroel, the churban of the first and second beis hamakdash etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. nu nu that still isn’t as bad as the state of Israel . Because the issue for those who say such things is their hatred for Zionism. Not Torah. It’s not about Torah anymore. It’s only an independent hatred for Zionism that can cause someone to believe such a thing

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277795

    Many years ago I read an article in an atheistic science magazine analyzing how was it possible that the 39 scud missiles shot by Iraq at Israel during the gulf war caused so little damage. It was a real scientific analysis contrasting general times scud missiles were shot at similar distances to places with similar population density and similar defense systems and the intrinsic power of a scud missile to cause damage. As a science magazine they acknowledged that the results should have been very different based on the factors involved . As an atheistic magazine they attributed it in part to random good luck. Even though such publication don’t usually believe in random good luck. That article belongs in The Empty Wagon but ch”v to consider it Torah Haskafa

    in reply to: A Little Bird is Calling- wriiten by Malka Saks. #2277643

    >>>song is factually incorrect, Vultures only attack carrion not live prey.

    The song says befaeirsh that the little bird is wounded and can fly. Vultures do attack wounded animals . And it’s only turkey vultures that do not usually attack live prey. Black vultures attack live animals too

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277555

    >>>Itchie Meir levin was not a “rav.” He was an askan…..Reb Yaakov never said such a thing. It’s laughable that a gadol would change because of a simple observation, not that that was ever the discussion to begin with.

    Rav Yaakov wasn’t bigger than Shmaya and Avtalyon and what does the Mishna in Edoyus say about them changing their mind because of what they herd from two lowly (on the social ladder)people?

    But I’ll let you explain it. Why indeed when Yidden re killed is it attributed to Hashem and when they are saved is it attributed to the Sotton?

    In general Rav Yaakov was no follower of the Satmar Shito on Zionism. To put it mildly.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277514

    >>>The CIA predicted the Israeli victory in ’67 before the war started, almost to a tee how it played out.

    This is baloney. I tried very hard to find this on the CIA website like I was told I would. It wasn’t there. Nor anywhere else either. The only source I could find for such a claim other than a certain anti-Zionist propagandist who told me I would find it on the CIA website was a clearly fake website pretending to be the CIA. I did however find an interview with one of the CIA men who was involved in assessing the situation at the time . He said the unanimous assessment of everyone in the CIA at the time was a six week war if Israel attacks, and an eight week war if the Arabs attack. With somewhere between 10,000 to 30,000 Israelis killed r’l

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277502

    >>>The Satmar Rav ZY”A went further in pointing out that although the Zionist victories in their wars were conventional military victories, which is simple fact, Hashem did give the Satan permission to fool many into believing the Zionist lies and propaganda about those victories being miracle

    This is about as contradictory of a belief as you can get. If the victories were really such conventional military victories then they would be regarded as such even outside of both Satmar and the militantly atheistic anti religious groups who claim they were. How did the Satan have the ability to fool anyone because of them?

    in reply to: A Little Bird is Calling- wriiten by Malka Saks. #2277298

    >>>Was this the Malka Saks a”h (a well known Shadchan), who was married to R’ Boruch Saks from Yeshiva of Staten Island?


    Malka Saks a”h who was married to R’ Boruch Saks was only about five years old in 1947 when the song was written

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275483

    >>>Yankel, the zionists caused the Arab threat. Let them handle it on their own

    First there is almost no one alive today who can be accused of having “caused the Arab threat” even by the logic of the anti-Zionist literature and propaganda.

    Second the halacha is that we are mechalalel shabbos even for someone who is sakana because of an attempted suicide effort. Can you have a greater it’s his own fault and he put himself in that situation as a result of an attempted avaira than that?

    Third the Mishna and Gemora etc in Taanis that talks about gaysos makes no such distinctions about why the enemy soldiers are coming to the “other” cities and why they may be at fault.

    There is a lot more to say but I’ll suffice with saying that this type of sentiment is from the many, many things that led to my disillusionment with the extreme anti-zionist views I once had and led me to becoming an opponent of that group

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275343

    >>>The stories about rav aharon in mishnas reb aharon were told by talmidim and nobody came out and said there were glaring mistakes,.

    Mishnas Rav Ahron does not have stories, the person who allegedly made the mafia contact was Irvin Bunim , his son Amos Bunim, insisted that the story can’t be true because his father had no mafia contacts. A grandson of Rav Ahron Kotler also told me there is no credible source for this story. I do not have any haskafa issue with the story being true

    >>>I doubt the askanim who arranged the satmar rov’s ticket were aware of what kastner had done to procure that train.

    Some of the Zionist leaders accused in Perfidy made that exact same claim of ignorance (and many other lines of defense) about themselves in relation to their behavior during the holocaust. And they were a lot further removed from the scene.

    >>>If the interaction would be one-off then yes, but we’re talking about being entrenched

    What is the halachachic criteria and basis for “entrenched” ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275268

    >>>Smerel, rav aharon Kotler dealed, in fact, with mafia people to get money to save Jews in Europe.

    Even assuming that story is true it has no comparison to what the Satmar Rebbe is being accused of RAK (allegedly) was looking to save people’s lives and turned to the mafia for help. No one was hurt in the process and the mafia was not helped in the process . What the Satmar Rebbe is being accused of is that there was a murderous deal being made with Nazis. When he heard about it he and his chasidim ran to the one making the deal and offered them money to get in on the deal too.

    You can argue that the deal would have been made anyway so there was no issue with them buying their way in. That is no different than saying the knesset and the state of Israel will be there anyway. Let us do what we can to work with them for the sake of Torah

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275222

    >>>Smerel, that’s not hischabrus.

    Even if it isn’t (I’m not conceding on that point ) UJM is accusing the Satmar Rebbe and his Chasidim of what is akin is buying their way into benefiting from what is lot worse than a mafia deal. If they have no problem dealing with and benefiting from such people and such deals when it suits their purposes then they can also do such things when it comes to dealing with the Israeli government for the sake of Torah today too.

    Even the Edah Hacheridis own haskafa literature concedes that they would accomplish a lot more for Torah and the frum world if they took the approach of the Chazon Ish who (among other ways he differed from them in how to deal with things ) said that being in the knesset for the sake of Torah is not hischabrus l’resoyim.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275100

    If Kastner really had everyone fooled that they would be taken by the trains to work camps and released at the end of the war (which was imminent) why did Satmar Chasidim get involved with such haschabrus l’resoyim and buy tickets for the Rebbe to join him and all the other Zionists on that train?

    As an aside my wife’s great aunt who was neither a Zionist nor wealthy was on the Kastner train. How she managed to get on it remains a mystery but people like her and many others who I can think of who are on that were on the train certainly indicate that the train wasn’t overwhelmingly dominated by Zionists and the Kastner family


    If I have a strong enough opinion about something that I would post repeatedly about it on the coffee room then it is very unlikely anyone is going to tell me something that I do not know or a viewpoint that I did not hear before that will change my mind. Nor do I believe there is any chance of changing the minds of those who have strong opinions on the topic who I’m disagreeing with.

    There is however a chance that both I or or they or some of the readers may moderate their opinion as a result of these conversation.

    There are some posters who I don’t respond to because they are either trolls or too emotionally tied up in the topic to talk to. Others I actually want to hear their view even if I won’t agree.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273985

    >>>When have you ever distinguished between Satmar and the modern day NK?

    This question wasn’t directed at me but I’ll answer. While I’m strongly opposed to the more extreme anti-Zionist groups I definitely do distinguish between (1)Brisk (2)Satmar (3) The NK. With Brisk it’s an haskafa I don’t agree with but I have no issue with them having it (as long as they aren’t obsessed with the topic-but that would be true about opposition to any group, nothing to do with Zionism per ser) With Satmar I do have issue with some of what they say and do but it remains within the realm of an haskafa I disagree with. (3)The current NK are absolute rashoyim

    The above said, one thing is indisputable, The NK is an outgrowth of opposition to Zionism. So are many of the secular vitriolically anti Torah and anti-Zionist secular Jewish American groups . If you go with the anti-Zionist ideology which ascribes quilt to all Zionists even for the actions of people who are long dead, then all anti-Zionists are responsible for those groups too. Particularly the NK.

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273462

    >>>Simcha, the chazon ish and others explained that when a girl is forced – not voluntarily – to leave the reshus of her husband or father

    I don’t understand that explanation. With what is she in anyone else’s reshus by doing some civilian position volunteer work? Sheurus Lumi girl sleep at home, choose where to volunteer, and technically aren’t really forced to sign up to begin these days. How is that being in someone elses’s rshus?

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273436

    I do not support sherut leumi but I’ve never heard an intelligent explanation of why it is so terrible other than have emunas chachomim , the gedloim said it is .wrong. WHY it is so wrong and so inherently different from say jury duty is something I do not understand. (this is assuming there is an actual pressing need for national service. Not the government insisting on it to show who is the boss,, which my have been the case in the early days of the state of Israel)

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272332

    >>>am curious re the seven words quote from r ch shm ?

    I’m not going to say it on an online forum because I know it will misused afterwards. All I will say is that it was a very good quote illustrating both what is wrong with not following the Chazon Ish’s haskafa that the more extreme Zionists are fighting the wrong battle today and what motivates them to continue doing so

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272347

    >>>RShach had actually a very negative view of Peres.
    He even refused to meet him during the eighties and nineties.
    As opposed to Rabin who did agree to meet.

    I highly doubt Rav Schach ever met Yitzchok Rabin who was a lot more secular and had a less interaction with the frum world than Shimon Peres.

    Rav Schach’s view of Shimon Peres in the 1990s does not detract from the hakaras hatov felt to him in the 1970s. Or any subsequent time either. If there were a secular politician today who strongly championed the cause of not drafting Yeshiva bochurim, few people would feel hakoras hatov to him, the kanoim would hate him anyway. Back then things were different. Even members of the American moetzes went to to Moshe Dayan to personally thank him for having fought that Yeshiva bochurim should not be drafted

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272166

    >>>rav shach received a lot of criticism from brisk for changing the yeshiva world’s policy

    I’m not going to post it here but the seven words from gemora (a unrelated and non haskafa sugya ) that Rav Chaim Shumelvitz quoted in response after being told that he is being criticized in Brisk for not going along with their view on the state of Israel is something you should really know if you are concerned about that criticism

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272163

    >>>What Rav shachs understanding of the differences were is beyond my understanding; i have emunas chachamim that he saw a significant change which permitted joining the government.

    It is inaccurate to ascribe the change exclusively to Rav Schach. (see below) It was the unanimous decision of the Moetzes to join Begin’s coalition in 1977. And due to change in status quo they were making they asked the American Moetzes for outside approval first. Which was quickly give to them. The reason for the change was simple. They realized that they were dealing with a different situation. It shouldn’t be hard to find a Jewish Observer online from that period that will explain it to you further.

    According to Menachem Porush, Rav Schach was actually from the more resistant members of the Moetzes to joining Begin’s coalition. He insisted he would only do so if there was no chance of Shimon Peres making a coalition anyway. Because Shimon Peres had consistently opposed drfting Yeshiva Bochurim over the years and Rav Schach felt the Charieidi world owed him hakoras hatov

    It’s also inaccurate to claim that the Charidie world did not take cabinet position until recently. Reb Itche Meri Levin was the minister of social welfare in 1948-1949.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2271573

    >>>Satmar isn’t responsible for every idiot who quotes them wrongfully. Acknowledging it itself is an issue; they’re not a PR firm. Agudah doesn’t speak out when it’s cast wrongfully in the media either

    You can be sure that if some very high profile politician misrepresented the Agudah position in a public policy speech they would correct him. And Audah isn’t nearly as aggressive as Satmar when it comes to informing the non-Jewish public about what their opinions on issues relating to Israel iare.

    >>>The rabbonim who backed away from the major israel rally a few months ago also said that demanding things from America is not the way we behave in galus.

    That isn’t correct. Some felt that the gathering itself was not a place for their followers to be. No one had issues with asking for American support for Israel in time of war. And again Satmar is way more aggressive than Agudah when it comes to public demonstrations and making demands from politicians

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2271339

    >>>“Ubiq, do you think the chachamim would have fought the romans when they went to meet them? ”

    This question wasn’t addressed to me but it seems very clearly that they would have . Chazal say that when Rav Yochonan Ben Zakai saw that those who were supposed to fighting in defense were cooking straw in boiling water for nourishment he said “could they possibly win over the soldiers of Titus ?” He therefore went to meet Vespasian. It is pretty clear that he was not opposed to their fighting per se . It was he realized it was a lost cause any way he tried to get the best deal possible.

    On another note the resoyim from the Neturei Karta frequently misuse that Gemora as a justification for their being such malshinim, and mischaber and msichazek rotzchim of klal Yisroel. It is a nonsense comparison. Rav Yochonan Ben Zakai did not run a PR campaign for Titus and Vespasian, he did not enable or condone them in any way whatsoever, He basically met Vespasian under surrender terms and tried to get whatever he could for klal yisroel. The Neturey Karta for all the damage they do never ask for anything on behalf of Klal Yiroel. It’s all about their own money, kovod and achzrorius

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2271124

    >>>In the okd yishuv of yerushalayim, say during the time of rav shmuel salant, people went to the kosel unfettered.

    That is only somewhat true. The site was under control of the Wakf who did not allow Jews to do anything that implied they had ownership . In 1840, way before the Zionists came around they already forbade the Jews who wanted to do so from paving right in front of the Kosel. There are other reports in Jewish newspapers written before the Zionists of Jews being beaten and harassed on their way to or at the kosel. The major fight in 1911 over whether Jews can bring chairs when they daven at the kosel was not a fight with or because of any Zionist groups.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270983

    >>>Manufacturing was able to support more jobs in tel Aviv and would enable more German jews to come. Kibbutzim were ideological goal but didn’t create enough productive jobs, limiting lives saved.

    In order to create manufacturing jobs you need to have the raw materials, a saleable product and trading partners. None of them were existent in abundance in Palestine. The kibbitzim existed for the socialist purposes of providing employment to anyone who wanted to work. In that regard they were a success at that point in time. Coming from Russia and Poland with it’s mass Jewish unemployment rate their ideal of providing everyone with jobs even if there may be better economic models to choose from made sense, Many early Zionist ideals (which are widely criticized by anti-Zionists with zero effort to understand their point of view or motives ) make sense to people who are coming from their background and life experience

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270969

    It’s possible the Satmar Rebbe put anti-zionists ads in The New York Times and it is possible that Rav Avigdor Miller wrote them but there is no way either of them would have supported some of what goes.

    Hertz Frankel, the one who organized the Satmar protests for the Satmar Rebbe wrote an article Misphca magazine saying that the Satmar Rebbe would have opposed some of the current Satmar methods of protesting. Three points he made that I remember were that the Satmar Rebbe only supported public protests in front of non-Jews if (1)there was a specific issue that was being demanded of the Zionists. He did not make general protests or put general ads to educate non-Jews about Satmar haskafa and beliefs (2)He was not dismissive of criticism from other groups about those type of ads and protests . He did not like making public protests if no one other than he and others in the Satmar orbit felt they were correct (3)questions like should a protest be public pr private were things he put major thought into. He never ran to lash out in public.

    Rav Avigdor Miller was no frothing at the mouth anti-Zionist . I’ve heard many answers from him to questions about the state of Israel. He never gave the type of answers you would get in Satmar. Yes, he was opposed to Zionism. but similar to the way most Yeshivish rabbonim are

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270965

    >>>I heard from a talmid that Rav Hutner didn’t visit the kosel because he agreed with the satmar rov on it being a problem of not being mechazek the reshoim.

    None of his other Talmidim seem to have heard or believe that . They all daven by the kosel . It is inconceivable that someone like Rav Ahron Schechter would have made a public preannounced tefila asifah by the kosel had Rav Hutner opposed going there

    Perhaps you are right that he didn’t “visit” the kosel as you put it. He went there to daven.

    It’s nice to see you consider Rav Hutner to be deah. Hie had a lot more of a personal connection to and learned a lot more from Rav Kook than the Satmar Rebbe

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270219

    >>>The yatzer hora for apikorsus, however, is very strong, and we are told by many tzadikim that it will be an almost insurmountable challenge באחרית הימים.

    From the many people I know (of) who went OTD in the past twenty years not a single one of them became a Zionist. If anything some of them became virulently anti-Zionist. As in the league of Hamas and the Neturey Karta.

    Another major issue I have with the anti-Zionists is that as the Chazon Ish said (in a different context about them) they are fighting the wrong battle. There are people from my former world who I STILL tremendously respect and consider to be Talmidey Chachomim and Yorey Shmoyim. Even so I also think they would accomplish a lot more and have a lot more positive influence if they were not so obsessed with Zionism, people who are dead for decades and things that happened more than half a century ago and started living in the present reality instead.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270204

    >>>Smerel, it’s the simple chain of events. They only assembled an army after haman was defeated and mordechai was made viceroy

    Again you are not answering the question. You are assuming that had the gezora not been botel they would not have made an effort at self defense. To the extent that you believe it proves that you shouldn’t. Based on what? Of course the sequence of events was that way. Trying to fight is never first step. Particularly when the other side is a lot stronger than you and almost certainly going to win.

    Chazal say the parsah of Yaakov and Esav in V’Yislach is to teach us that preparing for milchoma is also a way to deal with those who threaten us. Do you think Torah haskafa is otherwise? Based on what?

    You should however teach some of your pacifist haskafa to some of your antizionist friends. As above their endless seeking out confrontation and fights is what caused my disillusionment with that movement and it’s beliefs . The Zionists for their part don’t act nearly as standoffish towards their enemies

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270047

    >>>Smerel – that was AFTER the gezerah min hashomayim was batul and they were given permission to fight

    What is this assumption based on? Of course you don’t look first to fight you try the other methods first but had the gezorah not been botel why do you assume they would not have fought back? Chazal say the parsah of Yaakov and Esav in V’Yislach is to teach us that preparing for milchoma is also a way to deal with those who threaten us. Do you think Torah haskafa is otherwise? Based on what?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2269926

    >>but as you can see clearly from the megillah, organizing an army for defense was NOT the method the Jews took nor would it have worked.

    You see the exact oppisite from the Megilah! They did organize an army! As the posuk says
    נִקְהֲל֨וּ הַיְּהוּדִ֜ים בְּעָרֵיהֶ֗ם בְּכׇל־מְדִינוֹת֙ הַמֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֔וֹשׁ לִשְׁלֹ֣חַ יָ֔ד
    בִּמְבַקְשֵׁ֖י רָֽעָתָ֑ם It was not the first line of defense but they certainly did do so when they were able to. As Chazal say the parsha of Yaakov and Esav in V’Yislach is meant to be a lesson for doros that we use three methods tefilah, doron and milchoma when dealing with their threats.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2269731

    >>>There is also no concept of a “homeland” in the Torah. That is zionist brainwashing;

    As a random example ומפני חטאנו גלינו מארצנו is Zionist brainwashing? If you want to argue that in there is no reasons to return to Eretz Yisroel while golus continues that is one thing. Denying the importance of Eretz Yisroel in Judaism is another one of the krumer haskofas the extreme antizionists push.

    Gedoley Torah like the Netziv did not support the Chovevy Tzion movement as a result of zionist brainwashing;

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2269605

    >>>He had hakaras hatov for having a place to live relatively safely after the war. Nothing more.

    That already makes a major difference between the Ponevitcher Rav and most anti-Zionists. He had hakras hatov. He certainly did not look for confrontation. The lack of it and the confrontational always looking for a fight behavior that I saw among my fellow anti-Zionists was probably the biggest cause for my disillusionment from that movement and it’s beliefs (the group I was part of did not believe in the sitra achra business and did not believe that Israel had success in it’s wars due to Kochey V’otzem Yodey like some of the other anti-Zionist groups now do)

    Rav Yosef Elya Henkin was very into the Shalos Shevous. He held that frum people should not vote or be in the knesset. BUT he also held that the anti-Zionist kanoim are no less guilty of violating the Shalos Shevous than the Zionists themselves are. Their confrontational behavior with the Zionists is also a violation of the Shalos Shevous (I think he said it in the name of Rav Chaim Ozer) See the end of the second volume of Kisve Rav Yosef Elya Henkin and some of the letters he wrote to Torah journals in the 1950s for an elaboaration

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2269602

    >>>Want to know what would have happened if the yidden would have listened to the zionists and gone to Eretz yisroel in the 30s? The Nazis came within a day of going to yerushalayim. There would have just been a slaughter there instead of in Europe.

    While that is possibly true for someone like you who believes that during the six day way when Israel was facing a multi national coalition and outnumbered in everything from soldiers, tanks, planes, artillery etc by a ratio of three to nine depending on the item, it was all no major problem. You’re talking the Israeli army here. Give them less than a week and they will have their enemies defeated, then you should also believe the Zionist arguments that had we had a state of our own at the time we would have repelled Nazi Germany too.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2268945

    >>>Smerel, that account by r. Lorencz is a mistake. The satmar rov didn’t say that nissim are from the soton, he said that there weren’t nissim in the 6 day war, and he was correct. The US military said it would take Israel around a week to do what it had to do.

    I see. You know better than R Lorencz himself what the Brisker Rav told him. Where does the six day war and the Satmar Rebbe even come into this? The Brisker Rav was niftar seven years earlier. I don’t believe the US military said it would take Israel around a week to do what it had to do. There is not one newspaper around from that time that reports such a thing. Yaakov Shapiro claims I’ll find find it on I tried that and could only find a an obvious fake website pretending to be the CIA making that claim

    >>>Let’s remember 3rd grade parsha class. Devarim 13: כי יקום בקרבך נביא או חלם חלום ונתן אליך אות או מופת

    I also remember learning about Pharoah and his refusal to see to the Yad Hashem. The approach of Pharoah is what I’m seeing being pushed here by you. I won’t elaborate so as not to start with the heretical arguments

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