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  • in reply to: Gedolim who went to public school #1946913

    <i>L’Havdil, Rav Malkiel Kotler SHLIT”A went to Betzalel, a non-frum Jewish school in Lakewood.

    Public schools back then did not teach the pritzus they do now. They were much worse. Most secular schools in the 20th century were very into Atheism and openly anti-Semitic. </i>

    This isn’t true Betzlal was a(co ed) frum school. When RMK went there many of the teachers were from the BNG Kollel community.

    Public schools were not very into atheism back then (colleges were)

    Firstly they were more focused on teaching the “R”s so in general they taught much fewer controversial topics . Secondly every account of frum people who in public school back then talks the axiomatic belief in Christianity . No one mentions atheism being pushed.

    It is true that they wanted people to be English speaking Americans and value the then prevailing culture but that had nothing to do with religion per se

    in reply to: The thing which shouldn’t be said #1945007

    Why are they getting divorced?

    Because they had Shalom Bayis problems

    Why did they have Shalom Bayis problems?

    There could be literally hundreds of reasons. No way I can speculate on it even with knowing the people involved. Let alone without.

    in reply to: COVID vaccinations in New York #1944623

    First of all coming in seventeenth place is nothing to boast about. Particularly when you a bloated system as bad as New York. Let them at least do something.

    Second and more importantly the anti-Semitism, bigotries and racism which is being used to distribute these vaccines should make even the biggest Cuomo supporter have pause.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944439


    Personal question. Why can’t you make your points without such sneering condescension? Is it insecurity or arrogance?

    Yes I’m aware that technically speaking the people judging are considered jurors, not judges. Being that they are the ones deciding guilt or innocence for a mostly predetermined punishment, for practical purposes they are judges too. No matter what you call them.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944336


    Don’t get your point. End of the day the decision that Trump is “guilty” of and must be tried for insurrection and whatever was made by long time enemies, 75& of the people judging him needed for conviction are long term enemies too.

    Therefore I don’t believe there is any altruism or fairness behind this trial. I haven’t seen any response to this point. But for that matter I haven’t seen any convincing arguments that Trump is guilty of insurrection or what not either. Yesterday I was on a liberal political forum where the question was asked “how would you convince someone that Trump is guilty?” There ware about thirty answers. All thirty boiled down to either (1)because I said so or (2)if you don’t take for granted that Trump is guilty then I can’t explain it to to you

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1944267

    “Is it possible that they are impeaching Trump because it is the right thing to do?”


    Any trial where the decision to press charges was made by long time open enemies and at least 75% the judges needed for conviction are long time open enemies too is never the right thing to do and not being done for an altruistic reasons.

    “That for generations to come children should see that actions have ramifications?”

    I sure never heard Democrats saying such things when it comes to any other crime. To put it mildly The Democrats are only tough on political crimes like “hate” crimes. And a very specific type of hate crime as well. The ruder murder in places like NY and Chicago almost doubled after the BLM riots and Gorge Floyd “police reform.” But that us a complete non issue for Democrats. If the is murder being done by people who vote Democrat and for the non racial motives which Democrat gives a hoot about black lives then? Let alone “that for generations to come children should see that actions have ramifications”?

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943627

    Reb E

    First you try to bring a proof from Shaul HaMalech then you tell us Trump is not a king then you bring Achsvarus of all people into this. (What about the posuk of Mishpat Eched..?)Quit when you are not so behind.

    Bottom line this whole conversation is a non starter. The idea of someone being judged by openly hostile enemies and with personal interest in the outcome of a trial that they don’t even deny(this includes the Republicans too) is so antithetical to Torah that there is nothing to talk about.

    And that is just the starting point

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943615

    Trump would never meet the halacha standards of masis umadiach.

    And Halacha does not allow the judgement of kings to begin with… because it would never be a fair trial… (albeit for a different reason than Trump)

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943606


    Don’t start with Gemorah and beis din.

    The impeachment trial is so antithetical to Torah and Beis Din that there is no end but for starters he would never be brought to Beis Din over what is worst case scenario a grama and Beis Din would NEVER allow ANYONE to be judged by his enemies like the impeachment trial is doing.

    And that’s just for starts. It’s questionable if this impeachment would meet L’havdil the secular standards for a fair trial as set up if the sixth amendment but last impeachment trial the Democrats brushed away such arguments by saying that the sixth amendment refers to criminal trails and impeachment isn’t a criminal trial(typical Democratic logic. Only by CRIMINALS do we worry about they are treated…)

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943186

    It’s more like they are scared of Biden.

    So much of the Democrats political identity is intertwined with hating Trump that at this point they desperately NEED him to stick around as a boogey man. An impeachment trial will unite the left but spilt the right, take the focus off Biden’s ineffective Corona response and other failures of his administration.

    Without Trump and Republicans to fight with, without distracting their followers by blaming Trump and Trumpists for Americas problems they would (1)have to actually deal with some of them (2)allow the spot light to shine on their failure to do so.

    That is what this impeachment is about about.

    in reply to: Biden condemns racism and nativism in the same sentence #1941296

    <i>That would have been illegal because of the Johnson Reed Act that I mentioned in the opening post. The Johnson Reed Act was passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by Calvin Coolidge, a Republican. There was no such thing as asylum under that law, even termporary.</i>

    The people who passed the Johnson Reed Act had no idea the holocausts would take place decades later. Roosevelt and his fellow Democrats Democrats had the political capital and ability to easily make an amendment allowing temporary asylum while the holocausts was going on. They did even try.

    Put the blame where it belongs.

    in reply to: Will trump ever be president again? #1941206


    There is nothing in your post to respond to hence my response was limited to an observation.

    You are the one who responded to my comment that the next Republican to win will be a non career politician LIKE HC or BC by attacking both of them on a personal level bringing in white supremists and talking about “reactionary Latinos from the deep south such as Cruz” (where did that come in?) etc.

    With such a response I can only respond that people with your bigoted and condescending attitude are why people vote for Trump or join either more radical groups.

    in reply to: Will trump ever be president again? #1941103


    It is people with your bigoted and condescending attitude which is very prevalent in the media that causes people to vote for Trump or join either more radical groups

    in reply to: Biden condemns racism and nativism in the same sentence #1941102

    Imagine how different the world would be if the Democrats running the United States at the time of the holocaust would have been willing to give TEMPORARY asylum to the Jews in Europe as was being requested at the time.

    Imagine how different the world would be if it was the frum Jews who had Roosevelts ear during the holocausts rather then secular liberal ones.

    Imagine how different the world would be if The New York Times as a Jewish owned liberal and secular paper didn’t try to hide and downplay the holocaust while it was going on.


    in reply to: Will trump ever be president again? #1940907

    (1)Yes to the the first half of the question. It doesn’t look like Republican are interested in career politicians anymore. Nonpoliticians like Ben Carson and Herman Cain are also very popular in the Republican primaries. My guess is that the next Republican nominee to WIN will be someone like one of them.

    (2)The only way Trump can become president again is if (a)Biden REALLY messes up (b)At 82 Biden runs for reelection (c) There are no Republicans running in the primaries who manage to connect with voters (d)Trump actually wants to run again. IOW zero chance

    Trump may run in the primaries again for the thrill of adoring crowds. That would be wonderful for whoever actually Republican nominee because the media focus and hate will be focused on Trump instead of him the entire primaries.

    in reply to: Trumps pardon list #1940601

    Presidential pardons rights are abused by all presidents.


    <i>The democrats did not create an insurrection, so it does not mqtter what they said.</i>

    Are you really that incapable of seeing fault in Democrats no matter what they say or are you just trolling?

    BL’N I will no longer respond to you. You are a Democrat so it doesn’t matter what you say.


    How about Democrats taking responsibility for some of this

    Video removed

    A lot worse and more explicit calls for violence than what Trump said

    Yes. I know the Democratic response to this is going to be “don’t deflect” You don’t have to tell it to me

    in reply to: Different Violence #1939042

    If anything violence towards the capital building is MORE justified that towards a random business district because

    (1)the actions taken place in the Capital is what they were actually protesting . What did a downtown business district do to anyone?

    (2)No one’s life (other than the police killed and those who the police killed) gets ruined if the capital is ransacked. Plenty of people had their lives ruined by BLM ransacking business or residential districts

    (3)The capital has a police force capable of defending themselves (despite their horrible failure to do so this time). Joe Schmoe small business owner has no way of fighting back against the mob.

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1938883

    <i>“He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged – and FORSEEABLY (my emphasis) resulted in – LAWLESS (my emphasis) action at the Capitol, such as: “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country any more.” Thus INCITED (my emphasis) by President Trump,…</i>

    When I first read this post I though it was written by an OPPONENT of impeachment trying to highlight how far fetched and weak of a case the Democrats have that Trump is guilty of anything.

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1938876

    <i>The Torah punishes a maisis umaduach to death.</i>

    That would only be true what he said was explicit and unequivocal . Among other limitations.

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1938660

    When you see the events of last week you see another reason why the Torah only allows Beis Din to punish for garmey- borey hezeka and not groma

    Once you can claim “you are guilty because you “caused” something” there is no end to what you can charge your enemies with Therefore if it isn’t clear garmey you can’t be punished for “causing” in this world. Plus there is no way to know what is someone else’s heart so “he meant to incite a crowd ” can not be decided by a human court.

    (If some liberal politician said right before a BLM riot “We have to FIGHT police brutality. We have to FIGHT to make sure black lives aren’t lost at the hands of the police no-one would try him for incitement. The incitement charges are clearly being abused )

    I don’t only mean Trump. The prosecutor said that he may charge people who were nowhere near police office Siticik at the time of his murder with murder-felony. That is so sedom like you see why the Torah does not allow human courts to punish for groma.

    In general the abuse of “he caused” is an endemic in the American court system.

    in reply to: Blue lives don’t matter #1938318

    Reading some of the comments here I’m reminded of the old saying

    “If not for the sake of double standards, liberals would have any standards to begin with”

    in reply to: Blue lives don’t matter #1937268

    Saying that there things for which rioting could be excused, or at the very least, looked at in a lenient light boils down to “if I agree with you it’s OK to riot if I don’t then it’s not.”

    That is in fact the liberal position (when it suits their purposes) but it is totally unacceptable. The ends don’t justify the means!

    The difference between killing a terrorist and a killing neighbor in an act of theft is that killing a terrorist is inherently justified. Even if someone is on MY side but killing innocent civilians I would agree that he deserves to be killed. And even if someone is on MY side rioting is unacceptable. There is no double standard.

    If however you believe that rioting is sometimes justified then your issue with those who broke into the capital is that you believe they were on the wrong side so that makes what they did wrong. They don’t think so. They are just as entitled to their opinions as you are. Putting current events aside a stolen election is no less important and worthy of an issue than police brutality.

    in reply to: Blue lives don’t matter #1937239

    Actually the BLM riots caused and continue to cause the fatal deaths of who knows how many black people.

    Aside from the acts of murder done by the BLM rioters themselves, the police “reform” they brought about caused a skyrocketing murder rates in many cities. But whatever, black lives don’t matter unless they are lost in confrontation with law enforcement, anyway.

    The rest of your comment, Participant, boils to what I said before, the only consistency liberals have shown in this is their fidelity to their false belief that only the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is which side you are on. If riots are (more) acceptable for a “good” cause than anyone should have the right to riot because all people who riot believe that they are right. Whether they are in fact right or not.

    Those involved in the capital riot believe they are standing up for democracy and preventing an illegal stolen election. They are only the bad guys because you don’t agree with them about that.

    in reply to: Blue lives don’t matter #1937092

    <i>The duplicity of Trump supporters here is simply amazing.</i>

    Actually the only consistency I’m seeing among the liberals is that apparently they truly believe the only difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorists is which side you are on. And this side the protestors are not on their side…

    Everything else is so contradictory to what they have preached to us all summer about violent protests.

    It contradicts everything they preached about riots since always like “A riot is the language of the unheard” or “people don’t get themselves in dangerous riots unless they feel desperate” and many other sentiments of theirs.

    It contradicts their reactions to riots which is usually inviting the political leaders who identify with them to present their views in Washington.


    but whatever, this time for a change the protestors aren’t on their side so all their principles can easily be thrown in the garbage. Like they always do.

    in reply to: Would you vote for Donald Trump again? #1936880

    To correct the above To be clear I don’t see the capital invasion as being a big deal in regard to other forms of rioting like ransacking a downtown business and killing people in the process. It certainly is a big deal.

    in reply to: Would you vote for Donald Trump again? #1936856

    I don’t know if I would vote for him but I don’t regret voting for him.

    I thought he was a jerk then and think he is a jerk now.

    I thought that if elected on balance his policies and appointees would be better than Biden’s and still think that way now.

    I thought he would act like a jerk if he lost and he did.

    I blame the liberals for the capital invasion. The people involved saw footage all summer long of people rioting and invading government buildings.(and worse) There was no strong condemnation of that behavior. There were no serious punishments given out to those involved. They naively thought they would be looked at the same way.

    They didn’t realize that (1)the capital isn’t just any government building(at least of this writing that is what it became when the liberals were storming the senate floor and disrupting the Kavanagh confirmation hearing no one expressed any outrage ) and (2) they was doing it for the wrong political cause and beliefs to expect the tolerance and understanding given to the others engaged in similar behavior.

    To be clear I don’t see the capital invasion as being a big deal. I would lot rather see BLM ransack the capital than a random business district. No one’s life got destroyed in the capital by those who invaded the capital. Plenty of peoples lives got destroyed by BLM riots

    in reply to: Blue lives don’t matter #1936619

    <i>A Capitol Police officer has died from injuries suffered at the hands of Trump’s terrrorist mob.</i>

    First of all based on the what the liberal has been telling me all summer , they were no terrorists mob.
    They were a group of “protesters” and “resisters”.

    In fact unlike the liberal belief that the only difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is which side you are on, the actual difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is that freedom fighters limit their actions to government representatives and property whereas terrorists focus on civilians and civilian owned property. As such the liberal publications which were defending violence all summer should have a much easier time defending ransacking the capital than a random business district. But of course they won’t because the people in the capital are the wrong ethnicities and have the wrong political views.

    Secondly there is obviously a lot of garbage and coverup so I’m not sure the police were innocent. Aside from the unarmed women who was shot in a manner guaranteed to kill her when there plenty of police who could have subdued her in other ways I don’t believe for a second that we are being told the truth about the three other people who died on capital hill. Three people don’t just suddenly die from medical emergencies at the same time and place without foul play.

    There is an obvious effort to block information. A lot of the footage of the unarmed women getting shot dead in the capital was removed from Youtube. The police are not getting the benefit of the doubt this time.

    But as above we are talking about the people with the wrong ethnicities and wrong political views so everything the liberals told us all summer about rioting/protesting and correct police behavior is now out the window. Some of the liberal publications even deleted their prior articles supporting violence. So did some of their politicians. AOC’s director of communications asked Twitter to BAN ACCOUNTS for merely quoting a tweet from her that seems to condone political violence.

    But don’t worry. All liberal articles and tweets supporting violence and police hatred will be back up the next time BLM riots

    in reply to: demonstrating in Israel for change or for the thrill of it? #1936205

    Very few people ANYWHERE join public protests on a constant basis out of pure altruism.

    Different people have different motives. On the online world for example there is an endless slew of protesting on social media that seems to be motivated by self aggrandizing and self righteous motives.

    But the end of the day joining groups that are constantly protesting or criticizing other peoples behaviors is rarely done for altruistic motives and NEVER brings out good in anyone.

    in reply to: Stop being weak pathetic losers #1934916

    Unfortunately we are in a bad situation in the liberal run areas. If we fight back we will be blamed.

    To be clear I do think we should fight back. In fact I remember back in the early 80s when the situation was worse than today there was a major fight in my Brooklyn neighborhood. A then (niftar long ago) member of the Moetzas Gedolay H’Torah told people afterwards that they should have called the JDL . On Shabbos. And despite that gadol’s personal general vehement opposition to the JDL. (Had the JDL limited itself exclusively to self defense he would not have opposed them) The Chaptzems were also a very effective crime fighter.

    But that was then when the police were apathetic towards fighting crime but didn’t arrest those who did so themselves.

    Today when guilt and punishments are determined by skin color, frum people are considered guilty until proven innocent it’s not so simple to fight back without making the situation worse.

    in reply to: Summarize Donald Trump #1933625

    A guy with an incredible ability to make people go nuts, either over him or against him.

    in reply to: trump haters? #1933600

    It depends on the degree of hatred and personal gain people having from hating Trump.

    The Lincoln Project is working very hard and making a lot of money off creating a Trump type McCarthyism where even long after he is gone they can still profit off keeping him around as a boogeyman. All Republican candidates are accused of being “Trumpists” that have to be liquidated.No matter What the Republicans do The Lincoln Project will insist they are fighting “Trumpism”

    For people with less profit motive or less TDS it will depend on how successful Trump’s greater enemies are keeping him in the public sphere and as a focus of public attention.

    in reply to: Summarize Donald Trump #1933592

    The most complex and multidimensional person to have ever been a US president

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932329

    It would be more accurate to say Corona Anti-Semitism (again)

    No other would have the ethnicity of those who allegations are being made against so public.

    (This is actually one of the oldest form of anti-Semitism all the way back to the Sar Hamaskin in last week’s Parsha וְשָׁ֨ם אִתָּ֜נוּ נַ֣עַר עִבְרִ֗י עֶ֚בֶד לְשַׂ֣ר הַטַּבָּחִ֔ים)

    Sukkos time when corona numbers were high in Jewish neighborhoods the government was saying that we’re to blame, we’re spreading the virus, they targeted us for all sorts of harassments. etc.

    Now that a vaccine is here they say how terrible it is that people of that color and other minority groups got so much corona, society is to blame and those groups (bit of course not us) deserve priority in getting the vaccine because of how much they suffered.

    in reply to: Raphael Warnock #1930546

    <i>Besides there is no way the senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church is going to be anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. Martin Luther King, Sr. and Jr. were pastors there! The congregation would not tolerate it.</i>

    This is about the same as saying “there is no way a country as cultured and tolerant as Germany would engage in or tolerate such behavior”

    Not to necessarily compare the circumstances.Only the sentiment.

    in reply to: President Donald J. Trump: A Modern Day Alexander the Great #1930544

    I’m guessing this is a troll post (and I am a Trump voter) but to clarify one thing Chazal did not “decree that Jewish babies should be named after Alexander the Great” because he was such a Ohev Yisroel.

    The Gemora (Yoma 69A) which discusses the meeting of Shimon Hatzadik and Alexander the Great does say they made a Yom Tov after meeting him (because they prevailed upon him not to destroy the Beis HaMikdash) but makes no reference to any takona to name anyone after after him.

    The earliest source for such a takana is Josephus who says they made that offer to him to avoid offending him when they refused to accept a golden sculpture of him that he wanted to donate to the Beis HaMikdash.

    in reply to: Student Loan Forgiveness #1929313

    As the posuk says Lovah Rosha V’Lo Yishalem.

    Candidates who get into office by forgiving such debt and giving out other money and of course forcing other people to pay for it is one explanation the Gemara gives for Chesed Lumim Chatas

    in reply to: Trump ruined the GOP #1925399

    Whatever many faults Trump has, ruining the GOP is not among them.

    The mainstream media can tell you Trump turned most Republican politicians into lying sycophants (in real life I never met anyone who uses the word sycophant)all they want but in real life there is little difference in the typical Republicans politicians behavior in 2015 and 2020.

    As far as turning Republican voters into conspiracy theorists it was the Democrats who spent years on Russian collusion and other such conspiracy theories and indictments. (I do agree that many people have gone nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome but for the most part they aren’t Republicans and it was the media, not Trump, who caused that syndrome)

    As far as the general state of the GOP after Trump goes. Unlike twelve years ago when Obama first won noone is writing the obituary for the GOP after Biden won. No Republican presidential candidate in the past sixty years has gotten such a high percentage of minority voters. If anything Trump has shown that the predictions of the GOP demise due to the decreasing percentage of white voters is not true

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1924224

    Never Trump Republicans seem to fall into one of two groups

    (1)Opportunist Jerks: Take for example, The Lincoln Project. There is nothing ideological about them at all. They are career propagandists and PR people who correctly realized they can make a lot more money being anti Trump than pro Trump . Their ads have zero substance and basically just say “We hate Trump” Most of their ads are so devoid of substance that you can take the exact same ad, flip the names and a few pictures and use it as an anti democrat ads (they almost always run anti-ads. they almost never actually support any explicit policy) There is no way they can credibly claim they went after moderate and anti-Trump Republicans like Susan Collins because of anti-Trump ideology. Trump is also far from the first person they stabbed in the back when it suited their purposes.

    (2)People who have a very one dimensional view of Trump: He is a not a nice guy. That overrides any and all good he may do. They don’t want to think or are in denial about any good Trump may have done. For example I asked a very prominent frum anti-Trump activist about the fact that had Hillary Clinton been president, last week’s supreme court ruling about Cuomo closing shuls would have been very different. In an answer that sounded like cognitive dissonance to me he answered that he never opposed any of Trump’s supreme courts picks. Technically speaking that may be true. Practically speaking it isn’t. Another frum anti Trumper vehemently denied to me that Trump had any connection to the Israel-UAE-Bahrain peace deal. Those people may not be liberal. They don’t seem to realize the consequences of a Joe Biden presidency.

    in reply to: How far is too far? #1923138

    The question cannot be answered with general terms and rules because it would depend on

    (1)who and what are the current other options


    (2)how much of his personal faults are being kept personal and how much of his personal faults and views is he trying to force on everyone else

    In the memory of recently departed David Dinkins I will say that I would a prefer a corrupt and somewhat anti-semitic person who strongly values law and order over a nice guy like David Dinkins for mayor any day. The Crown Heights pogrom would not have happened had the former been mayor. It did happen with the latter.

    in reply to: The Great blue wave that crashed #1920062

    It looks what usually happens during times of turmoil: People vote against those who are currently in control.

    Trump lost because he was the guy in power .

    The Democrats lost a lot of seats (particularly on the state level) becuase they were the ones in control there.

    Midterm elections the Democrats are going to lose more seats. Don’t blame Biden. (I’m sure the pundits will) The party in the White House has almost seats during for the past hundred years. this time it will be worse because the US will still be dealing with the aftereffects of the Corona lockdowns

    in reply to: Should Trump run again in 2024 #1919977

    If Joe Biden can run at 77 years why can’t Trump run at 78?

    Dai L’boh min h’Din Lehious Kanodin

    in reply to: Should Trump run again in 2024 #1919926

    It is super unlikely that he will do so. He will be 78 and have a lot less of a chance of winning than he did in 2020.

    It is primarily his opponents who based on (like usual) anonymous source who are claiming he is looking to do so.For a simple reason.For their purposes and to ensure party loyalty , his opponents need Trump to stick around as the boogeyman.

    in reply to: Deep trouble ahead for the yeshivas under Biden #1919795

    Randi Weingarten is a lot bigger threat to public school parents than Yeshivas.

    With all her many faults when she headed the NYC UFT she didn’t pick fights with Yeshivas

    She focused exclusively on lowering the quality of education in the public school system

    in reply to: Would you read my blog? #1919166

    It depends on what you intend to write.

    If it is going to be another one of those “I was a dumb Bais Yaakov girl and now I’m so smart and realize…” not only won’t I read it,forget about me, do yourself a favor and don’t start the blog.

    In fact if you intend on any type of condescending or lecturing type of message please spare us.

    I don’t mean to accuse you of either but that is what most opinion blogs are. Or at least end up becoming

    If however you have something of value to share, an inspirational message, an insight that will benefit people, non subjective knowledge that people who aren’t going through the same trajectory of life will benefit from etc. then I would read your blog and look forward to it.

    Let me know when you start email address removed, sorry

    in reply to: Trump support or a shift in thinking #1918849

    This isn’t unique to the frum.

    Pretty much all non-Islamic religious groups strongly support Trump nd the Republicans.

    Even the Amish who don’t vote unless they feel threatened by a candidate supported Trump.

    It’s not really Trump support as much as the recognition that the Democrats are becoming increasingly hostile to religion so it is of prime importance to have Republicans in office.

    The Muslims are the exception because liberal beliefs require making an exception to their general view of religion and respecting Islam

    in reply to: character vs policy Which is more important? #1917967

    The people who say they oppose Trump because of his bad influence don’t seem to grasp how much they are being influenced by a media that is very hostile to Torah and it’s values.

    The media is drilling into people’s heads for the past five years about how bad Trump so that is their one dimensional perspective of him.

    If everything about Trump as a person was the same but he was on the Democratic side of the equation and Mike Pence (from the most moral of all people in American politics today) was on the Republican side , the media and the people lecturing to us about how terrible Trump is now would all be enthusiastically supporting him instead.

    in reply to: character vs policy Which is more important? #1915601

    The question of why do frum people support Trump with all his faults is hardly unique to the frum world. It is true of most non-Islamic religious groups

    It’s not because anyone has illusions that he is some sort of saint. The reason they want him re-elected is that he is from the few things preventing the US from turning into quasi-socialist, anti-personal freedom, anti-religious, and even more anti-non-minority country.

    Much as Trump makes fun of and insults politicians he disagrees with, he NEVER starts up with religious people, leaders, practice or belief. He also never tries to control the life of John Doe in the street who is looking to live his own life and mind his own business.

    I live in the NYS area and work in NYC. Every time I turn around I read about the politicians competing to make more laws, more bans, more fees, more harassment of the working class who are not on entitlement programs and lower the quality of life.

    With the exception, of course, made for illegal immigrants, criminals and LGBTs who receive obsessive government focus and concern.

    And when it comes to religion and morals… To put it this way. It is a much bigger deal in the Democrat party that the governor of Virginia allegedly wore black face thirty years ago than his current support of infanticide.

    Yes it would be wonderful if Trump had the personality of Ronald Reagan or even Obama. But Obama’s efforts to force Catholic employers to go against their religion providing certain employee benefits is a lot more of threat to freedom of religion than Trump’s personal failings.

    Trump’s moral failings are personal. He makes no effort to force them on anyone else. The issues the frum world has with the Democrats are issues of ideology that the Democrats are actively looking to force on others.

    What is Trump’s view on closing down shuls and Yeshiva in an ostensible effort to stop the spread the Covid and what are the Democrats views? Who is sending inspectors to fine CLOSED Yeshiva and Jewish (but of course not non-Jewish )owned businesses in the Red Zones.

    That is why frum people vote Trump

    in reply to: Trump, Boro Park and our children #1915246

    Personal question for you Mr Slimshim1.

    Do you also write such rants against people who allow their children to follow sports or even worse, other parts of the entertainment world ?

    Some of the sports figures (I won’t even mention the movie stars) display a lot worse behavior than Trump. And unlike Trump they have no redeeming factors.

    With all the criticism I see of frum Trump supporters claiming Trump is a bad influence his critics never rant against the entertainment world.

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