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  • in reply to: CR Family Pet #1015425

    I go for the puppy

    in reply to: The place of Shadows #1024877

    good point, I probably shouldn’t put the whole thing, just a taste.

    in reply to: How to keep our children on a Torah path #1017922

    For one thing, people need good models and examples. If children experience an environment where there is good middos, joy of Torah and Mitzvos, and ahavas yisrael, then the children will hopefully want to follow that. Of course, no one is perfect and there might be times when negative situations come up that might or might not have an impact. In that case, we should also teach people how to be strong despite negative situations. That’s why we need a strong foundation when we learn, so we are resilient and don’t let things tear us down.

    Communication is key to a strong relationship with family. Plus, listening to how they feel, and being understanding and patient.

    Also, pray to know how to help your family, because we can’t do it without G-d’s help. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Jews Are Crazy #1015800

    If you want a nice conversation then it’s best to start with something nice. Don’t light a match and be upset with the fire.

    Maybe you were just being funny like when a friend says, you crazy.

    But some might not take it that way. Please give us another chance, thanks πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Jews Are Crazy #1015784

    That’s a good question. I heard that even though G-d has no gender, we say Him because the term represents G-d’s giving. Like a husband who gives to his wife, Hashem gives to us.

    in reply to: Is That the Jewish Way? #1216533

    Book 2

    Writer soul graduates from school and can now do the missions again. One problem is that she still has to continue with school. It seemed like an eternity. She looked at a older woman enviously. She grabbed a drink from Starbucks and headed out.

    in reply to: Something Nice About Another Person #1014706

    thanks Little Froggy for both this and the one about how we can make a difference πŸ™‚

    in reply to: What's with the sticky threads? #1015847

    you go and things change welcome back πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A good cry #1015576

    crying can be very cleansing, before we pick our self up and go forward. I’ve had those times when things were very difficult. I hope you feel better.

    in reply to: For The Bald, Balding, and Baldest #1019421

    Do you ever think that a certain user is one gender or the other and then find out that you were wrong. When you find out, you can’t change that image.

    in reply to: The World is a Better Place Today Because… #1029239

    I listen to friends when they need someone to talk to

    in reply to: Siddur on a Smart Phone #1016339

    lol did you ever see the cell in shul video, very cute, it has music though

    in reply to: Pickles #1019267

    grilled is good also

    in reply to: My son still misbehaving #1014875

    I had a feeling but i wrote something just in case

    in reply to: My son still misbehaving #1014866

    Teens usually act out because they want to be independent and be their own person. they need both space and boundaries. It’s hard to find a balance, but we should keep trying. Some advice i read somewhere was talk to them about things, listen to them, and pick what to be strict about, for ex. drinking, etc. and what to let go, for ex. a small thing that’s irritating but Not important.

    For parents in general, Project Yes has some good parenting resources B’H

    in reply to: Sometimes I feel like a…. #1015104

    i was also drifting through the sky, especially when it’s very nice outside

    in reply to: Something Nice About Another Person #1014700

    This is a great idea. We often notice the negative that goes on in different places, but we should also notice the positive.

    I’ll compliment Goq for his sense of humor and his caring and concern for others in the community. In my opinion, would make a good mentor.

    in reply to: The Kumzitz Thread #1016603

    We were walking along in time square when we saw the marshmellow man. Oh wait, it was only….

    in reply to: My Sighting of Darth Vader Today #1013482

    i saw spiderman. one of them was an impostor

    in reply to: How are we related to Chillonim and Neturei Karta #1013503

    lol, the switch is great

    we are all Jews, all with both flaws and good qualities

    in reply to: My Close Encounter #1028511

    the internet has a lot of conspiracies. it’s not very reliable.

    i have had weir dreams at times

    in reply to: I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1013188
    Participant has some good marriage tips mazel tov πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim #1011487

    Good point they do need a break and to recharge. Maybe money is the incentive to keep going during a break. But they still need a break so they don’t get burnt out. Sometimes mundane things like relaxing seem like a waste of time, but it can actually be a mitzvah when the purpose is to be refreshed and learn better

    in reply to: Respecting each other #1011934

    I agree that we should respect each other. We are each on a different level of observance, some more lenient and some more strict. We can disagree but still respect each other

    in reply to: Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim #1011480

    got 20 in my pocket

    in reply to: Laughing at tpyos #1011217

    I laugh too, but at stuff like funny auto correct messages, it’s hysterical. I think when posting a comment on online though, we have to be careful to not embarrass or hurt someone. But we can still laugh privately.

    in reply to: Echad Mi Yodea #1011465

    While it’s done on the eighth day, the days leading up to it are important too. Maybe it’s hinting that. Just a thought.

    in reply to: Whats happened to the Genius's? #1010883

    I think that people want to sometimes just have fun after a long day, and this place helps us to unwind and laugh. But there are still some good serious intelligent messages too. Sometimes someone who is usually funny might write something more serious. I think it’s interesting to see different sides to people. I enjoy how it has different types of messages both serious and funny

    in reply to: cleaning our brain for Pesach #1010965

    He wanted it backed 8 days later

    in reply to: The Fifth SonοΏ½ #1011062

    I agree. They need love and support. They are going through a hard time. We sometimes want to fix things quickly, but we need patience. If we show them we are there for them, they will hopefully come around.

    in reply to: Torah Learning As A Burden #1010842

    If you feel bad that your learning beforehand was just for the sake of convenience, maybe work on doing it just for the sake of learning. Of course, that inner voice might still bother you, so you might have to continue carrying two.

    I think your care for the matter is awesome and G-d appreciates your care.

    in reply to: please start posting divrei torah #1010306

    Something i wrote a few years ago on a blog.

    I was listening to a lecture and the speaker mentioned about awe and love of G-d. He said that Yiras Hashem(fear of G-d) does not mean terror. The word yira is connected to the word ro’eh(see)

    For example, in a relationship, a person should see the preciousness of the other and respect the other person. From there, the person goes on to work on love. Respect motivates us to notice the other and honor them; we don’t dream of hurting the relationship we have with someone. – Love motivates us to be close to them –

    So too, we should work on noticing Hashem in our life who gives us both pleasant things and challenges, which we see in retrospect is for the best. And we should work on Yirah, respecting Him and the people around us. Plus, we should be aware that when we do something wrong, we hurt the relationship, which in turn makes us grow apart from each other. However, it can be mended and healed if we put in the effort to do so. It’s best of course, to try not to mess up, but of course it’s happens b/c we’re human, and so there’s teshuva.

    Once we have Yirah and respect for G-d , we build the love.

    By the way, one good way to build a connection is through personal prayer.

    in reply to: Smart thing that people say #1010667

    Sometimes, people just want to be acknowledged how they feel. For example, someone mentions a certain challenge, and the other person replies, that sounds very difficult.

    in reply to: Who To Trust in the Coffee Room #1066618

    usually people need to use their seichel and common sense. Things can get pretty fishy on the net, especially when there’s many fish in the net

    in reply to: Women who don't recognize their inferiority #1055508

    me too at first

    in reply to: Malaysian flight theories #1008542

    i think it was hijacked

    in reply to: Funny Drunk Stories #1063155

    Sometimes there can be serious consequences. And sometimes people wind up somewhere and don’t know how they got there

    in reply to: Women who don't recognize their inferiority #1055503

    It’s silly for women to be looked at as inferior. Just because people have different roles doesn’t mean one is better than the other. They are both important people

    in reply to: Enough of the devisiveness!! #1008286

    It’s one thing to have different viewpoints and discuss it. It’s another thing to fight and have ill feelings towards others.

    What divides us is when people look at other people like aliens. Look at those…..

    We need to see each other as brothers and sisters. And if we have different issues and viewpoints, we should work it out in a productive way. We can disagree and still respect each other.

    in reply to: The Kumzitz Thread #1016600

    That’s some nice music, the bon fire is nice and toasty too

    in reply to: anyone know what song this is? #1007253

    The one you found on youtube is probably by Itzik Orlev right?

    Sorry, I’m not sure which one you’re looking though, but i hope you find it bezrat Hashem πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Megilas Lester #1060624

    it’s probably because it rhymes with Esther and so they picked Lester. Still creepy

    in reply to: Purim and Shidduchim #1006858

    They definitely do need an outlet, that’s what shpiels are for. There are some good ones out there.

    in reply to: Purim and Shidduchim #1006845

    what’s interesting is that most of the guys i’ve dated don’t get drunk but just drink a moderate amount on Purim. Then again, they weren’t typical, neither am i.

    in reply to: Bringing Moshiach Together! #1006098

    We can mention nice things from different groups so we don’t give away who we are πŸ™‚

    In general, one thing we Jews should work on is judging favorably. In life, we have situations where someone upsets us either during an argument, or because of a money issue, or is more lenient or strict than us…… It’s easy to think negative. The thing is to turn our view to try to see what they are going through, and try them in a positive light. It might be difficult, but each effort counts.

    in reply to: Don't Stop Arguing #1005200

    Good strategy.

    in reply to: Don't Stop Arguing #1005197

    When you have made your point continuously and they still don’t chap it. It’s no use.

    Halevi has a good point, find another way to say it.

    in reply to: Jewish Fiction #1004567

    It’s a rule of writing. When making a novel, there needs to be conflict and a resolution, and sometimes there’s a sad ending, but happy ones are much better in my opinion. Plus, it’s more realistic when the characters have challenges and try to work it out.

    in reply to: What exactly is the point? #1017103

    I heard in a lecture by R’ Orlofsky that the purpose is to build a dwelling place for Hashem. The couple makes their home holy like a miny mishkan. And they raise the generation to do so too

    in reply to: Building A Kesher With Teachers. #1003738

    Is it because they don’t have time after class to talk? Maybe ask if you can call them when they are available. Can you visit them on Shabbos maybe? Hatzlacha

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