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  • in reply to: This generation vs. former generations #1208225

    I question if it really true that each generation feels the next generation is worse. Back in the 80s when the post holocaust leadership was dying I used to see article after article saying “Look how bad things were when he came to America and look how good they are now in relation to those times”

    in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208630

    Is there any halachic basis a beis din could stop a developer from building on his own property because neighbors don’t want the development?

    Yes. Perek Lo Yachpur and the halachos of Nizkei Schanim discuss when you may not build on your property due to the adverse effect it will have on the neighbors.

    Having never been called to Beis Din (Beli Ayin Hara), how does that work? If a Bais Din in Lakewood calls me in, can I respond with a suggestion to go to a Bais Din in Chicago instead?

    You can not ignore a hazmona but you don’t have to litigate in the BD that issued it. You can suggest a different BD. If the plaintiff doesn’t agree to your BD then each of you can pick a dayan and those two dayonim pick a third dayan to form a zabla BD.

    in reply to: Women on a higher level #1198167

    I do not believe women are on an intrinsically higher spiritual level than men. Based on experience the people who say it have a very hard time coming up with any place in Chazal, Rishonim etc. that say it. I was told that one of the gedoily hador in the 1970s was so upset when he first heard a speaker say that women “don’t need to do” Mitzvas Esey Shzman Grama because they are on a higher level that he publicly got up and protested (in middle of the speech) the zilzul in Mitzvas (Esey Shzman Grama)

    If there was any real source that gadol would have known about it.

    in reply to: Cancelling Bein Hazmanim? #1174969

    One thing is certain. Women should be offering their opinions on what Bochurim should be doing Bein H’Zamnin. I was reading a prominent women’s magazine discussing the topic of Bein H’Zmanin and…..Good thing the Roshey Yeshivos aren’t consulting women about what Bochrim should be doing Bein Hzmanin.

    I was a bochur twenty five years ago and the claim that magazine made that 25 years ago even the top bochurim from the top Yeshivos worked during Bein H’zmanin is pure baloney. There were some boucrim who worked a counselors or learning rebbeim and there were some who hocked around in offices making minor money and having a great time with friends. But they were the minority and they weren’t doing it out the sense of obligation this magazine was suggesting.

    in reply to: Survey: Are you more frum than your parents or less frum than them? #1171164

    I can’t really answer the question because my parents didn’t deal with the same internal or external situations (nisyonis) that I do. Nor did they grow up with the adanatages I did.

    All things being equal who is/would be frummer? I don’t know.Only Hashem knows who is really frummer.

    in reply to: Why the ashkenazi schools don't accept sefardi children #1164100

    This is an issue that causes a lot of pain to people on both sides.

    The pain by those who are rejected is probably so intense that I don’t know how objective they are but at the end of the day IF a school feels it will be negatively impacted by accepting too many people from a certain group it is wrong to insist they accept them anyway.

    Of note (1)the Sephardic elite for the most part doesn’t send their children to schools that don’t have quotas. Why not?(2) People I know who very strongly condemn Israeli schools for not accepting too many Sephardim send their (American) children to very picky and rejecting schools

    in reply to: Lakewood�Off the Derech #1156424

    Ten years ago I used to listen to and really take seriously what the OTD crowd and their sympathizers had to say. But after seeing and hearing from the OTD crowd ad nausuem I became disillusioned.

    Some may have legitimate complaints and if an OTD person wanted to talk to me now I still would listen to them and take them seriously.Not only that some of their complaints are legitimate even in the absence of an OTD movement.But despite the intrinsic legitimacy of those complaints and criticisms they aren’t reasons to go OTD

    I think the majority of the OTD will just take whatever excuse will get the most acceptance and clearance for their conscience. No matter frum society will do the Yetzer Hora will be smart enough to find other excuses.

    in reply to: BMG College Credits #1155674

    Most Yeshivos aren’t looking to make it easy to get a BA from them.Their purpose is Torah L’shmo.Not to be draft dodger… I mean college dodger yeshivos.

    I was told that even Ner Yisroel won’t accept someone who perceives them as a place to get college credits through learning, instead of wanting to go there to learn Torah L’Shmo.(And get credits in the process.)

    Ironically from the most difficult Yeshivos to get a BA from (or at least used to twenty years ago I don’t know the situation today) is Torah Vodaas. Even thought they allow their bochrim to attend college.

    in reply to: Lakewood�Off the Derech #1156408

    I question the whole premise that Lakewood has a higher OTD rate then elsewhere.What unbiased source can I get confirmation from?

    in reply to: BMG College Credits #1155672

    I don’t know how long it takes.

    I heard that they made it take longer then they used to because they don’t want people coming to BMG as an easy way to get a BA and then going to the college/law school etc. they really wanted to go to in the first place.The person who started this thread is probably scared of looking like such a person. Who really believes they will throw him out just for asking?

    The office will probably give an evasive answer to a new student because of the reason I mentioned above

    in reply to: Torah V'Daas 49 years ago #1154359

    <i>Shortly before the war broke out, the yeshiva administration brought a television set into the building, placing it atop the staircase that led from the entrance to the beis midrash.</i>

    I asked two talmidim who were learning Torah Vodaas at that time. Neither remembered the Yeshiva administration bringing a television into the building and placing it above the staircase leading into the BM.(One suggested that perhaps a worker in the offices near the steps to the BM had one but he didn’t remember that either)

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