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  • in reply to: Building a connection to keep them on track #882907

    I’m sorry if my first post was too obvious, that’s why I wrote a second post 🙂

    in reply to: Building a connection to keep them on track #882905

    Sometimes when we do the same thing over and over, it becomes routine and we don’t feel anything, we do it just by rote. We try to do things quickly because we want to do other things. That’s why we need to put more enthusiasm in prayer and mitzvos.

    To do this, we need to teach WHY to do things, besides how to. If a person doesn’t know why, then they just do it without feeling it inside. This could eventaully lead some to dropping it if they find something else they like more. G-d forbid. Therefore, we should help them be strong.

    The main thing our children need to understand

    is besides the fact that it’s the will of G-d that we do

    Torah, mitzvos and prayer, it is because He loves us and wants what is best for us, and this is what is what feeds our neshama and connects us to Him.

    And secondly, it also has an IMPACT on the WORLD. Our mitzvos create positive energy and aveiros create negative energy. For instance prayers heal, while loshon hara ruins.

    Understanding this can help then have more kavanah and keep it with them despite the different things out there.

    in reply to: Strengthening marriage #860499

    it depends on the person and situation. If you are able to work and still give enough to your family, then that’s great. If you feel that your children might need more, then you and your husband talk about it and try to come up with something that’s good for all of you

    in reply to: Shidduch and faith #854300

    That reminds me of something beautiful someone told me about different besherts. They thought of it like days of the week. There’s are mundane ones and a really special one, which they called the Shabbos Beshert, really cute

    Also, i feel that maybe since Hashem knows I want something really special, maybe He’s waiting for me to be work on myself first before I receive him

    in reply to: Shidduch and faith #854296

    It is a paradox. we have His will, and we have choice. So while a person might reject their beshert, Hashem can make another oppertunity for them to meet again.

    in reply to: Shidduch and faith #854294

    I’m sorry I didn’t give much details making you not sure. The article was talking about a question, what if you missed your beshert? The author says that Hashem finds a way to bring two people together. But what if, because of free will, we reject the person, not being sure that they are the one. Well you could call a shadchan and ask to go out with a previous person again, and if they are already married, then you know it wasn’t meant to be, and move on. To help us decide who to choose, we should pray for clarity so with Hashem’s help, we’ll know which one is for us.

    Later, in an email, I got a message saying that sometimes we are waiting for something and we don’t know why we have to wait so long. However, a lesson we should take from it is to learn to trust Hashem, that He has a plan and when the time is right, we’ll receive what we are looking for, like a shidduch etc. We should continue to put in the effort, and then trust in Hashem. He might answer now or later, but He knows what is best

    in reply to: Teaching through example #848294

    lol 🙂

    in reply to: Kiruv advice needed! #842684

    one of the best ways to do kiruv is to be a good example. Sometimes, we don’t need to do much, just be a good friend, invite someone for shabbos, have good middos, share some info. on something. With kiruv, we accomplish both bringing Jews close to Torah and also unity BH

    in reply to: Need to counter anti-chareidi media with chareidi achdus #840513

    I agree, when someone does something negative, people think it’s everyone and generalize it. That’s why we need to be careful with our middos and how we treat others. People might disagree with each other, but we should respectfully talk it through. Lets make a good impression of both Ahavas Torah and Ahavas Yisrael, may we Torah Jews be a positive light for others.

    in reply to: Abolishing Chanukah?! #840444

    fighting the greeks is one thing. But harrassing a fellow Jew is not right. I understand if you want to help someone improve, you nicely talk to them about how to improve. you don’t harrass them, because it’s a chillel Hashem, they won’t listen to you, the media gets on the story and people start hating us. A better way is to positively help them improve. we don’t fix a sin by sining against someone. We do it by gently helping them

    in reply to: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim #840041

    It’s just as wrong to do something negative to someone who they think is doing something wrong. It’s one thing if someone thinks someone is doing something wrong and they SPEAK to them, but it’s another thing to actually do a sin ourself in reaction. For example, I remember when someone I know got upset about people we know, and I was worried that their anger might hurt our parnassah and so i got angry at him. Looking back, I realize that was not the right thing because that probrably would only make things worse, like double jeopardy. The best thing would have been that i just pray to Hashem and trust that He continues to provide.

    We shouldn’t sin inorder to fix a sin, there are better ways to do things

    in reply to: Half Shabbos and texting #830839

    Actually he wasn’t. while the tv was an example, he says that while some say it’s the modern ones only do it, there are others that do it also because they are more restricted and just want to. And he advises people to not point to each other because that will only divide people. He mentions that we have more in common than we think.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830509

    I think it depends on the individual. We’re not all meant to do the same thing. We each have our own purpose. For some it is kollel and for others it is both learning and working. If a person is not cut out to learn all day, they shouldn’t do, it won’t be productive. Like it says in Pirkei Avos perek 2 , that they should do both so they are occupied and don’t sin or be wasteful. If doing both is more productive for them, then they should do that. Plus, if they don’t have the means to do only do kollel, then do both. Being productive in both ways makes one feel good.

    in reply to: amanda knox #821011

    I believe she’s innocent. While she might Not be a perfectly innocent girl, I don’t think she did the crime. I think that italian prosecuter is out to get her. Their evidence is contaminated. In America, contaminated evidence is thrown out. But in that small town in Italy, it’s different, they keep it even if it’s not true. I was thinking that it’s looks like mida keneged mida because of America holding Pollard and Rubashkin

    in reply to: Advice for fasting YK #882589

    eat green vegatables and lots of water. Also, stop coffee 2 days in advance so you don’t have withdrawl headache

    in reply to: Gmar Chasima Tova #1100364

    gmar chasima tova

    in reply to: K�siva v�Chasima Tova #813401

    gut yom tov kativa v’chatima tovah

    in reply to: Make sure it's right #812820

    thanks amen

    in reply to: Make sure it's right #812818

    I guess I know for next time

    in reply to: Make sure it's right #812816

    Aries, thanks

    in reply to: Make sure it's right #812815

    Peace, we had things in common, we’re compatable, we felt a connection. We worked on projects together. But there were certain challenges along the way. At first I felt that I care enough about him and we’ll make it through together. But things kept piling up like his mother;s pressure on us about something as one example. I felt a tug of war. Part of me wanted to marry him and part of me didn’t. He noticed this and was concerned that I wouldn’t be happy. So he told me that he feels it’s best if we separate now. I agree that it’s for the best.

    I know every relationship has challenges. But I need someone that I;m willing to go through life with them unconditionally.

    in reply to: disconnect and enjoy! #806363

    I saw that video, very good message about putting down the phone and paying attention to people around us

    in reply to: helping those falling through the cracks #804338

    here is 3 areas that are good to do.

    Sometimes things need more soul. Practice can become dry for people, but when we help someone put meaning into it, it becomes uplifted. For example, helping our children feel Hashem’s love, and giving them a desire to do what we need to do. When challenges arise in life, sympathize, and help them understand it’s to help them grow.

    Give them the intellectual stimulation they need to help them improve their knowledge and emunah

    And be a Good Example of Good Middos and behavior to inspire them to continue forward.

    in reply to: In need of inspiration #804343

    I agree with Kapusta, pray in, your own words, to feel the inspiration and kavanah. Also, picture in your mind what you are saying. Like the Brachos in the beginning. Picture enjoying the blessings you have as you say it. And when saying Shemona Esrei and other prayers, picture it. Some people might need to study the translation to understand the words. But anyway, hope this helps

    in reply to: happiness? #803825

    Work, sometimes I have these expectations and they fall apart. Like expecting engagement to be very fun, and finding it stressful.

    In life, things will never be perfect. There’ll always be something that puts a damper on our enjoyment. My theory is maybe it’s because we’re in Golus and it’s reminders to not be too comfortable but to want the Geula.

    Also, challenges are for our own growth, whether giving us more patience, more understanding, etc. And it helps to appreciate life more. Like when someone has a cold, after it goes away, they enjoy life more. Recently, I felt very down because of a situation that lasted for awhile. But Baruch Hashem, the situation has improved and I enjoy life more BH. Now another thing happened to stress me out. But it’s just another hurdle that I need to jump. The thing is to work on being positive, and internalize that it’s for the best. That’s emunah:)

    in reply to: helping those falling through the cracks #804333

    Thanks for continuing it

    in reply to: CHODESH TOV! A git chodesh! #812080

    Chodesh tov everyone

    in reply to: Rosh Chodesh ELUL!!! #803297

    Metro, true we should work on ourself throughout the year. I guess sometimes people get caught up with life and foget about taking care of themselves. But it’s true that we should try to keep the spirit, and not just do this for the holidays, but stay focused on our goals. One step at a time, and we can do it, with Hashem’s help

    in reply to: Prioritizing Our Time #803291

    Exactly, I like that. Good bumper sticker. I can imagine that in Big letters, and underneath in small letters, it says ‘disconnect from cell phones, connect to others

    in reply to: Earthquake + Hurricane during One Week in New York #802773

    These things happening right before Elul is deffinately a wake up message. we should each look in ourself and see what we need to do,.

    in reply to: Prioritizing Our Time #803289

    Another thing is cell phones. Sometimes this takes away from learing, davening and family time. Cell phones are deffinately important for different things. But we should use it wisely, just like others things

    in reply to: "AHAVAS CHINOM!" #795457

    Improving our middos is deffinately important, and judging an average person favorably. Plus, not holding a grudge. This is hard when sometimes people are annoying. But it is a test, and we can pass the test if we choose to.

    Every small act of kindness counts and can lift someone up. Let’s be a good example

    in reply to: Anyone Else Worried About Today’s Frum Music? #793151

    I think it’s good that there are many different types of Jewish music. Some Jews don’t like the usual Jewish music, and people noticed that and made something they might like. Sure it’s not perfect, but it’s a lot better than the radio. I agree that sometimes the music is not fitting for the words, and we should be respectful of the words. But generally, if we have a way to inspire people on their level, we should use that

    in reply to: Instilling a love of Yiddishkeit in our children #793526

    I agree, when we show love and joy with our Jewish practice, it pours over to them. Plus, both parents should remember to spend enough quality time with kids, talk, listen, and have a good time.

    in reply to: Reform Jews #821198

    I agree that they don’t know better. Of course, the “rabbi” should know better, but might have wanted to do what the family wanted. Still though, the person should explain the laws to the family so they can make an informed decision.

    What we in general need to do is reach out and bring our fellow Jews in, like the owner of who has many guests B’H. Slowly, show them the beauty and truth of our heritage.

    And of course, also continue to show our own children the joy, truth, and beauty in our heritage

    in reply to: Delete Your Facebook Account for Leiby #791404

    I try to use it for good, for example, spreading Jewish links and videos

    in reply to: Beautiful Passage Written On Behalf Of Leiby A'h To Klal Yisroel #789076

    Great message.

    May we live with wisdom, love and joy, and give this to our children so they grow to reach great heights. Every moment is precious, to talk and listen. May the Geula sheleima come soon

    in reply to: Let's Be Grateful. #996210

    I’m grateful that Hashem gave me an idea to help me start my own business, BH. It’s still in the beginning process, but hopefully, IY’H I’ll have clients soon. I’m also thankful for family and friends and friends, BH

    in reply to: What can we learn from a tragedy like this? #787003

    Like I said in another thread, we don’t know what the reason is. But We can deffinately do something to turn things around and do something postive. What we each need to do is look at what we each need to work on. Whether it is better Middos, ahavas yisrael, ethics, more kavana in prayer, etc. we can each make a difference. May we improve ourselves in good ways, and may the geula sheleima come soon

    in reply to: Why did Hashem take Leibby HY"D? #786079

    I don’t know what the reason is. But We can deffinately do something to turn things around and do something postive. What we each need to do is look at what we each need to work on. Whether it is better Middos, ahavas yisrael, ethics, more kavana in prayer, etc. we can each make a difference. May we improve ourselves in good ways, and may the geula sheleima come soon

    in reply to: Whats with the off-the-derech teens?!?! #779500

    There are many different reasons why people go off. I had a class on it at Touro La, and we discussed the different reasons.

    One of them is being influenced by others like peers.

    Another one is the home environment Not being enjoyable and so they don’t see the beauty in their heritage and they look for something different. To fix this, we should be sure to add some warmth and joy to the environment.

    There’s also those that feel like their questions aren’t being answered and so they feel intellectually frustrated. For this, we should take the time to talk to them and find information to help them.

    Some individuals go to college and find out things that go against what they learned. If they don’t have a strong foundation, this can hurt them. One of my classmates suggested that before this person goes to college, they should be told beforehand what they might encounter, for example, “They believe in evolution where…..but we don’t because…..”

    There are also teens that get turned off when they see a bad example of someone who should know better, and yet acts poorly. Obviously, we all make mistakes, but it still gives them a negative impression, which is why we need to be careful with middos and behavior.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    in reply to: able to hear Jewish singers on the internet :( #761954

    Jewish singers do it for both the income and to spread Jewish messages


    Rabbi Machanic is good with helping youth and answering questions, baruch Hashem.

    Something that a friend and I learned while studying about space is that the universe would need a lot of mass to hold itself together, however most of the universe is made up of Dark energy and Dark matter. Therefore, there is only a small percert of regular mass, plus the universe is being pulled apart by dark energy. There has to be Something or Someone holding it together.

    Another interesting point is that how is it possible that we Jews after being persecuted for many centuries are still here? Someone must be protecting us

    in reply to: Developementally appropriate chinuch #754552

    It’s probrably a mixture of both. Sometimes the parents expect a lot because they want the child to be a scholar. And sometimes it’s the school who wants to produce scholars. That’s understandable. However, we should remember the line that King Solomon said, ‘Teach a child according to his way’ whatever that way is. By doing so, we can acheive the goal we desire.

    in reply to: Developementally appropriate chinuch #754549

    yea, some need the quick learning, but some can’t handle it and need something different

    in reply to: Developementally appropriate chinuch #754546

    For kids who can handle a quick pace, that’s fine for them, some need that. But it’s not for everyone. And then they are labled as slow when really they just learn differently. We need to be accomodating to different learners so we don’t turn them off.

    in reply to: Developementally appropriate chinuch #754543

    There are programs like baby Einstein videos that teach babies how to read. That is way too early. In general, schools in America seem to try to put more and more pressure over time. It’s been going on for a long while. But it’s not productive. There are some public schools that even want to take away recess. That is conter-productive, because kids can’t learn if they don’t have a break to refresh.

    Anyway, the point is that kids need developementally appropriate curriculum where they can flourish.

    Like it says, in Pirkei Avos, Mishna at 10 and Gemorah at 15. No sooner. While some can do it earlier, for others it’s hard and discouraging. Let’s make learning enjoyable and do it at the right time.

    in reply to: Creative Outlet for Kids? #743995

    Like Aries says, find what they like

    in reply to: Go To Sleep!!!! #751459

    while coming here, I was thinking that I should go to bed. Then I see here it says go to sleep lol

    in reply to: A positive Shalom Bayis Thread! #753248

    tips I read from a good book, and other things

    Each spouse should focus on their own responsibility

    Show appreciation to each other

    Let each other know what you need/want

    If the person is going through a hard time, be understanding, patient and supportive of them.

    Pray to Hashem to help you both

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