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  • in reply to: When will we ever learn? #1020769

    I agree Hashem wants us to have unity. And not just a big scale one, but with small acts too, like thinking twice about insulting someone and deciding to hold back. We need to look at each other’s good points and respect each other. And in the merit of judging favorably, my we be judged favorably by Hashem

    in reply to: Getting closer to Hashem #1039697

    Sometimes people have good intentions to change things like if a girl wants to wear Tefillin because she feels it enhances her prayer. She wonders what’s wrong with that? Sometimes, our yetzer hara makes us think we are doing something good, when it’s not right. What’s the problem with girls wearing tefillin? A person needs to have pure thoughts, can’t talk, can’t pass gas…. there are many rules. Obviously, men aren’t perfect when wearing it, but they have an obligation, and so the risk outweighs the cost. If you don’t have to but you do it, any mistake turns the mitzvah into an aveirah. It’s better for us women to just pray with a lot of kavanah. This will help us to come close to Hashem

    in reply to: Getting closer to Hashem #1039694

    “”Sometimes someone might think they want to get closer to Hashem, and wants to do so with a method that works for them, which they thought of. We need to realize that Hashem gave us instructions to get closer to Him – the Torah! Trying to do things which aren’t in the Torah, will not bring us closer, even though we may think it will. We need to recognize that it’s not about us, it’s about what Hashem told us to do, even if we don’t like doing it.””

    My point exactly. We need to focus on what we need to do, rather than want to do.

    in reply to: Liberal way vs. keeping tradition and Law re to oo #1019913

    T613 Of course, many just see themselves as they want to do their own way and they feel it’s fine. That’s why some people try to tweak things when they learn so they can justify their leniency and loopholes.

    The majority of Liberal Jews are just misguided and don’t know better. It’s their leaders that misguide them.

    However, every Jew has a Divine spark inside and can turn around.

    And we should remember that despite our differences, we are brothers and sisters

    in reply to: HELP OUR BOYS!!! SIGN UP!!! #1019909

    this is an excellent idea. May the merit of guarding our words help.

    in reply to: [closed] [open] not #1019780

    exactly my point, we should unify in a pleasant way so we don’t need tragedy as a wake up call.

    in reply to: #member #1020229

    the subtitle

    in reply to: Gossip about Plants, Fungi and Inanimate objects #1020328

    funny pun there . you’re probably doing the dishes tonight lol

    in reply to: Schools need to shape up NOW! #1031034

    I think what schools should do is besides teaching what to do, they should teach them why. Obviously, the most important is because it’s what G-d said. Some people though need other reasons before they reach that level. They should explain how it helps us connect to Hashem. That way, they help them build the Ahavah, which helps them to do things with kavanah. And when talking about aveiros, mention about a disconnect, and then teshuva which connects again.

    Both parents and teachers can do this

    in reply to: [opened] [closed] [closed] Does that make you want to peek? #1019524

    maybe it’s genuine, you are really nice

    in reply to: [opened] [closed] [closed] Does that make you want to peek? #1019520

    I went into a dairy restaurant to grab a snack and the guy behind the counter says jokingly, “Sorry, we’re closed. Okay, now we’re open.”

    in reply to: Inspirational One Liners #1048037

    I noticed in Tehilim ch. 46, It mentions three times that Hashem is our refuge, like it’s saying He is there before, during and after the situation. Always there.

    in reply to: Dihydrogen Monoxide #1019384

    So it was banned because it can be harmful. Then it was found that fruits and vegetables have liquid and so they were also banned. then people got thirsty, very thirsty. So it was brought back and they just try to use it safely

    in reply to: why does hashem challenge us? #1018906

    I’m going through a lot. This year is hard. I tell myself one day at a time. I hope Bezras Hashem, next year will be more enjoyable. For now, I try to make the most of the moment and try to keep busy with different things. Accomplishing different errands helps, B’H. Talking to someone helps too. I agree that challenges help us to grow. I try to work on how to use it productively, like if I need to have patience etc. I read this book called, “Reaching for G-d” By R. Gurkow which is good. One thing it mentions in there is about Yaakov making the evening prayer to give us hope for tomorrow. Also videos by Rabbi Brody on emunah help. It has nice music with inspiring words

    in reply to: what does mods mean? #1018950

    Moderator is Mod. CR is Coffee Room 🙂 Also OP is the author of the thread.

    in reply to: your indian name #1019160

    trying to shine

    in reply to: singles community #1018713

    Pulsing flower, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to

    imply that MO is not frum. I should have said for litvish singles, go to….

    I respect MO in the Pico-Robertson area in LA as also Observant Jews. I don’t believe in looking down on people. There are different ways in the Orthodox world, and even if we disagree, we can still respect each other.

    in reply to: Becoming Yeshivish #1018507

    I’m between Modern and Yeshivish. Think about what you feel is right for you. Whether it is learning full time, or working and learning etc. Ask a rabbi or friend for advice. And don’t let people push you to do what’s not right for you. You can feed your neshama and support your family too

    in reply to: singles community #1018695

    There’s the Pico-Robertson area, but that’s MO, although you can try the LINK Kollel there for frum singles. There’s also a variety of singles in the valley like Valley Village besides families. The La Brea area has a nice amount singles from Bais Yaakov besides families

    in reply to: False feelings #1018435

    It’s difficult sometimes going through different things. Don’t dwell on the negative feelings though. Take some time to sit and clear your mind, and let relaxing thoughts flow. Speak to Hashem and ask Him to help. Take a few minutes everyday to clear your mind and relax.

    in reply to: How Do I Deal With a Breakup? #1018438

    It’s hard going through that. I remember going through that last year. I really liked the guy, but he wasn’t sure about me. He said he liked me, but he had mixed feelings. I missed the enjoyable times we had. What helped me through it is to remember the issues that just kept coming. He was insecure from previous relationships. While of course, every relationship has some challenges, since the two individuals are different. Some issues can really damage things, like insecurity and blaming people for what others did. He was also kind of controlling and sometimes wanted to know where I’m going.

    When I look back, I thank Hashem for helping me to let go of an unhealthy relationship and move forward to a healthy one Baruch Hashem

    in reply to: talking in shul #1018277

    I agree that it’s annoying, and we can’t really rebuke people since many of us have been guilty. That’s why the flyers are good for everyone.

    Speaking of just shmoozing outside, at least they are outside lol.

    But it’s sad when people waste an opportunity to talk to Hashem. We shouldn’t wait for wake up calls. Talk to Him now

    in reply to: New Type Of Word Game #1018542


    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047806

    They just weren’t able to so they tried again

    in reply to: talking in shul #1018262

    good one 🙂

    in reply to: How to keep our children on a Torah path #1017923

    Good message for Shavuous

    in reply to: I'm sad #1018203

    It’s very sad when we don’t act the way we should. We are a holy people and should have good middos. Both observant and secular should treat each other respectfully even if they disagree. It’s one thing to calmly show you disagree with something. It’s another thing to have poor behavior. G-d doesn’t want us, on any side, to give in to angry impulses that are destructive. G-d wants us to do things properly. If we are against something, show it with proper behavior, people will receive the message better. G-d wants us to have unity, which means that we should try to respect each other even if disagreeing.

    I recently went through that with a friend. She has different views than me and it upset me. We had an argument and it really bothered me. After a while, I calmed down and thought about it. I told myself, yes she thinks differently, but she still my fellow Jew and my friend. Now Baruch Hashem, we have better conversations

    in reply to: My Sleepless Baby #1017908

    It depends on the baby and age. At first, they need the comfort to learn trust and security. After awhile, when they are ready, then you help them slowly to soothe them self. It takes time for them to adjust, but it helps

    in reply to: This is Hakaras Hatov to the Shadchan? #1017182

    Glad you found out the story 🙂

    in reply to: Mechitza at Har Sinai? #1017848

    lol everyone was there

    in reply to: College Major #1016639

    Quantum Physics might be interesting. You learn different things about the universe. Plus, you see how amazing Hashem made everything. Scientists are constantly frustrated that the universe isn’t what they thought.

    in reply to: The Sun #1016318

    you can still let in the sun

    in reply to: music to bring together #1016251
    in reply to: CoffeeLeaks� #1028821

    playing cards, shhhh

    in reply to: What's with the sticky threads? #1015852

    they are still there in one of the stickies

    in reply to: Finding Their way #1017386

    it’s about struggling to find meaning and purpose. Lots can relate and gain chizuk

    in reply to: #rebyidd23 Smile #1038343

    I have a friend that is also not typical like others. She tells me her different situations and challenges. You are not alone. Hang in there. Remember those that care about you 🙂

    in reply to: What have you gained/learned? #1015741

    Noticing the diff individuals who are smart, funny, caring. I love it. Of course, there’s disagreements sometimes, but we’re still part of the CR family

    in reply to: Where do things go? #1016298

    sometimes, things are under the bed

    in reply to: Finding Their way #1017384

    It’s called Jewish on the outside. It’s his journey to finding meaning

    in reply to: mi yodeya forum? #1016244

    The mi yodeya site looks credible. The thing is that anyone can answer, like yahoo answers, and the best one is on top. They mention though that it’s Not a substitute for a rabbi

    in reply to: Latest clip from #1015737

    i can’t find the article

    in reply to: Fires on Lag Baomer #1016153

    The Rashbi’s teachings on the Zohar illuminated the world

    in reply to: The place of Shadows #1024891

    Rebyidd, that’s how i feel. When i read a story, I sometimes skim over the flowery fillers. I want to read what happens.

    TAOM, what i meant with the phone was not about the phone but about what he was doing while waiting for his friend. oh i see, you mean don’t say he put it away, got it.

    Thanks everyone for the tips

    in reply to: The place of Shadows #1024886

    okay, i figured a way to make it slower, thanks for the help

    in reply to: The place of Shadows #1024885

    thanks for the tip, how do it do that? 🙂

    in reply to: The place of Shadows #1024883

    lol i do have Rina and Aryeh together

    Anyone want to put something. maybe along the lines of his secret past

    in reply to: The place of Shadows #1024880

    I mean Midrash, glad you like the phrase 🙂

    in reply to: Everybody hates me #1015374

    there’s a lot of weird things going on. lol

    in reply to: Where you're from? #1015281

    I’m from out of town, go west. my family from Europe

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